Why didn't House Democrats follow normal protocol to call impeachment witnesses?

They issued a subpoena to Mulvaney, who refused to comply. Clearly, Executive Privilege could be used as the reason. But Trump's attorneys argue that the subpoena was invalid because the underlying reason for issuing it was the "impeachment inquiry", but the problem with that is Nazi Pelousy never held the required vote to implement an impeachment inquiry.

The reason for refusing to comply doesn't matter. Normal protocol when a subpoena is denied is to take it to the courts to get a ruling.

Why didn't Nazi and her House Clowns follow normal protocol? The withdrew the Muclvaney subpeona and did not go to court. Instead, they rushed a vote and are now over at the Senate begging jurors to conduct an investigation that was their responsibility.

Board Dimwingers refuse to acknowledge the responsibility for not having the witnesses they now claim is crucial to their "overwhelming" case is on the House Clowns. Not Trump. Not the Senate.

Once again, don't argue whether or not the reason for challenging the subpoena is valid. That will get nothing done here. That's is now a question for the courts. Dimwingers refused to go to the courts.

So stop trying to blame Trump and the Senate for the failures of your House Clowns to do their job.

House subpoena for the Fast and Furious documents was issued in 2011. Barry asserted executive privilege and it went to court, that settled the case mid last year. Since House was taken over by Dems, the case was pushed under the rug. What important is that there was the procedure in place, and it was followed.

I have no clue why Dems didn't follow the procedure. IMO, they wanted to create the scandal and hope to somehow damage Trumps chances to be re-elected. They also tried to delegitimatize Senate for being "partisan", while ignoring their own partisanship. They rush to impeach without case against Trump, just to hold the Articles for more than a month before sending it to Senate. I suspect they used that pause to pressure Senate into changing rules that would be favorable to them and they used media as megaphone for their intentions.

The Obama admin released thousands of documents related to F&F right away. Others were held under privilege. It went to court and 2 years later some sixty thousand documents were released.

Trump has outright refused to release anything and has not invoked executive privilege even once.

No comparison.

Then, why House didn't go to court?

Without even mentioning any crimes, there was dead body of US Customs agent as result of the Fast & Furious. No comparison, right?

They did go to court.
Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is Legal

The better question is why is the Trump admin is not cooperating with subpoenas?
Howell is a far-left hack appointed by Obama and she worked for Patrick Leahy for 10 years.

Part of that ruling has already been reversed, the rest is still on appeal.

You lose again.

Oh, ok.
You mean the obstruction is ongoing.
"Skated" from what?
Who and how much a company's board pays to be a member is their business and is not evidence of corruption.
Can you point to a corrupt act?
With a loser like hunter biden its a very strong indicator that corruption is taking place

So, no then? You can only suppose there were corrupt acts because he was a "loser".
There are more than enough red flags for an investigation

So why isn't the DOJ investigating?
I already gave you the reason

Joe biden is a powerful inside washington swamp rat and the other swamp rats are protecting him
Oh. So Barr is a swamp rat? He's said Trump never asked him to look into Biden.
well wait, didn't the prosecutors bring sworn testimony from 13 witnesses to the floor? The Trump side had no witnesses. didn't need them. what's so unusual about that at a trial? you're truly messed in the head confused dude.

what went over your head stu?

It made no sense. There was no itelligible point. Try again
so you ignored the fact that 13 witnesses were called. interesting, and then say it was intelligible. Check your spelling on that word BTW.

I ignored nothing. I'm asking what your point is and why is it relevant to what I posted.
I guess if you don't know your point, nor do we.
Paid board positions are not uncommon. Soliciting people to hold board positions who could be influential in accomplishing the organization's goals is what every board does.

There is no evidence of corruption. Only supposition.

Ah, so you're now claiming that it's "common" to hire a drug addict lawyer with absolutely zero experience in the energy field or in the Ukraine to sit on the board of an energy company in the Ukraine...a position that pays a large sum of money and never requires that the board member step foot in the Ukraine? Care to point out someone else that's been given one of those jobs, Hutch? Since it's common you should be able to name a bunch...right?

I said it's common to have people who could be influential to their goals on the board.
Again. You have no idea of what H Biden's role was. Or what if any actions he nade on behalf of the board.

Corruption is an action.
He made no "actions". It was strictly a "ceremonial" position.

It was a no-show job, idiot.

