Why did this crazy-assed, drunk white man with a gun get a pass?

This crazy-assed, drunk white dude, jaywalking, confronted by cops, refuses to put down his gun. He was not carrying ID.

The cops talked patiently with him for 10 full minutes.

The crazy-assed, drunk white dude was talking about revolution. His name is Joseph Houseman. I wonder if his name is associated with a Tea Party chapter in Michigan...

This incident happened in Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2014.

I wonder how patient the cops would have treated him had he not been white.

The man was never charged. Why was this man never charged? Why does a crazy-assed, drunken white senior man get a pass for breaking the law?


I am all for the 2nd Amendment, but this idiot is asking for it...

He is stupid to say the least...

If I am with in sight of him, I am turning around and getting the hell out of there...
The cops did their job properly and people are upset with them they screw up and people are upset with them there is just no fucking pleasing some people.
Well, Rabid is the definition of stupid, ignorant people. A white man with a gun threatoning to kill people is just someone having a bad day. But a black teenager jaywalking is a threat to society and should be gunned down.
he didn't threaten to kill people you lying fuck
A drunk guy with a gun in the middle of the street doesn't present a reasonable threat?

I m sure he received a stern warning in return for the promise that he'd get a designated driver and would only ride shotgun.
Rabbi is incapable of sticking with the facts as presented in the video. A POLICE video.
Statisheilhitler doesnt know what he's talking about and has to deflect when shown he is full of shit.
You're just sorry they didnt shoot him.

No, I don't want the cops shooting anyone when it is not absolutely necessary.

I want to know why this crazy-assed, drunk white man got better treatment than most would ever get.
He didnt. What treatment did he get that was any better? They didnt shoot him? There wasnt a reason to. This is why you get pwned every time you post on stuff like this. You know nothing about it. You've probably never fired a gun in your life, much less taken a course that deals with the legalities of self defense.

Lots of other people don't get the luxury of cops trying to talk them out of a loaded weapon for 10 minutes long.

Apparently, if you are white and a fucked up Tea Party freak, then you can do whatever the fuck you want.

I bet had that dude been black, he would have been shot.

Are you trying to imply that white people never get arrested? This is a rare case and cannot be held up as the norm.
The cops did their job properly and people are upset with them they screw up and people are upset with them there is just no fucking pleasing some people.

True, some cops are good at calming people down and many experienced cops can read people well. The guy in the OP was an idiot and should have faced some charges. It's not the norm to have police tolerate anything from white people and this is just another random incident that will be pushed as common practice.

One poster even claimed the guy is a tea party member. Nothing like making shit up to support the narrative.
Rabbi is incapable of sticking with the facts as presented in the video. A POLICE video.
Statisheilhitler doesnt know what he's talking about and has to deflect when shown he is full of shit.
You're just sorry they didnt shoot him.

No, I don't want the cops shooting anyone when it is not absolutely necessary.

I want to know why this crazy-assed, drunk white man got better treatment than most would ever get.
He didnt. What treatment did he get that was any better? They didnt shoot him? There wasnt a reason to. This is why you get pwned every time you post on stuff like this. You know nothing about it. You've probably never fired a gun in your life, much less taken a course that deals with the legalities of self defense.

Lots of other people don't get the luxury of cops trying to talk them out of a loaded weapon for 10 minutes long.

Apparently, if you are white and a fucked up Tea Party freak, then you can do whatever the fuck you want.

I bet had that dude been black, he would have been shot.

You're full of shit, and no better then the Al Sharpton type race baiters. Every situation is different. You're pathetic..

This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.


The officer cleared the weapon, you couldn't see in the poor quality video if there were any rounds in the magazine or one the chamber. So you are making assumptions that you can't back up with evidence, to clear a weapon of that type the steps are the same whether it is loaded or not. You posted nothing by the video so what is there to read other than your biased sissyfied commentary?
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This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Typical idiot argument. Pick one small detail and harp on that.
The guy never really presented a threat. He really wasnt doing anything illegal anyway. He hadnt strongarmed a store owner. He hadnt acted aggressively. The cops didnt need to shoot him and it would have been a bad shoot.
You're digging yourself deeper and deeper on this one.

