Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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I hadn't heard whether Ann was invited or not.

It was a pretty rough and tumble election proccess. I don't think any love was lost between the Romneys and Obamas. The difference is that the president has to talk and deal with people he personally doesn't like almost every day. Michelle isn't burdened with that obligation.

Honestly, I think that's actually President Obama's forte. He seems comfortable just about anywhere...and usually keep his head as well.

The RWers have been calling Obama weak and stupid for over four years. Personally I have never seen those characteristics surface in Obama's demeanor.
It was a pretty rough and tumble election proccess. I don't think any love was lost between the Romneys and Obamas. The difference is that the president has to talk and deal with people he personally doesn't like almost every day. Michelle isn't burdened with that obligation.

Honestly, I think that's actually President Obama's forte. He seems comfortable just about anywhere...and usually keep his head as well.

The RWers have been calling Obama weak and stupid for over four years. Personally I have never seen those characteristics surface in Obama's demeanor.

Great point Huggy. Also been saying that forever.
This is my take on it:
Most of the Republicans I know believe Obama to be a good man, good family man, worked hard in college and worked hard to get where he is. Obama's father abandoned him and his mother did also. Both his parents were hedonists that did their thing first and to hell with him and he made it to the top. His colleagues speak high of him. I disagree with his policies but admire the man.
Most Democrats I know trashed Romney and his family. They called him a terrible and awful person that never cared about anyone. They attacked his wife. The claimed he wanted to end Medicare and send seniors off of cliffs in wheel chairs, wanted to end health care for ill folks and tied him to companies that he had not worked for in 5 years such as Bain attempting to blame him for everything and anything that went wrong there after he left.
Now I know it is politics but in every way possible Democrats trashed and demonized Romney, with the full support of Obama, ten times more than the Republicans did. Democrats ran the dirtiest factless campaign totally focused on class warfare that has ever been run.
But give them credit, those Democrats. They won without having to mention ONE issue that faces us. They offered NOTHING on what they would do to solve Medicare, the debt, immigration or anything in the campaign.
"It is not fair that the rich do not pay their fair share" IS ALL they offered.
And it worked because Americans these days are more concerned about what goes into the their pockets from government taken from other Americans than on the real issues that will bankrupt us.
Obama is a good man is what most Republicans rightly think.
Romney is a scum bag dick head thief and is family are crooks is what the naive and gullible sheep majority of the Democrats wrongly think.
Obama is a good man is what most Republicans rightly think.
Romney is a scum bag dick head thief and is family are crooks is what the naive and gullible sheep majority of the Democrats wrongly think.

Do you read some of the shit that is said about the president on a daily basis on this very board?

Where they call him a socialist, a communist, a murderer, a racist?

Now, for what Democrats (and this Republican) think of Romney, if we drew that opinion, it was because of his own words.

"I like to be able to fire people."
"The 47% are moochers"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake!"

The Republicans were dumb for running a plutocrat after plutocrats ran roughshod over all of our lives.
Poll to follow...

Edit- It's an open poll, vote for as many options as you like.

I think they all applied except Mormonism and Paul Ryan.

I don't think Ryan really helped his campaign, but he didn't really hurt it that much.

I also don't think anti-Mormonism hurt his campaign as much as it should have, because he didn't talk about it and no one else wanted to talk about it, either.

Neither of those reasons.he lost because the establishment selected Obama to be reelected.whomever they want to run the country they select them and put them in office and make sure they get elected.we dont elect these clowns.
It wasn't just Romney "losing" the election, which he did. It was also Obama "winning" the election.

No way. Obama didn't win anything because he is the dumbest worst president in our history. He stole the first election because he had a fake BC and he wouldn't let anyone see his college transcripts.. He planned bombing federal buildings with Bill Ayers and even though he was and IS a muslim communist like his father he went to a christian church so he could hear Rv Wright denounce America and white people.

No siree. Obama didn't WIN jack shit. He stole the white house twice!

