Why Did We Invade Iraq?

Saddam broke the cess fire agreement and was shooting at our planes.
The obvious question is why would that remain an obscure item of information?

Sad reality is Saddam was the best thing for Iraq.
Could be. I don't know. What I do know is we Americans tend to presume our values and ideals should prevail all over the world.

And yet you expect the same thing with your demands on countries the world over from the middle east to Africa to accept homosexuals behavior and girls getting a education.

So you think our values are bad? Values that have made us a great nation that leads the world in science, infrastructure and r&d. Values of human rights and advancement...

There isn't much better then what America stands for.
Bad or good is utterly irrelevant. The fact is they are OUR values and not theirs. You cant go around demanding others believe as you do. That does not create more friends and certainly does not convince people that your values are superior.

You can’t force democracy at the end of a barrel – that is not how such things work. The people need to want it. All we are doing in our nation building is setting up foreign governments that the people are not going to recognize as their own.

It is akin to England deciding that our system is to damn corrupt and a parliamentary system would be better. Then they bomb the shit out of us, take over Washington and allow us to ‘vote’ for our new constitution that incorporated the changes they want.

Would you see that as an American government? I know I wouldn’t and I would not accept it. It would always be a foreign government instilled by another nation. I think that the failures in Iraq show us that nation building is an asinine idea.
Iraq might not be better off, but at least the rest of the world is without Saddam supporting terrorists.

Saddam gassed his own people. He murdered people practically indiscriminately. He looted the country. He helped his favorites out of Tikrit at the expense of other tribes in the country.
Can anyone honestly say Iraqis are not better off?

America can proudly say "And I helped". The support he received from Western nations (thanks Ronnie) during the Iran war allowed him to rule at home with an Iron Fist and keep the Iranian hordes from over running Iraq.

Iraq used to be the most secular of all Arab Nations. Women had more rights. After more that 30 year of US intervention, I don't believe the Iraqis are better off.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

Yes, why did we invade Iraq

1. So there were no human rights in Iraq, that is not our concern.
2. So Saddam literally killed thousands of children with poison gas, not our concern.
3. Saddam hosted terrorists in his country, not our concern
4. Saddam paid people in Israel for killing Jewish and Christian people, not our concern.
5. Saddam had Industrial Scale Chemical Bomb factories, not our concern
6. Saddam had a Nuclear Weapons program, not our concern.
7. Saddam tortured people, who cares
8. Saddam's sons literally raped women, who cares

Many people in the World have fled Tyrants, these people have no right to speak out against Dictators or Governments that kill and torture and rape people.

Victims of Tyrants should keep their mouths shut and sit quietly where and if they find a place that will take them.

Further, Tyrants, death, murder, and rape are easily contained within borders of states, so its really nobody's business.

Iraq was a festering sore on the world, like so many others, an infected scab, we are told its a new world with a new economy and what we do in the USA effects others yet when there is obvious murder and destruction taking place we are suppose to ignore it like we have zero responsibility in life.

My great grandmother was raped by this tyrannical piece of work, My great-grandmother was raped by a soldier of Iraq, my lineage is born of rape, I am a bastard, my family fled in disgrace and shame, further it was stated that my Grandmother committed the crime, not the rapist.

So I, the refugee, me, who had to flee for my life, I am not to speak out against Saddam Hussein who continued to rape and kill my family.

It was wrong for the only Nation that could stop this to stop this?

I the victim of rape, murder, and tyranny, I can not speak out against the murderer?

People here actually say this was good for me, Saddam was good for me and my family?

The foolish and ignorant who believe Saddam should of been left alone are actually helping the criminal, you choose the side of the Murderer/Rapist.

Rape and Murder is wrong yet you still state Saddam had the right to murder and rape.

I thank you on behalf of my relatives left behind, that died, that were raped, at the hands of the Dictator.

I especially must that you for my 10 year old niece who died of internal bleeding shortly after being gang raped by Iraqi Soldiers. She lived long enough to understand her death was at the hands of rape well the USA looked the other way.

Such sad excuses for humans, those who think its not up to us, the usa, the only country in the world who can stop this abuse of human life.

China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and about 100 other countries are the same as Iraq was under Saddam. The US never attacked those countries after 9/11, I wonder why not? :dunno:

That Saddam did what he did is really not the US' problem, and that's not why they were invaded by the US after 9/11, it was for their oil. And lack of a real army after Desert Storm. So in fact, the US army are a bunch of cowards who only attack the weak, that's why Americans died in Iraq.

weak cowards? I kind of do not remember China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or Russia starting War with a country supplying the everyone in the World with oil, Kuwait.

No, Americans die because some Americans are political hacks, because some Americans believe that Dictators should be left alone to rape and murder. Sure, there are a lot of problems in the world, but our biggest problem is the people in the USA, the real cowards who call the greatest men in the world weak cowards. How pathetic, in all seriousness.

All the Democrats and Liberals do is cry like selfish babies when anyone but themselves starts a war. If its a Republican that does something, its bad. If its a Democrat its good.

