Zone1 Why do Americans look down on the Hispanic World?

I appreciate imagination and flair are not your strong suits but picture -- with huge effort I feel sure --- one of the few thousands on the shore of Lake Galilee when Baby Jesus used to go water walking and practise other bits of magic .
And you had not eaten for days and this young tramp started handing out food parcels even though they were only fish sandwiches .
Is something like a penny starting to drop through your vaccine fogged brain ?

Better to eat three times a week than sometimes barely once .
And sometimes a few warm second hand clothes thrown in as a bonus .What is there not to like ?
lol....yea thats it.....i lived among many illegals in S.California....they fed themselves and got what they needed without anyone handing them that can tell you never been around them....
lol....yea thats it.....i lived among many illegals in S.California....they fed themselves and got what they needed without anyone handing them that can tell you never been around them....
Really? Around here our taxes have to pay to educate their children, and as soon as they have an anchor baby, they get Medicaid, subsidized housing, and food stamps.
The US citizen child does not "anchor" anyone. The immigration status of the mother and/or father is unchanged, and they are still subject to deportation if in the country illegally.
Really? Around here our taxes have to pay to educate their children, and as soon as they have an anchor baby, they get Medicaid, subsidized housing, and food stamps.
The US citizen child does not "anchor" anyone. The immigration status of the mother and/or father is unchanged, and they are still subject to deportation if in the country illegally.
While the mother and/or may be subject to deportation, it is very unlikely and the American citizen child does open the family up to many government benefits.
Local public schools are required to educate illegal immigrant children.
While the mother and/or may be subject to deportation, it is very unlikely and the American citizen child does open the family up to many government benefits.
Illegal immigrants are not qualified for most welfare benefits. Benefits that are available are for the US citizen child. Parents of US citizen children born in the US are in fact deported nuts in frequently. I know and have known many families separated in such a manner. There is no such thing as an anchor baby.
Afforded to illegal immigrants that you claim don't qualify for benefits.
Schools do not inquire as to the immigration status of any students who show up needing an education. In most states it is illegal to ask about it, and certainly to turn anyone away because of it. The courts have ruled on this many times. Keep trying.
Hispanics tend to have low level of educational attainment and consequently low incomes, and thus collect a lot of welfare proportionate To their numbers. That would be my guess.

It's culture and no matter how intelligent a people are if the culture is slack so are they,this is why there are so many third world nations, nothing to do with IQ, it's all about social life.
Really? Around here our taxes have to pay to educate their children, and as soon as they have an anchor baby, they get Medicaid, subsidized housing, and food stamps.
thats the ones who had kids.....i knew plenty who got no freebies....and at one time i thought they all did.....but i found out differently.....
thats the ones who had kids.....i knew plenty who got no freebies....and at one time i thought they all did.....but i found out differently.....
But NONE of them should get freebies. We can’t even afford to feed our own people, and homeless are lining (and shitting in) the streets.
Schools do not inquire as to the immigration status of any students who show up needing an education. In most states it is illegal to ask about it, and certainly to turn anyone away because of it. The courts have ruled on this many times. Keep trying.
You are simply confirming my point, so stop trying.

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