Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
and please don't forget his "folder full of women." comment.

But seriously, the GOP has a Demographics problem, one which they are refusing to address.

I think it's more than a Demagraphic problem.

If Romney had carried Hispanics and Blacks by the margins Bush-43 carried them in 2004, he would have won. They weren't great numbers, but they were probably adequate.

of course, Bush made the honest effort to appeal to them and address their concerns.

Romney decided to go all out, Birther Racist Dog Whistle, combined with misguided attempts at voter supression that backfired spectacularly.
and please don't forget his "folder full of women." comment.

But seriously, the GOP has a Demographics problem, one which they are refusing to address.

Republicans are addressing their Demographics problem.....they are trying to block people from voting
Take responsibilty? Uh, okay, I said that Obama bought votes because he offered free stuff to people. Do you not think this caused a lot of people to vote for him.

Romney offered tax cuts for everyone! I guess you don't consider Romney's offer of tax cuts "free stuff". And even that didn't work.

As for Reagan, he easily is one of the top five presidents of all time. He restored American prosperity and greatness that we were so lacking. He was a great speaker, even better than Obama. That's what we need right now. I think his farewell address sums it up well, if you ever have the time to watch it. It'll bring tears to your eyes, I gurantee it. Google "Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address" and it should be the 21 minute YouTube video that comes up.

Well it was certainly prosperous for the rich. The poor didn't far so well. 8 million additional people were placed on food stamps in Reagan's first term. He doubled the federal deficit, and the US experienced the first of several major stock market crashes before he left office - the first such crash since 1929.

It's easy to look rich and prosperous on borrowed money. If I took out big loans I could buy a new house, a new car, a new wardrobe and then everyone would say how prosperous I am, but I didn't really pay for that stuff and I can't really afford it.

Reagan cut taxes and then went on a government spending spree on borrowed money, ran up a huge deficit by increasing military spending, increasing the size of government, and all of the things Republicans are supposed to be against.

Yes, Reagan's Farewell Address was a tearjerker. The guy wasn't called The Great Communicator for nothing. But he's a professional actor reading lines. It's what he did all of his professional life. That doesn't make him a great president.

And I'm 14; my parents cover my health coverage. But I'm glad to see you don't support universal healthcare!

How can you oppose universal health care? Do you think the poor don't get sick, or don't deserve proper treatment if they do? If your parents lost their jobs, and you got sick, what would happen to you? Do you think if your parent lost their jobs, you don't deserve to get treatment if you get sick?

The United States has the most expensive health care in the world, and yet people live longer in countries with universal health care. Fewer babies die, and these countries don't have the high rates of obesity and other health problems Americans have.

And regarding my news source, I get information from many sources. I trust fox the most, though, because even though I do believe they have conservative bias they have a lot of liberals on it that pretty much even things out. They also are the minority in terms of having lots of conservative commentators; so if they mess up, we'll all here about it on the other outlets. Where do you get your news, MSNBC?

Fox News lies. They told everyone all the polls were wrong because they were biased and Romney would win in a landslide. They said that Obama was born in Kenya. They are the public relations arm of the Republican Party.

Do not believe anything ANY network tells you. Fact check everything you are told. Given the state of the American media these days, it's the only hope you have of getting correct information.
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Joe the victim.
Cry me a river.

That would assume you have an ounce of fuckin' humanity in you...

I wrote off that theory a long time ago.

You have humanity?
Wanting government to legally steal my $$$ to give it to you.
We call that THEFT in Georgia.

Where have i asked for anything to personally be given to me?

We'll wait.

Sorry, if it comes down to letting a rich person buy a dressage pony, and making sure that a working woman who paid into social security all of her life gets what she is owed... that's kind of an easy one.

We are in the mess we are in because we gave tax giveaways to teh rich while putting two wars on a credit card.

Wealth is the only important thing.
I have it and you can never get it.
NO law affects me as I have ASSETS and the cash I have is in TAX FREE municipal bonds.
You and your buddies, being the selfish and greedy fucks you are, always vote their economic interests when it involves sitting on your ass and demanding the money that I WORKED for.
I vote for the interests of THE COUNTRY, not myself.

Guy, working folks are working just as hard as you are, if not harder..

(And please don't give me a sob story about how you had to chase an ambulance 12 blocks yesterday or some such shit, not in the least interested..)

If you really think you can keep acting like a Romanov, let's not forget how the Romanovs ended up...

It wasn't pretty.

You provide this board enough sob stories for this decade.
That would assume you have an ounce of fuckin' humanity in you...

I wrote off that theory a long time ago.

You have humanity?
Wanting government to legally steal my $$$ to give it to you.
We call that THEFT in Georgia.

Where have i asked for anything to personally be given to me?

We'll wait.

Sorry, if it comes down to letting a rich person buy a dressage pony, and making sure that a working woman who paid into social security all of her life gets what she is owed... that's kind of an easy one.

We are in the mess we are in because we gave tax giveaways to teh rich while putting two wars on a credit card.

You want laws to stop folk from buying things with the cash they earned.
The good communist you are.
You want laws to stop folk from buying things with the cash they earned.

They didn't earn all that money. Their employees earned it and they collected it the profits of their employees labours.

You're always telling us that the rich invest and create jobs. That's not working and earning, that's "putting your money to work". Yet somehow those people who sit on their butts and let other people do the work, get far more money than the people who are working.
You want laws to stop folk from buying things with the cash they earned.

They didn't earn all that money. Their employees earned it and they collected it the profits of their employees labours.

