Why did the FBI want Flynn fired?

Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


Because he broke the law. He was making promises to the Russian government to remove sanctions after they attacked the USA. He took money from the Russian government and the Turkish government. He was a dirty traitor to the nation.

The judge at his trial where he plead guilty more than once, called his behaviour “treasonous”.

He is free because the FBI set a perjury trap.

Why is that OK for you?

There is no such thing as a "perjury trap". All you have to do to thwart such an attempt is to tell the truth. If Bill Clinton had said that yes, he had a consensual sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, there would have been no excuse for impeachment.

The bigger question is, why did Flynn lie about that phone call. As a General in the army and the head of the NSA, he knew, or should have know the Russian Ambassador's phone was tapped.

When you get caught lying, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Yes there e.

pretend it was a minority being interrogated by 2 white cops and the innocent perp pleads guilty.

Now what do do think?
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?

There was NO perjury trap, look up the legal definition of it.... the criteria was NOT MET.

Flynn was compromised..... he lied to the American people, and to Pence and to Priebus....

he told us, pence, priebus etc and the FBI, that he never spoke to Ambassador Kislyak about the Obama sanctions put on them that day or the ambassadors being expelled, for their systematic interference in our presidential election...

but the FBI had a tape of Kislyak speaking to the Kremlin, about his conversation with Flynn about the Obama new sanctions on them...and the expelling of Russian diplomats.... flynn convinced the Russians, not to retaliate... because Trump would be in office in a month, and basically they would not have to worry about the President Obama sanctions....

Flynn was compromised!

The Russians KNEW Flynn was lying to VP Pence and Priebus, the white house press secretary, about their conversations on the sanctions and expulsion of diplomats just put on them for the election interference....

This is Kompromat, for the Russians, to use on Flynn, when the time was right... blackmail material....

THE RUSSIANS KNEW HE WAS LYING..... to all of us....
Liberal assholes don’t even know why Flynn was freed.

You stupid fucking assholes need to learn the law

You're the stupid fucking asshole here. Flynn went free because the Attorney General is corrupt and doing the President's bidding. No other reason.

Flynn walked,

You are the stupid asshole.

Flynn is free as a bird. Suck it,
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


Because he broke the law. He was making promises to the Russian government to remove sanctions after they attacked the USA. He took money from the Russian government and the Turkish government. He was a dirty traitor to the nation.

The judge at his trial where he plead guilty more than once, called his behaviour “treasonous”.

He is free because the FBI set a perjury trap.

Why is that OK for you?
He is not free and the case was dropped by the DOJ, not the judge. And the case was dropped because we have a crook for an AG. But you republicans don't give a damn about the law or constitution.
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?

There was NO perjury trap, look up the legal definition of it.... the criteria was NOT MET.

Flynn was compromised..... he lied to the American people, and to Pence and to Priebus....

he told us, pence, priebus etc and the FBI, that he never spoke to Ambassador Kislyak about the Obama sanctions put on them that day or the ambassadors being expelled, for their systematic interference in our presidential election...

but the FBI had a tape of Kislyak speaking to the Kremlin, about his conversation with Flynn about the Obama new sanctions on them...and the expelling of Russian diplomats.... flynn convinced the Russians, not to retaliate... because Trump would be in office in a month, and basically they would not have to worry about the President Obama sanctions....

Flynn was compromised!

The Russians KNEW Flynn was lying to VP Pence and Priebus, the white house press secretary, about their conversations on the sanctions and expulsion of diplomats just put on them for the election interference....

This is Kompromat, for the Russians, to use on Flynn, when the time was right... blackmail material....

THE RUSSIANS KNEW HE WAS LYING..... to all of us....

Flynn is free, suck it
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?

There was NO perjury trap, look up the legal definition of it.... the criteria was NOT MET.

Flynn was compromised..... he lied to the American people, and to Pence and to Priebus....

he told us, pence, priebus etc and the FBI, that he never spoke to Ambassador Kislyak about the Obama sanctions put on them that day or the ambassadors being expelled, for their systematic interference in our presidential election...

but the FBI had a tape of Kislyak speaking to the Kremlin, about his conversation with Flynn about the Obama new sanctions on them...and the expelling of Russian diplomats.... flynn convinced the Russians, not to retaliate... because Trump would be in office in a month, and basically they would not have to worry about the President Obama sanctions....

Flynn was compromised!

The Russians KNEW Flynn was lying to VP Pence and Priebus, the white house press secretary, about their conversations on the sanctions and expulsion of diplomats just put on them for the election interference....

This is Kompromat, for the Russians, to use on Flynn, when the time was right... blackmail material....

