Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??


"we needed Stalin more than Stalin needed us."

Actually, we got more Stalin than we needed.

You're the proof.

NO, i'm not liberal because of Stalin.

I'm liberal because your boy Bush fucked up everything.

But that makes no sense Joey...not surprising.

W was a progressive just like you. The Rs are progressives just like you.

You are really fucked up.

Okay, you see, when someone says something crazy like, "The two parties are exactly the same', you really can dismiss anything else they say because they probably should be wrapping tin-foil around their heads.
While some women might say 'not tonight, I have a headache', PC likely says, 'not tonight, I'm busy looking for Communists under the bed...'

Seriously the idea that FDR somehow blundered by not finding a way to leave Germany and most of its Wehrmacht and political structure intact, via some sort of 'conditional surrender', and to thus perpetuate for another generation the geopolitical dynamics of 20th century Europe is simply lunacy,

deranged FDR-hating lunacy.

Sorry guy, but Nazi Germany never attacked the USA and would have never declared war against the USA, had not FDR set up the Japanese in attacking Pearl Harbor.

The defeat of the Axis lead to the enslavement of all of E. Europe by Uncle Joe and decades of Cold War including the Korean War, Vietnam War, etc.

Are related to Uncle Joe, Joey?

Wait, now, FDR set the Japanese up?

I thought the Japanese carefully planned a precision operation involving six aircraft carriers and 400 planes.

You make it sound like FDR tricked them into being in a hotel room with a hooker and some crystal meth.

Here's the reality. Most of Eastern Europe threw in with Hitler, it's kind of hard to feel bad for them. Poland, maybe. Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary- they all joined the Axis powers.

Here's the reality. Stalin won World War II. We were just kind enough to hold his coat for him while he did it.

Your post merely proves you know nothing about what you post.

"we needed Stalin more than Stalin needed us."

Actually, we got more Stalin than we needed.

You're the proof.

NO, i'm not liberal because of Stalin.

I'm liberal because your boy Bush fucked up everything.

But that makes no sense Joey...not surprising.

W was a progressive just like you. The Rs are progressives just like you.

You are really fucked up.

Okay, you see, when someone says something crazy like, "The two parties are exactly the same', you really can dismiss anything else they say because they probably should be wrapping tin-foil around their heads.

Okay guy, when you claim the parties are different, it only means you have been duped.

The Rs and Ds are nearly identical. They both believe in deficit spending, welfare, warfare, bigger government, obamacare...yep that's right.... you probably think the Rs will repeal it. They will not. Many Rs approved of crazy leftists nut jobs on the SC....that Nazi witch Ginsberg got many R votes...so did the two whackos Sotomayor and Kagan. Many Rs refused to vote to remove a felon in BJ Bubba Clinton from office. And on and on.

No amount of truth will get through those blinders you have on.

Okay guy, when you claim the parties are different, it only means you have been duped.

The Rs and Ds are nearly identical. They both believe in deficit spending, welfare, warfare, bigger government, obamacare...yep that's right.... you probably think the Rs will repeal it. They will not. Many Rs approved of crazy leftists nut jobs on the SC....that Nazi witch Ginsberg got many R votes...so did the two whackos Sotomayor and Kagan. Many Rs refused to vote to remove a felon in BJ Bubba Clinton from office. And on and on.

No amount of truth will get through those blinders you have on.

Oh, I have no concern that Obamacare will be repealed if the Country has a brain tumor and puts the GOP back in. They'll just modify it so big businesses benefit until we finally bite the bullet and go to single payer like every other civilized country.

Here's the thing. Most Americans want some form of welfare. Most Americans want bigger government. To say that 'the parties agree on these things' is dumb, because the people have agreed on them. The parties are merely discussing how to best implement what the majority wants.

not the small sliver of Libertarian Kooks who get less than a million votes a year.

Okay guy, when you claim the parties are different, it only means you have been duped.

The Rs and Ds are nearly identical. They both believe in deficit spending, welfare, warfare, bigger government, obamacare...yep that's right.... you probably think the Rs will repeal it. They will not. Many Rs approved of crazy leftists nut jobs on the SC....that Nazi witch Ginsberg got many R votes...so did the two whackos Sotomayor and Kagan. Many Rs refused to vote to remove a felon in BJ Bubba Clinton from office. And on and on.

No amount of truth will get through those blinders you have on.

Oh, I have no concern that Obamacare will be repealed if the Country has a brain tumor and puts the GOP back in. They'll just modify it so big businesses benefit until we finally bite the bullet and go to single payer like every other civilized country.

Here's the thing. Most Americans want some form of welfare. Most Americans want bigger government. To say that 'the parties agree on these things' is dumb, because the people have agreed on them. The parties are merely discussing how to best implement what the majority wants.

not the small sliver of Libertarian Kooks who get less than a million votes a year.

