Why Didn't any Democrats Vote For the Temporary Spending Bill?

My solution to end a government shutdown is to eliminate all funding to Ukraine.
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Because of this unanimous Democrat opposition to funding our government, children will starve, soldiers will go unpaid, the elderly will freeze, bridges will crumble, and that mule ride guy in Jelly Stone Park will have to close down again.

How angry are the Democrats on here at their party for shutting down the government?
You mean why won't Democrats vote to...
Eliminate UKR support
Defund Trump investigations
Abuse appointees based on their race
Cut SS, Medicare

Golly, it's a mystery Scooby
Now see that argument might make some headway if that was the objective of the Republicans. It isn’t.

MTG won’t vote for any funding so long as Ukraine gets anything. She isn’t just holding up Defense but everything like the spoiled little bitch she is.

Two of the Obstruction Caucus won’t vote for anything until all woke policies are eliminated from the Military. Oh and all social programs are cut by upwards to 20%.

They originally agreed to 8% cuts but once they got those, demanded more.
MTG is one person. Two of the Obstruction Caucus are two more for a total of three people.
Honestly. If I was McCarthy I’d dare the morons to remove me and then use the last of my influence to vote a Democrat in as speaker. That speaker could daily find the Obstruction Caucus out of order and have them removed from the rest of the day.

The Trump supporters so called, will get the blame. Rightly so.
I'm afraid that the idea behind that bolded sentence is spreading like a social contagion. The idea is this:

If someone disagrees with me, it is easier to simply silence them rather than persuade them or others through logic and facts.

It is a fascist mindset, and will change the nature of the United States. If MTG and the others are so horrible, surely their voters will remove them at the next opportunity. Then the Twoparties can get back to growing government to unlimited levels.
Okay Trollbie


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How the Shutdown Holdouts Have Antagonized McCarthy Before​

By Karen Yourish and Lazaro Gamio Sept. 29, 2023

The Republicans Who Voted Against McCarthy’s Stopgap Measure​

The GOP isn’t united? No!!! Tell me more, Lib
As one example of the pure obstructionism from the radical right.

House Republicans voted down their own proposal to approve a short-term spending bill to fund the government, as well as a separate effort that would have cut numerous essential government services by at least 30 percent. The failure left House GOP’s leadership path forward unclear.

Typically, funding showdowns in divided government between Congress and the White House have featured pitched battles over specific policies, such as Trump’s border wall or Obamacare. But budget experts and historians say the current impasse stands out for its lack of a clear policy disagreement.

So let’s take a moment and consider that. The extremists in the Republican Party demanded 30% cuts in the Bill. They got it. And still voted against it.

So help me out. How is this anything but a Republican Shut Down? Radical Republicans. Extremists. Spoiled children who won’t agree even when you give them everything they want.
Continuing the involve us in the war in Ukraine is not giving them everything that they want. Standing firm on that issue may lead to a shutdown, but the actual consequences of a supposed "government shut down" are far less severe than getting us into an even worse version of Afghanistan.
Continuing the involve us in the war in Ukraine is not giving them everything that they want. Standing firm on that issue may lead to a shutdown, but the actual consequences of a supposed "government shut down" are far less severe than getting us into an even worse version of Afghanistan.

Oh bullshit. Let’s say you own a factory. I am negotiating to have you build product to a price. You agree to all of my terms. You have agreed to everything I asked for. And now as we go to sign the deal, I say nope. I’ll let you know next week what the new deal will be and what changes you will have to make.

You would be disgusted with me. You would accuse me of negotiating in bad faith. And you would be right. There are actually laws that prohibit such behavior in business. See Elon being sued to go through with the Twitter purchase as one example.

So if the Obstruction Caucus is negotiating in bad faith, how can anyone seriously expect anyone to negotiate with them ever again? That isn’t silencing them. That is bypassing them. That is making them irrelevant.

So McCarthy should be lining up a dozen Republican votes for the Senate Bill and put it up for a vote. Let the whiners and the obstructionists sit on the sidelines and rant and rave.
Oh bullshit. Let’s say you own a factory. I am negotiating to have you build product to a price. You agree to all of my terms. You have agreed to everything I asked for. And now as we go to sign the deal, I say nope. I’ll let you know next week what the new deal will be and what changes you will have to make.

You would be disgusted with me. You would accuse me of negotiating in bad faith. And you would be right. There are actually laws that prohibit such behavior in business. See Elon being sued to go through with the Twitter purchase as one example.

So if the Obstruction Caucus is negotiating in bad faith, how can anyone seriously expect anyone to negotiate with them ever again? That isn’t silencing them. That is bypassing them. That is making them irrelevant.

So McCarthy should be lining up a dozen Republican votes for the Senate Bill and put it up for a vote. Let the whiners and the obstructionists sit on the sidelines and rant and rave.
You show me where any specific Republican first said they would agree to X terms and then said, no X + Y, and I'll say you have a point.

But that point will be that the GOP is learning to plateau bargain, as the Dems have done since the Depression, which got us to this incredibly bloated government that we have now.
Oh bullshit. Let’s say you own a factory. I am negotiating to have you build product to a price. You agree to all of my terms. You have agreed to everything I asked for. And now as we go to sign the deal, I say nope. I’ll let you know next week what the new deal will be and what changes you will have to make.

You would be disgusted with me. You would accuse me of negotiating in bad faith. And you would be right. There are actually laws that prohibit such behavior in business. See Elon being sued to go through with the Twitter purchase as one example.

So if the Obstruction Caucus is negotiating in bad faith, how can anyone seriously expect anyone to negotiate with them ever again? That isn’t silencing them. That is bypassing them. That is making them irrelevant.

So McCarthy should be lining up a dozen Republican votes for the Senate Bill and put it up for a vote. Let the whiners and the obstructionists sit on the sidelines and rant and rave.
Did you ever answer the question as to why Dems did not vote for it? The government shuts down TO-MOR-Row for Pete's sake and they are playing games instead of sending the Senate a spending bill.

The more you love government, the more you should realize that a thirty percent cut is better than a one hundred percent cut.

Oh bullshit. Let’s say you own a factory. I am negotiating to have you build product to a price. You agree to all of my terms. You have agreed to everything I asked for. And now as we go to sign the deal, I say nope. I’ll let you know next week what the new deal will be and what changes you will have to make.

You would be disgusted with me. You would accuse me of negotiating in bad faith. And you would be right. There are actually laws that prohibit such behavior in business. See Elon being sued to go through with the Twitter purchase as one example.

So if the Obstruction Caucus is negotiating in bad faith, how can anyone seriously expect anyone to negotiate with them ever again? That isn’t silencing them. That is bypassing them. That is making them irrelevant.

So McCarthy should be lining up a dozen Republican votes for the Senate Bill and put it up for a vote. Let the whiners and the obstructionists sit on the sidelines and rant and rave.
Joe leaves 85 billion dollars of equipment in Afghanistan and we have spent over 120 billion dollars in Ukraine. Two years and 200 billion dollars gone. Imagine domestic infrastructure improvements. All of the money we have wasted. We should be living like the Jetsons compared to others living like the Flintstones.

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