Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??


1. Averell Harriman was special envoy of FDR.
"At theTehran Conferencein late 1943 Harriman was tasked with placating a suspicious Churchill while Roosevelt attempted to gain the confidence of Stalin."
W. Averell Harriman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Harriman made this interesting observation:
"When Stalin saw him [Hopkins] enter the conference room [Tehran]he got up, walked across the room and shook hands with him. I never saw him do that to anybody, even Roosevelt. He was the only man I ever saw Stalin show personal emotion for."
Encounter Magazine interview, 1981.

2. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's alter ego, was the most powerful individual in the. government because of his singular, almost hypnotic influence upon the President. Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote: "This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

See if you can read those tea leaves, Smugs.

Yawn. Fact is, we needed Stalin more than Stalin needed us.

And frankly, getting economic justice after the war would have been a good thing, and both Republicans and Democrats worked towards that end.

That was before Republicans went crazy, though.

"we needed Stalin more than Stalin needed us."

Actually, we got more Stalin than we needed.

You're the proof.

Sorry guy, but Nazi Germany never attacked the USA and would have never declared war against the USA, had not FDR set up the Japanese in attacking Pearl Harbor.

The defeat of the Axis lead to the enslavement of all of E. Europe by Uncle Joe and decades of Cold War including the Korean War, Vietnam War, etc.

Are related to Uncle Joe, Joey?

Wait, now, FDR set the Japanese up?

I thought the Japanese carefully planned a precision operation involving six aircraft carriers and 400 planes.

You make it sound like FDR tricked them into being in a hotel room with a hooker and some crystal meth.

Here's the reality. Most of Eastern Europe threw in with Hitler, it's kind of hard to feel bad for them. Poland, maybe. Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary- they all joined the Axis powers.

Here's the reality. Stalin won World War II. We were just kind enough to hold his coat for him while he did it.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

"we needed Stalin more than Stalin needed us."

Actually, we got more Stalin than we needed.

You're the proof.

NO, i'm not liberal because of Stalin.

I'm liberal because your boy Bush fucked up everything.

But that makes no sense Joey...not surprising.

W was a progressive just like you. The Rs are progressives just like you.

You are really fucked up.
Progressives are not monolithic, and the country does not Gipper's politics and way of governing, period.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

One, smearing is wrong.

Two, that question has been answered with plenty of examples many times elsewhere on the board, so

Three, you no more than others who fall back to this last bastion of defense get "just once more."
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


The above link gives access to the source used to debunk the Hopkins spy myth. Included are all eight notebooks in Russian, English translation and scanned page by page copies.
Last edited:
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


Stop begging.

Numerous scholars have proven that Hopkins was just that: communist.

Try again: "Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Short answer: you can't.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


Stop begging.

Numerous scholars have proven that Hopkins was just that: communist.

Try again: "Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Short answer: you can't.

I provided what you asked for. You are just being a petty little jerk who doesn't have the character to respond in a professional way. You say you have numerous sources from scholars to back you up but don't list them. So show us one source from an actual scholar of history that supports your claim and did so after the Haynes and Klehr debunking.
And by the way, I am not begging. I am enjoying doing what I always do when you disparage FDR and the heroes of WWll. I am making it clear that you know nothing about WWll, you are an agenda driven political hack who literally hacks together her conspiracy theories by cherry picking disjointed quotes and pasting them together to make ridiculous and fraudulent claims.
Anyone who has questions of your honesty and professionalism need only click on the links I have provided, and yours for comparison. Mine could be used at a professional level and yours would be
laughed about at a professional level.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


Stop begging.

Numerous scholars have proven that Hopkins was just that: communist.

Try again: "Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Short answer: you can't.

I provided what you asked for. You are just being a petty little jerk who doesn't have the character to respond in a professional way. You say you have numerous sources from scholars to back you up but don't list them. So show us one source from an actual scholar of history that supports your claim and did so after the Haynes and Klehr debunking.
And by the way, I am not begging. I am enjoying doing what I always do when you disparage FDR and the heroes of WWll. I am making it clear that you know nothing about WWll, you are an agenda driven political hack who literally hacks together her conspiracy theories by cherry picking disjointed quotes and pasting them together to make ridiculous and fraudulent claims.
Anyone who has questions of your honesty and professionalism need only click on the links I have provided, and yours for comparison. Mine could be used at a professional level and yours would be
laughed about at a professional level.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Three strikes and you're out.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


Stop begging.

Numerous scholars have proven that Hopkins was just that: communist.

Try again: "Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Short answer: you can't.

