Why didnt India helped the Roma in World War 2?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
Subhas Chandras Bosse, was a ally of Hitler, even married a german woman with the blessing of Hitler. His daughter or granddaughter still lives in Germany. Some Indians served in the foreigners Waffen SS. Why didnt the indians just said "listen if you hate the roma, and want to kill them, we will give them assylym in india"? I mean better then complete extermination in gas chambers?

You have to remember, most Germans and their allies didn't know about the exterminations. Even foreign volunteer SS units had no clue about the mass exterminations. It was pretty well guarded as a secret, because the Nazi party didn't want word to get out about it.
Subhas Chandras Bosse, was a ally of Hitler, even married a german woman with the blessing of Hitler. His daughter or granddaughter still lives in Germany. Some Indians served in the foreigners Waffen SS. Why didnt the indians just said "listen if you hate the roma, and want to kill them, we will give them assylym in india"? I mean better then complete extermination in gas chambers?

Uh, you do realize that at the time, India was a colony of the British Empire, right?

Yet Indian troops fought in the British military on the promise of independence.

When they could have just as easily staged a revolt to help the Axis win.
Subhas Chandras Bosse, was a ally of Hitler, even married a german woman with the blessing of Hitler. His daughter or granddaughter still lives in Germany. Some Indians served in the foreigners Waffen SS. Why didnt the indians just said "listen if you hate the roma, and want to kill them, we will give them assylym in india"? I mean better then complete extermination in gas chambers?
You miss a key point as usual .
It was not Nazi policy to just exterminate Roma .
It was a bunch of minorities whom Germany could paint as outcasts and unneeded and would unite the Lebensvolk through Lebensraum .
The disabled , Roma and Jews were probably top of the list which was fiendishly brilliant because the SS was full of Jews , let alone key Government ministers, the armed forces and Hitler himself .
Why didnt the indians just said "listen if you hate the roma, and want to kill them, we will give them assylym in india"?
Because the Roma had left 1500 years before and did not have right of return.

Because the Indians had no power to do so.

Because the Indians had other things on their minds.

Because the Roma had no caste.

Because the logistics to transport half a million refugees from Europe to India in the middle of a war did not exist.

Go on, you think of some...
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You have to remember, most Germans and their allies didn't know about the exterminations. Even foreign volunteer SS units had no clue about the mass exterminations. It was pretty well guarded as a secret, because the Nazi party didn't want word to get out about it.
they could have asked any jew. I read the islamo-nazi propaganda promulgated in the USA as a kid. It was ALL OVER the town of my childhood--a very EPISCOPALIAN founded pre-revolutionary US town. SO--I asked my mom---when did you know about the concentration camps? She was 16 in 1936---her father lost LOTS of brothers and their families in Auschwitz----she described what she knew as a girl of 16. Her father---functionally illiterate----KNEW
they could have asked any jew. I read the islamo-nazi propaganda promulgated in the USA as a kid. It was ALL OVER the town of my childhood--a very EPISCOPALIAN founded pre-revolutionary US town. SO--I asked my mom---when did you know about the concentration camps? She was 16 in 1936---her father lost LOTS of brothers and their families in Auschwitz----she described what she knew as a girl of 16. Her father---functionally illiterate----KNEW
They heard rumors, but didn't actually know the full gravity of what was going on. There was a running joke mothers would tell their children. "If you're bad, they'll take you to Dachau!". They didn't know these were death camps, as the propaganda machine branded them as political prisoner and dissident labor camps.
Go back and have someone help you with the big words, stupid.
Do you mean this bit, fuckwit?

Political parties such as the Muslim League and the Hindu Mahasabha supported the British war effort while the largest and most influential political party existing in India at the time, the Indian National Congress, demanded independence before it would help Britain.[7][8] London refused, and when Congress announced a "Quit India" campaign in August 1942, tens of thousands of its leaders were imprisoned by the British for the duration.
They heard rumors, but didn't actually know the full gravity of what was going on. There was a running joke mothers would tell their children. "If you're bad, they'll take you to Dachau!". They didn't know these were death camps, as the propaganda machine branded them as political prisoner and dissident labor camps.
BS!!!! they KNEW by the mid thirties as did the US government and even my
functionally illiterate maternal grandfather ( excellent baker---but fortunately
smart enough to flee Poland sometime circa 1900 ) His brothers felt safe
in Austria-----big mistake!!!
BS!!!! they KNEW by the mid thirties
Seems you're the only one who knows that about the death camps.

Camps were an essential part of the Nazis' systematic oppression and mass murder of Jews, political adversaries, and others considered socially and racially undesirable. There were concentration camps, forced labor camps, extermination or death camps, transit camps, and prisoner-of-war camps. The living conditions of all camps were brutal.
Dachau , one of the first Nazi concentration camps, opened in March 1933, and at first interned only known political opponents of the Nazis: Communists, Social Democrats, and others who had been condemned in a court of law. Gradually, a more diverse group was imprisoned, including Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies , dissenting clergy, homosexuals, as well as others who were denounced for making critical remarks about the Nazis.
Six death or extermination camps were constructed in Poland. These so-called death factories were Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec , Sobibór, Lublin (also called Majdanek ), and Chelmno . The primary purpose of these camps was the methodical killing of millions of innocent people. The first, Chelmno, began operating in late 1941. The others began their operations in 1942.
I've never heard or read of that before. From where did you get it?
The Ghurkhas, or, Gherkins as we called them , were jolly useful to we Brits as we galloped across Europe to Berlin .
There were special groups who were excellent tea makers for our officers, and also hunting squads who specialised in locating American forces who could be found lost and tearful until skilled Ghurkhas faced them towards Berlin and shouted , Go , loudly .
The Gherkins soon learned to point them towards the Austrian mountains where countless Americans were buried in the snow , which helped bring an earlier end to hostilities .
BS!!!! they KNEW by the mid thirties as did the US government and even my
functionally illiterate maternal grandfather ( excellent baker---but fortunately
smart enough to flee Poland sometime circa 1900 ) His brothers felt safe
in Austria-----big mistake!!!

The U.S. Government certainly did not know about the death camps, and there were no such camps in the mid 30's, retard. It was only when we started liberating them in late 1944, early 1945 that we were finding out about them, and the majority of German citizens as well. Sounds like your relatives are telling tall tales.

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