Why did the democrats pull impeachment now? Instead of waiting? The Durham investigation.... The


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The investigation into the Russia hoax and the democrats and obama colluding with foreign governments is likely the reason the democrats pulled the trigger on impeachment......well, fake impeachment, so early, instead of waiting till it was closer to the election.....

Democrats' Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level

is that John Durham's investigation of the provenance of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation of possible Trump-Russia collusion has expanded, according to several administration officials.

Fox News previously reported that Durham would be reviewing the days leading up to the 2016 election and through the inauguration.

However, based on what he has been finding, Durham has expanded his investigation adding agents and resources, the senior administration officials said. The timeline has grown from the beginning of the probe through the election and now has included a post-election timeline through the spring of 2017, up to when Robert Mueller was named special counsel.

That's the same Robert Mueller who testified under oath he was "not familiar" with Fusion GPS after years investigating a supposed scandal instigated by that company. This eye-rolling lie is far more significant than anything he has prosecuted others for. This is the same Mueller who also lied, administration officials just informed us, in denying, again under oath, he interviewed for the FBI job before becoming special counsel.

Actually, it's worse. As the president's former lawyer John Dowd put it: “Capt. Robert Mueller, USMC, sits in front of his commander in chief being interviewed for FBI director knowing he is going to investigate the president and never says a word.”

Comey and Mueller--separated at birth, two extremely pompous liars. No wonder they're pals. But leave all that aside. What has Durham found, possibly in concert with his superior AG William Barr, that necessitated expansion of his work?

It could be related to the length of time it is taking Inspector General Michael Horowitz to deliver his more limited report that has been repeatedly promised for some months now. Previously, Horowitz was criticized for pulling his punches on the Hillary Clinton investigation. This will not be so easy now with Barr and Durham going over the same material. Horowitz is not able to interview those no longer working for the government--most of the potential miscreants having slipped away--but Barr and Durham have no such restriction. They can follow leads anywhere.

Recently that has taken them to Italy to speak with intelligence officials. They have also apparently spoken with their peers in Australia and the UK. Did something come of that? It would be strange if it didn't, especially now that we have learned that Durham's mission has expanded, "adding agents and resources.".
Totally agree with the OP. Its time that the democrats head to Talos-4.

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