Why did so many Germans support Hitler?

the us is not in a pre nazi state....one only has to look at history to determine that. the nazis had clear targets...the morally bankrupt...gays....the lesser of races...gypsies....and the jews were their major targets of oppression...show me one clear cut example of anyone being targetted like these groups were?

Many on here have no concept of history. that is a shame. history is much more than dates....its all kinds of movements ...social and economically intregrated into one timeline

Just because they're not rounding up Republicans and tea party members then shipping them off to Sobibor doesn't mean they're not being villified in the public's eyes. Obama is using them as scapegoats and playing the blame game....it's fucking pathetic.
One ginormous difference between the US in 2010 and pre-WW II Germany is that a healthy debate is on-going here. There are factions of enormous numbers of people who vigourously disagree with one another, and the actions of almost every pol is scrutinized and either lauded or demonized, depending.

There is no almost-universal silence on injustices dealt to any one group. Apart from the McCarthy era, I can't think of another time when conditions in the US resembled those of Germany before WW II.
the us is not in a pre nazi state....one only has to look at history to determine that. the nazis had clear targets...the morally bankrupt...gays....the lesser of races...gypsies....and the jews were their major targets of oppression...show me one clear cut example of anyone being targetted like these groups were?

Many on here have no concept of history. that is a shame. history is much more than dates....its all kinds of movements ...social and economically intregrated into one timeline

Just because they're not rounding up Republicans and tea party members then shipping them off to Sobibor doesn't mean they're not being villified in the public's eyes. Obama is using them as scapegoats and playing the blame game....it's fucking pathetic.


Its that your ideas are utter failures dude.

Dont expect ANYONE to just go along with the right wing lies.
If post WW I Germany had been divided as it was after WW II, it is unlikely that the Final Solution would have occured.
Divide them into what?
I don't buy into it because what led to the "Final Solution" was a platform of the Nazi party. Plus you are not taking into account that the Russians refused to leave Germany and therefore at Potsdam made the demands that they needed to remain in those countries for "security" reasons and war reparations.
the us is not in a pre nazi state....one only has to look at history to determine that. the nazis had clear targets...the morally bankrupt...gays....the lesser of races...gypsies....and the jews were their major targets of oppression...show me one clear cut example of anyone being targetted like these groups were?

Many on here have no concept of history. that is a shame. history is much more than dates....its all kinds of movements ...social and economically intregrated into one timeline

Just because they're not rounding up Republicans and tea party members then shipping them off to Sobibor doesn't mean they're not being villified in the public's eyes. Obama is using them as scapegoats and playing the blame game....it's fucking pathetic.


Its that your ideas are utter failures dude.

Dont expect ANYONE to just go along with the right wing lies.

You're so stupid you can't see the truth before your very eyes....
For those who claim Hitler wasn't a socialist. The best way to find out is read Mein Kampf
At about five o'clock in the morning after this meeting, I thus lay awake in my cot, watching the chase and bustle. Since I could no longer fall asleep, I suddenly remembered the past evening and my mind fell on the booklet which the worker had given me. I began to read. It was a little pamphlet in which the author, this same worker, described how he had returned to national thinking out of the Babel of Marxist and trade-unionist phrases; hence also the title: My Political Awakening.l Once I had begun, I read the little book through with interest; for it reflected a process similar to the one which I myself had gone through twelve years before. Involuntarily I saw my own development come to life before my eyes. In the course of the day I reflected a few times on the matter and was finally about to put it aside when, less than a week later, much to my surprise, I received a postcard saying that I had been accepted in the German Workers' Party; I was requested to express myself on the subject and for this purpose to attend a committee meeting of this party on the following Wednesday............
......After two days of agonized pondering and reflection, I finally came to the conviction that I had to take this step.
It was the most decisive resolve of my life. From here there was and could be no turning back.
And so I registered as a member of the German Workers' Party and received a provisional membership card with the number 7.
Mein Kampf: The 'German Workers' Party'

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Pea brain alert...!!!