AND you people just sat there and let him. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Obama is a good man is what most Republicans rightly think.
Romney is a scum bag dick head thief and is family are crooks is what the naive and gullible sheep majority of the Democrats wrongly think.

Do you read some of the shit that is said about the president on a daily basis on this very board?

Where they call him a socialist, a communist, a murderer, a racist?

Now, for what Democrats (and this Republican) think of Romney, if we drew that opinion, it was because of his own words.

"I like to be able to fire people."
"The 47% are moochers"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's sake!"

The Republicans were dumb for running a plutocrat after plutocrats ran roughshod over all of our lives.

Yeah, this board is a majority of Republicans.
Sure Joe, thanks for that.
It wasn't just Romney "losing" the election, which he did. It was also Obama "winning" the election.

No way. Obama didn't win anything because he is the dumbest worst president in our history. He stole the first election because he had a fake BC and he wouldn't let anyone see his college transcripts.. He planned bombing federal buildings with Bill Ayers and even though he was and IS a muslim communist like his father he went to a christian church so he could hear Rv Wright denounce America and white people.

No siree. Obama didn't WIN jack shit. He stole the white house twice!

AND you people just sat there and let him. You should be ashamed of yourselves!

"he is the worst President in our history"
Correct, maybe not the worst but ONE of the worst.
You are 1 for 7 in your analysis there Huggy.
Good enough to be a utility infielder in baseball at 800K a year.
Hey Obamabots, what specific policy from immigration to cutting the deficit to cutting spending TO ANYTHING did Obama offer ANY proposal of what he planned to do?
Nothing. You gullible and naive stiffs voted for him without him stating he was going to do ANYTHING.

Hey Obamabots, what specific policy from immigration to cutting the deficit to cutting spending TO ANYTHING did Obama offer ANY proposal of what he planned to do?
Nothing. You gullible and naive stiffs voted for him without him stating he was going to do ANYTHING.


I only voted for him because he wasn't a plutocrat or a Mormon.

Which was pretty much good enough for me.
Yeah, this board is a majority of Republicans.
Sure Joe, thanks for that.

Hey, guy, if you don't want to be judged by the assholes, then you should have done more to challenge them.

From Limbaugh to a mutant like Daveman, you let the slime pass.

But you were going to totally attack me for saying, "Hey, maybe Plutocracy kind of sucks, based on my experience".

Just keeping track of what your priorities are, dude.
Hey Obamabots, what specific policy from immigration to cutting the deficit to cutting spending TO ANYTHING did Obama offer ANY proposal of what he planned to do?
Nothing. You gullible and naive stiffs voted for him without him stating he was going to do ANYTHING.


I only voted for him because he wasn't a plutocrat or a Mormon.

Which was pretty much good enough for me.

Bigots have a right to vote and I support that.
Yeah, this board is a majority of Republicans.
Sure Joe, thanks for that.

Hey, guy, if you don't want to be judged by the assholes, then you should have done more to challenge them.

From Limbaugh to a mutant like Daveman, you let the slime pass.

But you were going to totally attack me for saying, "Hey, maybe Plutocracy kind of sucks, based on my experience".

Just keeping track of what your priorities are, dude.

How many checks signed by Plutocrats made out to Joe Crybaby have you not cashed?

You are a man of no principle.
Hey Obamabots, what specific policy from immigration to cutting the deficit to cutting spending TO ANYTHING did Obama offer ANY proposal of what he planned to do?
Nothing. You gullible and naive stiffs voted for him without him stating he was going to do ANYTHING.


I only voted for him because he wasn't a plutocrat or a Mormon.

Which was pretty much good enough for me.

Bigots have a right to vote and I support that.

Sorry, judging a cult started by child molesting con men to be a disqualifier for office isn't bigotry.

It's just common sense.
How many checks signed by Plutocrats made out to Joe Crybaby have you not cashed?

You are a man of no principle.

