Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

You keep denying that you post lies and yet you keep posting this lie about a great American who did as much or more than anyone to ensure the allies were victorious. "Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House....." It's been proven a lie over an over again and Hopkin's unflagging, untiring patriotism demonstrated again and again. Your shameless repeating of this lie for base partisan gain grows more despicable with every un-substantiated repetition.

"Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

I've wasted a lot of time in the past countering your obstinately deceitful attack on a true American hero. I see at least your not still peddling the lie that Hopkins was "Agent 19". I imagine this "purge" of anti-communist foreign officers your talking about is the removal of several people in foreign affairs who the Roosevelt administration considered too pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler in the run-up to war. Now I'll refer you again to an article written by authors who share your anti-liberal mindset. It's from Frontpagemag who obviously have perfect "conservative" credentials, here's their masthead;


If you can't read the scroll it says "Inside every liberal is a totalitarian waiting to get out"

The title of the article is "Was Harry Hopkins A Soviet Spy?"

One of the editor's comments on the article is;

"This article is a model of how to evaluate historical evidence, and shows the perils involved when isolated data is plucked from historical sources without adequate acquaintance with the sources themselves or with the scholarly discourse concerning them. It also shows why those who insist Hopkins was a Soviet agent have not carried out a scholarly inquiry, and why their conclusions are unreliable."

I invite you again to read this article and educate yourself with some facts instead of vicious rumors. Here it is. And I'll remind you again of Churchill's enormous admiration for the man. He would have many laudatory things to say about Hopkins, this is what he said of their first meeting;

"Thus I met Harry Hopkins, that extraordinary man, who played, and was to play, a sometimes decisive part in the whole movement of the war. His was a soul that flamed out of a frail and failing body. He was a crumbling lighthouse from which there shone the beams that led great fleets to harbour. He had also a gift of sardonic humor. I always enjoyed his company especially when things went ill. . . Harry Hopkins always went to the root of the matter..."

It would appear you think Churchill's admiration of Harry the Hop, a confirmed Soviet spy, is somehow proof that Harry was not a Soviet spy. This is flawed logic. Of course Churchill admired him, because he like Winston wanted the total destruction of Germany, but for differing reasons. Harry wanted German destruction to assist his beloved leader Stalin, in his efforts to subjugate all of Europe.
JoeB is correct, and the rest of you supporting PC are wrong.

You should be concerned about neo-conservatism, but a threat to humanity like Hitler had to be dealt with by war, unrelenting war.

The neo-revisionism of the purveyors of cultural McCarthyism, such as PC and her folks, need to be stopped every time.
You keep denying that you post lies and yet you keep posting this lie about a great American who did as much or more than anyone to ensure the allies were victorious. "Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House....." It's been proven a lie over an over again and Hopkin's unflagging, untiring patriotism demonstrated again and again. Your shameless repeating of this lie for base partisan gain grows more despicable with every un-substantiated repetition.

"Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

I've wasted a lot of time in the past countering your obstinately deceitful attack on a true American hero. I see at least your not still peddling the lie that Hopkins was "Agent 19". I imagine this "purge" of anti-communist foreign officers your talking about is the removal of several people in foreign affairs who the Roosevelt administration considered too pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler in the run-up to war. Now I'll refer you again to an article written by authors who share your anti-liberal mindset. It's from Frontpagemag who obviously have perfect "conservative" credentials, here's their masthead;


If you can't read the scroll it says "Inside every liberal is a totalitarian waiting to get out"

The title of the article is "Was Harry Hopkins A Soviet Spy?"

One of the editor's comments on the article is;

"This article is a model of how to evaluate historical evidence, and shows the perils involved when isolated data is plucked from historical sources without adequate acquaintance with the sources themselves or with the scholarly discourse concerning them. It also shows why those who insist Hopkins was a Soviet agent have not carried out a scholarly inquiry, and why their conclusions are unreliable."

I invite you again to read this article and educate yourself with some facts instead of vicious rumors. Here it is. And I'll remind you again of Churchill's enormous admiration for the man. He would have many laudatory things to say about Hopkins, this is what he said of their first meeting;

"Thus I met Harry Hopkins, that extraordinary man, who played, and was to play, a sometimes decisive part in the whole movement of the war. His was a soul that flamed out of a frail and failing body. He was a crumbling lighthouse from which there shone the beams that led great fleets to harbour. He had also a gift of sardonic humor. I always enjoyed his company especially when things went ill. . . Harry Hopkins always went to the root of the matter..."

