Why didn't the GOP invite their last two term President to make a speech?

W knows that showing his face at the convention would be the end of Romney. I am sure the GOP establishment agreed.

Remember the hug McCain gave W when he going against Obama. The hug lost losts of votes.

So run GOP! Run as fast as you can from the past! Maybe people will forget what you and your policies did to the country. Not mentioning Bush's wars at the convention will not make them go away.
I dont think bush is as toxic as you think. not that it really matters. Romney didnt have to make the arena he gave his speech significantly smaller because he couldnt draw people.
W knows that showing his face at the convention would be the end of Romney. I am sure the GOP establishment agreed.

Remember the hug McCain gave W when he going against Obama. The hug lost losts of votes.

So run GOP! Run as fast as you can from the past! Maybe people will forget what you and your policies did to the country. Not mentioning Bush's wars at the convention will not make them go away.

and no amount of talking about the last Republican President, if going to take the focus of Obama's Abysmal Performance. Romney is no Bush, and thinking people know it.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Wow. That was original.

This hasn't already been the topic of much discussion here, you useless blood clot.
When Bush left office he stated very clearly he was not going to be getting involved in politics or lead a public life and outside of the time he was promoting Decision Points that's what he has done. I think the more interesting question is why did the left care if Bush did or did not speak at the RNC? Are you hoping that if Bush did speak at the RNC that would mean Obama could run against his record again instead of running on his own?
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I dont think bush is as toxic as you think. not that it really matters. Romney didnt have to make the arena he gave his speech significantly smaller because he couldnt draw people.

So answer me this one. How many times did Romney mention either of Bush's wars in his speech? Go ahead....take a shot!
I dont think bush is as toxic as you think. not that it really matters. Romney didnt have to make the arena he gave his speech significantly smaller because he couldnt draw people.

So answer me this one. How many times did Romney mention either of Bush's wars in his speech? Go ahead....take a shot!
Why did someone who clearly detests Boiking carry his water?

Go ahead....take a shot!
When Bush left office he stated very clearly he was not going to be getting involved in politics or lead a public life and outside of the time he was promoting Decision Points that's what he has done. I think the more interesting question is why did the left care if Bush did or did not speak at the RNC? Are you hoping that if Bush did speak at the RNC that would mean Obama could run against his record again instead of running on his own?

Clinton loves his country and will do whatever needs to be done for it. It isn't hiding on a ranch in Texas. But W is right. Showing his face right now would not be good for his country or his party.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Because the last republican president (George Walker Bush) is never in sync with current events, and the one before him (George Herbert Bush) is too tired to put his thoughts together. Inviting any of the above would probably have been a disaster for GOP - would have been similar to inviting Texas Rick Perry to make speech.
I dont think bush is as toxic as you think. not that it really matters. Romney didnt have to make the arena he gave his speech significantly smaller because he couldnt draw people.

So answer me this one. How many times did Romney mention either of Bush's wars in his speech? Go ahead....take a shot!

he didnt mention them at all. One because Bush had already arranged a withdrawl from Iraq which Obama has continued. Afghanistan is President Obama's baby now.

But considering the wars arent as important as getting our fiscal house in order, Romney had hire priorities. Our national security is at risk if we dont balance our budgets and pay off our debts. We need to get alot of house in order for what is coming. I dont think the wars (one of which we are told has been over for years) are as important for our future. we cant do anything in Afghanistan if we go bankrupt.

I thought you guys were supposedly anti war. Wouldnt focusing on other things be important to you?
"President Bush is no conservative"

No complaint against Bush is more popular on the right—or gets a freer pass in the mainstream media—than the notion that he somehow abandoned the philosophy that guides today's Republican Party.

Heartening as it is to hear the growing criticism of Bush from within the GOP ranks, the idea that he's veered from conservatism is hogwash. Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy. "Mr. Bush has a philosophy. It is conservative," wrote Peggy Noonan in 2002. Ah, but times change. Last June she complained, "What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them."

It's certainly true that Bush hasn't delivered on every last item on the conservative wish list. But what president has—or ever could? What Bush's new critics on the right don't see, or won't see, is that to credibly accuse Bush of betraying "conservatism" requires constructing an ideal of conservatism that exists only in the world of theory, not the world of practical politics and democratic governance. It's an ideal that any president would fail to meet. In a democracy, governing means taking into account public opinion and making compromises. That means deviating at times from doctrinal purity.