"how he had returned to national thinking..... out of the Babel of Marxist and trade-unionist phrases

1. an ancient city in the land of Shinar in which the building of a tower (Tower of Babel) intended to reach heaven was begun and the confusion of the language of the people took place. Gen. 11:4–9.

confusion, bedlam, clang, din, discord, hubbub, hullabaloo, jargon, pandemonium, racket, tower, tumult, turmoil.
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If post WW I Germany had been divided as it was after WW II, it is unlikely that the Final Solution would have occured.
Divide them into what?
I don't buy into it because what led to the "Final Solution" was a platform of the Nazi party. Plus you are not taking into account that the Russians refused to leave Germany and therefore at Potsdam made the demands that they needed to remain in those countries for "security" reasons and war reparations.

Nazism flourished in part because there was rampant jingoism.

Background: The following essay was published in Der Angriff, 21 January 1929. Goebbels founded the newspaper in Berlin in 1927 shortly after taking over as the party’s leader there. This article is a typical attack on the Jews.

The source: “Der Jude,” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 322-324.

The Jew

by Joseph Goebbels

Everything is discussed openly in Germany, and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other Protestant, one an employee, the other an employer, a capitalist, a socialist, a democrat, an aristocrat. There is nothing dishonorable about choosing one side or the other of a question. Discussions happen in public, and where matters are unclear or confused one settles it by argument and counter argument. But there is one problem that is not discussed publicly, one that it is delicate even to mention: the Jewish question. It is taboo in our republic.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.

Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him, and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the Jew wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the Jew really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser, and loudly he shoves the accuser into the dock. So it always was in the past when a person or a movement fought the Jew. That is what would happen to us as well were we not fully aware of his nature, and if we lacked the courage to draw the following radical conclusions:

1. One cannot fight the Jew by positive means. He is a negative, and this negative must be erased from the German system, or he will forever corrupt it.
2. One cannot discuss the Jewish question with the Jews. One can hardly prove to a person that one has the duty to render him harmless.
3. One cannot allow the Jew the same means one would give an honest opponent, for he is no honorable opponent. He will use generosity and nobility only to trap his enemy.
4. The Jew has nothing to say about German questions. He is a foreigner, an alien, who only enjoys the rights of a guest, rights that he always abuses.
5. The so-called religious morality of the Jews is no morality at all, rather an encouragement to betrayal. Therefore, they have no claim to protection from the state.
6. The Jew is not smarter than we are, rather only cleverer and craftier. His system cannot be defeated economically — he follows entirely different moral principles than we do. It can only be broken through political means.
7. A Jew cannot insult a German. Jewish slanders are but badges of honor for a German opponent of the Jews.
8. The more a German person or a German movement opposes the Jew, the more valuable it is. If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous.
9. The Jew evaluates German questions from the Jewish standpoint. As a result, the opposite of what he says must be true.
10. One must either affirm or reject anti-Semitism. He who defends the Jews harms his own people. One can only be a Jewish lackey or a Jewish opponent. Opposing the Jews is a matter of personal hygiene.
These principles give the anti-Jewish movement a chance of success. Only such a movement will be taken seriously by the Jews, only such a movement will be feared by them.

The fact that he shouts and complains about such a movement therefore is only a sign that it is right. We are therefore delighted that we are constantly attacked in the Jewish gazettes. They may shout about terror. We answer with Mussolini’s familiar words: “Terror? Never! It is social hygiene. We take these individuals out of circulation just as a doctor does to a bacterium.

Compare McCarthy's propaganda:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGbW4a4EAAE]YouTube - Red Nightmare- Part 1[/ame]
If post WW I Germany had been divided as it was after WW II, it is unlikely that the Final Solution would have occured.
Divide them into what?
I don't buy into it because what led to the "Final Solution" was a platform of the Nazi party. Plus you are not taking into account that the Russians refused to leave Germany and therefore at Potsdam made the demands that they needed to remain in those countries for "security" reasons and war reparations.

Nazism flourished in part because there was rampant jingoism.

Background: The following essay was published in Der Angriff, 21 January 1929. Goebbels founded the newspaper in Berlin in 1927 shortly after taking over as the party’s leader there. This article is a typical attack on the Jews.

