Why did this crazy-assed, drunk white man with a gun get a pass?

BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

So you decry a woman working (producing a book is work) in favor of some fatcat who is unemployed and living off of dividend income....paying less than his fair share in taxes all the while.

How do YOU determine what anyone's fair share is??

He pays less % in taxes than I do. Than you do.

Thats how.

Since you have no idea how much taxes I pay ............ then we know the rest of the statement is Bull Shit !!

Do you know how much he pays??

You dodged the question, Do you even pay taxes or are you a societal leech??

Link that I pay more than him or you are just another mouthy whore with an axe to grind!!

Ahh, the "whore" card is out.

The unemployed Romney pays less % taxes on his dividend income that I pay on my labor. You pay more taxes on the money you make giving blow jobs and servicing old men than he pays sitting on his ass watching you work your tongue.

At least you're not a societal leech like the governor is...
Actually, we don't pay "more". We pay a higher percentage. I doubt that you have earned enough during the entire course of your working life, to even put a dent against the taxes Romney pays in one year.
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

Yes, I see what you mean.


The guy on the left deserved to be arrested, including a bullet through his empty head if necessary.
How do you know that guy on the left deserved to be arrested? Because some guy from the press took his photo? Where you there? Was his rifle loaded? Was it pointed at anyone? Were the feds pointing guns at him or his wife and children?

That PARTICULAR guy? I don't know, but there were clearly people there who were pointing rifles at police agents. Let's be careful here and not make this about politics or race. If you point a weapon at a police officer you get arrested or killed. PERIOD.
From what I heard about "that incident" the guy in that photo was the only guy on the good guy's side that had a weapon aimed. The hired guns working for the feds were the ones threatening people, killing that rancher's cows etc.

I'm telling you, If I'm on the scope on the other side, he's dead.
Fortunately they dont hire obese middle aged men without training.

LOL I'm retired US Army MP terminating rank of Colonel. I assure you son, I know my way around the old rifle.
Yeah and I'm Carlos Hathcock.
Army training is not the same as LE training.

MP stands for Military Police.

Being a cop at say Fort Benning Georgia is no different than being a cop in say St Louis, MO. Except of course that EVERY person in the city is trained to use a weapon.
Actually, we don't pay "more". We pay a higher percentage. I doubt that you have earned enough during the entire course of your working life, to even put a dent against the taxes Romney pays in one year.

The Romneys have never worked.

Come to think of it? The Romney family moved out of America when it was time to fight wars. All of them. The Elder Romneys went to Mexico and Mittens went to France.

Where he got into an auto accident killing his passenger.
I will repeat...the Romneys pay more in one year in taxes than you have earned in your entire life.
I will repeat...the Romneys pay more in one year in taxes than you have earned in your entire life.

Big deal. I bet they've spent more on tax attorneys trying to dodge those taxes, than what you've earned in your entire life.
I will repeat...the Romneys pay more in one year in taxes than you have earned in your entire life.

Big deal. I bet they've spent more on tax attorneys trying to dodge those taxes, than what you've earned in your entire life.

Ah, but I'm not the one whining that they don't spend enough in taxes, or making the false claim that I am paying more in taxes. I'm also not the one making the ridiculous claim that they don't work (apparently the only sort of work dependent entitlement stooges recognize is manual labor).
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

So you decry a woman working (producing a book is work) in favor of some fatcat who is unemployed and living off of dividend income....paying less than his fair share in taxes all the while.

How do YOU determine what anyone's fair share is??

He pays less % in taxes than I do. Than you do.

Thats how.

Since you have no idea how much taxes I pay ............ then we know the rest of the statement is Bull Shit !!

Do you know how much he pays??

You dodged the question, Do you even pay taxes or are you a societal leech??

Link that I pay more than him or you are just another mouthy whore with an axe to grind!!

Ahh, the "whore" card is out.

The unemployed Romney pays less % taxes on his dividend income that I pay on my labor. You pay more taxes on the money you make giving blow jobs and servicing old men than he pays sitting on his ass watching you work your tongue.

At least you're not a societal leech like the governor is...