1. Averell Harriman was special envoy of FDR.
"At theTehran Conferencein late 1943 Harriman was tasked with placating a suspicious Churchill while Roosevelt attempted to gain the confidence of Stalin."
W. Averell Harriman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Harriman made this interesting observation:
"When Stalin saw him [Hopkins] enter the conference room [Tehran]he got up, walked across the room and shook hands with him. I never saw him do that to anybody, even Roosevelt. He was the only man I ever saw Stalin show personal emotion for."
Encounter Magazine interview, 1981.

2. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's alter ego, was the most powerful individual in the. government because of his singular, almost hypnotic influence upon the President. Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote: "This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

See if you can read those tea leaves, Smugs.
Here's the problem with PC's argument. Her argument is that the US could have used diplomacy to get Germany to surrender if we cultivated relationships with the anti-Nazi Germans.

Ah, the eternal search for the "Good German". We are still looking, 70 years later.

The thing was, the people who tried to topple Hitler in 1944 didn't do so because they realized what Germany was doing was horribly wrong. They were all for the War when Germany was winning. And if fact, the coup failed in less than a few hours. The conspirators started murdering each other so Hitler wouldn't suspect them. (He killed them anyway.)

Of course, that would have been a horrible idea. First, it would have allowed a lot of people in the German leadership get off unpunished. Second, it would set the stage for a second "Stabbed in the Back Myth". Germany was winning, and they stabbed her in the back. Pretty much the line that Hitler used inthe 1930's.

No, the way you win, you have your troops in their ruined cities and their leaders at the business end of a noose. That way they are very clear that they lost.

"Here's the problem with PC's argument. Her argument is that the US could have used diplomacy to get Germany to surrender if we cultivated relationships with the anti-Nazi Germans.

Ah, the eternal search for the "Good German". We are still looking, 70 years later."

1. Another misstatement from ErroneousJoe...

German anti-Nazis,...thousands were executed by the Reich.
"The History of the German Resistance, 1933-1945, Third Edition," by Peter Hoffman

2. Roosevelt froze them out:
a. "A SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force)directive prohibited activities aimed at promoting German revolt against the Nazi regime.
The Allied doctrine of unconditional surrender meant that "... those Germans — and particularly those German generals — who might have been ready to throw Hitler over, and were able to do so, were discouraged from making the attempt by their inability to extract from the Allies any sort of assurance that such action would improve the treatment meted out to their country."
German Resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In effect, Roosevelt shares responsibility for their deaths, and the thousands of Allied deaths that resulted from his extending the war.

3. Good Germans?
a. "Wilhelm Franz Canaris (1 January 1887 – 9 April 1945) was a German admiral, and chief of the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, from 1935 to 1944. During theSecond World War,he was among the military officers involved in the clandestine opposition to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime...."
Wilhelm Canaris - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

b. A few weeks before the war ended,Canaris was hanged by he Nazis.Hanged twice: "once to show him what death tasted like."
“Canaris Hanging Related,” New York Times, October 11, 1952.

3. " The Chabad Lubavitch Hassidic movement has requested that Yad Vashem recognize Nazi Admiral Wilhelm Canaris as a Righteous Gentile. Chief of the Abwehr, the Nazi intelligence service, Canaris played a key role in saving the lives of the Chabad Rebbe Yitzhak Yosef Schneerson and his family along with an estimated 500 Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943 according to numerous testimonies..... the refusal of Yad Vashem and the Holocaust Studies establishment to recognize Wilhelm Canaris as a Righteous Gentile is due to their concern that such recognition might open a can of worms on the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration and its conduct during World War II...
Chuck Morse Speaks: The Canaris Cover-up
You keep denying that you post lies and yet you keep posting this lie about a great American who did as much or more than anyone to ensure the allies were victorious. "Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House....." It's been proven a lie over an over again and Hopkin's unflagging, untiring patriotism demonstrated again and again. Your shameless repeating of this lie for base partisan gain grows more despicable with every un-substantiated repetition.

"Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

I've wasted a lot of time in the past countering your obstinately deceitful attack on a true American hero. I see at least your not still peddling the lie that Hopkins was "Agent 19". I imagine this "purge" of anti-communist foreign officers your talking about is the removal of several people in foreign affairs who the Roosevelt administration considered too pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler in the run-up to war. Now I'll refer you again to an article written by authors who share your anti-liberal mindset. It's from Frontpagemag who obviously have perfect "conservative" credentials, here's their masthead;


If you can't read the scroll it says "Inside every liberal is a totalitarian waiting to get out"

The title of the article is "Was Harry Hopkins A Soviet Spy?"

