Zone1 Why do Americans look down on the Hispanic World?

I don't remember ever making fun of any spanish names or mexican.
Except for Jesus. Cause come on, thats just waiting to be made fun of.

Other than that, nope.

I've made fun of some Eastern Indian and Asian names because they sound like dirty words in English.
One guy I worked with a long time ago was from India, and you literally pronounced his last name as "Dickshit".

It happens in the reverse too, I've had some Eastern Indian people say that some American names are funny, because they mean silly things in their launguages.
Well there is Jose and HoseB.
that didnt answer my question....if the US is so violent and racist and looked down by other countries....WHY do so many minorities and people from the 3rd world want to live here?.....
I have to say, that's quite a good question!!! where are our demofk racists to answer?
We just vent and entertain ourselves with these threads, only thing that is going to change is it will get a lot worse.

They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish. Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho. That is Spanish and means Captain Hook in Spanish. I dont know why he thinks that is suppossed to be a demeaning joke, or "funny", the Spanish Armada ruled the world before the Anglo-Saxons.

Looks more like El Capitan Gancho. Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez : "gancho"
Didn't know we looked down on the Spanish, thanks for letting us know, I thought you were our equals like all people.

They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish. Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho. That is Spanish and means Captain Hook in Spanish. I dont know why he thinks that is suppossed to be a demeaning joke, or "funny", the Spanish Armada ruled the world before the Anglo-Saxons.

Looks more like El Capitan Gancho. Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez : "gancho"
People all over the world make jokes about other people so get over it
Illegal immigrants are not qualified for most welfare benefits. Benefits that are available are for the US citizen child. Parents of US citizen children born in the US are in fact deported nuts in frequently. I know and have known many families separated in such a manner. There is no such thing as an anchor baby.

They tend to make jokes about spanish names, spanish language, everything spanish. Someone said I dont look like Captain Hook but El Capitan Gancho. That is Spanish and means Captain Hook in Spanish. I dont know why he thinks that is suppossed to be a demeaning joke, or "funny", the Spanish Armada ruled the world before the Anglo-Saxons.

Looks more like El Capitan Gancho. Pedro Fernando Ramirez-Sanchez : "gancho"
Oh boy are you all bollixed up. No one looks down on the Spanish. The Spanish peoples are European. They are not Hispanic peoples from central America. Those are meztizos, a mixture of Spanish and native tribes. They barely qualify as human.

The Spanish Armada ruled nothing. The entire Armada was only in existence for four months in 1588. Then Francis Drake put an end to the entire 130 ship Armada.
yes that is true. but illegals think it is going to help them. and yes once these anchor babies grow up and turn 21 yrs of age as US citizens they can submit paper work to immigrate their parents legally to the USA. So they are anchor babies. It is time to end chain immigration
what do you think that anchor baby is going to do when he or she turns 21yrs of age.they will petition to have their parent immigrate legally.
Ah yes, the brilliant 24 year scheme! That's one shit-long anchor chain! :lol:
Ah yes, the brilliant 24 year scheme! That's one shit-long anchor chain! :lol:
it is a long wait but these illegals still do it. when they are deported they scream like stuck pigs saying the USA is separating their families. That their kids are US citizens and they their parents need to be allowed to stay in the USA.
it is a long wait but these illegals still do it. when they are deported they scream like stuck pigs saying the USA is separating their families. That their kids are US citizens and they their parents need to be allowed to stay in the USA.
Stop making shit up.

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