Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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I think they all applied except Mormonism and Paul Ryan.

I don't think Ryan really helped his campaign, but he didn't really hurt it that much.

I also don't think anti-Mormonism hurt his campaign as much as it should have, because he didn't talk about it and no one else wanted to talk about it, either.

Why did Romney Lose?

Grover Nordquist thinks it was because Mittens is a "Poopy Head".

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Well, as long as we're throwing out, cracy...s

I'm going with this one, an Obama Ineptocracy

(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

If you really want to go there.

In 2000, we had a country that was at peace. We were posting 400 billion dollar surpluses, unemployment was at 3.9%, real wages for working people were on the rise.

Then the GOP ran a guy whose ONLY qualification was that his father was a failed president. He was born on third base, and thought he hit a triple. Most of the businesses he started failed and had to be bailed out by friends of his father.

And despite people voting for the other guy in greater numbers, we still made him president.

We got two wars that busted the budget, unemployment shot up to 10%, people lost half their wealth when the housing and stock markets crashed... A major city was wiped out because he appointed a guy who ran horse shows to run FEMA...

But the wealthy got what they wanted out of the deal, so it was all good. Oh, no, wait. They lost billions, too.

What amazes me is, under Obama, the wealthy should have LESS cause to whinge. The Dow bounced back and 93% of the money created inObama's recovery went to the 1%. But they just blew a couple billion dollars trying to put the GOP back in power. And failed.

The GOP needs to get right with working people. Otherwise, it will keep losing. The old tricks of screaming about gays and abortion aren't working anymore.

We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED.
But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED.
But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

No, wealth is created by labor.

The problem is, the people who do the work aren't the ones receiving the benefits... Hense, why our system is broken.

If the wealthy fairly shared the wealth created, instead of hoarding it, we wouldn't elect clowns like Obama promising to redistribute it.

Well, as long as we're throwing out, cracy...s

I'm going with this one, an Obama Ineptocracy

(in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

If you really want to go there.

In 2000, we had a country that was at peace. We were posting 400 billion dollar surpluses, unemployment was at 3.9%, real wages for working people were on the rise.

Then the GOP ran a guy whose ONLY qualification was that his father was a failed president. He was born on third base, and thought he hit a triple. Most of the businesses he started failed and had to be bailed out by friends of his father.

And despite people voting for the other guy in greater numbers, we still made him president.

We got two wars that busted the budget, unemployment shot up to 10%, people lost half their wealth when the housing and stock markets crashed... A major city was wiped out because he appointed a guy who ran horse shows to run FEMA...

But the wealthy got what they wanted out of the deal, so it was all good. Oh, no, wait. They lost billions, too.

What amazes me is, under Obama, the wealthy should have LESS cause to whinge. The Dow bounced back and 93% of the money created inObama's recovery went to the 1%. But they just blew a couple billion dollars trying to put the GOP back in power. And failed.

The GOP needs to get right with working people. Otherwise, it will keep losing. The old tricks of screaming about gays and abortion aren't working anymore.

We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED. But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

Nonsense! Congress changed laws and regulations allowing monsters like Mitt Romney to game the system and put an economic gun to the heads of companies so he could steal from them. Before those laws and regulations were altered Mittens would have been no more a "creator or an earner" than an armed bank robber. As it turned out, in spite of your statement to the contrary, Willard amassed hundreds of millions in wealth without earning anything morally or by making anything that made America a better country.
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We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED.
But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

No, wealth is created by labor.

The problem is, the people who do the work aren't the ones receiving the benefits... Hense, why our system is broken.

If the wealthy fairly shared the wealth created, instead of hoarding it, we wouldn't elect clowns like Obama promising to redistribute it.

In the USA the first step for workers to control the means of production is to write a business plan.

If they can't even do that they shouldn't be running things

In the USA the first step for workers to control the means of production is to write a business plan.

If they can't even do that they shouldn't be running things

Honestly, I've found most workers have a better clue as to how to run businesses than most managers.