Ah guy...do you not know both parties are owned by big business? Really?

D voters, like you, want socialism...failing to understand or comprehend that it is a terribly flawed ideology that will never work, but will enrich and empower a small elite...the very same elite you claim to despise. You and your kind have not figured that out, when a 12 year could easily do so.

You claimed you dumped the R party because of W. That is total nonsense, but you silly leftists just are not smart enough to see the truth. W like Romney, like Christie, like McCain, like most of the leading Rs ARE PROGRESSIVES LIKE YOU.

So...hating W is hating yourself.
Well, guy, you make sure you libertarians provide us with a fine alternative...

bigderp and PC often post material that blows up their OPs.
And at that point someone like Gipper will arrive to hijack and kill the thread by changing the subject and try to turn it into a generic topic that draws attention away from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread about FDR being a communist dupe of Stalin.
bigderp and PC often post material that blows up their OPs.
And at that point someone like Gipper will arrive to hijack and kill the thread by changing the subject and try to turn it into a generic topic that draws attention away from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread about FDR being a communist dupe of Stalin.

Yeah...you know...I mean really like ah...like ah....there is NO evidence supporting FDR being a dupe for Stalin....

so says a fool.
bigderp and PC often post material that blows up their OPs.
And at that point someone like Gipper will arrive to hijack and kill the thread by changing the subject and try to turn it into a generic topic that draws attention away from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread about FDR being a communist dupe of Stalin.

Yeah...you know...I mean really like ah...like ah....there is NO evidence supporting FDR being a dupe for Stalin....

so says a fool.

Indeed, you are, and thanks to you for admitting it.
Well, guy, you make sure you libertarians provide us with a fine alternative...


I know you can't help but twist our debate to my political beliefs. But guy...our debate is about YOUR beliefs.

You hate W and claim to have left the R party because of him and have magically become a flaming D party lover, when in fact, W governed exactly like a D. You are most confused...
Well, guy, you make sure you libertarians provide us with a fine alternative...


I know you can't help but twist our debate to my political beliefs. But guy...our debate is about YOUR beliefs.

You hate W and claim to have left the R party because of him and have magically become a flaming D party lover, when in fact, W governed exactly like a D. You are most confused...

NO, not confused at all.

My problem with Bush wasn't ideology, it was competence. The guy just didn't know what the fuck he was doing. And in his second term, he surrounded himself with cronies who didn't keep him in line.

We gave Bush the keys to the car, and he crashed it into a tree.
bigderp and PC often post material that blows up their OPs.
And at that point someone like Gipper will arrive to hijack and kill the thread by changing the subject and try to turn it into a generic topic that draws attention away from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread about FDR being a communist dupe of Stalin.

Yeah...you know...I mean really like ah...like ah....there is NO evidence supporting FDR being a dupe for Stalin....

so says a fool.
But you guys that believe that are never able to really back it up. You use old worn out debunked McCarthy era resources over and over. And over and over you end up having to simply change the subject and make a retreat because your allegations and accusations don't hold up. I see no challenges to the post I made that contained an overwhelming amount of resource to prove one of the basic charges made was nothing more than misinformation that is now at the level of disinformation. So where is this actual evidence you speak of. All we ever see are negative comments or as I stated, worn out debunked misinformation. There is plenty of critical work about FDR out there, but you guys are looking for more than just his mistakes or failures. You insist on this ridiculous communist dupe for Stalin, Harry Hopkins spy stuff.
So seriously, where is the evidence that can be viewed in something close to a scholastic or academic way that supports the claim that FDR prolonged the WWII by two years?
The main evidence for FDR being a tool of Stalin has been the nonsense about his top aide being a communist spy. So I provided evidence he wasn't. Prove my evidence faulty or invalid.
bigderp and PC often post material that blows up their OPs.
And at that point someone like Gipper will arrive to hijack and kill the thread by changing the subject and try to turn it into a generic topic that draws attention away from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread about FDR being a communist dupe of Stalin.

Yeah...you know...I mean really like ah...like ah....there is NO evidence supporting FDR being a dupe for Stalin....

so says a fool.
But you guys that believe that are never able to really back it up. You use old worn out debunked McCarthy era resources over and over. And over and over you end up having to simply change the subject and make a retreat because your allegations and accusations don't hold up. I see no challenges to the post I made that contained an overwhelming amount of resource to prove one of the basic charges made was nothing more than misinformation that is now at the level of disinformation. So where is this actual evidence you speak of. All we ever see are negative comments or as I stated, worn out debunked misinformation. There is plenty of critical work about FDR out there, but you guys are looking for more than just his mistakes or failures. You insist on this ridiculous communist dupe for Stalin, Harry Hopkins spy stuff.
So seriously, where is the evidence that can be viewed in something close to a scholastic or academic way that supports the claim that FDR prolonged the WWII by two years?
The main evidence for FDR being a tool of Stalin has been the nonsense about his top aide being a communist spy. So I provided evidence he wasn't. Prove my evidence faulty or invalid.

