Why did Rosenstein, like Comey and Mueller keep hush hush about the Rosatom Bribery Operation?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Here is something a lot of people aren't talking about.

People like Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe and Strozk all knew about Rosatom bribing US Politicians in various ways to get the Uranium One Deal approved.

Holder and Clinton sat on that committee, and so did John McCain, and I believe Adam Schiff, Chuck Schummer and Nancy Pelosi.

Why wasn't The Public made aware of this, and why wasn't the approval process put on hold until after this was thoroughly investigated?

Furthermore, why was there NEVER an investigation of the $145 Million in Russian Donations to The Clinton Foundation right when the Uranium One Vote was cast?

Uranium One Documents Show FBI New About Russia Crimes Before Sale Was Approved | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Wait a minute, wasn't the bribery scam dealing with the transportation of all the Russian uranium we bought from them when they decommissioned thousands of their warheads. 550 tons of highly enriched uranium bought to help power of our nuclear power stations.

We get most of our uranium for our power plants from Canada anyway and that supply was never in doubt. The mines in question represent only 4% of the uranium we need for those plants. The material we use for our nuclear weapons was never in the equation or in danger.

Its a keep alive story the Trumpublicans want to parrot to their dwindling and poutraged base.

In 2012 Obama was caught on what he thought was a 'cold mike' telling Putin puppet Medvedev to pass on to his master that he - Obama - would be more flexible after his successful 2012 re-election.

2 Years Later Came the 'Year Of Promised Obama Flexibility':

The Uranium One Scandal:
As you pointed out, in 2014 Hillary had taken over $140 Million from the KGB Bank, specifically one donor who was now leading the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.
- Democrats / snowflakes claim $140+ million from this individual / the KGB Bank in no way influenced her decision to support the sale of Uranium One to the KGB Bank, despite being fully aware with all of the various crimes the Russians were engaged in associated with their effort to secure Uranium One.

Bill Clinton had also received half a million dollars from the same KGB Bank for a 1-hour speech. In an addition, in a similar urge to discuss grandchildren with the Russians, Bill met directly with Putin after failing to get any of the Russian Nuclear Agency officials to meet with him to swap stories about grandchildren.

Obama's US AG Eric Holder - like Hillary - was a member of that same committee responsible for making the decision to sell Uranium One to the Russians, and, like Hillary, he was also fully aware of the Russian crimes being perpetrated by the Russians in an attempt to bolster their chances of getting the nod to buy Uranium One.

Neither Holder or Hillary felt the need to share this information with the rest of the Committee...until it was reported AFTER the deal went through.

Despite being fully aware of all of these crimes, just like Barry's US AG / DOJ, FBI Director Robert Mueller was in no hurry to do anything to reveal what was going on to the public and in no hurry to do anything to stop it. (I wonder if his relationship with a Russian Oligarch had anything to do with his lack of sense of urgency on the matter?!)

Needless to say, the deal went through, Uranium One was sold to the Russians, US law was modified a very short time after allowing the 20% of US uranium Uranium One owned to be moved out of the US...and out of US control. Eventually the uranium was sent to Europe ... into the waiting arms of the Russians.
- "Uranium One deal led to some exports to Europe, memos show".

--- Uranium One - Wikipedia

2014 was also the year:

No Action To Stop Discovered Russian Interference
Obama learned about the Russian interference, the Russian Counter-Intelligence Operation within the US using social media, the attempts to hack senior US govt officials' e-mails/servers, and attempts to hack into our power grid...which he did nothing about, allowing them to continue for 2 YEARS.

Broken Promises . Ukraine-Crimea
Obama turned his back on the Ukraine, breaking a US promise to help defend their sovereign border, instead allowing Putin to Militarily annex Crimea, undermining the worth of a US promise to allies.

Facilitating Russian / Foreign Espionage
Obama, knowing the Russians were trying to hack US govt officials and knowing Hillary was operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server which contained TOP SECRET information - information so classified he himself stated could not be released in any format or it would cause 'GRAVE DAMAGE our national security, Obama did not force Hillary to cease the usage of her server and failed to warn her she was a target of Russian hacking. In the end, according to the US IG, Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities access Hillary's server and stole this information, COMPROMISING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY & CAUSING GRAVE DAMAGE TO THAT NATIONAL SECURITY. The refusal to take action to protect the United States and our national security equates to Obama's facilitation of successful foreign espionage against the United States

President Obama seemed extremely flexible and tolerant to whatever Putin / the Russians wanted to do in 2014 because, it all but seems, the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' sought Putin's PERMISSION to invade Syria, dragging the US into yet another UN-Constitutional UN-Authorized war to help terrorists (ISIS) overthrow ANOTHER nation's President (Gadaffi/Libya, Mubarak/Egypt - not through a war but through political pressure that benefitted the Muslim Brotherhood).
because he's a snarky little asshole.

Rosenstein's like a rat on a sinking ship.
Needless to say, the deal went through, Uranium One was sold to the Russians, US law was modified a very short time after allowing the 20% of US uranium Uranium One owned to be moved out of the US...and out of US control. Eventually the uranium was sent to Europe ... into the waiting arms of the Russians.

stupid conspiracy theory and getting stupider by the day. As if Russia needed the tiny amount those mines produce. Seriously they just sold us ton and tons of the stuff.

Megatons to Megawatts - Centrus Energy Corp
I tell ya; the conspiracy theory whackos are getting really old & America doesn't need the (extra) mental health issues.
I tell ya; the conspiracy theory whackos are getting really old & America doesn't need the (extra) mental health issues.
Obama launched COUPs in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. He launched these COUPS with the help of Terrorists who were committed to The Destruction of Israel.

Obama himself is an AntiSemite, and not only did he launch these COUPS, he gave Iran $150 billion to further develop Nuclear weapons aimed at Israel, to fund terrorists, and to buy Russian Weapons.

Looking at the map of The Middle East, Obama did everything he could surround Israel with Governments very Hostile to it.

His last Official Act was a hostile action he took in THE UN Condemning Israel.

There is His Real Legacy.

Russian Mole-AntiSemite-AntiChristian & Traitor to all things American.
Reality bites (eventually, stay tuned...)
Obama-era Russian Uranium One deal: What to know
The facts and undeniable evidence has been posted dozens of times in dozens of location all over this board; yet, the snowflakes are on a crusade to re-write history and continue to defend the terrorist-sympathizers and traitors.

Let them continue to wallow in their own ignorance and fecal matter.....

Some old shit being thrown against the wall. Trumpublicans and Faux news. They think it smells like roses!

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