THE RUSSIANS KNEW HE WAS LYING..... to all of us....

Flynn is free, suck it
yes, it's called lawlessness!
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


I see Fox has made sure you are aware of that question about the purpose for the charges, but they didn't bother to mention the response to that question. I wonder why they didn't mention that the answer was to play it by the book.
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


Because he broke the law. He was making promises to the Russian government to remove sanctions after they attacked the USA. He took money from the Russian government and the Turkish government. He was a dirty traitor to the nation.

The judge at his trial where he plead guilty more than once, called his behaviour “treasonous”.

Actually No Dragon Baby. Do you have some transcripts that say so? The FBI wire tapped Flynns conversation and there was nothing in the conversation to call criminal. As the new national Security advisor it was then part of his job to be speaking with Ambassadors and other foreign dignitaries. There was nothing wrong with him talking to Russians, but its clear now that the FBI was looking for anything Russian to get to Trump.
Flynn made a lot of phone calls, he got something wrong when he recalled to the FBI,... what if I ask you about a conversation you had with someone last week, and you dont remember about a point you made. Is that considered a lie?
Especially when you dont even know the question I'm asking you is important? Flynn didnt know he was under investigation.. he probably didnt even try too hard to recollect because of this. He thought it was a casual conversation.
I'm Sorry but FU*** these Democrats. They did not want TRump ok? lets be honest. They wanted to protect the Legacy of everything Obama accomplished and Trump to them was a botched mistake that had to go. They took down people around him in a scorched earth tactic to get them to flip or to goad Trump into obstruction of some kind.
If Flynn broke a law its in the recorded transcripts from the wire tap. So lets see it.
Because Flynn and his dumbass son can't be allowed to breed anymore

They must be removed from the general populace

Bad genes

If that were the case the remains of your DNA would have ended up as rat shit in a dumpster behind Planned Unparenthood.

It's not to late to neutralize your carbon foot print though, you fuckin parasite.

Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


Because he broke the law. He was making promises to the Russian government to remove sanctions after they attacked the USA. He took money from the Russian government and the Turkish government. He was a dirty traitor to the nation.

The judge at his trial where he plead guilty more than once, called his behaviour “treasonous”.

Actually No Dragon Baby. Do you have some transcripts that say so? The FBI wire tapped Flynns conversation and there was nothing in the conversation to call criminal. As the new national Security advisor it was then part of his job to be speaking with Ambassadors and other foreign dignitaries. There was nothing wrong with him talking to Russians, but its clear now that the FBI was looking for anything Russian to get to Trump.
Flynn made a lot of phone calls, he got something wrong when he recalled to the FBI,... what if I ask you about a conversation you had with someone last week, and you dont remember about a point you made. Is that considered a lie?
Especially when you dont even know the question I'm asking you is important? Flynn didnt know he was under investigation.. he probably didnt even try too hard to recollect because of this. He thought it was a casual conversation.
I'm Sorry but FU*** these Democrats. They did not want TRump ok? lets be honest. They wanted to protect the Legacy of everything Obama accomplished and Trump to them was a botched mistake that had to go. They took down people around him in a scorched earth tactic to get them to flip or to goad Trump into obstruction of some kind.
If Flynn broke a law its in the recorded transcripts from the wire tap. So lets see it.

The FBI didn't tap Flynn;s phone. His conversations were picked up from conversations he had with the russian whose phone was tapped.
yes, it's called lawlessness!

The "lawlessness" was the FBI and the MPF's minions usurping justice and persecuting a man who did nothing wrong.

The documents expose them, their own words prove they were on a war path against Trump and anyone connected to him. They flagrantly lied to FISA Courts, used "evidence" they knew to be fraudulent in order to perpetuate a witch hunt that lasted for 3 years and end in a joke of a impeachment.

BTW, if you're ever brought under investigation and your lawyer's office is raided, are you going to be upset?

THAT's LAWLESS. That's your meat puppet faggot's minions at work, that KGB sorts of shit.

Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


Because he broke the law. He was making promises to the Russian government to remove sanctions after they attacked the USA. He took money from the Russian government and the Turkish government. He was a dirty traitor to the nation.

The judge at his trial where he plead guilty more than once, called his behaviour “treasonous”.
There was never a trial.
The "lawlessness" was the FBI and the MPF's minions usurping justice and persecuting a man who did nothing wrong.
Lying to the FBI is wrong. You or I do that, we are done. Flynn goes free because of Trump.
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


Because he broke the law. He was making promises to the Russian government to remove sanctions after they attacked the USA. He took money from the Russian government and the Turkish government. He was a dirty traitor to the nation.