The source: “Der Jude,” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 322-324.

The Jew

by Joseph Goebbels

Everything is discussed openly in Germany, and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other Protestant, one an employee, the other an employer, a capitalist, a socialist, a democrat, an aristocrat. There is nothing dishonorable about choosing one side or the other of a question. Discussions happen in public, and where matters are unclear or confused one settles it by argument and counter argument. But there is one problem that is not discussed publicly, one that it is delicate even to mention: the Jewish question. It is taboo in our republic.

The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.

Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him, and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the Jew wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the Jew really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser, and loudly he shoves the accuser into the dock. So it always was in the past when a person or a movement fought the Jew. That is what would happen to us as well were we not fully aware of his nature, and if we lacked the courage to draw the following radical conclusions:

1. One cannot fight the Jew by positive means. He is a negative, and this negative must be erased from the German system, or he will forever corrupt it.
2. One cannot discuss the Jewish question with the Jews. One can hardly prove to a person that one has the duty to render him harmless.
3. One cannot allow the Jew the same means one would give an honest opponent, for he is no honorable opponent. He will use generosity and nobility only to trap his enemy.
4. The Jew has nothing to say about German questions. He is a foreigner, an alien, who only enjoys the rights of a guest, rights that he always abuses.
5. The so-called religious morality of the Jews is no morality at all, rather an encouragement to betrayal. Therefore, they have no claim to protection from the state.
6. The Jew is not smarter than we are, rather only cleverer and craftier. His system cannot be defeated economically — he follows entirely different moral principles than we do. It can only be broken through political means.
7. A Jew cannot insult a German. Jewish slanders are but badges of honor for a German opponent of the Jews.
8. The more a German person or a German movement opposes the Jew, the more valuable it is. If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous.
9. The Jew evaluates German questions from the Jewish standpoint. As a result, the opposite of what he says must be true.
10. One must either affirm or reject anti-Semitism. He who defends the Jews harms his own people. One can only be a Jewish lackey or a Jewish opponent. Opposing the Jews is a matter of personal hygiene.
These principles give the anti-Jewish movement a chance of success. Only such a movement will be taken seriously by the Jews, only such a movement will be feared by them.

The fact that he shouts and complains about such a movement therefore is only a sign that it is right. We are therefore delighted that we are constantly attacked in the Jewish gazettes. They may shout about terror. We answer with Mussolini’s familiar words: “Terror? Never! It is social hygiene. We take these individuals out of circulation just as a doctor does to a bacterium.

Compare McCarthy's propaganda:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGbW4a4EAAE]YouTube - Red Nightmare- Part 1[/ame]

Compare Obama's propaganda.....
All we've heard for 2 years is "It's the Republican's...It's Bush's fault...yada yada yada
For those who claim Hitler wasn't a socialist. The best way to find out is read Mein Kampf
At about five o'clock in the morning after this meeting, I thus lay awake in my cot, watching the chase and bustle. Since I could no longer fall asleep, I suddenly remembered the past evening and my mind fell on the booklet which the worker had given me. I began to read. It was a little pamphlet in which the author, this same worker, described how he had returned to national thinking out of the Babel of Marxist and trade-unionist phrases; hence also the title: My Political Awakening.l Once I had begun, I read the little book through with interest; for it reflected a process similar to the one which I myself had gone through twelve years before. Involuntarily I saw my own development come to life before my eyes. In the course of the day I reflected a few times on the matter and was finally about to put it aside when, less than a week later, much to my surprise, I received a postcard saying that I had been accepted in the German Workers' Party; I was requested to express myself on the subject and for this purpose to attend a committee meeting of this party on the following Wednesday............
......After two days of agonized pondering and reflection, I finally came to the conviction that I had to take this step.
It was the most decisive resolve of my life. From here there was and could be no turning back.
And so I registered as a member of the German Workers' Party and received a provisional membership card with the number 7.
Mein Kampf: The 'German Workers' Party'

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Pea brain alert...!!!