You should rejoice when a dictator is destroyed, yet you cry in sorrow like you lost a brother? You hate the USA, and cry for the murderer, the rapist, the dictator?
China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and about 100 other countries are the same as Iraq was under Saddam. The US never attacked those countries after 9/11, I wonder why not? :dunno:

That Saddam did what he did is really not the US' problem, and that's not why they were invaded by the US after 9/11, it was for their oil. And lack of a real army after Desert Storm. So in fact, the US army are a bunch of cowards who only attack the weak, that's why Americans died in Iraq.

weak cowards? I kind of do not remember China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, or Russia starting War with a country supplying the everyone in the World with oil, Kuwait.

No, Americans die because some Americans are political hacks, because some Americans believe that Dictators should be left alone to rape and murder. Sure, there are a lot of problems in the world, but our biggest problem is the people in the USA, the real cowards who call the greatest men in the world weak cowards. How pathetic, in all seriousness.

All the Democrats and Liberals do is cry like selfish babies when anyone but themselves starts a war. If its a Republican that does something, its bad. If its a Democrat its good.

You should rejoice when a dictator is destroyed, yet you cry in sorrow like you lost a brother? You hate the USA, and cry for the murderer, the rapist, the dictator?

I don't see why I should give a crap why muslims are killing and raping each other half way around the world. And why WE should die for that, when other arab countries can't even be bothered to do anything about it themselves. Islam is for scum.
Russia just invaded Ukraine, just like Saddam invaded Kuwait, yet, the US army does NOTHING? Cowards? you make the call.
Cause Saddam tried to kill Daddy Bush....and for the oil. Saddam denied he had WMD even though Bush and DICK made sure all the intel was cherry picked to say he did.

Once again for the slow and pathetically stupid, Congress gets independent briefings from the Intel services. If Bush was cherry picking how come Congress agreed with him? Ohh and remember the Democrats controlled the Senate at that time.

Because interventionism has been a bipartisan policy since the end of WWII? They wanted to open the Iraqi oil fields to Western companies as well.
64-So what, Dems know what a honeymoon is, and they're not lockstep Nazis like Pubs are now...nor do they have a propaganda machine...

You actually made me laugh out loud........they have a propaganda machine, New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC......wow you are as clueless as ever

and republicans know what a honeymoon is too.....and it's fun brotha, let me tell ya.

Dems are way more lockstep than republicans, we have independent thinking, not the drones you have in your party.

I do believe their coverage was mostly pro war during the build up. It wasn't until the occupation became FUBAR that they began to question President Bushes occupation policies and the rationale for the invasion.
Destabilizing an oil producing country did wonders for the profits of oil companies and oil producing countries.

Iraq had been under economic sanctions for years and years prior to the war, you idiot. The oil they were selling was only that on the black market and (supposedly) enough to use for basic necessities for its population. That country was already highly "destabilized" economically long before the war.

You should take your little show to the Conspiracy Forum.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

For the cuisine and the women.
I don't see why I should give a crap why muslims are killing and raping each other half way around the world.

That's because you are a short-sighted, morally bankrupt idiot.

No, you're a warmongering busybody who fights for oil.

So why don't you advocate for the US to attack Russia, China, North Korea...? Shit going down all around the world? Why only Iraq?
I don't see why I should give a crap why muslims are killing and raping each other half way around the world.

That's because you are a short-sighted, morally bankrupt idiot.

No, you're a warmongering busybody who fights for oil.

So why don't you advocate for the US to attack Russia, China, North Korea...? Shit going down all around the world? Why only Iraq?

Nothing but far left propaganda!
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

Operation Iraqi Liberation.
The primary goal of U.S. foreign policy as it was created in the 90's was and still is the control of central Asia via the mid east. Despite the fact that Iraq dumped the the pretro dollar and maintains massive oil reserves is secondary to the control of central Asia via Iraq, Iran and so on. This is a fight between Russia, China, the U.S. and it's lackeys in Europe. It's about empire. It's about keeping you people fat and happy with your game machines and sports.
1. We had to finish the job of cutting Iraq's balls off so they could not cause more mischief for a generation or two.

2. We had to avenge the assassination attempt on Daddy Bush I.

3. We lost two buildings on 9-11, so we needed to knock over two Muslim countries in retaliation, to teach a lesson in 100-to-1 loss ratios, to the Muslim world, should they be stupid enough to mess with us again.

4. Most of Iraq's neighbors had been egging us on to do this for years.

5. We had juvenile sugar-plum visions of Nation Building dancing around in our heads.

6. The military-industrial complex needed another infusion of cash.

7. Saddam was dumb enough to commit political (and national, and personal) suicide by toying with the perception that he possessed WMD and delivery systems.

8. Saddam was an ugly MoFo and we decided he needed a neck-lift.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

Operation Iraqi Liberation.

Not surprising that a loyal AGW cultist would believe the propaganda from the known far left MSNBC .
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does.
Annoying yes, good at what she does - it is VERY EASY to be good at bashing the other side, which ever side you're on LET ME ASK YOU THIS - did this **** ever investigate why most of the democrats voted to AUTHORIZE this war?
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