Why did Sanders DEFEND hillary on the email scandal that she sold national secrets to China.?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Pretty obvious the hillary camp bought him off. Hillary is looking at charges of treason and sanders should have pounded away on that.
Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders let Hillary Clinton off on emails - CNNPolitics.com

Sanders received one of the biggest applause lines of the night when he criticized the ongoing investigation into the former Secretary of State's private email server.

"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails," he said Tuesday night. "Enough of the emails! Let's talk about the real issues facing America."
Hillary sold national secrets to China??!!!???

OK, which turnip patch you belong to?

Are you serious? Why else would hillary put classified info on her private server.? That's what the whole scandal is about and you need to pay attention.
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

you dems want this to die, but it will not. The FBI is not pissing in the wind, there will be indictments, HRC will never be president.

you dems better get plugs to step up if you want any chance in 2016.
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

you dems want this to die, but it will not. The FBI is not pissing in the wind, there will be indictments, HRC will never be president.

you dems better get plugs to step up if you want any chance in 2016.

Please tell me more, oh wise one. I love hearing expert analysis from people who are batting .000 with their predictions.
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

HAHAHA. So a presidential candidate selling national secrets to china is NOT an issue?
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

you dems want this to die, but it will not. The FBI is not pissing in the wind, there will be indictments, HRC will never be president.

you dems better get plugs to step up if you want any chance in 2016.

Please tell me more, oh wise one. I love hearing expert analysis from people who are batting .000 with their predictions.

she is going to testify before congress later this month. Watch and learn. She is done.
I hope you Democrat voters loved the dog and Pony show that party is putting on for you. you've also been asking for more debates to get a better feel of the other candidates (which who knew Chaffee and Webb were even running) you've hardly heard a thing about them from the LAMESTREAM Hillary medias and they are telling YOU, tough shit. THIS is all you're going to GET. a measly six of them

they spit on you do you ever care?
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

HAHAHA. So a presidential candidate selling national secrets to china is NOT an issue?

Don't you get it? The clintons are above the law, they are very special people. They can do whatever they want.
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

HAHAHA. So a presidential candidate selling national secrets to china is NOT an issue?

Sure, if it happened. But it didn't.

Let me guess, you still think Obama wasn't born in the U.S., right?
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

you dems want this to die, but it will not. The FBI is not pissing in the wind, there will be indictments, HRC will never be president.

you dems better get plugs to step up if you want any chance in 2016.

Please tell me more, oh wise one. I love hearing expert analysis from people who are batting .000 with their predictions.

she is going to testify before congress later this month. Watch and learn. She is done.

And when your prediction is wrong....again...then what?

Oh I know, more shitty predictions from shitty people.
Bernie acknowledged AS he was about to say it that it was not (about to be) a very "political" thing he was saying:

And then he went ahead and declared that the media shouldn't be covering the email scandal story.

And the trained seals lapped that shit RIGHT the fuck up. Shrillary almost broke her face, she beamed so wide.

And nobody else on the stage thought to contend that MAYBE Bernie, the senile coot socialist, was simply and flatly wrong.
I hope you Democrat voters loved the dog and Pony show that party is putting on for you. you've also been asking for more debates to get a better feel of the other candidates (which who knew Chaffee and Webb were even running) you've hardly heard a thing about them from the LAMESTREAM Hillary medias and they are telling YOU, tough shit. THIS is all you're going to GET. a measly six of them

they spit on you do you ever care?

the sheep just bleet and bend over for their rulers. They are not capable of thinking for themselves. Liberalism is a mental disease that prevents rational thinking.
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

you dems want this to die, but it will not. The FBI is not pissing in the wind, there will be indictments, HRC will never be president.

you dems better get plugs to step up if you want any chance in 2016.

Please tell me more, oh wise one. I love hearing expert analysis from people who are batting .000 with their predictions.

she is going to testify before congress later this month. Watch and learn. She is done.

And when your prediction is wrong....again...then what?

Oh I know, more shitty predictions from shitty people.

My predictions have never been wrong. HRC will never be president--------book it!
Sanders was right with what he said. We should be focusing on the issues that matter to getting the country stronger. Focusing on these emails doesn't do that.

If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

you dems want this to die, but it will not. The FBI is not pissing in the wind, there will be indictments, HRC will never be president.

you dems better get plugs to step up if you want any chance in 2016.

Please tell me more, oh wise one. I love hearing expert analysis from people who are batting .000 with their predictions.

she is going to testify before congress later this month. Watch and learn. She is done.

And when your prediction is wrong....again...then what?

Oh I know, more shitty predictions from shitty people.

My predictions have never been wrong. HRC will never be president--------book it!

So I'm sure you predicted Obama would win both terms, right?
Pretty obvious the hillary camp bought him off.

OMG, that's idiotic. If she'd bought him off, he wouldn't still be running.

God forbid a candidate focus on the things that concern real people, instead of the "Ooo, look, Kim Kardashian!" idiots the media pander to.

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