I provided what you asked for. You are just being a petty little jerk who doesn't have the character to respond in a professional way. You say you have numerous sources from scholars to back you up but don't list them. So show us one source from an actual scholar of history that supports your claim and did so after the Haynes and Klehr debunking.
And by the way, I am not begging. I am enjoying doing what I always do when you disparage FDR and the heroes of WWll. I am making it clear that you know nothing about WWll, you are an agenda driven political hack who literally hacks together her conspiracy theories by cherry picking disjointed quotes and pasting them together to make ridiculous and fraudulent claims.
Anyone who has questions of your honesty and professionalism need only click on the links I have provided, and yours for comparison. Mine could be used at a professional level and yours would be
laughed about at a professional level.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Three strikes and you're out.

I'm not at bat you dope. You are, and you quit without taking a swing. You loose by default. I hit home runs with my links and indisputable sources and you struck out over and over.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


The above link gives access to the source used to debunk the Hopkins spy myth. Included are all eight notebooks in Russian, English translation and scanned page by page copies.

PoliticalChic can not answer the post that met her challenge.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


Stop begging.

Numerous scholars have proven that Hopkins was just that: communist.

Try again: "Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Short answer: you can't.

I provided what you asked for. You are just being a petty little jerk who doesn't have the character to respond in a professional way. You say you have numerous sources from scholars to back you up but don't list them. So show us one source from an actual scholar of history that supports your claim and did so after the Haynes and Klehr debunking.
And by the way, I am not begging. I am enjoying doing what I always do when you disparage FDR and the heroes of WWll. I am making it clear that you know nothing about WWll, you are an agenda driven political hack who literally hacks together her conspiracy theories by cherry picking disjointed quotes and pasting them together to make ridiculous and fraudulent claims.
Anyone who has questions of your honesty and professionalism need only click on the links I have provided, and yours for comparison. Mine could be used at a professional level and yours would be
laughed about at a professional level.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Three strikes and you're out.

I'm not at bat you dope. You are, and you quit without taking a swing. You loose by default. I hit home runs with my links and indisputable sources and you struck out over and over.

Not at bat....true.....you've struck out.

And, more to the point....you're too dumb to realize the significance of being unable to name any non-communist who was ruined, smeared, etc.

Every time I pin one of you dorks to the wall by simply asking you to name one of the myriad poor patriots who was maligned by Senator McCarthy, you go 'hrrrumphhh.....er...ah..." and fail to do so.

Shouldn't it be evident, even to a simpleton like you, that this broad-brush myth is simply that.....a myth???
"Numerous scholars have proven that Hopkins was just that: communist" is a troll statement based on the clear and objective evidence here.

The cultural McCarthyism that produces deliberately false statements like "Numerous scholars . . ." gives the implication that a poorly organized and poorly led movement is attempting to rewrite the American narrative.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


The above link gives access to the source used to debunk the Hopkins spy myth. Included are all eight notebooks in Russian, English translation and scanned page by page copies.

PoliticalChic can not answer the post that met her challenge.

She can't because she lost the argument long ago.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


The above link gives access to the source used to debunk the Hopkins spy myth. Included are all eight notebooks in Russian, English translation and scanned page by page copies.

PoliticalChic can not answer the post that met her challenge.

Au contraire....answered fully, and repetitively.

And......you still cannot find any other to fulfill your charg
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I named Harry Hopkins. You have smeared him by accusing him of being a communist spy in this thread. The links I provided are the very latest and most scholarly accepted sources on the subject available. They show him to have never been a communist spy and trace the fraudulent myth back to it's original source and debunk it. Two of the historians, Haynes and Klehr are rw favorites because of their works regarding USSR spying in the 20's, 30's and onward. So, you have the most recognized scholars of the topic of Soviet spying and infiltration of the US Government, recognized on the right and the left, debunking your claim about Harry Hopkins. Your source for the fraudulent claim is a sock puppet, Chesley Manly, for an anti FDR newspaper publisher, Robert McCormick, who spread his agenda by using a made up hack writer whose work isn't recognized by anyone other that hard core McCarthyites. It was McCormick under the name of Manly who published the top secret RAINBOW FIVE papers on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on Dec. 4, 1941. Rainbow Five was the code name for America's contingency plans for war. Hitler quoted them and the article in his Declaration of War as evidence of America's intent to wage war against Germany. They were only contingency plans but that is not the way McCormick presented them in the Tribune, nor was it the way Hitler presented it.
Your sources, or my sources, lets allow those interested in this thread judge for themselves.


The above link gives a detailed account of how Haynes and Klehr debunked the Hopkins spy myth.


The above link gives access to the source used to debunk the Hopkins spy myth. Included are all eight notebooks in Russian, English translation and scanned page by page copies.

PoliticalChic can not answer the post that met her challenge.

She can't because she lost the argument long ago.

About the same time that you lost your mind?

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