Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist.

Harry Hopkins, and you continue to smear him in multiple post over and over, despite evidence that completely cleared his name of any such allegations years ago, even available online since 2009.


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John Koch and Joe McCarthy had strong communist associations.

That is the same premise, erroneously, used to smear Hopkins.
John Koch and Joe McCarthy had strong communist associations.

That is the same premise, erroneously, used to smear Hopkins.

No. McCarthy was indeed in contact with a German lawyer spreading anti-American propaganda among right wingers in Germany after WW II, who was later exposed as a Soviet agent provocateur; he was also a lawyer representing Nazis at the post-war Nuremberg trials. McCarthy used this guy's propaganda in a 1949 political campaign, and exchanged letters with him. I didn't say McCarthy was a Commie, just pointing out that any conspiratard worth his paranoia would jump on that. Try to keep up, Jake.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist.

The Soviets wanted the western allies to support unconditional surrender; the western allies wanted the Soviets to support unconditional surrender. Those desires represent nothing more complicated than both entities wanting the other to make their job easier.
John Koch and Joe McCarthy had strong communist associations.

That is the same premise, erroneously, used to smear Hopkins.
It's more than that. The whole premise that FDR was a tool of Stalin is based on the Harry Hopkins spy myth. It was originally propagated with the publication of the Venona papers and an opinion offered by an Air Force historian, Eduard Mark, that Hopkins was "Source 19", a provider of information to the USSR. It wasn't until a review took place of a newer source, the Vassiliev notebooks, and comparisons were done with the notebooks and and the Venona papers that two historians, Haynes and Klehr, were able to show beyond any doubt that Hopkins was not source 19 and that source 19 was in fact Laurence Duggan. This put a crimp, to say the least, in all the FDR conspiracy theories and all the books written on the subject null and void misinformation trash writing. Those who continue to use this kind of misinformation do so to promote a dishonest political agenda designed to demonize an American hero of WWII.
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Venona project

Is this pretty much the accepted skinny on Venona?

Guesss a fella who was worried the SOVIETS would sue for a seperate peace, deputy Chief of Military Intelligence (G-2), Carter W. Clarke, started it.
Here is the description of the Venona Projects' mission:

[This] community [is] dedicated to shining light into the shadowy reaches of historical and contemporary deep political systems. We aim to expose deep political objectives, strategies, tactics, and operatives, and to understand their social, economic, and cultural impacts.

Our mission transcends academic inquiry, which we accept as an invaluable tactic in a broader strategy to wield knowledge and truth as weapons in a coordinated assault on the manipulators who operate within deep political shadows.
Here is the description of the Venona Projects' mission:

[This] community [is] dedicated to shining light into the shadowy reaches of historical and contemporary deep political systems. We aim to expose deep political objectives, strategies, tactics, and operatives, and to understand their social, economic, and cultural impacts.

Our mission transcends academic inquiry, which we accept as an invaluable tactic in a broader strategy to wield knowledge and truth as weapons in a coordinated assault on the manipulators who operate within deep political shadows.

The site I linked thanked a Professor Peter Dale Scott who seemed somewhat of a hippie in the 60's. Of course who wasnt protesting Vietnam. His conspiracy theory fascination with JFK I guess is an interesting concern about JFK. It is just something google found me. I will read more.
John Koch and Joe McCarthy had strong communist associations.

That is the same premise, erroneously, used to smear Hopkins.
It's more than that. The whole premise that FDR was a tool of Stalin is based on the Harry Hopkins spy myth. It was originally propagated with the publication of the Venona papers and an opinion offered by an Air Force historian, Eduard Mark, that Hopkins was "Source 19", a provider of information to the USSR. It wasn't until a review took place of a newer source, the Vassiliev notebooks, and comparisons were done with the notebooks and and the Venona papers that two historians, Haynes and Klehr, were able to show beyond any doubt that Hopkins was not source 19 and that source 19 was in fact Laurence Duggan. This put a crimp, to say the least, in all the FDR conspiracy theories and all the books written on the subject null and void misinformation trash writing. Those who continue to use this kind of misinformation do so to promote a dishonest political agenda designed to demonize an American hero of WWII.

For some reason these morons in the Fever Swamps apparently seem to think people who vote for Democrats will read this conspiracy gibberish and suddenly get all outraged and start voting for Paulistas or Romney or something, who knows. I assume their parents never told them most voters don't read message boards, and most who do especially ignore history or political sub-forums, so their inane ravings are a lost cause, and are only good for providing amusement for those who just don't have enough to do, like most of the posters in this thread.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

The Soviets wanted the western allies to support unconditional surrender; the western allies wanted the Soviets to support unconditional surrender. Those desires represent nothing more complicated than both entities wanting the other to make their job easier.