One of the editor's comments on the article is;

"This article is a model of how to evaluate historical evidence, and shows the perils involved when isolated data is plucked from historical sources without adequate acquaintance with the sources themselves or with the scholarly discourse concerning them. It also shows why those who insist Hopkins was a Soviet agent have not carried out a scholarly inquiry, and why their conclusions are unreliable."

I invite you again to read this article and educate yourself with some facts instead of vicious rumors. Here it is. And I'll remind you again of Churchill's enormous admiration for the man. He would have many laudatory things to say about Hopkins, this is what he said of their first meeting;

"Thus I met Harry Hopkins, that extraordinary man, who played, and was to play, a sometimes decisive part in the whole movement of the war. His was a soul that flamed out of a frail and failing body. He was a crumbling lighthouse from which there shone the beams that led great fleets to harbour. He had also a gift of sardonic humor. I always enjoyed his company especially when things went ill. . . Harry Hopkins always went to the root of the matter..."

1. Averell Harriman was special envoy of FDR.
"At theTehran Conferencein late 1943 Harriman was tasked with placating a suspicious Churchill while Roosevelt attempted to gain the confidence of Stalin."
W. Averell Harriman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Harriman made this interesting observation:
"When Stalin saw him [Hopkins] enter the conference room [Tehran]he got up, walked across the room and shook hands with him. I never saw him do that to anybody, even Roosevelt. He was the only man I ever saw Stalin show personal emotion for."
Encounter Magazine interview, 1981.

2. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's alter ego, was the most powerful individual in the. government because of his singular, almost hypnotic influence upon the President. Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote: "This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

See if you can read those tea leaves, Smugs.

I don't read tea leaves, I read facts. Yes, one of the attributes that made Hopkins a great statesman was his ability to gain the trust of even a psychotic paranoid like Stalin. Again, stop trying to understand history by conjuring conspiratorial visions from sources with the credibility of tea leaves and acquaint yourself with facts for a change.
You keep denying that you post lies and yet you keep posting this lie about a great American who did as much or more than anyone to ensure the allies were victorious. "Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House....." It's been proven a lie over an over again and Hopkin's unflagging, untiring patriotism demonstrated again and again. Your shameless repeating of this lie for base partisan gain grows more despicable with every un-substantiated repetition.

"Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

I've wasted a lot of time in the past countering your obstinately deceitful attack on a true American hero. I see at least your not still peddling the lie that Hopkins was "Agent 19". I imagine this "purge" of anti-communist foreign officers your talking about is the removal of several people in foreign affairs who the Roosevelt administration considered too pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler in the run-up to war. Now I'll refer you again to an article written by authors who share your anti-liberal mindset. It's from Frontpagemag who obviously have perfect "conservative" credentials, here's their masthead;


If you can't read the scroll it says "Inside every liberal is a totalitarian waiting to get out"

The title of the article is "Was Harry Hopkins A Soviet Spy?"

One of the editor's comments on the article is;

"This article is a model of how to evaluate historical evidence, and shows the perils involved when isolated data is plucked from historical sources without adequate acquaintance with the sources themselves or with the scholarly discourse concerning them. It also shows why those who insist Hopkins was a Soviet agent have not carried out a scholarly inquiry, and why their conclusions are unreliable."

I invite you again to read this article and educate yourself with some facts instead of vicious rumors. Here it is. And I'll remind you again of Churchill's enormous admiration for the man. He would have many laudatory things to say about Hopkins, this is what he said of their first meeting;

"Thus I met Harry Hopkins, that extraordinary man, who played, and was to play, a sometimes decisive part in the whole movement of the war. His was a soul that flamed out of a frail and failing body. He was a crumbling lighthouse from which there shone the beams that led great fleets to harbour. He had also a gift of sardonic humor. I always enjoyed his company especially when things went ill. . . Harry Hopkins always went to the root of the matter..."

1. Averell Harriman was special envoy of FDR.
"At theTehran Conferencein late 1943 Harriman was tasked with placating a suspicious Churchill while Roosevelt attempted to gain the confidence of Stalin."
W. Averell Harriman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Harriman made this interesting observation:
"When Stalin saw him [Hopkins] enter the conference room [Tehran]he got up, walked across the room and shook hands with him. I never saw him do that to anybody, even Roosevelt. He was the only man I ever saw Stalin show personal emotion for."
Encounter Magazine interview, 1981.

2. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's alter ego, was the most powerful individual in the. government because of his singular, almost hypnotic influence upon the President. Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote: "This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

See if you can read those tea leaves, Smugs.

I don't read tea leaves, I read facts. Yes, one of the attributes that made Hopkins a great statesman was his ability to gain the trust of even a psychotic paranoid like Stalin. Again, stop trying to understand history by conjuring conspiratorial visions from sources with the credibility of tea leaves and acquaint yourself with facts for a change.

