Why Do Atheists Misrepresent Biblical Law as Current Law?

Christians need to follow our laws just like Muslims do. But what are some Christian laws that aren't laws in America? Give some examples guys.

Of the 10 commandments, which are Jewish

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The only one that bothers Republicans is stealing.
None of the first 4 commandments are US law, and the 5th is only lightly considered. If the 10th commandment were law, capitolism wouldn't exist. If you want to say our laws are similar to 40% of the commandments, I won't disagree.
None of the first 4 commandments are US law, and the 5th is only lightly considered. If the 10th commandment were law, capitolism wouldn't exist. If you want to say our laws are similar to 40% of the commandments, I won't disagree.
Seems like less than 40%. Killing is even cool today. He didn't say thou shall not murder.
The state of Texas is cool with killing as many as possible.
Killing is cool.

The other day I asked a bunch of god fearing Christian conservatives if they shot a home intruder and the guy was dying would they put an extra bullet in him? Would they wait to call 911? They seem to think god would be cool with them doing those things. It's weird. Christians have sunk so low. They don't even know what murder is.

Why Do Atheists Misrepresent Biblical Law as Current Law? Probably for the same reason Christians misrepresent the Muslim societies of 1,400 years ago as how Muslims live today.​

You mean they don't chop off heads today? I don't see much change.
There are a billion Muslims, how many are chopping off heads? We're essentially a Christian nation, how many people have we executed recently?
You do know why they are chopping off heads? Because they are Christian, Jewish, gay...Most people say we are a secular nation. We also execute when there is a capital murder, not because they are gay, Jewish or Christian or Muslim. And, why aren't those billions of Muslims not stopping the killers?
You are completely wrong. The Hebrew word used is murder. Kill is a different word. The KJV translation is one of the worst out there.
Sorry but every Google search turns up kill not murder. Words matter.

Now is when you tell me god meant murder.
You are completely wrong. The Hebrew word used is murder. Kill is a different word. The KJV translation is one of the worst out there.
Don't you think it is pretty screwed up that the Bible, which the entire Christian religion is defined by, has so many different interpretations? How can anybody accept it's scripture to be the inerrant word of God when it says so many conflicting things?
So it’s outdated?

For as long as there are humans on earth the law will remain in effect and in full force.

There will never come a time when eating the flesh of swine results in anything other than a defiled and contaminated mind. It doesn't matter in the least what people believe.

Just like a herd of swine stampeding off a cliff the consequense will always be death, a curse, the absence of reason.
You are completely wrong. The Hebrew word used is murder. Kill is a different word. The KJV translation is one of the worst out there.
You are correct about the Hebrew version but why would the people who wrote the King James Version change it?

Dont blow off the kjv. Most Christians say it’s the best version.

Perhaps Jesus changed it to Dont kill
Don't you think it is pretty screwed up that the Bible, which the entire Christian religion is defined by, has so many different interpretations? How can anybody accept it's scripture to be the inerrant word of God when it says so many conflicting things?
It's because most people rely on translations. And translations tend to have a bias. It gets worse when using a translation of a translation. When having to use an English version, I'll use a JPS translation. it's a translation by Jews, for Jews. It is as close to the original Hebrew as you can get. Because a latge part of it's audience can go back to the source and read that.
There will never come a time when eating the flesh of swine results in anything other than a defiled and contaminated mind. It doesn't matter in the least what people believe.
Got any examples of this happening To anyone today?

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