Why Did We Invade Iraq?

Cause Saddam tried to kill Daddy Bush....and for the oil. Saddam denied he had WMD even though Bush and DICK made sure all the intel was cherry picked to say he did.

Once again for the slow and pathetically stupid, Congress gets independent briefings from the Intel services. If Bush was cherry picking how come Congress agreed with him? Ohh and remember the Democrats controlled the Senate at that time.

At the time of what? Because Republicans controlled both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court from 2001 to 2007.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cause Saddam tried to kill Daddy Bush....and for the oil. Saddam denied he had WMD even though Bush and DICK made sure all the intel was cherry picked to say he did.

Once again for the slow and pathetically stupid, Congress gets independent briefings from the Intel services. If Bush was cherry picking how come Congress agreed with him? Ohh and remember the Democrats controlled the Senate at that time.

At the time of what? Because Republicans controlled both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court from 2001 to 2007.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have schooled you on this before, the Senate was controlled by the democrats from June 2001 to Dec 2002. Do I need to link it for you again cause you are to stupid to remember?

To be exact June 6 2001 to November 24 2002 the Senate was run by Democrats. The vote for using force was taken before Nov 24th 2002. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/107th_United_States_Congress
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Cause Saddam tried to kill Daddy Bush....and for the oil. Saddam denied he had WMD even though Bush and DICK made sure all the intel was cherry picked to say he did.

Once again for the slow and pathetically stupid, Congress gets independent briefings from the Intel services. If Bush was cherry picking how come Congress agreed with him? Ohh and remember the Democrats controlled the Senate at that time.

At the time of what? Because Republicans controlled both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court from 2001 to 2007.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I love it when I use your own sources against you...read the fine print dumbass.......and follow politics

^ The Democratic Party controlled the 107th Congress from January 3 to January 20, 2001 (50/50 tie with Vice President Gore as the deciding vote) and from May 24, 2001 to January 3, 2003 (after Senator Jim Jeffords left the Republican Party to become an Independent and caucus with the Democrats).

You really don't know shit or even read your own stuff. You got served my friend
Once again for the slow and pathetically stupid, Congress gets independent briefings from the Intel services. If Bush was cherry picking how come Congress agreed with him? Ohh and remember the Democrats controlled the Senate at that time.

At the time of what? Because Republicans controlled both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court from 2001 to 2007.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I love it when I use your own sources against you...read the fine print dumbass.......and follow politics

^ The Democratic Party controlled the 107th Congress from January 3 to January 20, 2001 (50/50 tie with Vice President Gore as the deciding vote) and from May 24, 2001 to January 3, 2003 (after Senator Jim Jeffords left the Republican Party to become an Independent and caucus with the Democrats).

You really don't know shit or even read your own stuff. You got served my friend

According to the wiki June 6th is when he switched parties. and November 25 is when Wellstone? died ?
64-So what, Dems know what a honeymoon is, and they're not lockstep Nazis like Pubs are now...nor do they have a propaganda machine...
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So what, Dems know what a honeymoon is, and they're not lockstep Nazis like Pubs are now...nor do they have a propaganda machine...

So November 2002 was still a honeymoon? And IF as claimed by you retards Bush lied, why would the Dems vote with him when they had their own sources from intel channels separate and distinct from Bush?
64-So what, Dems know what a honeymoon is, and they're not lockstep Nazis like Pubs are now...nor do they have a propaganda machine...

You actually made me laugh out loud........they have a propaganda machine, New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC......wow you are as clueless as ever

and republicans know what a honeymoon is too.....and it's fun brotha, let me tell ya.

Dems are way more lockstep than republicans, we have independent thinking, not the drones you have in your party.
Saddam broke the cess fire agreement and was shooting at our planes.