"how he had returned to national thinking..... out of the Babel of Marxist and trade-unionist phrases

1. an ancient city in the land of Shinar in which the building of a tower (Tower of Babel) intended to reach heaven was begun and the confusion of the language of the people took place. Gen. 11:4–9.

confusion, bedlam, clang, din, discord, hubbub, hullabaloo, jargon, pandemonium, racket, tower, tumult, turmoil.

Read my addition to this.
for those who claim hitler wasn't a socialist. The best way to find out is read mein kampf
at about five o'clock in the morning after this meeting, i thus lay awake in my cot, watching the chase and bustle. Since i could no longer fall asleep, i suddenly remembered the past evening and my mind fell on the booklet which the worker had given me. I began to read. It was a little pamphlet in which the author, this same worker, described how he had returned to national thinking out of the babel of marxist and trade-unionist phrases; hence also the title: My political awakening.l once i had begun, i read the little book through with interest; for it reflected a process similar to the one which i myself had gone through twelve years before. Involuntarily i saw my own development come to life before my eyes. In the course of the day i reflected a few times on the matter and was finally about to put it aside when, less than a week later, much to my surprise, i received a postcard saying that i had been accepted in the german workers' party; i was requested to express myself on the subject and for this purpose to attend a committee meeting of this party on the following wednesday............
......after two days of agonized pondering and reflection, i finally came to the conviction that i had to take this step.
It was the most decisive resolve of my life. From here there was and could be no turning back.
And so i registered as a member of the german workers' party and received a provisional membership card with the number 7.
mein kampf: The 'german workers' party'

mein kampf by adolf hitler

volume two - the national socialist movement
chapter i: Philosophy and party

for these people change their convictions just as the soldier changes his shirt in war – when the old one is bug-eaten. In the new programme everyone gets everything he wants. The farmer is assured that the interests of agriculture will be safeguarded. The industrialist is assured of protection for his products. The consumer is assured that his interests will be protected in the market prices. Teachers are given higher salaries and civil servants will have better pensions. Widows and orphans will receive generous assistance from the state. Trade will be promoted. The tariff will be lowered and even the taxes, though they cannot be entirely abolished, will be almost abolished. It sometimes happens that one section of the public is forgotten or that one of the demands mooted among the public has not reached the ears of the party. This is also hurriedly patched on to the whole, should there be any space available for it: Until finally it is felt that there are good grounds for hoping that the whole normal host of philistines, including their wives, will have their anxieties laid to rest and will beam with satisfaction once again. And so, internally armed with faith in the goodness of god and the impenetrable stupidity of the electorate, the struggle for what is called 'the reconstruction of the reich' can now begin.
mein kampf - volume ii, chapter i

You ain't listening, PatekPhillipe. There was no contingent of people denouncing Hitler in Germany. There is now in the US.

Both sides employ propaganda. It's the fact that there ARE two (or more) sides that matters.
You ain't listening, PatekPhillipe. There was no contingent of people denouncing Hitler in Germany. There is now in the US.

Both sides employ propaganda. It's the fact that there ARE two (or more) sides that matters.

I am too listening...and I also know there were in fact people denouncing or challenging Hitler's power...but when they were found out they were murdered. I hope it never comes to this in America but we've already seen the beginnings of it...with the DHS memo saying "Watch out for those crazy right winger vets coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Night of the Long Knives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political Prisoners
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for those who claim hitler wasn't a socialist. The best way to find out is read mein kampf
at about five o'clock in the morning after this meeting, i thus lay awake in my cot, watching the chase and bustle. Since i could no longer fall asleep, i suddenly remembered the past evening and my mind fell on the booklet which the worker had given me. I began to read. It was a little pamphlet in which the author, this same worker, described how he had returned to national thinking out of the babel of marxist and trade-unionist phrases; hence also the title: My political awakening.l once i had begun, i read the little book through with interest; for it reflected a process similar to the one which i myself had gone through twelve years before. Involuntarily i saw my own development come to life before my eyes. In the course of the day i reflected a few times on the matter and was finally about to put it aside when, less than a week later, much to my surprise, i received a postcard saying that i had been accepted in the german workers' party; i was requested to express myself on the subject and for this purpose to attend a committee meeting of this party on the following wednesday............
......after two days of agonized pondering and reflection, i finally came to the conviction that i had to take this step.
It was the most decisive resolve of my life. From here there was and could be no turning back.
And so i registered as a member of the german workers' party and received a provisional membership card with the number 7.
mein kampf: The 'german workers' party'

