Zone1 Why do Americans look down on the Hispanic World?

That illegal immigrant children do indeed get government benefits that costs American tax payers. Don't know how you could have missed that point.
US citizens qualify for certain benefits.
Stop making shit up.
you really do not know much about illegal immigration do you. in south texas we get a lot of spanish speaking tv channels. they broadcasted these illegals protesting demanding that the US government grant them amnesty. they chant; no separen las familias, estan separando las familias. which translates to ; they are separating our families. stop separating our families. When President Trump was asked if his immigration policies were going to separate families he answered. NO we are not going to separate families we are sending them back all together. Univision reported regularly stories of illegals been deported and leaving their kids in the USA with relatives or friends instead of taking them with them.
Actually, I do.
it does not show that you do in your statements. Here close to the border you see it daily in the news. Thousands of foreigners from many countries trying to enter the USA. Trying to circumvent US immigration laws by claiming asylum. the over whelming majority do not qualify for asylum. They are trying to enter the USA for economic reasons. you see them in the news when they are been interviewed. they say that there are no jobs in their countries or that wages are very low too. that they have a right to look for a better life for themselves and their families in the USA. most of these people cross several countries to get to the US border yet they do not accept asylum in those countries when they are offered asylum there. no they want asylum in the USA.
it does not show that you do in your statements. Here close to the border you see it daily in the news. Thousands of foreigners from many countries trying to enter the USA. Trying to circumvent US immigration laws by claiming asylum. the over whelming majority do not qualify for asylum. They are trying to enter the USA for economic reasons. you see them in the news when they are been interviewed. they say that there are no jobs in their countries or that wages are very low too. that they have a right to look for a better life for themselves and their families in the USA. most of these people cross several countries to get to the US border yet they do not accept asylum in those countries when they are offered asylum there. no they want asylum in the USA.
….and 90% of them don’t QUALIFY for asylum in the USA. They like the benefits better here, and so turn down Mexico.

They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish. Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho. That is Spanish and means Captain Hook in Spanish. I dont know why he thinks that is suppossed to be a demeaning joke, or "funny", the Spanish Armada ruled the world before the Anglo-Saxons.

Looks more like El Capitan Gancho. Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez : "gancho"

Hispanics look down upon us as well.

So we have a lot in common it would seem with them.

Listen to this typical hispanic.

Answering the OP's question...

Americans don't look down on the Hispanic world, that's a wrong notion, there are so many things to admire from the Hispanic world! :thup:

IMO people here look down on the illegal savages who come here by the millions to suck on the American welfare see? and that's a completely different story.

They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish. Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho. That is Spanish and means Captain Hook in Spanish. I dont know why he thinks that is suppossed to be a demeaning joke, or "funny", the Spanish Armada ruled the world before the Anglo-Saxons.

Looks more like El Capitan Gancho. Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez : "gancho"
You're guilty of generalizing.

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