Sad reality is Saddam was the best thing for Iraq. :(

Probably true; however, his sons would have become a true nightmare for Iraqis as well as the rest of the world. Those idiots were complete sadistic fucks. It would not have surprised me if at some point they killed their father to take over, had they not all been disposed of.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

Yes, why did we invade Iraq

1. So there were no human rights in Iraq, that is not our concern.
2. So Saddam literally killed thousands of children with poison gas, not our concern.
3. Saddam hosted terrorists in his country, not our concern
4. Saddam paid people in Israel for killing Jewish and Christian people, not our concern.
5. Saddam had Industrial Scale Chemical Bomb factories, not our concern
6. Saddam had a Nuclear Weapons program, not our concern.
7. Saddam tortured people, who cares
8. Saddam's sons literally raped women, who cares

Many people in the World have fled Tyrants, these people have no right to speak out against Dictators or Governments that kill and torture and rape people.

Victims of Tyrants should keep their mouths shut and sit quietly where and if they find a place that will take them.

Further, Tyrants, death, murder, and rape are easily contained within borders of states, so its really nobody's business.

Iraq was a festering sore on the world, like so many others, an infected scab, we are told its a new world with a new economy and what we do in the USA effects others yet when there is obvious murder and destruction taking place we are suppose to ignore it like we have zero responsibility in life.

My great grandmother was raped by this tyrannical piece of work, My great-grandmother was raped by a soldier of Iraq, my lineage is born of rape, I am a bastard, my family fled in disgrace and shame, further it was stated that my Grandmother committed the crime, not the rapist.

So I, the refugee, me, who had to flee for my life, I am not to speak out against Saddam Hussein who continued to rape and kill my family.

It was wrong for the only Nation that could stop this to stop this?

I the victim of rape, murder, and tyranny, I can not speak out against the murderer?

People here actually say this was good for me, Saddam was good for me and my family?

The foolish and ignorant who believe Saddam should of been left alone are actually helping the criminal, you choose the side of the Murderer/Rapist.

Rape and Murder is wrong yet you still state Saddam had the right to murder and rape.

I thank you on behalf of my relatives left behind, that died, that were raped, at the hands of the Dictator.

I especially must that you for my 10 year old niece who died of internal bleeding shortly after being gang raped by Iraqi Soldiers. She lived long enough to understand her death was at the hands of rape well the USA looked the other way.

Such sad excuses for humans, those who think its not up to us, the usa, the only country in the world who can stop this abuse of human life.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

Yes, why did we invade Iraq

1. So there were no human rights in Iraq, that is not our concern.
2. So Saddam literally killed thousands of children with poison gas, not our concern.
3. Saddam hosted terrorists in his country, not our concern
4. Saddam paid people in Israel for killing Jewish and Christian people, not our concern.
5. Saddam had Industrial Scale Chemical Bomb factories, not our concern
6. Saddam had a Nuclear Weapons program, not our concern.
7. Saddam tortured people, who cares
8. Saddam's sons literally raped women, who cares

Many people in the World have fled Tyrants, these people have no right to speak out against Dictators or Governments that kill and torture and rape people.

Victims of Tyrants should keep their mouths shut and sit quietly where and if they find a place that will take them.

Further, Tyrants, death, murder, and rape are easily contained within borders of states, so its really nobody's business.

Iraq was a festering sore on the world, like so many others, an infected scab, we are told its a new world with a new economy and what we do in the USA effects others yet when there is obvious murder and destruction taking place we are suppose to ignore it like we have zero responsibility in life.

My great grandmother was raped by this tyrannical piece of work, My great-grandmother was raped by a soldier of Iraq, my lineage is born of rape, I am a bastard, my family fled in disgrace and shame, further it was stated that my Grandmother committed the crime, not the rapist.

So I, the refugee, me, who had to flee for my life, I am not to speak out against Saddam Hussein who continued to rape and kill my family.

It was wrong for the only Nation that could stop this to stop this?

I the victim of rape, murder, and tyranny, I can not speak out against the murderer?

People here actually say this was good for me, Saddam was good for me and my family?

The foolish and ignorant who believe Saddam should of been left alone are actually helping the criminal, you choose the side of the Murderer/Rapist.

Rape and Murder is wrong yet you still state Saddam had the right to murder and rape.

I thank you on behalf of my relatives left behind, that died, that were raped, at the hands of the Dictator.