LOL. Your ignorance is fun to watch.

One exposes you for a lie - or just plain old ignorance, and then you write shit like that.

Do you habve the slightest idea what you're talking about? No.
Do you know what the officers were looking for? No.
Have you ever spoken to a police officer who went through anyting like that? No.
There was no lie in my post. There was plenty of ignorance and stupidity in yours.

The truth is the guy didnt present an immediate threat. That's why they didnt shoot him.

A spelling course for you, perhaps?

The guy did present an immediate danger. He was brandishing a loaded weapon on a open street and he was drunk.

End of story.

Using your utterly fucked-up logic, a driver who is drunk poses no threat on the road.

Prove he was drunk, he told the officer he hadn't been drinking, can you really prove otherwise?
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.


you're a damn liar. he took off the clip and checked to see if there was a round in the chamber. no cartridges came out you stupid liar.

your whole thread is bullshit. tell me, how did he get a pass?
how does scatistalker, from the clip alone, know the gun was loaded?

he is a liar. unless he has other proof, he is full of shit.
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video
So you didnt see the officer eject any cartridges but you still know I'm a liar. That's typical for you. Ignorant and proud of it.
Everything you've written has been crap, is the reason.
Generally someone with a gun presents more threat. But not always. Here's a good case.
Which is more reasonable: The officer, who was a decorated veteran officer, pulled his gun for no particular reason in front of many witnesses and shot a guy just because he thought he could; OR an aggressive oversized black man who had just robbed a store thought the police were going to arrest him and after injuring the officer once he charged at him to put him out of the fight and the officer shot him? Think hard here.

I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I don't think Officer Wilson killed Brown out of cold blood. I think he either got unreasonably angry or scared. I also think that Michael Brown was jumpy, if he had just committed robbery. However, Officer Wilson did not know that. But he shot Michael Brown from far enough away that there were no powder burns on Brown. Brown was not armed.

I can't pronounce judgment, not knowing every nuance of every fact; that's what juries are for.
There's absolutely no evidence for any view the officer was unreasonably scared or angry.
Apparently Wilson did know there had been a robbery. Apparently he did know abox of cigars was stolen. Apparently he began to put two and two together when he saw BRown holding a box of cigars and acting suspiciously/aggressive.
The distance is largely irrelevant. Google "Tueller Drill" and you discover a man armed with a knife is still dangerous at 20-25 feet. Brown might have been closer than that and still gotten no powder burns.
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video

not sure what the issue is on your end, but i could watch the video. there are no cartridges being expelled from the gun. statis lied.
The cops did their job properly and people are upset with them they screw up and people are upset with them there is just no fucking pleasing some people.

Well, actually, no, they didn't do their job properly, because they didn't press charges on at least two counts:

Open carry without identification

I mean, if that's what they stopped the old dude for, why did they not bring their job to completion?
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video

not sure what the issue is on your end, but i could watch the video. there are no cartridges being expelled from the gun. statis lied.

Yes, cartridges are being expelled. You can hear them hit the ground.
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video

not sure what the issue is on your end, but i could watch the video. there are no cartridges being expelled from the gun. statis lied.

Yes, cartridges are being expelled. You can hear them hit the ground.

This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video

not sure what the issue is on your end, but i could watch the video. there are no cartridges being expelled from the gun. statis lied.

Yes, cartridges are being expelled. You can hear them hit the ground.

for anyone who cares to know the truth, go to 9:30 in the video and hear for yourself if anyone can "hear" cartridges hitting the ground.

1. there is NO audio between the police officer and the man on the ground

2. he dropped the clip on the grass, even with audio, any cartridges would not have made any sound hitting the grass

3. statistalker is a liar

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