Hopkin's statement "then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people." is telling.
And that's a fact.

It is the eternal great lie of communism.
Harry Hopkins.
JoeB is correct, and the rest of you supporting PC are wrong.

You should be concerned about neo-conservatism, but a threat to humanity like Hitler had to be dealt with by war, unrelenting war.

The neo-revisionism of the purveyors of cultural McCarthyism, such as PC and her folks, need to be stopped every time.

Hitler was a threat to humanity. Agreed.

Was Stalin a threat to humanity?
You keep denying that you post lies and yet you keep posting this lie about a great American who did as much or more than anyone to ensure the allies were victorious. "Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House....." It's been proven a lie over an over again and Hopkin's unflagging, untiring patriotism demonstrated again and again. Your shameless repeating of this lie for base partisan gain grows more despicable with every un-substantiated repetition.

"Roosevelt purged anti-communist Foreign Service officers when given a "list of officials who were supposedly undermining American relations with Russia" by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov. The purges began in 1937, and, ironic, Litvinov was dragged out of his position and replaced with Molotov, by Stalin, because Litvinov was Jewish, and Stalin had treaties with Hitler. The purges were at the behest of Harry Hopkins.
Weil, " A pretty good club: The founding fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service," p. 91-92

I've wasted a lot of time in the past countering your obstinately deceitful attack on a true American hero. I see at least your not still peddling the lie that Hopkins was "Agent 19". I imagine this "purge" of anti-communist foreign officers your talking about is the removal of several people in foreign affairs who the Roosevelt administration considered too pro-Nazi, pro-Hitler in the run-up to war. Now I'll refer you again to an article written by authors who share your anti-liberal mindset. It's from Frontpagemag who obviously have perfect "conservative" credentials, here's their masthead;


If you can't read the scroll it says "Inside every liberal is a totalitarian waiting to get out"

The title of the article is "Was Harry Hopkins A Soviet Spy?"

One of the editor's comments on the article is;

"This article is a model of how to evaluate historical evidence, and shows the perils involved when isolated data is plucked from historical sources without adequate acquaintance with the sources themselves or with the scholarly discourse concerning them. It also shows why those who insist Hopkins was a Soviet agent have not carried out a scholarly inquiry, and why their conclusions are unreliable."

I invite you again to read this article and educate yourself with some facts instead of vicious rumors. Here it is. And I'll remind you again of Churchill's enormous admiration for the man. He would have many laudatory things to say about Hopkins, this is what he said of their first meeting;

"Thus I met Harry Hopkins, that extraordinary man, who played, and was to play, a sometimes decisive part in the whole movement of the war. His was a soul that flamed out of a frail and failing body. He was a crumbling lighthouse from which there shone the beams that led great fleets to harbour. He had also a gift of sardonic humor. I always enjoyed his company especially when things went ill. . . Harry Hopkins always went to the root of the matter..."

1. Averell Harriman was special envoy of FDR.
"At theTehran Conferencein late 1943 Harriman was tasked with placating a suspicious Churchill while Roosevelt attempted to gain the confidence of Stalin."
W. Averell Harriman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Harriman made this interesting observation:
"When Stalin saw him [Hopkins] enter the conference room [Tehran]he got up, walked across the room and shook hands with him. I never saw him do that to anybody, even Roosevelt. He was the only man I ever saw Stalin show personal emotion for."
Encounter Magazine interview, 1981.

2. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's alter ego, was the most powerful individual in the. government because of his singular, almost hypnotic influence upon the President. Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote: "This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

See if you can read those tea leaves, Smugs.

I don't read tea leaves, I read facts. Yes, one of the attributes that made Hopkins a great statesman was his ability to gain the trust of even a psychotic paranoid like Stalin. Again, stop trying to understand history by conjuring conspiratorial visions from sources with the credibility of tea leaves and acquaint yourself with facts for a change.

Yeah....Harry was just a nice guy doing a great job for his nation.

If you believe that, you will believe anything.

No need to read tea leaves. Harry has been extensively studied and the conclusion is without question, he was a scummy soviet spy.
They both were, albeit Hilter was the greater threat.

Communism in the USSR fell on its own inconsistency.

Any one who believes HH was a Soviet spy is guilty of cultural McCarthyism, which is an active intent for malignant purposes to distort the objective narrative for political gain by the far right reactionary haters.

Not going to happen.
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The both were, albeit Hilter was the greater threat.

Communism in the USSR fell on its own inconsistency.

Any one who believes HH was a Soviet spy is guilty of cultural McCarthyism, which is an active intent for malignant purposes to distort the objective narrative for political gain by the far right reactionary haters.