I especially must that you for my 10 year old niece who died of internal bleeding shortly after being gang raped by Iraqi Soldiers. She lived long enough to understand her death was at the hands of rape well the USA looked the other way.

Such sad excuses for humans, those who think its not up to us, the usa, the only country in the world who can stop this abuse of human life.

China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and about 100 other countries are the same as Iraq was under Saddam. The US never attacked those countries after 9/11, I wonder why not? :dunno:

That Saddam did what he did is really not the US' problem, and that's not why they were invaded by the US after 9/11, it was for their oil. And lack of a real army after Desert Storm. So in fact, the US army are a bunch of cowards who only attack the weak, that's why Americans died in Iraq.
Cause Saddam tried to kill Daddy Bush....and for the oil. Saddam denied he had WMD even though Bush and DICK made sure all the intel was cherry picked to say he did.

Once again for the slow and pathetically stupid, Congress gets independent briefings from the Intel services. If Bush was cherry picking how come Congress agreed with him? Ohh and remember the Democrats controlled the Senate at that time.

Why can't you proudly proclaim that Bush was absolutely correct about everything he said and you are proud of Bush and proud of the fact we invaded and destroyed a country that didn't attack us.

Instead of whining excuses about how some of the Dems believed all those stories being told.

And Dems in the Senate. OK. Who is CIC? Dems in the Senate?

Interesting to see you people back away from a war that you first thought was such a great idea.
Rachel Maddow, whose aggressive style I often find annoying, happens to be very good at what she does. She has spent several months conducting an in-depth investigation into the truth about what motivated the Bush Administration to initiate the massive war crime which was our invasion and occupation of Iraq.

She is presenting the results of her effort in a special broadcast at 9PM on Thursday, 3/16, on MSNBC. I look forward to watching it and I'm sure some others here will, too.

Thursday. 9PM. MSNBC.

Yes, why did we invade Iraq

1. So there were no human rights in Iraq, that is not our concern.
2. So Saddam literally killed thousands of children with poison gas, not our concern.
3. Saddam hosted terrorists in his country, not our concern
4. Saddam paid people in Israel for killing Jewish and Christian people, not our concern.
5. Saddam had Industrial Scale Chemical Bomb factories, not our concern
6. Saddam had a Nuclear Weapons program, not our concern.
7. Saddam tortured people, who cares
8. Saddam's sons literally raped women, who cares

Many people in the World have fled Tyrants, these people have no right to speak out against Dictators or Governments that kill and torture and rape people.

Victims of Tyrants should keep their mouths shut and sit quietly where and if they find a place that will take them.

Further, Tyrants, death, murder, and rape are easily contained within borders of states, so its really nobody's business.

Iraq was a festering sore on the world, like so many others, an infected scab, we are told its a new world with a new economy and what we do in the USA effects others yet when there is obvious murder and destruction taking place we are suppose to ignore it like we have zero responsibility in life.

My great grandmother was raped by this tyrannical piece of work, My great-grandmother was raped by a soldier of Iraq, my lineage is born of rape, I am a bastard, my family fled in disgrace and shame, further it was stated that my Grandmother committed the crime, not the rapist.

So I, the refugee, me, who had to flee for my life, I am not to speak out against Saddam Hussein who continued to rape and kill my family.

It was wrong for the only Nation that could stop this to stop this?

I the victim of rape, murder, and tyranny, I can not speak out against the murderer?

People here actually say this was good for me, Saddam was good for me and my family?

The foolish and ignorant who believe Saddam should of been left alone are actually helping the criminal, you choose the side of the Murderer/Rapist.

Rape and Murder is wrong yet you still state Saddam had the right to murder and rape.

I thank you on behalf of my relatives left behind, that died, that were raped, at the hands of the Dictator.

I especially must that you for my 10 year old niece who died of internal bleeding shortly after being gang raped by Iraqi Soldiers. She lived long enough to understand her death was at the hands of rape well the USA looked the other way.

Such sad excuses for humans, those who think its not up to us, the usa, the only country in the world who can stop this abuse of human life.

