Why did SAN FRAN wait for XI to visit to clean the feces and homeless people off the streets?

San Francisco's budget relies on federal/state "homeless" funding.

It is too much to expect them to handle their homeless without help, I suppose.

Perhaps all their TECH MILLIONAIRES can pay a POOP TAX, to get the shit off the streets.
It wasn't just cleanup (pressure wash and trash removal). It was relocation of tens of thousands of persons living along the route (and all their crap they had piled up).
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At least he didn't try and hide it! :biggrin:

"I know folks say, 'Oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all these fancy leaders are coming into town.' That's true because it's true."
Well, it does need to be done sometimes ... and always best during the season's first heavy rainstorm ... it's been a problem there since 1849 ... part of the culture ...

The smell comes from the Bay ... the southern portion has very little flow and the water sits on the mud flats for decades at a time, just awful, and this is Silicon Valley's sewage treatment plant, the bay water itself is very effective at treatment ...

We just needed to hose off the slippery spots ... the ocean cleans itself ...
Your post is total lie. Did you ever visit San Francisco before it was turned into a literal shithole by Democrat "leadership". It was a beautiful vibrant city with people from all over the world walking the streets at night without fear. I was there in the 80s and it was a fantastic place. Look at it now and I don't mean the temporary cleanup for Master Xi. It will be back to San FranShitco within a few months.
SAN FRAN cleaned up the streets prior to the XI visit.

That means a number of things:

1) The city knows it is a dirty mudhole
2) The city knows it can clean up
3) The city does not consider its residents worth cleaning up the streets
4) XI is more important than any SAN FRAN resident.
5) Cultists LOVE China more than THE US.

Newsom laughed it off and said, "YEP, WE CLEANED THE STREETS FOR XI."
It's kind of funny actually. Like Xi didn't already know about this. But, let's clean up the streets for a day to make him think SF is the greatest city on Earth, and then let it go right back to pot the second he leaves and Xi will never know.
Everyone scrambling to clean up the mess before the Chinese boss arrives.
It's kind of funny actually. Like Xi didn't already know about this. But, let's clean up the streets for a day to make him think SF is the greatest city on Earth, and then let it go right back to pot the second he leaves and Xi will never know.

After Xi left, the city probably spread the shit back out over the streets.

Great point....like Xi is not FULLY AWARE that San Fran is a piss stained shithole.

Cali politicians absolutely abuse their electorate.
Speaking of Democrat morons, the homeless and Dem lies and phony BS...

Seattle allocated $30 million for rent assistance for 4500 people...WAIT FOR IT...and spent $60 million on administering the program.
Because the Dems entire party is a phony dog and pony show.
Thats right. So that means all the cities involved in this can clean them up rather quickly. However, this was just one agenda to get Trump out of office. The almighty godless Socialist Progressive cult must soldier on. The real cult. And they throw their own under the bus when needed as a scapegoat or is truly corrupted. No person in the party is stronger than the party although they may have sway. And that sway is the speed of how fast left they go. With Israel they are not ready to sell them out yet.

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