Why Did Trump Advise Against the Vaccines? Why Can't He Admit He's Wrong?

Perhaps a lot of the confusion is being caused by Trump's habit of saying one thing and then reversing himself so often

That's a record on Trump spinning 180 on Covid a dozen times. And that's only talking about him doing it on Covid.

However, this topic is now mostly about attempts to show that Trump has spoken in favour of the vaccines, when the point is only on the proof that he spoke against the vaccines.

So why all the resistence to the fact when there's no doubt at all that the political right is opposed to being vaccinated (pretending mostly) when in their hearts they would hope Trump is too.

And in fact his crowd boos him when he needed to resort to damage control and advise pro on the vaxxes.

This is denial on a conspicuous level by Trump's supporters who aren't able to acknowledge the proof offered here in the OP.

I can't read your article as it is behind a paywall, but the fact remains Trump never discouraged adults from getting the COVID vaccine. The Democrats, on the other hand, did, prior to them defeating him in the election. "Operation Warp Speed" was one of his signature achievements that he repeatedly touted leading up to the end of his term.

You're a great example at how people can believe misinformation if it's repeated enough and it's what you want to hear.
But is it true that as president, Trump "never encouraged Americans to get vaccinated," as Maddow claimed?

In short, no. Trump’s public comments about the vaccines were typically in reference to his administration’s efforts to fast-track their development. But in several cases, he touted the life-saving potential of the vaccines. And in a tweet, Trump gave the encouragement Maddow said he never did during his time in the White House.

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews," Trump tweeted Dec. 17, one day before the Food and Drug Administration cleared a second vaccine for use. "Moving along really well. Get those ‘shots’ everyone!"

There was no vaccine at the time it was under development. Trump did recommend the use of the vaccine...

Perhaps a lot of the confusion is being caused by Trump's habit of saying one thing and then reversing himself so often

That's a record on Trump spinning 180 on Covid a dozen times. And that's only talking about him doing it on Covid.

However, this topic is now mostly about attempts to show that Trump has spoken in favour of the vaccines, when the point is only on the proof that he spoke against the vaccines.

So why all the resistence to the fact when there's no doubt at all that the political right is opposed to being vaccinated (pretending mostly) when in their hearts they would hope Trump is too.

And in fact his crowd boos him when he needed to resort to damage control and advise pro on the vaxxes.

This is denial on a conspicuous level by Trump's supporters who aren't able to acknowledge the proof offered here in the OP.
Do you realize the WP is a terrible source for anything political?
That's the mountain Trump and his supporters have to climb!
Currently the perception is very strongly in favour of the vaccines and so that forces Trump to pretend that he's for them.
If perceptions could ever be changed to being negative on the vaccines in the minds of the people, then Trump could do another 180 and once again advise against the vaccines.

His supporters have no fear in climbing that mountain, as you have so openly demonstrated!
Bottom line, the vaccine is killing people.
I can't read your article as it is behind a paywall, but the fact remains Trump never discouraged adults from getting the COVID vaccine. The Democrats, on the other hand, did, prior to them defeating him in the election. "Operation Warp Speed" was one of his signature achievements that he repeatedly touted leading up to the end of his term.

You're a great example at how people can believe misinformation if it's repeated enough and it's what you want to hear.
I'm willing to hear you out if you want to carry on an extended conversation on your suggestion of my character. 'Misinformation' is close enough to the topic in my opinion to be discussed here. Be specific.
At this point what difference does it make anyway
See, that’s the proper use of that phrase for chronic TDS.
1.Operation Warp Speed… Had that not happened you wouldn’t have a vaccine this fast and it started under Trump.

2. The vaccine is not a cure nor does it stop the spread not the fact you can still contract the virus and die.

3. After you read two you will say those that die from Covid after being vaccinated is small, well that could also be said about children, so why the push?

Final Note in this response:

The better question is why has Biden failed to sell the vaccine even to minorities and why do you ignore the fact the vaccine is weak and some prefer to wait and see before taking it?
Even though it was nearly 5 months ago that Trump advised against the vaccines, his loyal supporters still hang on his words.

Trump needs to come out of his closet and start being honest.
And for Dog sake, he needs to stop advising people to by into his many 'snake oil' cures!

People are dying in the thousands for nothing but political dogma!
Liberal using a false premise? No way!
Your misinformation stem from you proclaiming something that has been debunked.
I've been waiting for your comment, rather than just your disapprovals.
Stem me something specific or you're just wasting my time.
I've been waiting for your comment, rather than just your disapprovals.
Stem me something specific or you're just wasting my time.
I did and you ignored it as usual because you can not and will not accept reality!

Taz has supplied enough information to show that you are just trolling with misinformation and refuse to accept that Trump clearly made it where we have a damn vaccine!

So get a damn clue and answer why are minorities ignoring Biden when it come to the vaccine?
How is it that Trump's supporters can defend this sort of ridiculous behaviour?

Feb. 26: “This is a flu. This is like a flu.” “Now, you treat this like a flu.” “It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for.”

March 31: “It’s not the flu. It’s vicious.”

Can that serve to make the point that nobody can believe Trump when his gums start flapping?
No bloody wonder they are trying to brush Trump's words that are quoted in the OP, under a carpet!

So many Americans need to come to the realization that they have been snookered by a con artist!
How is it that Trump's supporters can defend this sort of ridiculous behaviour?

Feb. 26: “This is a flu. This is like a flu.” “Now, you treat this like a flu.” “It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for.”

March 31: “It’s not the flu. It’s vicious.”

Can that serve to make the point that nobody can believe Trump when his gums start flapping?
No bloody wonder they are trying to brush Trump's words that are quoted in the OP, under a carpet!

So many Americans need to come to the realization that they have been snookered by a con artist!
Same way you forgot what Pelosi, the Mayor of New York and many other Democrats said when the virus started to spread!

Funny how the third in line for the Presidency played the virus down when it started to spread but you remember what Trump said…

On this being a pandemic​

Jan. 22: On whether he was worried about a pandemic: “No, we’re not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”
March 17: “I’ve always known this … is a pandemic. I’ve felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”


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