Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

Apparently there is a deranged anti-FDR cult out there that I was not previously aware of.

No, just a bunch of morons spreading dumb shit around; being in a cult would require some sort of intellectual effort, however modest.
No, just a bunch of morons spreading dumb shit around; being in a cult would require some sort of intellectual effort, however modest.

Anti liberal and progressive books and articles have flourished in the last decade as conservative commentators use their writing skills to attracting fans who love nothing more than to hear about the evil or incompetent progressives who have helped to create a horrible world for all the decent true Americans to have to suffer through and with. Ann Coulter comes to mind but there are many others.
FDR is a favorite because he is accepted as a progressive liberal who had great successes. Conservatives do not want that concept to be allowed to continue. It is difficult to demonize an ideology when one of the most visible proponents and members of that ideological group happens to be a beloved and four time elected President who is credited with ending the greatest depression of all time, ending and winning with genuine victory the greatest war of all time and building an infrastructure that is still being used and benefiting the nation over seven decades after he created it, along with social policies that are also being used and enjoyed by an endless stream of generations of citizens. People are still collecting Social Security, driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, using electricity from all the damns, going to all the post offices and schools and the most powerful and most technologically advanced military in the world that he built to win WWII is still the most powerful and technologically advanced military in the world. The safeguards he installed to prevent another great depression are still in place even though it has at times been chipped away at and adjusted.
Conservatives hate that FDR met with such success. They have no President that comes even close to comparing to him. Only Presidents who have legacies whose legacies can be pointed at and stand as tributes reach the level of FDR. There are very few of them.
Apparently there is a deranged anti-FDR cult out there that I was not previously aware of.

No, just a bunch of morons spreading dumb shit around; being in a cult would require some sort of intellectual effort, however modest.
Some seem intent on making FDR into a spy, sellout, puppet of Stalin and so forth, but why? Is it because historians have rated FDR America's best president, or because the American people elected him four times? is it just just plain politics, FDR was a Democrat? Perhaps, the real cause is the FDR-con job on Stalin about the second front, true, FDR kept the USSR fighting Hitler while America prepared, delayed, prepared again and delayed again the second front? If they are angry that FDR used Stalin, and all knew it, they should think of the Americans that lived long lives because of that FDR con job.
Apparently there is a deranged anti-FDR cult out there that I was not previously aware of.

No, just a bunch of morons spreading dumb shit around; being in a cult would require some sort of intellectual effort, however modest.
Some seem intent on making FDR into a spy, sellout, puppet of Stalin and so forth, but why? Is it because historians have rated FDR America's best president, or because the American people elected him four times? is it just just plain politics, FDR was a Democrat? Perhaps, the real cause is the FDR-con job on Stalin about the second front, true, FDR kept the USSR fighting Hitler while America prepared, delayed, prepared again and delayed again the second front? If they are angry that FDR used Stalin, and all knew it, they should think of the Americans that lived long lives because of that FDR con job.

The spin doctors have been peddling that on their sites for a few years. Some Tard wrote a silly propaganda book earlier all about smearing Democrats; I don't recall if it was Malkin or Coulter, or another of that ilk, hence all the tards popping up in droves, running around on message boards posting thread after thread after thread, trying to sell it as 'fact'. Free Republic or Town Hall, one of those sites is probably where most of them got it; it's hard to believe most of them have ever actually read a book, so that's the likely source. Nothing to see here, unless you just enjoy Conspiritard Comedy threads.
Stalin got FDR under his control when a Soviet agent at a summit slipped some fluoride into FDR's highball.
No, just a bunch of morons spreading dumb shit around; being in a cult would require some sort of intellectual effort, however modest.

Anti liberal and progressive books and articles have flourished in the last decade as conservative commentators use their writing skills to attracting fans who love nothing more than to hear about the evil or incompetent progressives who have helped to create a horrible world for all the decent true Americans to have to suffer through and with. Ann Coulter comes to mind but there are many others.
FDR is a favorite because he is accepted as a progressive liberal who had great successes. Conservatives do not want that concept to be allowed to continue. It is difficult to demonize an ideology when one of the most visible proponents and members of that ideological group happens to be a beloved and four time elected President who is credited with ending the greatest depression of all time, ending and winning with genuine victory the greatest war of all time and building an infrastructure that is still being used and benefiting the nation over seven decades after he created it, along with social policies that are also being used and enjoyed by an endless stream of generations of citizens. People are still collecting Social Security, driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, using electricity from all the damns, going to all the post offices and schools and the most powerful and most technologically advanced military in the world that he built to win WWII is still the most powerful and technologically advanced military in the world. The safeguards he installed to prevent another great depression are still in place even though it has at times been chipped away at and adjusted.
Conservatives hate that FDR met with such success. They have no President that comes even close to comparing to him. Only Presidents who have legacies whose legacies can be pointed at and stand as tributes reach the level of FDR. There are very few of them.