China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and about 100 other countries are the same as Iraq was under Saddam. The US never attacked those countries after 9/11, I wonder why not? :dunno:

That Saddam did what he did is really not the US' problem, and that's not why they were invaded by the US after 9/11, it was for their oil. And lack of a real army after Desert Storm. So in fact, the US army are a bunch of cowards who only attack the weak, that's why Americans died in Iraq.

I wonder if it was for the Iraqi oil itself. Or if the war was just designed to raise the price of a barrel of crude no matter where it was from. Which is what happened. Oil prices always go up during a war or the threat of war.

And shortly after the invasion, oil companies started on their record profit string. All the oil producing countries got a big bonanza from the war.

Destabilizing an oil producing country did wonders for the profits of oil companies and oil producing countries.

You really think Dick Cheney is/was so fucking stupid that he didn't know what would happen to oil prices after the invasion?
I don't respond to assholes.

You dont respond when you have no answers because you've posted utter bullshit.
Yeah we get that.

How about actually contributing to the thread instead of being disruptive and attacking other posters for having an opinion?

I must say that there was a lot of re-writing going on after it was clear that no WMD would be found.

During this time, Dems were called "traitors" for their anti-war stance, conveniently shifting positions though, if Obama was the one carrying out the attacks.

Republicans of course, HATE war now. It all makes sense - the idiot wind shifts once again and It's the OTHER sides fault.
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While Governor of TX, Bush got Clinton and the Dems to believe Saddam had WMD's
And the UN. Hardly lovers of America..........except when any UN member country needs help of course.
So let me understand. Bush was a moron. The 'Shrub'. A "monkey" (now that's ironic). Too stupid to tie his own shoes right?
But he was smart enough to pull the wool over the Clinton's and Kerry and all the DEMs eyes.
Not bad for some one so dumb right?
You're an idiot.
Once again for the slow and pathetically stupid, Congress gets independent briefings from the Intel services. If Bush was cherry picking how come Congress agreed with him? Ohh and remember the Democrats controlled the Senate at that time.

At the time of what? Because Republicans controlled both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court from 2001 to 2007.

Party divisions of United States Congresses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have schooled you on this before, the Senate was controlled by the democrats from June 2001 to Dec 2002. Do I need to link it for you again cause you are to stupid to remember?

To be exact June 6 2001 to November 24 2002 the Senate was run by Democrats. The vote for using force was taken before Nov 24th 2002. 107th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry guy, you know you need 60 votes in the senate and because one Republican became "independent" doesn't mean he became a "democrat". You do know what Independent is, right? And Cheney had the deciding vote in case of a tie.

Nice try, but it was a failed try. But I understand why you had to. Republicans aren't really embarrassed they were the cause of the deaths of thousands of Americans and the maiming of tens of thousands and the bankrupting of our country. But they also understand that it's not a good thing politically to be the cause such catastrophic failure. Not if they want to subdue the country and force America to live under a right wing dictatorship. So they desperately try to lay the blame of their many failures at the feet of the Democratic Party hoping to muddy the waters. Their only path to winning is lies, deflection, voter suppression, and underhanded, sneaky and misleading campaigning. What else do they have to run on? Cut taxes? Again? Then what? Gravel roads and no schools or sewers? I don't even know right wingers who want that.
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As if there was ever any doubt that oil was the real reason behind the push for war from the very beginning of the Bush Presidency. Don't think for a minute that the policy has changed with President Obama either.

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Cato Institute

"After 70 years of broken Western promises regarding Arab independence, it should not be surprising that the West is viewed with suspicion and hostility by the populations (as opposed to some of the political regimes) of the Middle East.[3] The United States, as the heir to British imperialism in the region, has been a frequent object of suspicion. Since the end of World War II, the United States, like the European colonial powers before it, has been unable to resist becoming entangled in the region’s political conflicts. Driven by a desire to keep the vast oil reserves in hands friendly to the United States, a wish to keep out potential rivals (such as the Soviet Union), opposition to neutrality in the cold war, and domestic political considerations, the United States has compiled a record of tragedy in the Middle East."

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