mein kampf by adolf hitler

volume two - the national socialist movement
chapter i: Philosophy and party

for these people change their convictions just as the soldier changes his shirt in war – when the old one is bug-eaten. In the new programme everyone gets everything he wants. The farmer is assured that the interests of agriculture will be safeguarded. The industrialist is assured of protection for his products. The consumer is assured that his interests will be protected in the market prices. Teachers are given higher salaries and civil servants will have better pensions. Widows and orphans will receive generous assistance from the state. Trade will be promoted. The tariff will be lowered and even the taxes, though they cannot be entirely abolished, will be almost abolished. It sometimes happens that one section of the public is forgotten or that one of the demands mooted among the public has not reached the ears of the party. This is also hurriedly patched on to the whole, should there be any space available for it: Until finally it is felt that there are good grounds for hoping that the whole normal host of philistines, including their wives, will have their anxieties laid to rest and will beam with satisfaction once again. And so, internally armed with faith in the goodness of god and the impenetrable stupidity of the electorate, the struggle for what is called 'the reconstruction of the reich' can now begin.
mein kampf - volume ii, chapter i


What I would suggest to 'word bound' pea brains is to find a 'summary' or 'synopsis' of Mein Kampf. This way, adults have already deciphered it for pea brains.

You could start with Wikipedia and work from there...

At this time the Nazi party was one of many small extremist groups in Munich, but Hitler soon discovered he had two remarkable talents, one for public oratory and another for inspiring personal loyalty. His street-corner oratory, attacking Jews, socialists and liberals, capitalists and Communists, began attracting adherents.
Adolf Hitler's political views - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NeoNational Socialists are lead by a Mulatto who espouses "White folks greed" and "Typical white behavior"

NeoNational Socialists have Eugenicists in the Ministry of Health and Healing (ObamaCare)

NeoNational Socialists have swallowed whole our Health care and financial industries and have Pay Czars to flatten out any outlying performers and make those sectors run like public schools.

Seig Heil, my little Fascist Friend, Seig Heil

Democrats Uber Alles

Well...you got half of it about right.

Now try putting down your partisan blinders and check what your favorite party has done to america in the last fifty years.

Some day you will, as I had to, wake up from your partisan delusions.

The more you study the issue from REAL sources, the more you'll understand that NOBODY is working on your behalf.

I put Dubya under Satan's ass in Dante's Inferno for betraying Conservatism.

I know the RNC is not my friend, and did you know I consider Bush41 one of the most evil, trecherous men who ever walked the face of the Earth?

That is extremely heartening to read, Cru.

We might have a very different approach to solving these problems, but at least we can agree that the emperor has no clothes.

I don't really think there's nope for this Republic any more, but I defintiely do believe there's still hope for America.
the us is not in a pre nazi state....one only has to look at history to determine that. the nazis had clear targets...the morally bankrupt...gays....the lesser of races...gypsies....and the jews were their major targets of oppression...show me one clear cut example of anyone being targetted like these groups were?

Many on here have no concept of history. that is a shame. history is much more than dates....its all kinds of movements ...social and economically intregrated into one timeline

One can easily be a believer in a FASCIST form of governance without even a hint of racism.

One of the smartest guys I ever met was an unabashed fascist.

He simply believed that the unwashed masses simply could NOT maintain a truly democratic government.

Sadly, I'm beginning to think he might be right about that.
Why don't you try this next time if you have the ability of discernment. READ the original piece. Gleason was not trying to provide a comprehensive history of the rise of fascism. His premise is narrow...Mutatis mutandis. He was comparing the political environment and attitudes that led to the rise of fascism with the political environment and attitudes created by the Bush administration after 9/11. I used the piece because it concisely and totally smashes the right wing pea brain bizzaro world of morons like Jonah Goldberg.