Well, if he made no actions, then where are the corrupt acts? Simply taking a well paying, dick job is not corruption, dope.
Your story keeps changing.
Nope. Yours does, dope.
Again. Where are the corrupt acts?
What corrupt services did he provide for the money?
House subpoena for the Fast and Furious documents was issued in 2011. Barry asserted executive privilege and it went to court, that settled the case mid last year. Since House was taken over by Dems, the case was pushed under the rug. What important is that there was the procedure in place, and it was followed.

I have no clue why Dems didn't follow the procedure. IMO, they wanted to create the scandal and hope to somehow damage Trumps chances to be re-elected. They also tried to delegitimatize Senate for being "partisan", while ignoring their own partisanship. They rush to impeach without case against Trump, just to hold the Articles for more than a month before sending it to Senate. I suspect they used that pause to pressure Senate into changing rules that would be favorable to them and they used media as megaphone for their intentions.

The Obama admin released thousands of documents related to F&F right away. Others were held under privilege. It went to court and 2 years later some sixty thousand documents were released.

Trump has outright refused to release anything and has not invoked executive privilege even once.

No comparison.

Then, why House didn't go to court?

Without even mentioning any crimes, there was dead body of US Customs agent as result of the Fast & Furious. No comparison, right?

They did go to court.
Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is Legal

The better question is why is the Trump admin is not cooperating with subpoenas?

Was it challenged?

It's fantasy meant to obstruct.
well, actually it's within the constitution. funny how you hate that document. Any civilian can challenge a subpoena, if they follow the rules. The lawyers did that. invalid subpoena's are invalid. If they, the demofks, wished to challenge that challenge, court dates were needed. no obstruction since the demofks said no. What a way to make up fake shit. they enjoy doing it too.
what went over your head stu?

It made no sense. There was no itelligible point. Try again
so you ignored the fact that 13 witnesses were called. interesting, and then say it was intelligible. Check your spelling on that word BTW.

I ignored nothing. I'm asking what your point is and why is it relevant to what I posted.
I guess if you don't know your point, nor do we.
It's clear, dope. It was about the investigation that happened prior to the vote.
You then mentioned 13 witnesses that came after the vote. IOW irrelevant.
what went over your head stu?

It made no sense. There was no itelligible point. Try again
so you ignored the fact that 13 witnesses were called. interesting, and then say it was intelligible. Check your spelling on that word BTW.

I ignored nothing. I'm asking what your point is and why is it relevant to what I posted.
I guess if you don't know your point, nor do we.
It's clear, dope. It was about the investigation that happened prior to the vote.
You then mentioned 13 witnesses that came after the vote. IOW irrelevant.
correct within that investigation. what is it you think they did with those 13 testimonies?
With a loser like hunter biden its a very strong indicator that corruption is taking place

So, no then? You can only suppose there were corrupt acts because he was a "loser".
There are more than enough red flags for an investigation

So why isn't the DOJ investigating?
I already gave you the reason

Joe biden is a powerful inside washington swamp rat and the other swamp rats are protecting him
Oh. So Barr is a swamp rat? He's said Trump never asked him to look into Biden.
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense
House subpoena for the Fast and Furious documents was issued in 2011. Barry asserted executive privilege and it went to court, that settled the case mid last year. Since House was taken over by Dems, the case was pushed under the rug. What important is that there was the procedure in place, and it was followed.

I have no clue why Dems didn't follow the procedure. IMO, they wanted to create the scandal and hope to somehow damage Trumps chances to be re-elected. They also tried to delegitimatize Senate for being "partisan", while ignoring their own partisanship. They rush to impeach without case against Trump, just to hold the Articles for more than a month before sending it to Senate. I suspect they used that pause to pressure Senate into changing rules that would be favorable to them and they used media as megaphone for their intentions.

The Obama admin released thousands of documents related to F&F right away. Others were held under privilege. It went to court and 2 years later some sixty thousand documents were released.

Trump has outright refused to release anything and has not invoked executive privilege even once.

No comparison.

Then, why House didn't go to court?

Without even mentioning any crimes, there was dead body of US Customs agent as result of the Fast & Furious. No comparison, right?

They did go to court.
Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is Legal

The better question is why is the Trump admin is not cooperating with subpoenas?
Howell is a far-left hack appointed by Obama and she worked for Patrick Leahy for 10 years.

Part of that ruling has already been reversed, the rest is still on appeal.

You lose again.

Oh, ok.
You mean the obstruction is ongoing.