Yes. The overwhelming success of FDR's policies is a major black eye for the inane libertard and right wing economic theories, none of which have ever worked at all, comparatively.
Stalin got FDR under his control when a Soviet agent at a summit slipped some fluoride into FDR's highball.

That, and also his mastery of hypnotizing people with his pocket watch, something he probably learned from the Jews who have controlled the world for thousands of years. In fact, there is probably an essay somewhere on how Stalin was a Jew; I don't happen to feel like looking for one at the moment, though. Maybe somebody else might want to indulge in that sort of 'scholarship'.
Stalin got FDR under his control when a Soviet agent at a summit slipped some fluoride into FDR's highball.

That, and also his mastery of hypnotizing people with his pocket watch, something he probably learned from the Jews who have controlled the world for thousands of years. In fact, there is probably an essay somewhere on how Stalin was a Jew; I don't happen to feel like looking for one at the moment, though. Maybe somebody else might want to indulge in that sort of 'scholarship'.
That fluoride was a zippo, one sip and the individual became a communist, and some wanted to put it into kid's toothpaste, imagine all those kids would be communists today.
Stalin got FDR under his control when a Soviet agent at a summit slipped some fluoride into FDR's highball.

That, and also his mastery of hypnotizing people with his pocket watch, something he probably learned from the Jews who have controlled the world for thousands of years. In fact, there is probably an essay somewhere on how Stalin was a Jew; I don't happen to feel like looking for one at the moment, though. Maybe somebody else might want to indulge in that sort of 'scholarship'.
That fluoride was a zippo, one sip and the individual became a communist, and some wanted to put it into kid's toothpaste, imagine all those kids would be communists today.

Indeed. Also this, for one. I'm surprised there is no recent thread in the history forum on this one yet, unless I've missed it.

Polio Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Hampering Efforts at Eradication

One of the most shocking and sadistic episodes in the history of the world is now being carried out in the United States by Jewish mass poisoners of children! Jonas Salk, Yiddish inventor of a so-called polio vaccine, is directing the inoculation of millions of American children with this sinister concoction of live polio germs. All that is known is that it CAUSES polio in an alarming percentage of children injected with it, while its effectiveness in preventing polio is a myth of Jewish propaganda.

As one commentator after another warns over the radio that the Jewish Salk vaccine contains live polio germs which are killing our children, the nation’s press refuses to carry these warnings, preferring to see children die rather than criticize the sacred Jew vaccine. Instead, the press prints testimonial after testimonial in FAVOR of the Jew vaccine from the filthy immoral rats in the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington which is nothing but a publicity bureau for Jewish poisons such as fluorine in water.

If we look at history, we discover that the Jews have been attacked many times for poisoning and murdering children, but seldom have they found a method so clever and diabolical as the Salk vaccine. It is not too late to save our children from this latest atrocity of the Jews!

I can't imagine Roosevelt and the Communists not being behind this one. I'm certain some creative right winger can link him and the Democrats to it, though. Someone probably already has.
Stalin got FDR under his control when a Soviet agent at a summit slipped some fluoride into FDR's highball.

That, and also his mastery of hypnotizing people with his pocket watch, something he probably learned from the Jews who have controlled the world for thousands of years. In fact, there is probably an essay somewhere on how Stalin was a Jew; I don't happen to feel like looking for one at the moment, though. Maybe somebody else might want to indulge in that sort of 'scholarship'.
That fluoride was a zippo, one sip and the individual became a communist, and some wanted to put it into kid's toothpaste, imagine all those kids would be communists today.

Indeed. Also this, for one. I'm surprised there is no recent thread in the history forum on this one yet, unless I've missed it.

Polio Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Hampering Efforts at Eradication

One of the most shocking and sadistic episodes in the history of the world is now being carried out in the United States by Jewish mass poisoners of children! Jonas Salk, Yiddish inventor of a so-called polio vaccine, is directing the inoculation of millions of American children with this sinister concoction of live polio germs. All that is known is that it CAUSES polio in an alarming percentage of children injected with it, while its effectiveness in preventing polio is a myth of Jewish propaganda.