"O con noi o contro di noi"--You're either with us or against us.
Benito Mussolini

"Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."
George W. Bush

So that's all you got out of the OP:
(Here's the original - just incase you missed it).
Why did so many Germans support Hitler?
I thought this might be a good topic of discussion
I was trying hard this time not to slam dunk your stupid ass again but I see you're just a glutton for punishment. You are the perfect example of a waisted education as evidenced by the fact that as a leftist hack you are no different from those on the right you so vehemently decry, i.e. no objective reasoning functions.

Are you having a tough time keeping up Bugs? I'm well aware of the original OP. I was not responding directly TO the OP, I was responding TO Mad Scientist's response to the subject and addressed the genesis of his/her ignorance...that Hitler was a socialist/leftist. And BTW, Mad Scientist's claim that Hitler was elected is also false.

Obviously I'm having a tough time keeping up when you keep changing your story.
READ the original piece.
Your indication was you were responding to the OP, (reread what you wrote above). You are correct, Hitler was not a leftist he was a reactionary conservative and as you stated no he was not elected as Chancellor, he was reluctantly appointed by Hindenburg. The correlation you and Gleason expound is fallacy, the link you two are trying to make between Bush and Hitler and corresponding socio-political attitudes is bogus. While some striking similarities exist the key cultural and historical aspects of the rise of fascism are not existent in our culture at this time, you're reaching. A few simple correlations combined with wishful thinking does not make a valid argument, once again look at the whole not just convenient parts.
For anyone who truly wishes to know how it happened by far the best book on the subject is William Sheridan Allen's "The Nazi Seizure of Power, The Experience of a Single German Town 1922-1945" The city is not named in the book but it is most likely Wurzburg.

Many people here are not very conversant with history at all. In the 20th Century there were three great experiments with socialism, Nazi Germany and Communist Russia are of course known by all. What most people forget however is the US also flirted with socialism under FDR. The New Deal had many elements of socialism as part of its agenda of 1st recovery from the Great Depression then the second phase of the New Deal (1935–41), while continuing with relief and recovery measures, provided for social and economic legislation to benefit the mass of working people. This is the period that saw the enactment of Social Security, Ntional Youth Administration, Works Project Administration,
and also the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed. This does not include the many organisations and projects that were struck down by the Supreme Court. Also Roosevelt tried very strenuously to reorganise the Supreme Court which thankfully he failed at.

There is one other correlation between all three experiments....they all used concentration camps. The Nazi camps are well known of course, as are the gulags of Stalin, but most forget the forced internment of the Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor where at least 10,000 died prematurely. Were we as bad as Stalin and Hitler? Of course not. But the fact that the infrastructure was actually built should give any thinking person pause. One of the main camps (Manzanar) is three hours south of my home and it is a very sobering experience to wander through the area and imagine what could have and in fact did occur.
one has to remember the mass exodus that took place as people escaped pre nazi germany....artistians, scientist and common people fled.

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The difference is that real Americans don't run, we stand and fight
As with Germany. There's nothing there worth fighting for.
Murka was founded by runaways and it's population is made up of runaways.
The various elites made sure religion remained a focus of their various peoples for one reason and one reason only.

It has worked like a champ.


  • $Religion keeps poor poor.jpg
    $Religion keeps poor poor.jpg
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one has to remember the mass exodus that took place as people escaped pre nazi germany....artistians, scientist and common people fled.

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The difference is that real Americans don't run, we stand and fight

Yeah...when does that happen exactly?

We seem to be kneeling, right now.

We have two choices: outright revolution or take a generation to turn around the economy, society and culture.

A Revolution is messy and really bad if you don't win, but we turn the ship around if we realize it will take 8 4-year terms to get us fully there.

Also, it's not just enough to repeal Obama's Marxist Agenda, we have start today to show what will replace it. We have to sell our worldview.

For example: Eliminate the Department of Education does not mean the end of education like the Statists hysterically bleat, it means communities and parents will have much more power and input into their childs education. Only Marxists and People who have CrazyGlues their lips to the Government will be against that!

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