The Emperor has no clothes. The MBA's aren't brilliant. They just weren't smart enough to get into other programs.

Nonsense! Congress changed laws and regulations allowing monsters like Mitt Romney to game the system and put an economic gun to the heads of companies so he could steal from them. Before those laws and regulations were altered Mittens would have been no more a "creator or an earner" than an armed bank robber.

And that's the sad thing.

Capitalists of a different era actually created wealth by inventing things and developing products.

Romney got rich by picking the meat off the bones of ailing companies... and the GOP thought he was God's Gift.

If you really want to go there.

In 2000, we had a country that was at peace. We were posting 400 billion dollar surpluses, unemployment was at 3.9%, real wages for working people were on the rise.

Then the GOP ran a guy whose ONLY qualification was that his father was a failed president. He was born on third base, and thought he hit a triple. Most of the businesses he started failed and had to be bailed out by friends of his father.

And despite people voting for the other guy in greater numbers, we still made him president.

We got two wars that busted the budget, unemployment shot up to 10%, people lost half their wealth when the housing and stock markets crashed... A major city was wiped out because he appointed a guy who ran horse shows to run FEMA...

But the wealthy got what they wanted out of the deal, so it was all good. Oh, no, wait. They lost billions, too.

What amazes me is, under Obama, the wealthy should have LESS cause to whinge. The Dow bounced back and 93% of the money created inObama's recovery went to the 1%. But they just blew a couple billion dollars trying to put the GOP back in power. And failed.

The GOP needs to get right with working people. Otherwise, it will keep losing. The old tricks of screaming about gays and abortion aren't working anymore.

We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED. But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

Nonsense! Congress changed laws and regulations allowing monsters like Mitt Romney to game the system and put an economic gun to the heads of companies so he could steal from them. Before those laws and regulations were altered Mittens would have been no more a "creator or an earner" than an armed bank robber. As it turned out, in spite of your statement to the contrary, Willard amassed hundreds of millions in wealth without earning anything morally or by making anything that made America a better country.

You are seriously fucked in the head
We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED. But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

Nonsense! Congress changed laws and regulations allowing monsters like Mitt Romney to game the system and put an economic gun to the heads of companies so he could steal from them. Before those laws and regulations were altered Mittens would have been no more a "creator or an earner" than an armed bank robber. As it turned out, in spite of your statement to the contrary, Willard amassed hundreds of millions in wealth without earning anything morally or by making anything that made America a better country.

You are seriously fucked in the head

Crazy republican haters hate crazy style!

In the USA the first step for workers to control the means of production is to write a business plan.

If they can't even do that they shouldn't be running things

Honestly, I've found most workers have a better clue as to how to run businesses than most managers.

The Emperor has no clothes. The MBA's aren't brilliant. They just weren't smart enough to get into other programs.

Then go for it!


And there are many who will help them get there

Striking and compaining sucks and gets you no where
Nonsense! Congress changed laws and regulations allowing monsters like Mitt Romney to game the system and put an economic gun to the heads of companies so he could steal from them. Before those laws and regulations were altered Mittens would have been no more a "creator or an earner" than an armed bank robber. As it turned out, in spite of your statement to the contrary, Willard amassed hundreds of millions in wealth without earning anything morally or by making anything that made America a better country.

You are seriously fucked in the head

Crazy republican haters hate crazy style!

Dude, it's clear you don't know dick about anything so there's no point in even talking to you about your stupid post

Then go for it!


And there are many who will help them get there

Striking and compaining sucks and gets you no where

Again, you don't beat Hitler by becoming Hitler.

The problem is not that there aren't enough of us out there engaging in the shitty behavior, it's that the shitty behavior is allowed.

Mitt Romney is a HORRIBLE human being, from his core to his magic underwear. He's somoene who profited off of putting people out of their jobs and livliehoods, destroyed companies and communities, and you folks on the right made him your standard bearer because this guy wasn't available, apparently.


