Why didn't the GOP invite their last two term President to make a speech?

Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Why did the democrats invite a former president who was impeached for lying to congress over committing adultery in the white house?
They should have honored Bush Sr

He is their last link to the Reagan administration
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Better question, why does a campaign with the motto Forward insist on looking backward to find something to talk about?
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

I guess you missed GW stating he wouldnt participate.

You create non issues..........we laugh..........

Obviously I did miss him stating that. That answers my question in my previous quote.

WHY did he choose not to participate? Sure didn't look good for the Repubs.

He chose not to participate because he is keeping his promise to stay out of politics, obviously.
I love how moron libs attempt to define what is or isn't "conservative."

Fuck off. Assclowns like bigfuckingdopeygrin have no concept of WHY it is absolutely true that W was not a conservative.

He was a much undervalued and under-appreciated President.

But he was not and still is not a conservative.

Newsflash for you lib turds: you don't get to make up the definitions.

Fuck yourselves.

America had to suffer through 8 years of failed Bush conservatism that crashed and burned just as the true blue conservative Bush and Cheney 'retired' from politics. NOW, we have to hear fucking asshole pea brains like you tell us Bush wasn't a conservative?? Bush didn't fail to BE conservative, conservatism ITSELF failed this nation.

FUCK YOU Liar-ability!
I love how moron libs attempt to define what is or isn't "conservative."

Fuck off. Assclowns like bigfuckingdopeygrin have no concept of WHY it is absolutely true that W was not a conservative.

He was a much undervalued and under-appreciated President.

But he was not and still is not a conservative.

Newsflash for you lib turds: you don't get to make up the definitions.

Fuck yourselves.

America had to suffer through 8 years of failed Bush conservatism that crashed and burned just as the true blue conservative Bush and Cheney 'retired' from politics. NOW, we have to hear fucking asshole pea brains like you tell us Bush wasn't a conservative?? Bush didn't fail to BE conservative, conservatism ITSELF failed this nation.

FUCK YOU Liar-ability!

Actually, scum-sucking asshole licking douche face, you are wrong. America did not suffer through the Bush years and his policies were (generally speaking) not all that "conservative."

Repeating your utterly baseless original contention does nothing to support it.

You were wrong then ass face. You remain wrong.

I can't help the fact that your brain is so sub-microscopic that you have convinced yourself that up is down and W was a "conservative." You're a dishonest ignorant trollish hack leftist piece of shit. Therefore you are destined to always say dishonest ignorant shit -- as you just did.

So your application is denied (of course). Instead, you must go fuck yourself, you ignorant dishonest scum sucking motherfucker.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Because this has nothing to do with Bush anymore.
Because it's the Dems that wont let Bush go.
Because Obama might not be able to win unless he has Bush to bash.
The GOP brings Bush out for 5 mins and it gives Axelrod and company
the next 2 months of campaign ads to link Romney with Bush in a negative way.

You guys got screwed and will have to win the election based on Obama
and not on blame Bush...

Good luck with that....
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Everyone knows why.

W is about as popular with the general electorate as poison oak and red ants are at a nudist colony picnic lunch in the woods.

Just don't expect Republicans to admit it.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Very simple!
Idiots LIKE you seem to be so influenced by the mainstream media into total Bush Bashing that even stupid conservatives have come to believe some of the myths!!!

MYTHS like "Bush spent like a drunken sailor"!


NOT ONE person liberal/conservative have yet to acknowledge MUCH less REFUTE
the simple fact that three Major events occurred that reduced annually the federal revenue by a current $266 billion a year starting in 2002!
1) Did a dot.com bubble burst in 2000? YES!
It cost $5 trillion in market losses stock losses, business losses!
This $5 trillion is NOW being written off every year against tax revenue $166 billion!
2) Did 9/11 occur or NOT in 2001? YES!!!
This cost $2 trillion in business losses, stock losses.. geez folks didn't any of you notice
the airlines didn't fly for 3 days! Wall street closed 10 days NONE of you noticed that?
That added another $66 billion a year in losses that are written against tax revenue!
3) Where were you idiots from 2003 to 2008 when the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS
occurred? $1 trillion in losses written against federal revenue $33 billion a year!

FOLKS these events occurred!
When will you acknowledge that BUSH had NOTHING to do with that????
BUT Bush DID over 7 years preside on an economy that grew!
Total people employed when Bush took office 2001 - There were 131,826,000!
Total people employed when Bush Left office 2008 - There were 136,790,000!
Almost 5 million more then when he started!