The judge at his trial where he plead guilty more than once, called his behaviour “treasonous”.

Actually No Dragon Baby. Do you have some transcripts that say so? The FBI wire tapped Flynns conversation and there was nothing in the conversation to call criminal. As the new national Security advisor it was then part of his job to be speaking with Ambassadors and other foreign dignitaries. There was nothing wrong with him talking to Russians, but its clear now that the FBI was looking for anything Russian to get to Trump.
Flynn made a lot of phone calls, he got something wrong when he recalled to the FBI,... what if I ask you about a conversation you had with someone last week, and you dont remember about a point you made. Is that considered a lie?
Especially when you dont even know the question I'm asking you is important? Flynn didnt know he was under investigation.. he probably didnt even try too hard to recollect because of this. He thought it was a casual conversation.
I'm Sorry but FU*** these Democrats. They did not want TRump ok? lets be honest. They wanted to protect the Legacy of everything Obama accomplished and Trump to them was a botched mistake that had to go. They took down people around him in a scorched earth tactic to get them to flip or to goad Trump into obstruction of some kind.
If Flynn broke a law its in the recorded transcripts from the wire tap. So lets see it.
no! Fynn lied to VP Pence and the WH Press secretary Priebus, by telling them, right before their Sunday morning talk show rounds, that he had not spoken to Amb. Kislyak about the new Russian sanctions/diplomat removal, so when they were asked on the talk shows that morning about it, they said no one from their team had spoken to the Russians about these new Pres Obama sanctions for the Russian's election interference.

Our intelligence agencies, after a couple of days, became suspicious of what was going on with Putin, because Putin had not retaliated for the Russian diplomats that Obama had expelled.... suspicious because all of the other times the USA had expelled Russian Diplomats, Putin retaliated by removing the equal amount of US Diplomats from Russia.

he didn't do that...

so, the intel agency went over Kislyak's and Russia's phone calls that we legally and constantly tapped,

the intel agency began going through the Russian phone calls and found a phone call or calls between Kislyak and the Kremlin, where Kislyak told the Kremlin or Putin, that he and Gen Flynn had spoken a few times about these sanctions.... and since Trump would be in office in just another month, he should hold off on any retaliation....Trump would be easy on him... or something of the sort....

They, the FBI, got their answer on why the Russians did NOT retaliate for the Pres. Obama expelling of the Diplomats/Sanctions etc....

People say they then went and found the phone calls of Kislyak and went through those.... and may have foud the original phone calls between the two, but no one at the FBI has confirmed that in any way.. that was just journalistic artistry, imo.....speculation.

Flynn, by lying about his conversation with Ambassador Kislyak about the sanctions... by lying to Priebus and VP elect Pence right before their Sunday talk show appearances which were about it....

while the Russians knowing he lied about it to the two above and then the American people, put Flynn in a position to be black mailed by our Russian adversaries....

he was compromised.

then when the FBI questioned him about it, and he lied to them too about it, it made him doubly compromised.

What else would he do more slippery and unAmerican, than this?
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

Specifically, liberals

What was their goal?

Logan act?


Because Flynn and his dumbass son can't be allowed to breed anymore

They must be removed from the general populace

Bad genes

Yea but he walked, so you are a,bit of a dumbshit.

Not for lack of trying

He would have never felt any pressure at all if he had properly raised his son. Just a complete fuckwit
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

What fucking "perjury trap"?

Flynn lied ENTIRELY BY HIS OWN CHOICE, nobody made him perjure himself by lying about his talks with Russians and working for the Turkish government.
Sure...........kinda like the Dear Hunter playing Russian roulette against your own son......................If you don't give us what you want we'll keep pulling the trigger on your son.

They had NO REASON WHATSOEVER to set this up.............By their own words ...........THEY SET HIM UP.

The Dirty cops need to go down.........and Flynn needs to sue the living shit out of all of them.........Starting with Comey........he's got all that money from his books.
Why did they set up a perjury trap for Flynn? What was their ultimate goal?

What fucking "perjury trap"?

Flynn lied ENTIRELY BY HIS OWN CHOICE, nobody made him perjure himself by lying about his talks with Russians and working for the Turkish government.
Sure...........kinda like the Dear Hunter playing Russian roulette against your own son......................If you don't give us what you want we'll keep pulling the trigger on your son.

Go fish. No one was discussing Flynn's son in January 2017 when he decided it was a good idea to lie to FBI about his dealings with Russians.

There was absolutely no leverage on him, he lied for a very simple reason - he thought telling the truth was worse.

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