No it is not, whore, no link, makes you a mouthy whore with an axe to grind.

Me, I own a business ................... you have no idea how much I do pay.

You have no idea how much Romney pays ...................

By implied consent, you don't offer any proof to differ, you are a mouthy whore with an axe to grind.

As for "giving blow jobs and servicing old men", we really don't need the tawdry details of your sordid life!!
Here is more information:

Tense encounter between open-carry advocate and Kalamazoo police detailed in recordings reports MLive.com

...Police considered but ultimately decided against seeking a misdemeanor charge of brandishing a firearm.

It is legal to openly carry a gun in Michigan but illegal to brandish one, which KDPS Assistant Chief Donald Webster described as essentially “waving or displaying the firearm in a threatening manner.”..

Gordon: Yes, you are being detained right now. You crossed the street illegally. Place the weapon down on the ground please.

Houseman: I will not.

Gordon radios that it appears the man will not drop his rifle.

Gordon: "Look, you crossed the street illegally; I just want to talk to you. I just want to talk to you. You're walking around here scaring people, man.

A second Public Safety vehicle arrives just after 4:11 p.m. About a minute later, Gordon asks Houseman for his name. Houseman says he is "Joe Schmoe."

"Based on training and experience I know that this is a euphemism used as an alias and knew it was not correct," Gordon would later write in his report.

Houseman: I am free to go?

Gordon: "No, you're not free to go. Right now you're committing a crime of resisting and obstructing (for failing to identify himself after being stopped for jaywalking). Now you've stepped up to a misdemeanor crime.

Houseman: Why don't you (expletive) shoot me?

Gordon: I don't want to shoot you; I'm not here to do that.

As the interaction continues, Houseman talks of a coming revolution, and calls police officers "gang members" with a "history of violence." While the audio is scattered -- Houseman was across the street from Gordon and it was a somewhat windy day -- Houseman can also be seen grabbing his genitals and making lewd gestures toward Gordon...

KDPS Lt. Stacey Geik takes over as commanding officer and directs officer Jon Schipper to be the "use of force applier ... if need be." Houseman still refuses to provide his name or identification to officers and can be heard directing numerous expletives toward them.

Houseman has his gun in the "parade-arms" position throughout the encounter, though he can be seen switching it from hand to hand, Giek later noted in his report. Houseman can be seen fumbling with the gun while reaching for chewing tobacco from a tin in his pocket.

Geik tells a dispatcher Houseman is "highly agitated" and "does not like police."

"He is exercising his open carry rights, however, he has certainly overextended them at this point," Geik says.

The lieutenant asks officer Peter Hoyt if this is the same open-carry advocate he has dealt with before. Hoyt says it is.

About two minutes later, Houseman agrees to sit on the ground and place his gun down. He allows Geik to approach him and take the carbine rifle, which Geik discovers to be empty of ammunition.

So, yes, Houseman was screaming about Revolution, yes, he has a problem with cops.

And apparently, the gun was not loaded. My mistake.

your "mistake"....you flat out LIED and claimed you saw and heard cartridges hitting the ground.

you are pathetic liar.
This is the problem with stupid ignorant people. They cannot see differences between two similar but different situations.
The man was not presenting an immediate threat. I cant even tell if the gun is loaded. Yeah he was drunk and obnoxious but he never pointed the gun at anyone. And as far as I can tell he never had his finger on the trigger. The jaywalking charge is just trumped up bullshit.

If you had taken the time to actually watch the video, you would see that the officer who picked the gun up emptied cartridges out of it. It WAS loaded. That's the problem with stupid, ignorant people. They don't even take time to watch, listen or read before shooting off at the mouth.

Its rabbi....you should know better than to bother.

its scat....you should have known better than to trust him....he LIED

watch the video

not sure what the issue is on your end, but i could watch the video. there are no cartridges being expelled from the gun. statis lied.

Yes, cartridges are being expelled. You can hear them hit the ground.


No, you are the liar. and A fucking troll-deluxe.