The evidence that FDR was Stalin's stooge has been presented to you numerous times. Yet, you still cling to your ignorant beliefs.

You can't fix stupid.
Well, guy, you make sure you libertarians provide us with a fine alternative...


I know you can't help but twist our debate to my political beliefs. But guy...our debate is about YOUR beliefs.

You hate W and claim to have left the R party because of him and have magically become a flaming D party lover, when in fact, W governed exactly like a D. You are most confused...

NO, not confused at all.

My problem with Bush wasn't ideology, it was competence. The guy just didn't know what the fuck he was doing. And in his second term, he surrounded himself with cronies who didn't keep him in line.

We gave Bush the keys to the car, and he crashed it into a tree.

Of course Bush was a fool, a liar, and incompetent. Just like the doofus in the WH now, but you refuse to see Big Ears is very much like W.

The power elite of both parties seek the same goals and those goals are harmful to the American people. Both are liars, cheats, and criminals. You can see this in the R party, but refuse to see it in the D party. That makes you a partisan fool.
bigderp and PC often post material that blows up their OPs.
And at that point someone like Gipper will arrive to hijack and kill the thread by changing the subject and try to turn it into a generic topic that draws attention away from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread about FDR being a communist dupe of Stalin.

Yeah...you know...I mean really like ah...like ah....there is NO evidence supporting FDR being a dupe for Stalin....

so says a fool.
But you guys that believe that are never able to really back it up. You use old worn out debunked McCarthy era resources over and over. And over and over you end up having to simply change the subject and make a retreat because your allegations and accusations don't hold up. I see no challenges to the post I made that contained an overwhelming amount of resource to prove one of the basic charges made was nothing more than misinformation that is now at the level of disinformation. So where is this actual evidence you speak of. All we ever see are negative comments or as I stated, worn out debunked misinformation. There is plenty of critical work about FDR out there, but you guys are looking for more than just his mistakes or failures. You insist on this ridiculous communist dupe for Stalin, Harry Hopkins spy stuff.
So seriously, where is the evidence that can be viewed in something close to a scholastic or academic way that supports the claim that FDR prolonged the WWII by two years?
The main evidence for FDR being a tool of Stalin has been the nonsense about his top aide being a communist spy. So I provided evidence he wasn't. Prove my evidence faulty or invalid.

The evidence that FDR was Stalin's stooge has been presented to you numerous times. Yet, you still cling to your ignorant beliefs.

You can't fix stupid.
People saying stuff they can't back up with documents and scholarly research is not the same as evidence. Basically you are admitting you don't really have any evidence you can post because you know it will be knocked down and mocked as partisan crap as fast as you put it up.
bigderp and PC often post material that blows up their OPs.
And at that point someone like Gipper will arrive to hijack and kill the thread by changing the subject and try to turn it into a generic topic that draws attention away from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread about FDR being a communist dupe of Stalin.

Yeah...you know...I mean really like ah...like ah....there is NO evidence supporting FDR being a dupe for Stalin....

so says a fool.
But you guys that believe that are never able to really back it up. You use old worn out debunked McCarthy era resources over and over. And over and over you end up having to simply change the subject and make a retreat because your allegations and accusations don't hold up. I see no challenges to the post I made that contained an overwhelming amount of resource to prove one of the basic charges made was nothing more than misinformation that is now at the level of disinformation. So where is this actual evidence you speak of. All we ever see are negative comments or as I stated, worn out debunked misinformation. There is plenty of critical work about FDR out there, but you guys are looking for more than just his mistakes or failures. You insist on this ridiculous communist dupe for Stalin, Harry Hopkins spy stuff.
So seriously, where is the evidence that can be viewed in something close to a scholastic or academic way that supports the claim that FDR prolonged the WWII by two years?
The main evidence for FDR being a tool of Stalin has been the nonsense about his top aide being a communist spy. So I provided evidence he wasn't. Prove my evidence faulty or invalid.

The evidence that FDR was Stalin's stooge has been presented to you numerous times. Yet, you still cling to your ignorant beliefs.

You can't fix stupid.
People saying stuff they can't back up with documents and scholarly research is not the same as evidence. Basically you are admitting you don't really have any evidence you can post because you know it will be knocked down and mocked as partisan crap as fast as you put it up.


You refuse to accept the documented scholarly evidence. You believe it to be revisionist history. So no amount of evidence will sway you...and that is ignorance.
The evidence is poor scholarship, badly documented, and not accepted narrative except by stooges of the far right.

Tis what it is, bro.

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