Indeed, Bush's presidency, far from being a subversion of modern American conservatism, represents its fulfillment. For most of the president's tenure, many of the same folks who now brand him as an incompetent or an impostor happily backed his agenda. Republicans controlled the Senate and the House with iron discipline. They populated the federal court system, built a powerful media apparatus, and, for years after 9/11, benefited from a public climate of reflexive deference to the powers that be. From 2001 to 2007, the conservative movement had as free a hand as it could have hoped for in setting the agenda. The fruits of its efforts are Bush's policies.
I love how moron libs attempt to define what is or isn't "conservative."

Fuck off. Assclowns like bigfuckingdopeygrin have no concept of WHY it is absolutely true that W was not a conservative.

He was a much undervalued and under-appreciated President.

But he was not and still is not a conservative.

Newsflash for you lib turds: you don't get to make up the definitions.

Fuck yourselves.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

:D//Why? Because Romney didn't need someone there to pick him up. Romney knew how to handle himself and didn't need the help. Ubama was flat on his * * * and didn't know what to do. He had to go to Clinton to pick him up of his * * * cuz he can't stand on his own two feet.
if jimmy Carter would have stood up to the ayatollah instead of being a coward and telling talk show host like Johnny Carson not to make fun of the ayatollah and piss him we wouldn't have all these terrorist groups today terrorizing the world.
Perhaps they did invite him and he declined. That would be in keeping with the profile he's pretty much kept since leaving office.

more likely that they're trying to avoid showcasing the person who left office with something like a 28% approval rating after melting down the economy.

wouldn't be prudent.
When Bush left office he stated very clearly he was not going to be getting involved in politics or lead a public life and outside of the time he was promoting Decision Points that's what he has done. I think the more interesting question is why did the left care if Bush did or did not speak at the RNC? Are you hoping that if Bush did speak at the RNC that would mean Obama could run against his record again instead of running on his own?

Clinton loves his country and will do whatever needs to be done for it. It isn't hiding on a ranch in Texas. But W is right. Showing his face right now would not be good for his country or his party.

Typically your overlooking another reason Clinton spoke at the DNC which has nothing to do with love of Country but size of ego. Right now Obama is struggling and in a real fight against Romney so much so he had to call on the man he played the race card against in 2008 and that was Clinton's claim don't forget. I don't think it was love of Country that got Clinton to the DNC as much as love of the fact the man who race carded him now desperately needs his help.
Perhaps they did invite him and he declined. That would be in keeping with the profile he's pretty much kept since leaving office.

more likely that they're trying to avoid showcasing the person who left office with something like a 28% approval rating after melting down the economy.

wouldn't be prudent.
Yet the DNC had no problem trotting out the incompetent doddering old fossil who lost 46 states! :lmao:
This is a bit off topic but the left liked to talk about the bounce or lack of one after the Republican convention well after the Clinton and Obama speeches Obama has gone from tied with Romney to +0.3 what a bounce.
if jimmy Carter would have stood up to the ayatollah instead of being a coward and telling talk show host like Johnny Carson not to make fun of the ayatollah and piss him we wouldn't have all these terrorist groups today terrorizing the world.

Yea, old Jimmy should have stood up to terrorists, like Ronbo Reagan!!!

1983 Beirut barracks bombing (October 23, 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon)

Suicide bombers detonated each of the truck bombs. In the attack on the American Marines barracks, the death toll was 241 American servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 Navy personnel and three Army soldiers, along with sixty Americans injured, representing the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima of World War II, the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States military since the first day of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War, and the deadliest single attack on Americans overseas since World War II.


U.S. President Ronald Reagan called the attack a "despicable act" and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon.

There was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans, besides a few shellings. In December 1983, U.S. aircraft from the USS John F. Kennedy and USS Independence battle groups attacked Syrian targets in Lebanon, but this was ostensibly in response to Syrian missile attacks on American warplanes.

Multi-service ground-support units were withdrawn from Beirut after the attack on the Marine barracks due to retaliatory threats.

In the meantime, the attack boosted the prestige and growth of the Shi'ite organization Hezbollah.


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