You're always telling us that the rich invest and create jobs. That's not working and earning, that's "putting your money to work". Yet somehow those people who sit on their butts and let other people do the work, get far more money than the people who are working.

Not only that, but the employees retirement plans are often "invested" in R&D that researches and develops technologies that put them out of work - and all THEY get from that investment is the pink slip and what money (if they're lucky) they donated to the means of their unemployment.

Wealth is the only important thing.
I have it and you can never get it.
NO law affects me as I have ASSETS and the cash I have is in TAX FREE municipal bonds.
You and your buddies, being the selfish and greedy fucks you are, always vote their economic interests when it involves sitting on your ass and demanding the money that I WORKED for.
I vote for the interests of THE COUNTRY, not myself.

Guy, working folks are working just as hard as you are, if not harder..

(And please don't give me a sob story about how you had to chase an ambulance 12 blocks yesterday or some such shit, not in the least interested..)

If you really think you can keep acting like a Romanov, let's not forget how the Romanovs ended up...

It wasn't pretty.

You provide this board enough sob stories for this decade.

I just point out why people have gotten fed up with the Goons of Plutocracy (GOP) and aren't playing along...

Of course, I guess the GOP will still have shitkickers in the South to keep them afloat...
nevermind the poll

1. mormon
2. mormon
3. mormon
4. republican
5. white

that should cover it

The first three were the reason I voted against him, but I really didn't think that played much of a factor, and I honestly thought it would.

It actually did play a factor cuz the Christians wouldn't vote for him.

And women didn't like him.

Except there's no real evidence that Christians didn't turn out for him. In fact, he got about a million more votes than McCain and a Million less votes than Dubya.

Women, Hispanics, blacks, working folks- those were the constituencies he lost and rightfully so.
You have humanity?
Wanting government to legally steal my $$$ to give it to you.
We call that THEFT in Georgia.

Where have i asked for anything to personally be given to me?

We'll wait.

Sorry, if it comes down to letting a rich person buy a dressage pony, and making sure that a working woman who paid into social security all of her life gets what she is owed... that's kind of an easy one.

We are in the mess we are in because we gave tax giveaways to teh rich while putting two wars on a credit card.

You want laws to stop folk from buying things with the cash they earned.
The good communist you are.

Except they didn't really earn that money, someone else did, and there was an unequal division of profits.

That woman earned her Social Security. She paid into it her whole life. And instead of putting that money aside for her, they used it to cut taxes for rich people in the hope they would "Trickled down" something. (Well, yeah, something's trickling down), they used it to pay for wars against people who weren't really our enemies, and so on.

And now we have Boohoooner and the Teabaggers saying we need to shred the social safety net because those Poooooooor billionaires will have to pay more taxes if we don't.
Why did Romney Lose?

Nothing here. I just like seeing it on my computer screen,


Actually, I'm waiting for the day I don't have to talk about him or his whacky cult again..

But did you notice how all the right wingers who sung his praises back in October wouldn't be caught having a beer with the guy now?

Oh, he lost because he wasn't a "real" conservative. He lost because he didn't embrace the Tea Party, and so on....
The first three were the reason I voted against him, but I really didn't think that played much of a factor, and I honestly thought it would.

It actually did play a factor cuz the Christians wouldn't vote for him.

And women didn't like him.

Except there's no real evidence that Christians didn't turn out for him. In fact, he got about a million more votes than McCain and a Million less votes than Dubya.

Women, Hispanics, blacks, working folks- those were the constituencies he lost and rightfully so.

The GOP keeps saying they lost because they didn't turn out their base.

I thought that's what happened, no?

It actually did play a factor cuz the Christians wouldn't vote for him.

And women didn't like him.

Except there's no real evidence that Christians didn't turn out for him. In fact, he got about a million more votes than McCain and a Million less votes than Dubya.

Women, Hispanics, blacks, working folks- those were the constituencies he lost and rightfully so.

The GOP keeps saying they lost because they didn't turn out their base.

I thought that's what happened, no?


Um, yeah, I guess that's what they need to tell themselves.
That woman earned her Social Security. She paid into it her whole life. And instead of putting that money aside for her, they used it to cut taxes for rich people in the hope they would "Trickled down" something. (Well, yeah, something's trickling down), they used it to pay for wars against people who weren't really our enemies, and so on.

How did cutting income tax rates, capital gains tax rates and dividend tax rates hurt the woman who paid into SS her whole life? SS is funded by FICA taxes. FICA taxes were raised under Reagan and weren't touched until Obama cut FICA taxes in 2010. If anything, the Republicans strengthened SS whereas Obama weakened it.
That woman earned her Social Security. She paid into it her whole life. And instead of putting that money aside for her, they used it to cut taxes for rich people in the hope they would "Trickled down" something. (Well, yeah, something's trickling down), they used it to pay for wars against people who weren't really our enemies, and so on.

How did cutting income tax rates, capital gains tax rates and dividend tax rates hurt the woman who paid into SS her whole life? SS is funded by FICA taxes. FICA taxes were raised under Reagan and weren't touched until Obama cut FICA taxes in 2010. If anything, the Republicans strengthened SS whereas Obama weakened it.

Again, the money that should have been set aside for Granny was spent on those other things..

And now they are talking about cutting granny's benefits, or making her work until she's 70, because, gosh darn, we have to make those bonds we bought last longer.

The whole FICA thing was a scam from the get go, to create the illusion we were paying into a retirement program.

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