Why didn't House Democrats follow normal protocol to call impeachment witnesses?

Oh, so it's OK for Democrats to "weaponize" the IRS, the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA.

After 6 year of endlessly investigating every leaf that fell under Obama, they found no evidence of any of that. Obama even deferred to McConnell's objection to announcing that Russia was trying to interfere.

but it's not OK for Trump to simply ask that a Democrat's apparent corruption be exposed?

You mean Blackmailing a foreign leader to publicly announce that his country was investigation Trump's main rival, and the DNC Server hack being done by Ukraine to favor Hillary. Yeah, that's just not okay. That corrupt.

Yet the foreign leader in question has repeatedly stated that he didn't feel pressured? How do you explain that? Trump asked what he did as a favor. You on the left have attempted to make it "blackmail" or "extortion" because you were trying to make it an impeachable offense!
in the Biden video

Joe was carrying out Obama's foreign policy. Which not only had the support of the EU and the IMF but lso Republican support as well. It as not done to hamstring the opposition party. Trumpybears was.
Link to this policy? Why hasn't Obama come forward to say Quid Pro Joe was blackmailing the Ukraine on his behalf?

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

"European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said. The circumstances of Mr Shokin’s sacking, which took effect in March 2016, have become a flashpoint in the impeachment saga enveloping US president Donald Trump.
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
Libs have an over active imagination
Oh, so it's OK for Democrats to "weaponize" the IRS, the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA.

After 6 year of endlessly investigating every leaf that fell under Obama, they found no evidence of any of that. Obama even deferred to McConnell's objection to announcing that Russia was trying to interfere.

but it's not OK for Trump to simply ask that a Democrat's apparent corruption be exposed?

You mean Blackmailing a foreign leader to publicly announce that his country was investigation Trump's main rival, and the DNC Server hack being done by Ukraine to favor Hillary. Yeah, that's just not okay. That corrupt.

Yet the foreign leader in question has repeatedly stated that he didn't feel pressured? How do you explain that? Trump asked what he did as a favor. You on the left have attempted to make it "blackmail" or "extortion" because you were trying to make it an impeachable offense!

Everything was contingent on the new President publicly announcing the investigations Trumpybear wanted.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
sure there is, you must have missed the hundred or so postings of that video. you should go listen to it.

Nowhere does he ever mention his son in that video, nor is the Ukrainian PM, whom you claim Good old Joe is blackmailing. How can that be a video of Joe blackmailing him when he's not even there? We know Trumpybear mentioned the DNC server/Crowdstrke and the Bidens, specifically in that phone call. But not once was the word corruption used.

When Joe was bragging on stage in front of the media (not a very bright boy our Joe!) who do you think he was referring to if not the government of the Ukraine and specifically the President? He was referencing something that took place at an earlier time...bragging about how he strong armed the Ukrainian President! Gee, Boo...do you think the Ukrainian President felt "pressured" by Biden's threat? THAT my liberal friend...is blackmail!!!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
sure there is, you must have missed the hundred or so postings of that video. you should go listen to it.

Nowhere does he ever mention his son in that video, nor is the Ukrainian PM, whom you claim Good old Joe is blackmailing. How can that be a video of Joe blackmailing him when he's not even there? We know Trumpybear mentioned the DNC server/Crowdstrke and the Bidens, specifically in that phone call. But not once was the word corruption used.
he mentions the prosecutor investigating the firm his son worked for! dude, too fking funny. derp!!! derp!!!!! And he said, I got your money but you ain't getting it until the prosecutor's fired. Dude, fking blackmail. oh, oh, and no mention of anyone supporting his actions either, just him, saying I/ me. No authority at all.

"European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said."

Subscribe to read | Financial Times
So People getting bribes and kickbacks and helping to launder Obama State Department funds ($7 Billion Disappeared) suddenly called Shokin Corrupt when he wanted to investigate that?

Geez wonder who was Secretary of State when all that money disappeared from The State Department in to The Ukraine Embassy and neither The Embassy nor The State Department can find it?

I heard George Soros, Podesta, and Manafort knows exactly where that money went.

Trump Audits suck don't they?

Kinda trashes your lying narrative, doesn't it?

Funny, Shokin still has his law license, has not been charged with a crime, still has the same shingle hanging outside his office and is still practicing law, and oh yah, filed a lawsuit just recently against Joe Biden so there is gonna be a little problem for Joe, called Discovery.

You are Welcome.
Oh, so it's OK for Democrats to "weaponize" the IRS, the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA.

After 6 year of endlessly investigating every leaf that fell under Obama, they found no evidence of any of that. Obama even deferred to McConnell's objection to announcing that Russia was trying to interfere.

but it's not OK for Trump to simply ask that a Democrat's apparent corruption be exposed?

You mean Blackmailing a foreign leader to publicly announce that his country was investigation Trump's main rival, and the DNC Server hack being done by Ukraine to favor Hillary. Yeah, that's just not okay. That corrupt.