GDP when Bush took office 2001 $12.355,271,000,000
GDP when Bush left office 2008 $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2,004.22 billion!
USDA ERS - International Macroeconomic Data Set

So these are the FACT for ALL you idiots.. conservatives INcluded that continue that
phony meme "Bush spent like a drunken Sailor"!
If that $2.5 trillion had BEEN collected that was lost due to dot.com/9/11/hurricanes..
BUSH would have handed the next president a $145 billion SURPLUS!!!
I love how moron libs attempt to define what is or isn't "conservative."

Fuck off. Assclowns like bigfuckingdopeygrin have no concept of WHY it is absolutely true that W was not a conservative.

He was a much undervalued and under-appreciated President.

But he was not and still is not a conservative.

Newsflash for you lib turds: you don't get to make up the definitions.

Fuck yourselves.

America had to suffer through 8 years of failed Bush conservatism that crashed and burned just as the true blue conservative Bush and Cheney 'retired' from politics. NOW, we have to hear fucking asshole pea brains like you tell us Bush wasn't a conservative?? Bush didn't fail to BE conservative, conservatism ITSELF failed this nation.

FUCK YOU Liar-ability!

Actually, scum-sucking asshole licking douche face, you are wrong. America did not suffer through the Bush years and his policies were (generally speaking) not all that "conservative."

Repeating your utterly baseless original contention does nothing to support it.

You were wrong then ass face. You remain wrong.

I can't help the fact that your brain is so sub-microscopic that you have convinced yourself that up is down and W was a "conservative." You're a dishonest ignorant trollish hack leftist piece of shit. Therefore you are destined to always say dishonest ignorant shit -- as you just did.

So your application is denied (of course). Instead, you must go fuck yourself, you ignorant dishonest scum sucking motherfucker.

I did support it in post 32.

Bush is the most conservative president we've had since probably Warren G. Harding—and perhaps ever. He has governed, wherever possible, fully in step with the basic conservative principles that defined Ronald Reagan's presidency and have shaped the political right for the last two generations: opposition to New Deal-style social programs; a view of civil liberties as obstacles to dispensing justice; the pursuit of low taxes, especially on businesses and the wealthy; a pro-business stance on regulation; a hawkish, militaristic, nationalistic foreign policy; and a commitment to bringing religion, and specifically Christianity, back into public policy. "Mr. Bush has a philosophy. It is conservative," wrote Peggy Noonan in 2002.

All you have done is emote Liar-ability.

Bush was an utter failure by ANY measure. And the conservative dominated 2000's created a Wall Street crash of our economy, an immoral war of ideology we were lied into, and ZERO net jobs.
Perhaps they did invite him and he declined. That would be in keeping with the profile he's pretty much kept since leaving office.

more likely that they're trying to avoid showcasing the person who left office with something like a 28% approval rating after melting down the economy.

wouldn't be prudent.
Yet the DNC had no problem trotting out the incompetent doddering old fossil who lost 46 states! :lmao:

Where was Bush?
They should have honored Bush Sr

He is their last link to the Reagan administration

By that logic, the Dims should have invited the current Ayatollah of Iran, the last link to the Carter Administration.

So Bush Sr was to Reagan as the Ayatollah was to Carter?

Considering that Mitten's proposals are a mirror of the Dubya fiasco, it would have only been right that Georgie boy give a speech about what a good idea it is to deregulate banking and fund a tax cut for the rich, using public debt.
Because we have ideas for the future. We dont need to lean on the leaders from the past


It’s because GWB is a political pariah, his presidency a failure, and his administration’s policies likely contributed to the December 2007 recession.

Republicans may be crazy but they’re not stupid, they didn’t want Bush’s failure to contaminate Romney; Bush is the kiss of death.

It’s unsurprising, of course, that no republican or conservative has the courage to admit the obvious truth.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Why did the democrats invite a former president who was impeached for lying to congress over committing adultery in the white house?

Maybe because that former President has an approval rating of 69%. What is W's rating? Is it into the double digit area yet?
The Dem party theme for 2012 is "forward"... so they trot out the dipsomaniac dead murderer Ted hiccup Kenneddy, and a disgraced and disbarred redneck Bill Bubba Clinton. All that was missing was John prettyboy Edwards.......

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