Why Did We Invade Iraq?

1. We had to finish the job of cutting Iraq's balls off so they could not cause more mischief for a generation or two.

2. We had to avenge the assassination attempt on Daddy Bush I.

3. We lost two buildings on 9-11, so we needed to knock over two Muslim countries in retaliation, to teach a lesson in 100-to-1 loss ratios, to the Muslim world, should they be stupid enough to mess with us again.

4. Most of Iraq's neighbors had been egging us on to do this for years.

5. We had juvenile sugar-plum visions of Nation Building dancing around in our heads.

6. The military-industrial complex needed another infusion of cash.

7. Saddam was dumb enough to commit political (and national, and personal) suicide by toying with the perception that he possessed WMD and delivery systems.

8. Saddam was an ugly MoFo and we decided he needed a neck-lift.

The only one on your list that comes close is #6.
1. We had to finish the job of cutting Iraq's balls off so they could not cause more mischief for a generation or two.

2. We had to avenge the assassination attempt on Daddy Bush I.

3. We lost two buildings on 9-11, so we needed to knock over two Muslim countries in retaliation, to teach a lesson in 100-to-1 loss ratios, to the Muslim world, should they be stupid enough to mess with us again.

4. Most of Iraq's neighbors had been egging us on to do this for years.

5. We had juvenile sugar-plum visions of Nation Building dancing around in our heads.

6. The military-industrial complex needed another infusion of cash.

7. Saddam was dumb enough to commit political (and national, and personal) suicide by toying with the perception that he possessed WMD and delivery systems.

8. Saddam was an ugly MoFo and we decided he needed a neck-lift.

The only one on your list that comes close is #6.
Oh, I dunno... although I wrote it tongue-in-cheek, I think there's more substance than fluff in that bit of extempore... ;-)
6. The military-industrial complex needed another infusion of cash.

It is funny to watch so many use this and hold FDR as great president. That complex that so many try and bash is what built this country. Like it or not.

Although the military budget is only 18% of the overall budget not sure how one can make such a connection.
I detest Maddow but I watched the show.

It was innuendo and insinuation nothing more.

It invited questions for sure, it looked bad...but there was nothing concrete.

Obama lied, what is your point?

According to U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the coalition mission was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."
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Obama lied, what is your point?

According to U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the coalition mission was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."
There weren't any WMD to disarm, Reagan supported Saddam's terrorism, and the Republican party couldn't give a damn less about Iraqi freedom. Bush and Blair lied.
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

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