Funny how Dimwingers think if something is in our court system awaiting a final ruling it is "obstruction".

It demonstrates just how fucking clueless you are.
Ah, so you're now claiming that it's "common" to hire a drug addict lawyer with absolutely zero experience in the energy field or in the Ukraine to sit on the board of an energy company in the Ukraine...a position that pays a large sum of money and never requires that the board member step foot in the Ukraine? Care to point out someone else that's been given one of those jobs, Hutch? Since it's common you should be able to name a bunch...right?

I said it's common to have people who could be influential to their goals on the board.
Again. You have no idea of what H Biden's role was. Or what if any actions he nade on behalf of the board.

Corruption is an action.
He made no "actions". It was strictly a "ceremonial" position.

It was a no-show job, idiot.

Well, if he made no actions, then where are the corrupt acts? Simply taking a well paying, dick job is not corruption, dope.
Your story keeps changing.
Nope. Yours does, dope.
Again. Where are the corrupt acts?
What corrupt services did he provide for the money?
You wouldn't admit Biden is corrupt if he announced it on TV himself. That's how much of a brainwashed hack you are.
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.
So the best defense that Hutch can come up with for what was an obviously corrupt arrangement between Burisma and the Biden family is that technically it's OK because it's not illegal? Why do you even bother, Hutch? You can attempt to polish this turd all day long but at the end of the day...it's still gonna smell to high heavens!

What I find amusing is that it's a pretty safe bet that if Trump hadn't exposed what took place...then one of Joe's Democratic competitors for the nomination would have been more than happy to do so! You think Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or any of the other clowns in the clown car that makes up the Democratic slate of candidates are losing any sleep over Joe Biden being exposed like this?
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!

I'm enjoying the sheer spectacle of hypocrisy you're showing, Boo! You're AGHAST because Trump asked a foreign leader to look into some rather obvious influence peddling but you're OK with Obama, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Comey, Page, Strozk, Brennan and Clapper conspiring to smear the candidate of their opposition? How do you rationalize that? I mean how does that work?
The Obama admin released thousands of documents related to F&F right away. Others were held under privilege. It went to court and 2 years later some sixty thousand documents were released.

Trump has outright refused to release anything and has not invoked executive privilege even once.

No comparison.

Then, why House didn't go to court?

Without even mentioning any crimes, there was dead body of US Customs agent as result of the Fast & Furious. No comparison, right?

They did go to court.
Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is Legal

The better question is why is the Trump admin is not cooperating with subpoenas?
Howell is a far-left hack appointed by Obama and she worked for Patrick Leahy for 10 years.

Part of that ruling has already been reversed, the rest is still on appeal.

You lose again.

Oh, ok.
You mean the obstruction is ongoing.

Funny how Dimwingers think if something is in our court system awaiting a final ruling it is "obstruction".

It demonstrates just how fucking clueless you are.

Come on man, give him a break. He's only smart enough to repeat what he's told, not to think it thru.

Although, I've seen birds smarter than that... :coffee:
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
because Trump asked a foreign leader to look into some rather obvious influence peddling

As much as you'd like it to be true, it's not. The Ukrainian president assured Trumpybear many times he would look into it. We know it was not enough, he had to put himself in a box and publicly announce the investigations into both the Bidens and the DNC Server from the 2016 election. That's corrupt. I understand the former Republicans accept this type of corruption. It's like the Democrats who embrace the corruption of lying about a blowjob, only they've weaponize foreign aid against the Democrats. It's on full display, everybody in the world sees it.

Embrace it.
because Trump asked a foreign leader to look into some rather obvious influence peddling

As much as you'd like it to be true, it's not. The Ukrainian president assured Trumpybear many times he would look into it. We know it was not enough, he had to put himself in a box and publicly announce the investigations into both the Bidens and the DNC Server from the 2016 election. That's corrupt. I understand the former Republicans accept this type of corruption. It's like the Democrats who embrace the corruption of lying about a blowjob, only they've weaponize foreign aid against the Democrats. It's on full display, everybody in the world sees it.

Embrace it.

Oh, so it's OK for Democrats to "weaponize" the IRS, the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA. the NSA and the Main Stream Media against political opponents but it's not OK for Trump to simply ask that a Democrat's apparent corruption be exposed? How does that even BEGIN to make sense to you?
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
sure there is, you must have missed the hundred or so postings of that video. you should go listen to it.

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