As one commentator after another warns over the radio that the Jewish Salk vaccine contains live polio germs which are killing our children, the nation’s press refuses to carry these warnings, preferring to see children die rather than criticize the sacred Jew vaccine. Instead, the press prints testimonial after testimonial in FAVOR of the Jew vaccine from the filthy immoral rats in the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington which is nothing but a publicity bureau for Jewish poisons such as fluorine in water.

If we look at history, we discover that the Jews have been attacked many times for poisoning and murdering children, but seldom have they found a method so clever and diabolical as the Salk vaccine. It is not too late to save our children from this latest atrocity of the Jews!

I can't imagine Roosevelt and the Communists not being behind this one. I'm certain some creative right winger can link him and the Democrats to it, though. Someone probably already has.
Well some of us remember. FDR is supposed to have had polio and a radio comedian, Eddie Cantor started a March of Dimes campaign. (FDR's face was on the dime) so we sent in our dimes to stamp out polio, and bingo polio is now pretty much gone. When I was a kid our school always had two or three crippled kids in a classroom. In the summers we often could not go to the beach and warned to stay out of garbage cans (depression time) because of the fear. Most kids had a real fear of polio, in fact, I had a friend come down with the disease. Anyway check your dimes and there he is FDR, and those dimes may have helped with the vaccine. In any case FDR was involved, and he can't deny it.
PC's OP that it was FDR's fault the war continued of course has been blown out of the water by her admission that Hitler had no intention of surrendering.
Stalin got FDR under his control when a Soviet agent at a summit slipped some fluoride into FDR's highball.

That, and also his mastery of hypnotizing people with his pocket watch, something he probably learned from the Jews who have controlled the world for thousands of years. In fact, there is probably an essay somewhere on how Stalin was a Jew; I don't happen to feel like looking for one at the moment, though. Maybe somebody else might want to indulge in that sort of 'scholarship'.
That fluoride was a zippo, one sip and the individual became a communist, and some wanted to put it into kid's toothpaste, imagine all those kids would be communists today.

Indeed. Also this, for one. I'm surprised there is no recent thread in the history forum on this one yet, unless I've missed it.

Polio Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Hampering Efforts at Eradication

One of the most shocking and sadistic episodes in the history of the world is now being carried out in the United States by Jewish mass poisoners of children! Jonas Salk, Yiddish inventor of a so-called polio vaccine, is directing the inoculation of millions of American children with this sinister concoction of live polio germs. All that is known is that it CAUSES polio in an alarming percentage of children injected with it, while its effectiveness in preventing polio is a myth of Jewish propaganda.

As one commentator after another warns over the radio that the Jewish Salk vaccine contains live polio germs which are killing our children, the nation’s press refuses to carry these warnings, preferring to see children die rather than criticize the sacred Jew vaccine. Instead, the press prints testimonial after testimonial in FAVOR of the Jew vaccine from the filthy immoral rats in the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington which is nothing but a publicity bureau for Jewish poisons such as fluorine in water.

If we look at history, we discover that the Jews have been attacked many times for poisoning and murdering children, but seldom have they found a method so clever and diabolical as the Salk vaccine. It is not too late to save our children from this latest atrocity of the Jews!

I can't imagine Roosevelt and the Communists not being behind this one. I'm certain some creative right winger can link him and the Democrats to it, though. Someone probably already has.
Well some of us remember. FDR is supposed to have had polio and a radio comedian, Eddie Cantor started a March of Dimes campaign. (FDR's face was on the dime) so we sent in our dimes to stamp out polio, and bingo polio is now pretty much gone. When I was a kid our school always had two or three crippled kids in a classroom. In the summers we often could not go to the beach and warned to stay out of garbage cans (depression time) because of the fear. Most kids had a real fear of polio, in fact, I had a friend come down with the disease. Anyway check your dimes and there he is FDR, and those dimes may have helped with the vaccine. In any case FDR was involved, and he can't deny it.

I remember the kids on the steel cane crutches at Commonwealth Elementary. Still haunts me almost sixty years later. Yeah, I was scared of polio.
Well some of us remember. FDR is supposed to have had polio and a radio comedian, Eddie Cantor started a March of Dimes campaign. (FDR's face was on the dime) so we sent in our dimes to stamp out polio, and bingo polio is now pretty much gone. When I was a kid our school always had two or three crippled kids in a classroom. In the summers we often could not go to the beach and warned to stay out of garbage cans (depression time) because of the fear. Most kids had a real fear of polio, in fact, I had a friend come down with the disease.

Indeed. I went to a small school, less than 200 total, and at least a dozen kids suffered from it, and those were kids that didn't die from it young, probably a larger number.

