Why Did They Change The Definition Of "Vaccination"?

I believe they changed it due to the ineffective nature of many of the vaccination that the totalitarians wish to make mandatory.
That seems true too. But the big change was in 2015 to take into account the mnRNA vaccines, which don't use a dead or weakened virus and were thus outside the old definition.
That seems true too. But the big change was in 2015 to take into account the mnRNA vaccines, which don't use a dead or weakened virus and were thus outside the old definition.
They updated the definitions on 9/1/2021, 10 days ago, as previously posted in this thread and here:

They updated the definitions on 9/1/2021, 10 days ago, as previously posted in this thread and here:

Yeah. They are weaseling around.

I can't see any of the boob's mandates being enforceable as the are grounded in politics, not science or public health.
There is the succinct definition Democrat governance....'They don't care what you do as long as it is banned or mandated.'

Seems that they will mandate you being vaccinated......whether it is effective or not.

Now, before you claim one way or another.....check on what the definition of being vaccinated is, as it plays into the argument for encouraging same.

Wait....you're not sticking to the old fashioned definition....vaccinations to give immunity????

No longer.....

"CDC says it changed definition of vaccine – to be 'more transparent!'​

The Centers for Disease Control has reacted to a congressman's tweet pointing out amid the COVID-19 vaccines' waning effectiveness that the CDC's definitions of the words "vaccine" and "vaccination" have changed.

Prior to the launch of the COVID-19 vaccines, the definition of "vaccination" was "the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease." And before 2015, it was the "injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."

The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.

The CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the delta variant, which comprises nearly 100% of the current cases. The declining effectiveness of the vaccines is the premise for requiring vaccinated people to be masked and the push for booster shots. Instead, the agency now emphasizes that people who are vaccinated reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. However, in Israel, one of the world's most fully vaccinated nations, most of the COVID cases are among the vaccinated. In the U.K. last month, 40% of cases had received at least one shot."

Soooo......the vaccines may not work???

Well.....then let's mandate 'em!!!!!!!!!

Did you vote Democrat?????

The Nazi Dem Pathology is hiding behind this new definition The CDC was told to invoke. It’s the “killed or weakened infectious organism” part that’s problematic. Before the Chinese communists knew that SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative would be able to target elderly and obese Americans, POSPOTUS JoeXi and the Arab son, Obama, had already funded Duke-NUS Singapore. At that location, adenovirus technology links to the vaccination of the Russian military, which technology deals with “organisms” in the traditional sense of the definition, not Fau Chi’s mRNA technology.
The Nazi Dem Pathology is hiding behind this new definition The CDC was told to invoke. It’s the “killed or weakened infectious organism” part that’s problematic. Before the Chinese communists knew that SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative would be able to target elderly and obese Americans, POSPOTUS JoeXi and the Arab son, Obama, had already funded Duke-NUS Singapore. At that location, adenovirus technology links to the vaccination of the Russian military, which technology deals with “organisms” in the traditional sense of the definition, not Fau Chi’s mRNA technology.

"Nazi Dem"

I like that.


Astounding how effortlessly they got fools to vote for this.
On the Nipah thread yesterday, we reported the scrubbing of a Fact Check webpage linking Daszak and Eco Health Alliance funding, showing that it was Daszak that attended the Nipah virus conference in Singapore. Nazi book burners may be squirming in their seats, because the serious link to Russian adenovirus vaccines for Singapore link to just as serious adenovirus outbreaks in Singapore.
"Nazi Dem"

I like that.

View attachment 538211

Astounding how effortlessly they got fools to vote for this.
Well, uhhh they didn't get the numbers needed, but that has been squashed like a third world country when it comes to having a proper investigation of such a thing, in which should be kept highly transparent here.
And now THEY are coming for the kids; all of them.

I thought it was interesting timing that no sooner did the Pfizer folks who occupied the FDA board to recommend the approval they desired for jabbing kids that the very next thing they did was approve some kind of blood thinner medication for children.

I forget where I read that report. Just kind of shook my head and moved along with whatever else I was doing at the time.
I thought it was interesting timing that no sooner did the Pfizer folks who occupied the FDA board to recommend the approval they desired for jabbing kids that the very next thing they did was approve some kind of blood thinner medication for children.

I forget where I read that report. Just kid of shook my head and moved along with whatever else I was doing at the time.

I agree. Funny how the vaccine supply trucks also started rolling before full approval for 5-11 year old children.
Society would do well to take back science from the corrupt institutions who have hijacked and bastardized it for the express purpose of promoting political policies that are antithetical to the very fabric of our Republic.
Flutrackers has picked it up:
White House Prepares for Vaccinations of 5-11 Year-Olds
Science and medicine are an every evolving thing. If either of these ever stop changing, then you know we are all fucked.
People may want to know what chimpanzee adenovirus these vaccines are based on, because oral polio vaccine can cause thrombocytopenia just as SARS-CoV-2 mRNA/adenovirus vaccines can:

Immune Thrombocytopenia Following Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus and Oral Polio Vaccine

Acute Thrombocytopenia purpura Following Oral Polio Vaccine

Did a simian retrovirus contaminate oral polio vaccine in Africa?
'Cause the mRNA vaccines don't work!

Just released: CDC emails. Link at the bottom,





The ambiguity of defining “vaccine” goes hand in hand with the deliberate ambiguity introduced by the Nazi dem media with the term “variant.” Some of the same mutations that comprise a “variant” can be found in other ”variants.” This means that the Delta “variant” can be over-sensationalized. And it was.
The new definition replaces "immunity" with "protection," noted Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., on Wednesday.
So we see now Chicy that you don't understand why the definition needed to be changed to be totally in line with the new Covid vaccines!
Would there be any point in somebody explaining it to you?

You need to join my thread in which I furnished proof of Trump advising against the vaccines hon. That's the simple stuff!

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