Yet the foreign leader in question has repeatedly stated that he didn't feel pressured? How do you explain that? Trump asked what he did as a favor. You on the left have attempted to make it "blackmail" or "extortion" because you were trying to make it an impeachable offense!

Everything was contingent on the new President publicly announcing the investigations Trumpybear wanted.
Did the investigations take place? Not so much. So that means that the Ukraine didn't get it's aid correct? Oh wait...you mean they DID get that aid? Wait...you mean to tell me that unlike the Obama Administration...that sent them non lethal aid...the Trump Administration sent them a missile system to help protect them against the Russians? How can that BE, Boo?
We know what Trumpybear did and why. We know Trumpublicans in the Senate will never convict ol'Trumpybear no matter who appears or what they say. Getting Trumpublican hypocrisy front an center and bashing their candidates with it till November is the only alternative.

Enjoy the show.
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
Biden bragged about pressuring the Ukraines by withholding money
in the Biden video

Joe was carrying out Obama's foreign policy. Which not only had the support of the EU and the IMF but lso Republican support as well. It as not done to hamstring the opposition party. Trumpybears was.

With all due respect, Boo...why would Obama NEED to use foreign policy to "hamstring" the opposition party? He was already doing that with the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the FISA Court and the Main Stream Media!
We know what trump did too thanks to the transcript

and it was not an impeachable offense

Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
sure there is, you must have missed the hundred or so postings of that video. you should go listen to it.

Nowhere does he ever mention his son in that video, nor is the Ukrainian PM, whom you claim Good old Joe is blackmailing. How can that be a video of Joe blackmailing him when he's not even there? We know Trumpybear mentioned the DNC server/Crowdstrke and the Bidens, specifically in that phone call. But not once was the word corruption used.
The DNC server and crowdstrike are legitimate topics of investigation
I find it quite amazing that you could care less about The Wrath of God on Judgment Day

I'm not amazed at all at your supernaturalism. It fits you like bark.
Well, as they say, you've let yourself go all to HELL. Literally.

Hell is another, of many, supernatural constructs of man.
Tell that to God on Judgment Day as He Flings your Wicked Lying Ass in to the Eternal Lake of Fire with The AntiChrist, False Prophet their followers and all the Other Atheists and unrepentant sinners.
To quite honest I'm amazed that the Democrats felt the need to pay Glenn Simpson all that money to smear Trump! With all of the other things they were doing to try and fix the primaries and the election it kind of seems like overkill! I guess it's hard to keep someone as sleazy as Hillary is from doing what comes naturally?
in the Biden video

Joe was carrying out Obama's foreign policy. Which not only had the support of the EU and the IMF but lso Republican support as well. It as not done to hamstring the opposition party. Trumpybears was.

With all due respect, Boo...why would Obama NEED to use foreign policy to "hamstring" the opposition party? He was already doing that with the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the FISA Court and the Main Stream Media!
They used Soros NGOs in Ukraine to fund massive disinformation & protests against The Anti-Corruption Candidates and against Shokin. The Obama State Department and Ukraine Embassy still cannot find or account for the $7 Billion they lost in our Tax Dollars.

Same thing btw that Obama did in Israel when he tried to interfere in Israel's elections and those NGOs are still doing that.

And it's the same thing Obama tried with Brexit and opposing Boris Johnson.

Shokin was investigating both Burisma and Soros for corrupt activities and election tampering, as well as money laundering.

Obama was interfering in Ukraine's Elections & That's why Obama gave Joe Biden the order to get Shokin Fired.
Last edited:
To quite honest I'm amazed that the Democrats felt the need to pay Glenn Simpson all that money to smear Trump! With all of the other things they were doing to try and fix the primaries and the election it kind of seems like overkill! I guess it's hard to keep someone as sleazy as Hillary is from doing what comes naturally?
By Glenn Simpson, you really me Chris Steele & Vladimir Putin!
Yep he was coercing a foreign leader into influencing our next election. Embrace the corruption of using bipartisan foreign aid against your domestic political opponents. Enjoy!
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
sure there is, you must have missed the hundred or so postings of that video. you should go listen to it.

Nowhere does he ever mention his son in that video, nor is the Ukrainian PM, whom you claim Good old Joe is blackmailing. How can that be a video of Joe blackmailing him when he's not even there? We know Trumpybear mentioned the DNC server/Crowdstrke and the Bidens, specifically in that phone call. But not once was the word corruption used.

When Joe was bragging on stage in front of the media (not a very bright boy our Joe!) who do you think he was referring to if not the government of the Ukraine and specifically the President? He was referencing something that took place at an earlier time...bragging about how he strong armed the Ukrainian President! Gee, Boo...do you think the Ukrainian President felt "pressured" by Biden's threat? THAT my liberal friend...is blackmail!!!

So it's not a video of Joe blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, just Joe bragging about how he implemented Obama's foreign policy.