Not a crybaby to point out a system that is fucked up is fucked up.

The ironic thing is, the greed of the plutocrats is so unncessary.

Romney was born rich. He really didn't need to go out and fuck with the lives of people at AmPad or GS Steel, but he did anyway.

Because he is a man of no ethics.
It's nothing Romney did. Obama played a dirty campaign by bribing people to vote for him. We'd need another Reagan to have beaten Obama, and we will brew one in 2016 to beat whatever democrat is running. The fact of the matter is people like free stuff, and that's what Obama offered.


Grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.

The LAST thing we need is another Reagan.

Pay for your own health care insurance instead of depending on Libs to pay for you ER trips.

And, for Pete's sake, turn off Fox, Lush, Beck, Dredge, Britbart.

Think for yourself.

Take responsibilty? Uh, okay, I said that Obama bought votes because he offered free stuff to people. Do you not think this caused a lot of people to vote for him.

As for Reagan, he easily is one of the top five presidents of all time. He restored American prosperity and greatness that we were so lacking. He was a great speaker, even better than Obama. That's what we need right now. I think his farewell address sums it up well, if you ever have the time to watch it. It'll bring tears to your eyes, I gurantee it. Google "Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address" and it should be the 21 minute YouTube video that comes up.

And I'm 14; my parents cover my health coverage. But I'm glad to see you don't support universal healthcare!

And regarding my news source, I get information from many sources. I trust fox the most, though, because even though I do believe they have conservative bias they have a lot of liberals on it that pretty much even things out. They also are the minority in terms of having lots of conservative commentators; so if they mess up, we'll all here about it on the other outlets. Where do you get your news, MSNBC?

Well, young person, you have hardly seen enough life to understand what the effects of what either candidates policies would be. You really need to study a lot more of this nation's history.
How many checks signed by Plutocrats made out to Joe Crybaby have you not cashed?

You are a man of no principle.

Not a crybaby to point out a system that is fucked up is fucked up.

The ironic thing is, the greed of the plutocrats is so unncessary.

Romney was born rich. He really didn't need to go out and fuck with the lives of people at AmPad or GS Steel, but he did anyway.

Because he is a man of no ethics.

Again, Mr. Dodge Ball, how many checks written to Joe the Crybaby from Mr. Plutocrat have you not cashed?
YOU are the man with no ethics or principles. Lot of hot air rank rhetoric but NO action on your part.
Sit the bench.
I only voted for him because he wasn't a plutocrat or a Mormon.

Which was pretty much good enough for me.

Bigots have a right to vote and I support that.

Sorry, judging a cult started by child molesting con men to be a disqualifier for office isn't bigotry.

It's just common sense.

So Romney molests children now.
Was it Bush's fault?
You people are beyond ignorant if you believe this crap.
But that is all the uninformed low information Obama voter has to go by.
Obama has offered NOTHING on anything, no policy anywhere except "THE RICH DO NOT PAY THEIR SHARE".
And all of you parasitic moochers that have YOUR own interests in mind instead of the future generations of this country fall lock step in line.
All you are interested in is the free shit.
How many checks signed by Plutocrats made out to Joe Crybaby have you not cashed?

You are a man of no principle.

Not a crybaby to point out a system that is fucked up is fucked up.

The ironic thing is, the greed of the plutocrats is so unncessary.

Romney was born rich. He really didn't need to go out and fuck with the lives of people at AmPad or GS Steel, but he did anyway.

Because he is a man of no ethics.

Again, Mr. Dodge Ball, how many checks written to Joe the Crybaby from Mr. Plutocrat have you not cashed?
YOU are the man with no ethics or principles. Lot of hot air rank rhetoric but NO action on your part.
Sit the bench.

I rightfuly cashed checks for services rendered. Those checks in no way reflected the value of the work I actually did, but for the moment, we have a system where the plutcrats can rip us off.

Just not for much longer. Heh, heh, heh...

The times, they are a changin'

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