Why Did Trump Advise Against the Vaccines? Why Can't He Admit He's Wrong?


That's a curious reaction from his crowd but I think it's explainable. His supporters demonstrated that they were solidly against the vaccines. Or at least were pretending to be, because the numbers of vaccinated now is too large for them being honest.

And of course this wouldn't be the first time Trump has said something and then did a 180. He does that continuously. His proclamations have become too numerous for his ability to avoid confusion.

In fairness to Trump, no politician could run off at the mouth so much without shooting his own foot off.

In any case, the point has been made that Trump advised against the vaccines and got caught at it.

That link is just the tip of the iceberg, and on Covid alone!
Even though it was nearly 5 months ago that Trump advised against the vaccines, his loyal supporters still hang on his words.

Trump needs to come out of his closet and start being honest.
And for Dog sake, he needs to stop advising people to by into his many 'snake oil' cures!

People are dying in the thousands for nothing but political dogma!

Except he was key and instrumental in "Operation Warp Speed" that enabled Pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine in record time that incidentally was refused by Joey Xi Bai Dung and Kamaltoe Harris until after the election.
Apparently Trump doesn't either. I won't state my opinion here because it would only raise more hackles and that's not what this thread was meant to do.

Trump spoke against the vaccines and against people being vaccinated.

He has always been sure to infer that he was opposed to vaccines, but now this serves as something more than inferences that are costing lives and increasing risks to people's health.
Again...Trump ran on agendas that Repubs and Dems promised but never pursued. Trump has his flaws and ego. He knows it. But his ego is big enough that he tried to keep his promises. To prove to all his promises. Know your enemy. Trump was already a known commodity by his reputation on TV. He had to earn his acceptance as a political candidate for President.
Apparently Trump doesn't either. I won't state my opinion here because it would only raise more hackles and that's not what this thread was meant to do.

Trump spoke against the vaccines and against people being vaccinated.

He has always been sure to infer that he was opposed to vaccines, but now this serves as something more than inferences that are costing lives and increasing risks to people's health.
Once again, you only see what you want to see. Apparently you missed both Harris and Piglosi saying they would not get the "Trump vaccine" in late 2020. Run along canuck.
That's a curious reaction from his crowd but I think it's explainable. His supporters demonstrated that they were solidly against the vaccines. Or at least were pretending to be, because the numbers of vaccinated now is too large for them being honest.
No one is againt people having the choice to get vaccinated - and thus, no one is against the vaccines.

Well, except Democrats / liberals / leftists -- they -hate- the fact people have the choice to not get vaccinated and are doing everything they ycan to take that choice away.
They don't -really- believe it is my body, and thus, my choice.
In any case, the point has been made that Trump advised against the vaccines and got caught at it.

But is it true that as president, Trump "never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated," as Maddow claimed?

In short, no. Trump’s public comments about the vaccines were typically in reference to his administration’s efforts to fast-track their development. But in several cases, he touted the life-saving potential of the vaccines. And in a tweet, Trump gave the encouragement Maddow said he never did during his time in the White House.

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews," Trump tweeted Dec. 17, one day before the Food and Drug Administration cleared a second vaccine for use. "Moving along really well. Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

But is it true that as president, Trump "never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated," as Maddow claimed?

In short, no. Trump’s public comments about the vaccines were typically in reference to his administration’s efforts to fast-track their development. But in several cases, he touted the life-saving potential of the vaccines. And in a tweet, Trump gave the encouragement Maddow said he never did during his time in the White House.

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews," Trump tweeted Dec. 17, one day before the Food and Drug Administration cleared a second vaccine for use. "Moving along really well. Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

Oh gee. The OP lied.
Color me surprised.
Even though it was nearly 5 months ago that Trump advised against the vaccines, his loyal supporters still hang on his words.

Trump needs to come out of his closet and start being honest.
And for Dog sake, he needs to stop advising people to by into his many 'snake oil' cures!

People are dying in the thousands for nothing but political dogma!
Because he is not wrong. The vaccines are killing people and also destroy any chance of that person getting natural immunity.
Donald H
Guess you kinda forgot that Trump fast tracked the vaccines so the American people could get them faster.

Of course its up to each individual American to decide to take the vaccine or not. That a decision each of us has to make.
No one is againt people having the choice to get vaccinated - and thus, no one is against the vaccines.

Well, except Democrats / liberals / leftists -- they -hate- the fact people have the choice to not get vaccinated and are doing everything they ycan to take that choice away.
They don't -really- believe it is my body, and thus, my choice.
They are wanting validation for their own sheepish actions. If they are protected, why do they care if I am protected or not? This even rises to the point of disregarding people's natural immunity after they were infected. Many vaxxers, the ones who demand total compliance, are simple morons that need to keep their noses on their own faces.
But is it true that as president, Trump "never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated," as Maddow claimed?
In short, no. Trump’s public comments about the vaccines were typically in reference to his administration’s efforts to fast-track their development. But in several cases, he touted the life-saving potential of the vaccines. And in a tweet, Trump gave the encouragement Maddow said he never did during his time in the White House.

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews," Trump tweeted Dec. 17, one day before the Food and Drug Administration cleared a second vaccine for use. "Moving along really well. Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

Perhaps a lot of the confusion is being caused by Trump's habit of saying one thing and then reversing himself so often

That's a record on Trump spinning 180 on Covid a dozen times. And that's only talking about him doing it on Covid.

However, this topic is now mostly about attempts to show that Trump has spoken in favour of the vaccines, when the point is only on the proof that he spoke against the vaccines.

So why all the resistence to the fact when there's no doubt at all that the political right is opposed to being vaccinated (pretending mostly) when in their hearts they would hope Trump is too.

And in fact his crowd boos him when he needed to resort to damage control and advise pro on the vaxxes.

This is denial on a conspicuous level by Trump's supporters who aren't able to acknowledge the proof offered here in the OP.
They are wanting validation for their own sheepish actions. If they are protected, why do they care if I am protected or not?
The left generally operations from a condition of fear - they are afraid of X, and if they are afraid, you should be afraid as well.
Being liberals, they look to the state to protect them from their fears, not having the mental or physical capacity to do it themselves.
Then they see people who -aren't- afraid and/or who - can - protect themselves -- and,naturally, feel inadequate.
So, they try to get the state to remove these ability of these people to protect themselves - so all will be as inadaquete as they are.

In a nutshell.
Because he is not wrong. The vaccines are killing people and also destroy any chance of that person getting natural immunity.
That's the mountain Trump and his supporters have to climb!
Currently the perception is very strongly in favour of the vaccines and so that forces Trump to pretend that he's for them.
If perceptions could ever be changed to being negative on the vaccines in the minds of the people, then Trump could do another 180 and once again advise against the vaccines.

His supporters have no fear in climbing that mountain, as you have so openly demonstrated!

But then Trump didn't even try to climb the hill and go with the mob to the Capitol either, as he promised!
Trump is a bloated fool stumbling around on banty rooster legs, with feet of clay.
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