We had no surplus.
"of the money created"
You have consistently denied that the economy grows. Plus, money is never "created". Money IS EARNED.
But if you theory is right, and it isn't, who "created" this mythical $$$ you speak of?

No, wealth is created by labor.

The problem is, the people who do the work aren't the ones receiving the benefits... Hense, why our system is broken.

If the wealthy fairly shared the wealth created, instead of hoarding it, we wouldn't elect clowns like Obama promising to redistribute it.

LOL, wealth is EARNED. Labor creates goods and services.
You need a basic education in economics.
What part of YOUR wealth do you share "fairly" with your neighbors?
You work for free or are you compensated for your work?
When YOU TOOK YOUR JOB who held you down and forced you to take it?
When you accepted that wage why did not you negotiate your skills for a better deal?
You failure to negotiate your skills for a "fair" wage is your responsibility.
Quit your bitching if your own skills are lacking.

In the USA the first step for workers to control the means of production is to write a business plan.

If they can't even do that they shouldn't be running things

Honestly, I've found most workers have a better clue as to how to run businesses than most managers.

The Emperor has no clothes. The MBA's aren't brilliant. They just weren't smart enough to get into other programs.

Sure they do according to you. YOU have NO dog in the fight.
It is real easy to second guess and be a Monday morning QB when you are such a chicken shit to offer any of your money in the game.
All you want to do is take.
You are seriously fucked in the head

Crazy republican haters hate crazy style!

Dude, it's clear you don't know dick about anything so there's no point in even talking to you about your stupid post

Well... I do have one but if you really want to talk about "dick" go see your physician or PM warrior102 ... Maybe when HouseGimp shows up you can have a nice discussion with him about it.

You should know by now that I do not come here to "learn" from you and your kind. I am not a child. For over 6 decades I have seen what happens when people as stupid as you get control of the reigns of power and since I have the spare time I will be here or somewhere "here" to point out what your kind has done and warn the public as best I can what dangerous fools you really are.
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Sure they do according to you. YOU have NO dog in the fight.
It is real easy to second guess and be a Monday morning QB when you are such a chicken shit to offer any of your money in the game.
All you want to do is take.

No, I want to be fairly compensated for the work I do.


And we get there a lot faster with Democrats in power than REpublicans.

Fuck the Plutocrats if they don't like it.

Frankly, fuck them even if I don't get any personal benefit. I'm really at that point in my life.

LOL, wealth is EARNED. Labor creates goods and services.
You need a basic education in economics.
What part of YOUR wealth do you share "fairly" with your neighbors?
You work for free or are you compensated for your work?
When YOU TOOK YOUR JOB who held you down and forced you to take it?
When you accepted that wage why did not you negotiate your skills for a better deal?
You failure to negotiate your skills for a "fair" wage is your responsibility.
Quit your bitching if your own skills are lacking.

Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.


and thses...


It's kind of the way of things. A privilaged class gains to much power and wealth, people realize it, and you have an adjustment.

If you guys are smart and lucky, you'll look at Obama as a blessing. People are willing to try to change things at the ballot box right now...

LOL, wealth is EARNED. Labor creates goods and services.
You need a basic education in economics.
What part of YOUR wealth do you share "fairly" with your neighbors?
You work for free or are you compensated for your work?
When YOU TOOK YOUR JOB who held you down and forced you to take it?
When you accepted that wage why did not you negotiate your skills for a better deal?
You failure to negotiate your skills for a "fair" wage is your responsibility.
Quit your bitching if your own skills are lacking.

Yawn, the typical, "you can't do without us Plutocrats... don't come at me with that angry mob..."

Probably what these worthless fucks thought.


and thses...


It's kind of the way of things. A privilaged class gains to much power and wealth, people realize it, and you have an adjustment.

If you guys are smart and lucky, you'll look at Obama as a blessing. People are willing to try to change things at the ballot box right now...

Your typical "Plutocrat" BS because you have no economic knowledge or skills.

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