Anyway check your dimes and there he is FDR, and those dimes may have helped with the vaccine. In any case FDR was involved, and he can't deny it.

It was a sinister Stalinist plot to get FDR's face on the dime. He never really had polio, that was just a clever Commie disinformation campaign.
PC, like some far right reactionaries, is not unintelligent.

But she can't understand certain concepts. For instance, our cats understand how a turbine works in the vacuum, but they can't understand how we got the little tiny demon in there.

Inability to cogitate clearly is their problem.
She appears to have unconditionally surrendered this thread lol.

Probably researching FDR's links to flouride, polio vaccinations, and Stalin's secret Jewish past, over at the Phora or Free Republic, maybe Alex Jones and Conspiracy Planet as well.
Here's the problem with PC's argument. Her argument is that the US could have used diplomacy to get Germany to surrender if we cultivated relationships with the anti-Nazi Germans.

Ah, the eternal search for the "Good German". We are still looking, 70 years later.

The thing was, the people who tried to topple Hitler in 1944 didn't do so because they realized what Germany was doing was horribly wrong. They were all for the War when Germany was winning. And if fact, the coup failed in less than a few hours. The conspirators started murdering each other so Hitler wouldn't suspect them. (He killed them anyway.)

Of course, that would have been a horrible idea. First, it would have allowed a lot of people in the German leadership get off unpunished. Second, it would set the stage for a second "Stabbed in the Back Myth". Germany was winning, and they stabbed her in the back. Pretty much the line that Hitler used inthe 1930's.

No, the way you win, you have your troops in their ruined cities and their leaders at the business end of a noose. That way they are very clear that they lost.
Here's the problem with PC's argument. Her argument is that the US could have used diplomacy to get Germany to surrender if we cultivated relationships with the anti-Nazi Germans.

Ah, the eternal search for the "Good German". We are still looking, 70 years later.

The thing was, the people who tried to topple Hitler in 1944 didn't do so because they realized what Germany was doing was horribly wrong. They were all for the War when Germany was winning. And if fact, the coup failed in less than a few hours. The conspirators started murdering each other so Hitler wouldn't suspect them. (He killed them anyway.)

Of course, that would have been a horrible idea. First, it would have allowed a lot of people in the German leadership get off unpunished. Second, it would set the stage for a second "Stabbed in the Back Myth". Germany was winning, and they stabbed her in the back. Pretty much the line that Hitler used inthe 1930's.

No, the way you win, you have your troops in their ruined cities and their leaders at the business end of a noose. That way they are very clear that they lost.

Spoken like a good warmongering Neolib or Neocon....not much difference between these two political factions....they love war because it increases the power of the state...and are too stupid to accept the reality.
You keep denying that you post lies and yet you keep posting this lie about a great American who did as much or more than anyone to ensure the allies were victorious. "Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House....." It's been proven a lie over an over again and Hopkin's unflagging, untiring patriotism demonstrated again and again. Your shameless repeating of this lie for base partisan gain grows more despicable with every un-substantiated repetition.

"Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

I've wasted a lot of time in the past countering your obstinately deceitful attack on a true American hero. I see at least your not still peddling the lie that Hopkins was "Agent 19". I imagine this "purge" of anti-communist foreign officers your talking about is the removal of several people in foreign affairs who the Roosevelt administration considered too pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler in the run-up to war. Now I'll refer you again to an article written by authors who share your anti-liberal mindset. It's from Frontpagemag who obviously have perfect "conservative" credentials, here's their masthead;


If you can't read the scroll it says "Inside every liberal is a totalitarian waiting to get out"

The title of the article is "Was Harry Hopkins A Soviet Spy?"

One of the editor's comments on the article is;

"This article is a model of how to evaluate historical evidence, and shows the perils involved when isolated data is plucked from historical sources without adequate acquaintance with the sources themselves or with the scholarly discourse concerning them. It also shows why those who insist Hopkins was a Soviet agent have not carried out a scholarly inquiry, and why their conclusions are unreliable."

I invite you again to read this article and educate yourself with some facts instead of vicious rumors. Here it is. And I'll remind you again of Churchill's enormous admiration for the man. He would have many laudatory things to say about Hopkins, this is what he said of their first meeting;

"Thus I met Harry Hopkins, that extraordinary man, who played, and was to play, a sometimes decisive part in the whole movement of the war. His was a soul that flamed out of a frail and failing body. He was a crumbling lighthouse from which there shone the beams that led great fleets to harbour. He had also a gift of sardonic humor. I always enjoyed his company especially when things went ill. . . Harry Hopkins always went to the root of the matter..."

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