Timeline: Trump, Giuliani, Bidens, and Ukraine (updated)

Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption.

While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus.

Oct. 8, 2015 – U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland continues the drumbeat on the need for stepped-up anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine, telling the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in testimony that “the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) has to be reinvented as an institution that serves the citizens of Ukraine, rather than ripping them off.” She continues, “That means it must investigate and successfully prosecute corruption and asset recovery cases, including locking up dirty personnel in the PGO itself.”

Fall 2015 – Biden, along with the EU, publicly calls for ouster of Prosecutor General Shokin for failure to work on anti-corruption efforts.

John E. Herbst, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine under George W. Bush, later testified before Congress:

“By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin’s removal as the start of an overall reform of the Procurator General’s Office. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv.”

Dec. 8, 2015 – Vice President Biden makes a speech to Ukraine’s Parliament urging the country to step up anti-corruption measures.
when did he do that? he was looking at a video from Biden where he blackmailed a PM of Ukraine with our money. tell me how that's influencing 2020? And if the Ukraine government handed back laundered money.

There is no video of Biden blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, much less coercing the Ukraine investigating his political rivals like ol'Trumpybear did. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Enjoy the corruption. It makes Putinbear smile.
sure there is, you must have missed the hundred or so postings of that video. you should go listen to it.

Nowhere does he ever mention his son in that video, nor is the Ukrainian PM, whom you claim Good old Joe is blackmailing. How can that be a video of Joe blackmailing him when he's not even there? We know Trumpybear mentioned the DNC server/Crowdstrke and the Bidens, specifically in that phone call. But not once was the word corruption used.

When Joe was bragging on stage in front of the media (not a very bright boy our Joe!) who do you think he was referring to if not the government of the Ukraine and specifically the President? He was referencing something that took place at an earlier time...bragging about how he strong armed the Ukrainian President! Gee, Boo...do you think the Ukrainian President felt "pressured" by Biden's threat? THAT my liberal friend...is blackmail!!!

So it's not a video of Joe blackmailing anyone on behalf of his son, just Joe bragging about how he implemented Obama's foreign policy.

Timeline: Trump, Giuliani, Bidens, and Ukraine (updated)

Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption.

While giving Shokin a last chance to shape up (Pyatt says, “We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption.”), the ambassador criticizes “officials at the PGO’s office” for not providing documents that were needed for the British investigation of Burisma owner Zlochevskiy and effectively allowing Zlochevskiy to transfer $23 million of what Pyatt says were Ukrainian taxpayer assets to Cyprus.

Oct. 8, 2015 – U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland continues the drumbeat on the need for stepped-up anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine, telling the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in testimony that “the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) has to be reinvented as an institution that serves the citizens of Ukraine, rather than ripping them off.” She continues, “That means it must investigate and successfully prosecute corruption and asset recovery cases, including locking up dirty personnel in the PGO itself.”

Fall 2015 – Biden, along with the EU, publicly calls for ouster of Prosecutor General Shokin for failure to work on anti-corruption efforts.

John E. Herbst, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine under George W. Bush, later testified before Congress:

“By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin’s removal as the start of an overall reform of the Procurator General’s Office. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv.”

Dec. 8, 2015 – Vice President Biden makes a speech to Ukraine’s Parliament urging the country to step up anti-corruption measures.
foreign policy of blackmail, we know.
in the Biden video

Joe was carrying out Obama's foreign policy. Which not only had the support of the EU and the IMF but lso Republican support as well. It as not done to hamstring the opposition party. Trumpybears was.
Link to this policy? Why hasn't Obama come forward to say Quid Pro Joe was blackmailing the Ukraine on his behalf?

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

"European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said. The circumstances of Mr Shokin’s sacking, which took effect in March 2016, have become a flashpoint in the impeachment saga enveloping US president Donald Trump.
I didn't ask for some anonymous source who is trying to cover Quid Pro Joe's ass after his extortion plot was exposed. I want the stated policy prior to his extortion plot, moron.

Go get it.
Oh, so it's OK for Democrats to "weaponize" the IRS, the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA.

After 6 year of endlessly investigating every leaf that fell under Obama, they found no evidence of any of that. Obama even deferred to McConnell's objection to announcing that Russia was trying to interfere.

but it's not OK for Trump to simply ask that a Democrat's apparent corruption be exposed?

You mean Blackmailing a foreign leader to publicly announce that his country was investigation Trump's main rival, and the DNC Server hack being done by Ukraine to favor Hillary. Yeah, that's just not okay. That corrupt.

Yet the foreign leader in question has repeatedly stated that he didn't feel pressured? How do you explain that? Trump asked what he did as a favor. You on the left have attempted to make it "blackmail" or "extortion" because you were trying to make it an impeachable offense!

Everything was contingent on the new President publicly announcing the investigations Trumpybear wanted.
When did he publicly announce it? Link?

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