Now, back to the OP, here is the video once again:

The cop empties the gun starting at 9:34 into the video. Between 9:36-9:37, you see that the cartridge-pack, aka, clip, has been removed and is falling to the ground. He pumps the gun, now with the cartridge out, at 9:39-9:40, just to check for stray bullets. He picks up that cartridge at 9:42.

I wonder if the police even did their job enough to write a police report about this...

Yurt is a stupid troll.

Yurt is right. You're an idiot.
For starters he dropped "cartridge pack" (seriously??) on the grass. What was anyone supposed to hear? There was no sound at all. So you lied when you wrote you could hear the rounds hit the ground.
Second, he drops the mag on the ground and clears the chamber. I saw no cartridge eject from it. Iwatched the video about 5 times blowing it up to large size. No cartridge visible. Finally the cop puts the magazine back in the gun. He's just taken it from someone who might be dangerous. Why does he put a loaded magazine back? That would be against procedure. If it were loaded he would have stashed it in his pocket.
Your ignorance of guns, laws, and self defense has made you a risible spectacle on this thread.

exactly, scat is a bald face liar
BTW, Hillary is richer than Romney.

Oh, and Romney isn't a 1%er because he doesn't have a job. You have to make enough annual income to be in the top 1% to qualify. What did Hillary get for her last book deal, $12 million in advance?

So you decry a woman working (producing a book is work) in favor of some fatcat who is unemployed and living off of dividend income....paying less than his fair share in taxes all the while.

How do YOU determine what anyone's fair share is??

He pays less % in taxes than I do. Than you do.

Thats how.

Since you have no idea how much taxes I pay ............ then we know the rest of the statement is Bull Shit !!

Do you know how much he pays??

You dodged the question, Do you even pay taxes or are you a societal leech??

Link that I pay more than him or you are just another mouthy whore with an axe to grind!!

Ahh, the "whore" card is out.

The unemployed Romney pays less % taxes on his dividend income that I pay on my labor. You pay more taxes on the money you make giving blow jobs and servicing old men than he pays sitting on his ass watching you work your tongue.

At least you're not a societal leech like the governor is...

Nothing worth quoting

It's your life sparky; not mine. As I understand it, most people in your profession (prostitution) call themselves "self employed". The business you own is your own affair(s) but be a smart little tart and get paid up front...them 1% types you service have a habit of firing people without warning.
Actually, we don't pay "more". We pay a higher percentage. I doubt that you have earned enough during the entire course of your working life, to even put a dent against the taxes Romney pays in one year.

The Romneys have never worked.

Come to think of it? The Romney family moved out of America when it was time to fight wars. All of them. The Elder Romneys went to Mexico and Mittens went to France.

Where he got into an auto accident killing his passenger.

All true.
Lots of other people don't get the luxury of cops trying to talk them out of a loaded weapon for 10 minutes long.

Apparently, if you are white and a fucked up Tea Party freak, then you can do whatever the fuck you want.

I bet had that dude been black, he would have been shot.

AvgGuyIA said:
Are you people deliberately trying to start a race war?

Two things.

  1. Statistikbitch doesn't care if a race war happens in America, as he is not an American and really has no business even meddling into our business online, or anywhere else.
  2. It wouldn't matter if he were an American, because any American with a lick of common sense wouldn't give a shit what he thinks, anyway.
It's as if souls born into the American world of roses and thorns were issued id tickets. If you happen to have been born black in America sometimes it must seem like your ticket reads;

Be wary of, put on watch list, upon entrance this individual was not issued;
benefit of doubt, assumption of innocence, Constitional protection, the right to empathy, equal access to employment, freedom from unwarranted suspicion, the Lord's grace.
Any limitations of priviledges not enumerated in the foregoing shall not be constued as granting those priviledges to ticket holder.
Wow. Houseman is a special kind of tard. Is this the guy the nra would be proud of? Just because he didnt blow in the breathalyzer doesnt mean that he wasnt drunk as a skunk...just means he didnt

iblow. Fyi: he was crossing
the street illegally. They just chose not to arrest him for it. He should have beenarrested for disorderly conduct at the very least.

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