A hard lesson was learned from WW I, re the mistake of not occupying Germany, which allowed later propagandists like the Nazis to peddle the ridiculous myth that Germany didn't lose the war,and were 'screwed' at Versailles. Demanding unconditional surrender was meant to not repeat that mistake.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Well, I mostly just ignore inane cranks and idiotic liars for the most part. No need to take it personally, though; you're not the only one I ignore. Katasung has pretty much made all of you wannabees redundant, and is far more entertaining, which is why he/she/it/mutant is an innernetz legend and the gold standard for innernetz conspiracy posting, while you're just another talentless mediocre dumbass.

But don't let this critique discourage you; keep trying and maybe one day you'll get better at it, you never know. I'm writing it to help you.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

Well, I mostly just ignore inane cranks and idiotic liars for the most part. No need to take it personally, though; you're not the only one I ignore. Katasung has pretty much made all of you wannabees redundant, and is far more entertaining, which is why he/she/it/mutant is an innernetz legend and the gold standard for innernetz conspiracy posting, while you're just another talentless mediocre dumbass.

But don't let this critique discourage you; keep trying and maybe one day you'll get better at it, you never know. I'm writing it to help you.

"Well, I mostly just ignore inane cranks and idiotic liars for the most part."

I don't. I call you Liberal liars out, and expose you.

Your word salad aside, you are unable to find even one example of your comment about poor little communists who were 'smeared."

Pretty much an example of what passes for knowledge from the Left......little trained seals.

The conclusion: your charge was a lie.....and that makes you a liar.
PC, you are goofy and loony.

If your docs do not start a new series of meds, you will always be doing this and going nowhere.

The OP was exploded early on.

You danced and pranced, lifting and shifting, ending and descending right where you began.

You will not get better until you admit you are ill.
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No, the way you win, you have your troops in their ruined cities and their leaders at the business end of a noose. That way they are very clear that they lost.

Spoken like a good warmongering Neolib or Neocon....not much difference between these two political factions....they love war because it increases the power of the state...and are too stupid to accept the reality.

As opposed to a Libertarian Loon, who thinks they'll stop the Nazis with their squirrel guns...or something.

Sorry, can't see the defeat of the Axis Powers as anything but a GOOD thing.

1. Averell Harriman was special envoy of FDR.
"At theTehran Conferencein late 1943 Harriman was tasked with placating a suspicious Churchill while Roosevelt attempted to gain the confidence of Stalin."
W. Averell Harriman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Harriman made this interesting observation:
"When Stalin saw him [Hopkins] enter the conference room [Tehran]he got up, walked across the room and shook hands with him. I never saw him do that to anybody, even Roosevelt. He was the only man I ever saw Stalin show personal emotion for."
Encounter Magazine interview, 1981.

2. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's alter ego, was the most powerful individual in the. government because of his singular, almost hypnotic influence upon the President. Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote: "This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

See if you can read those tea leaves, Smugs.

Yawn. Fact is, we needed Stalin more than Stalin needed us.

And frankly, getting economic justice after the war would have been a good thing, and both Republicans and Democrats worked towards that end.

That was before Republicans went crazy, though.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Twenty-four hours ago I asked the following:

"Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist."

I marvel at the inability of the Liberals/leftists to rise about first stage thinking.....

They accept propaganda wholesale, e.g., "The McCarthyites just smeared blah blah blah...."

Doesn't it ever occur to them to determine if same is true by researching if any of it is true?

Time and again I hear that "smeared," "ruined the lives," etc......
...and I always ask for examples.

In return......this:

Lying just seems to come natural to you when you get wrapped up in your delusional conspiracy theories.

You made your challenge in Post # 440 at 6:58 pm. I responded with an answer that included two links to detailed records that included analysis of your own links 9 minutes later in Post #441 at 7:07 pm.

No, the way you win, you have your troops in their ruined cities and their leaders at the business end of a noose. That way they are very clear that they lost.

Spoken like a good warmongering Neolib or Neocon....not much difference between these two political factions....they love war because it increases the power of the state...and are too stupid to accept the reality.

As opposed to a Libertarian Loon, who thinks they'll stop the Nazis with their squirrel guns...or something.

Sorry, can't see the defeat of the Axis Powers as anything but a GOOD thing.

Sorry guy, but Nazi Germany never attacked the USA and would have never declared war against the USA, had not FDR set up the Japanese in attacking Pearl Harbor.

The defeat of the Axis lead to the enslavement of all of E. Europe by Uncle Joe and decades of Cold War including the Korean War, Vietnam War, etc.

Are related to Uncle Joe, Joey?

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