Why did they do it?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Pop culture idiots stood in the rain for hours to watch a carefully constructed light show that lasted for about three seconds in Times Square N.Y. Were they informed before hand that their umbrellas would be confiscated by authorities when they approached military style check points in the rain? The people looked miserable and dazed while idiotic celebs (who were protected by umbrellas) tried to turn it into a party. One woman who stood with her two children tried to put on a happy face while her young boy seemed dazed and unaware of his surroundings as he stood in a sodden hooded jacket. Could we consider it to be child abuse? Backpacks were confiscated so they had no food or water and no way to even get to a bathroom> One woman said that she was prepared with adult diapers. Will authorities release statistics about illness (and deaths) as a result of the weather?
If people were forced to stand in the rain for hours without a bathroom break or food or water the U.N. human rights organization would be filing charges. The unfortunate thing is that kids had no choice.
Pop culture idiots stood in the rain for hours to watch a carefully constructed light show that lasted for about three seconds in Times Square N.Y. Were they informed before hand that their umbrellas would be confiscated by authorities when they approached military style check points in the rain? The people looked miserable and dazed while idiotic celebs (who were protected by umbrellas) tried to turn it into a party. One woman who stood with her two children tried to put on a happy face while her young boy seemed dazed and unaware of his surroundings as he stood in a sodden hooded jacket. Could we consider it to be child abuse? Backpacks were confiscated so they had no food or water and no way to even get to a bathroom> One woman said that she was prepared with adult diapers. Will authorities release statistics about illness (and deaths) as a result of the weather?
Glued to the TV, were you?
What do you kids do with all that "personal responsibility" crap when you make posts like these?
Pop culture idiots stood in the rain for hours to watch a carefully constructed light show that lasted for about three seconds in Times Square N.Y. Were they informed before hand that their umbrellas would be confiscated by authorities when they approached military style check points in the rain? The people looked miserable and dazed while idiotic celebs (who were protected by umbrellas) tried to turn it into a party. One woman who stood with her two children tried to put on a happy face while her young boy seemed dazed and unaware of his surroundings as he stood in a sodden hooded jacket. Could we consider it to be child abuse? Backpacks were confiscated so they had no food or water and no way to even get to a bathroom> One woman said that she was prepared with adult diapers. Will authorities release statistics about illness (and deaths) as a result of the weather?
Glued to the TV, were you?
Sure I watched the New Year's eve festivities. Is that a problem?
What do you kids do with all that "personal responsibility" crap when you make posts like these?
What? I'm making an observation about possibly the strangest event in pop-culture history and wouldn't you know some idiot shouts "personal responsibility" and runs without contributing a thing. No surprise here but what kind of personal responsibility does it take to drag a kid to an event where he stands soaked and shivering for hours and has to pee in his pants while mom waits for a three second light show? The strange thing is that there is apparently a faction of people who are unable to voice an opinion or even argue about a subject until they get advice from the MSM or some blog site.
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While the celebs were comfortable under their umbrellas and pretending to have a good time, Fox had the former wrestler known as Tyrus on the ground interviewing the wet mob. Tyrus seemed to be the only one who had a handle on the situation and was concerned about the people. His questions were more about how they were coping and why the hell did they choose to do this while the other inane celebs thought a 30 second "body surfing" experience was hilarious. Don't look for the media to be critical of the experience because it ain't gonna happen.
...and they weren't even at the border...
Illegal aliens drag their kids through deserts.
Illegals drag their kids through deserts to get to the greatest Country in the world. Pop fans drag their shivering hungry wet kids to Times Square for what? The crazy left seems to worry more about a kid from Guatamala than a kid from Ohio.

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