Not going to happen.

Jake, was Harry ever convicted of being a spy? What is the basis for calling him one do you think?

The quote if redistribution seems like what you would hear from any Christian who believes in the Jesus who wore sandls and spoke of the eye of the needle. Mostly I ignore that stuff and check on the policies.
PC, a la bigderp, blew up this thread with her own commentary.

Let's move on. If the coup of 1944 succeeded and Hitler was killed, should the Allies negotiated with the Generals and the interior security forces. I suspect the Generals would have killed Himmler and Goering wherever they could find them.
Tornado asks, "Jake, was Harry ever convicted of being a spy? What is the basis for calling him one do you think?" There is no basis for calling HH a spy under US law.
The both were, albeit Hilter was the greater threat.

Communism in the USSR fell on its own inconsistency.

Any one who believes HH was a Soviet spy is guilty of cultural McCarthyism, which is an active intent for malignant purposes to distort the objective narrative for political gain by the far right reactionary haters.

Not going to happen.

Jake, was Harry ever convicted of being a spy? What is the basis for calling him one do you think?

The quote if redistribution seems like what you would hear from any Christian who believes in the Jesus who wore sandls and spoke of the eye of the needle. Mostly I ignore that stuff and check on the policies.

There is absolutely no evidence of Hopkins's patriotism outside of the fact that he worked in the White House. None. All that there is is an assumption, a faith based in wishful thinking. It provides for Hopkins the kind of benefit of the doubt that the Liberals never give to an opponents, as in Goldwater's vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, or Trent Lott joking that Strom Thurmond had been elected.

In 1998, the late US Air Force historian Eduard Mark published a break-through Hopkins analysis, a meticulous examination of what appears to be the first damning document to emerge from the Venona record against Hopkins. It was a partly decrypted Venona cable, authored by Akhmerov, in which a very senoir Roosevelt administration official, code named "Source 19," conveyed the content of a private, top secret conversation between Roosevelt and Churchill in late May 1943 about the invasion of Normandy, which, at the time, was a year away. By a process of elimination, this is what Mark concludes: "it is probable virtually to the point of certainty" that Harry Hopkins is Source 19.
Eduard Mark, "Venona's Source 19 and the 'Trident' Conference of May 1943; Diplomacy or Espionage?"
From "Intelligence and National Security 113, no. 2, April 1998, p. 1-31.
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And PC quotes a devotee of what is called cultural McCarthyism, an investment is smearing modern America in the name of anti-statism.

No, HH was not a spy. The key to the bogusness of the comment is the discussion of Normandy. And if HH did discuss such matters with Stalin, FDR would have given him permission to do so.
And PC quotes a devotee of what is called cultural McCarthyism, an investment is smearing modern America in the name of anti-statism.

No, HH was not a spy. The key to the bogusness of the comment is the discussion of Normandy. And if HH did discuss such matters with Stalin, FDR would have given him permission to do so.

Judging by experience, if you say Hopkins wasn't a Soviet agent......it's a sure thing he was.
Discussing by that standard, you defaulted your position before posting.

Do show us where the special advisory of FDR to JS was not supposed to discuss private and important matters that would concern the Big Three.
And PC quotes a devotee of what is called cultural McCarthyism, an investment is smearing modern America in the name of anti-statism.

No, HH was not a spy. The key to the bogusness of the comment is the discussion of Normandy. And if HH did discuss such matters with Stalin, FDR would have given him permission to do so.

Judging by experience, if you say Hopkins wasn't a Soviet agent......it's a sure thing he was.
The evidence of Hopkins being spy in based on conjecture by Eduard Mark and that conjecture was challenged and put to rest by historians John Earl Hayes and Harvey Klehr. The whole theory of FDR and his being controlled through Hopkins is base on a conjecture, a speculation about who the mysterious agent 19 was. Mark guessed it was Hopkins, but Haryes and Klehr did research that showed there were not only other guess that could be made, but took Hopkins out of the speculation. Insisting that Hopkins was a proven spy by a person claiming to have college level training on methods of historical research is just plain dishonest.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.
The McCarthyites just smeared every single diplomat stationed in China during WW II as a 'Commie', along with anybody FDR even just said 'Hello' to. They're amazingly not at all paranoid about McCarthy's ties to a Communist agent in Germany, though, nor Fred Koch's very close ties to Stalin for two decades, and then suddenly becoming a big John Bircher. lol Apparently only Democrats could become Commie agents, and it somehow wouldn't occur to the Soviets to think of planting any in the right wing parties for some reason.

Name one who was 'smeared' but wasn't a communist.

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