Why didn't the Democrats protect us from COVID as promised?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
If I remember right, the magic potions for a fix of sorts fell under Trump's tenure. Sure, you remember, that was back in 2020 when the Democrats closed the economy, only to reopen things on Biden's watch despite there being twice the cases as under Trump.

If COVID was initially Trump's fault, then rational thought says far more cases are Biden's. That is unless you guys think the incubation period is as long as four years and climbing. Anyway, apparently there's a surge in cases. Biden promised, and said he'd cure cancer too.

I'm starting to believe Biden's dishonest.

Nobody promised you anything, you idiot.


If I remember right, the magic potions for a fix of sorts fell under Trump's tenure. Sure, you remember, that was back in 2020 when the Democrats closed the economy, only to reopen things on Biden's watch despite there being twice the cases as under Trump.

If COVID was initially Trump's fault, then rational thought says far more cases are Biden's. That is unless you guys think the incubation period is as long as four years and climbing. Anyway, apparently there's a surge in cases. Biden promised, and said he'd cure cancer too.

I'm starting to believe Biden's dishonest.

Trump assured us that COVID was no threat and he would have it under control after Easter
One million died after his claim

I'm still waiting for the study to come out about all the people that didn't get Covid as well as those who have Covid antibodies but had no symptoms of the disease. ;)
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If I remember right, the magic potions for a fix of sorts fell under Trump's tenure. Sure, you remember, that was back in 2020 when the Democrats closed the economy, only to reopen things on Biden's watch despite there being twice the cases as under Trump.

If COVID was initially Trump's fault, then rational thought says far more cases are Biden's. That is unless you guys think the incubation period is as long as four years and climbing. Anyway, apparently there's a surge in cases. Biden promised, and said he'd cure cancer too.

I'm starting to believe Biden's dishonest.

Covid is now as deadly as the common cold.

Nothing Burger.
It was never about protecting people. If it was, they would not have sent sick people to old folks homes, or closed all of the non-essential businesses, increasing traffic at essential businesses like Walmart.

It was about control.

"Two weeks to flatten the curve" eventually turned into actually having people standing on little dots at the grocery store.

They had people wearing one mask, then two masks, even faceshields. Then you could take your mask off, but only if you had the injections which don't work.

They forced vaccinations on people, even people who had already been infected with the best vaccine available (actual COVID).

They lied about "breakthrough infections" and "rebound COVID."

Biden, Fauci, HHS secretary Becerra, CDC Director Walensky all got COVID more than once despite having all the boosters. Fauci and Biden took Pfizer's Paxlovid which made their COVID last even longer.


Governments pushed millions of people worldwide to get vaccinated... They got perfectly healthy young people to take the jab using false arguments. They called the people who refused to comply "anti-social." Many governments introduced COVID passports. These passports made access to parts of society conditional. Those who did not wish to get vaccinated could not visit a restaurant or a gym, all in the name of public health.

Governments mandated use of medical devices universally, denying access to some regardless of one's personal situation or alternate opinions about their personal healthcare.

This was real institutionalized discrimination.

Vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business, because they stood by their principles.

The government of some countries literally imprisoned people within their own homes.

All of this was based on the idea that vaccination helps prevent the spread of the virus.

This has now proven to be a big lie. There was no scientific basis to say that vaccination would stop the transmission of the virus, and it's one of the biggest scandals of our time.
If I remember right, the magic potions for a fix of sorts fell under Trump's tenure. Sure, you remember, that was back in 2020 when the Democrats closed the economy, only to reopen things on Biden's watch despite there being twice the cases as under Trump.

If COVID was initially Trump's fault, then rational thought says far more cases are Biden's. That is unless you guys think the incubation period is as long as four years and climbing. Anyway, apparently there's a surge in cases. Biden promised, and said he'd cure cancer too.

I'm starting to believe Biden's dishonest.

Get a load of this - now liberal states won't even follow CDC Covid guidelines. Too funny!


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