Why Do Atheists Misrepresent Biblical Law as Current Law?

I have mentioned before the Hebrew language is imagery, where English is subjective. The imagery of the original Hebrew is that of an ambush, someone lying in wait for the victim, and at the opportune moment, making the kill. Perhaps King James should have considered, "You shall not lie in wait to ambush and kill someone."
Did they not know the difference between kill and murder back then?

I would think King James would update their bible. It's not like they haven't heavily edited it already.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.
Yes. Was he also the one who said the Bible is to be studied, not read?
Yes. And to study Torah is not to simply read it, or to sit in a lecture hall and have somebody tell you what it means. Study of Torah is to read every word and debate it's meanning in a group. Over and over again.
When a religious nut is asked a question that they can not answer, a common dodge is often "well, you just need to pray more about that" Your response is equally inane.

No. As it is well known the language of the prophets is a figurative language that uses metaphors,analogies, homonyms,similis,parables, hyperbole,etc., which must be deciphered by intelligent rational reasoning to be understood.

Is it inane to suggest that to comprehend what Jesus meant by saying seemingly nutty things like, "I am living bread that came down from heaven and this bread is my flesh which is given for the life of the world" requires some digging, intelligent thought and an imagination constrained by reality?

Don't forget! You are trying to pass yourself off as a someone who is rational.
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Did they not know the difference between kill and murder back then?

I would think King James would update their bible. It's not like they haven't heavily edited it already.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.
The translators may not have been versed in Hebrew enough. Or used an intermediate translation.
The bible describes the law that existed 2000 years ago thousands of miles away from the Americas. Not even modern Israel follows biblical law.

Even while the Law existed, only Israel lived under its jurisdiction. Not Assyria, not Rome, not the Chaldeans, not Babylon, not Egypt, not anyone except ethnic Israel. Not even Christians later on were subject to it as the age of the Law was becoming obsolete (except Jewish converts for a short while, as Jesus commanded them to until its collapse).
Jesus needs to make up his mind
Matthew 5 18
For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
Jesus said, “Until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Mt 5:18) If we insist that heaven in this context is the actual abode of God and earth the actual third planet from the sun, then we must believe that people are still subject to the Mosaic Law, for this heaven and earth have not passed away. Somehow, even without the temple and the Levitical priesthood, the Law must still be in effect. This view is obviously untenable. No one abides the Law any more; no one today sacrifices animals in the Jewish temple or stones women to death for adultery or conducts the priestly ministrations, etc. The terms heaven and earth cannot possibly refer to cosmic and transcendent designations.

And they don't. A thorough reading of the Bible might help. Heaven and earth are the powers that be.
There are lots of tenets in Christianity. The law is only one of them. Jesus makes that clear in Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
which brings us back to
Matthew 5:18. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Unless you want to contend that heaven and earth have both passed, we have choices to make.
Seems we have come upon another of the many contradictions found in the Bible, as well as another choice commonly made by all Christians. Do we both go by what I found and pointed out in scripture, or do we both go by what you found in scripture? Or do we pick and chose the one we each like better? Both are there, but they both can't be true.

Fulfill and not abolish means do the task or obtain the ends for which the Law was created. Jesus will see that to the very end.

Let me give you an example. If parents set a bedtime for their 3 year old of 7:30....is there point at which that "law" has been fulfilled? IE the need for it passes? Well sure. You'll have a different bedtime for a 5 yo, a 10 yo and then a 15 yo.

You might say then okay God abolished the Law. But He did not. For Him to abolish something that He created would be to say the Law is less than perfect. (Psalm 19:7). Perfect things do not see death. Remember that was our fate before the Garden. Death is sin; sin is death. There is no sin in the Law. Therefore it will not nor never can be "abolished". Only fulfilled--which again, means adhering is no longer necessary.
No. As it is well known the language of the prophets is a figurative language that uses metaphors,analogies, homonyms,similis,parables, hyperbole,etc., which must be deciphered by intelligent rational reasoning to be understood.

Is it inane to suggest that to comprehend what Jesus meant by saying seemingly nutty things like, "I am living bread that came down from heaven and this bread is my flesh which is given for the life of the world" requires some digging, intelligent thought and an imagination constrained by reality?

Don't forget! You are trying to pass yourself off as a someone who is rational.
Analogies aren't really that complicated. I'm talking about the specific requirements for eternal bliss vs eternal damnation in a lake of fire. Seems a loving god wouldn't be very arbetrary in those requirements for those he cared about, don't you think?
Jesus said, “Until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Mt 5:18) If we insist that heaven in this context is the actual abode of God and earth the actual third planet from the sun, then we must believe that people are still subject to the Mosaic Law, for this heaven and earth have not passed away. Somehow, even without the temple and the Levitical priesthood, the Law must still be in effect. This view is obviously untenable. No one abides the Law any more; no one today sacrifices animals in the Jewish temple or stones women to death for adultery or conducts the priestly ministrations, etc. The terms heaven and earth cannot possibly refer to cosmic and transcendent designations.

And they don't. A thorough reading of the Bible might help. Heaven and earth are the powers that be.
After a couple of centuries of events, it's easy to assign some new meaning to his words, based on what has happened since, but you have to ignore his purpose when he actually said it. He was talking to the people of that time, and if he ment powers that be, he would have certainly referred to them in a form that his listeners would have understood. Yes, I understand that much of what was said in the bible was in analogies, but an analogy is only used to make something more clear. It is never used to confuse the subject.
Fulfill and not abolish means do the task or obtain the ends for which the Law was created. Jesus will see that to the very end.

Let me give you an example. If parents set a bedtime for their 3 year old of 7:30....is there point at which that "law" has been fulfilled? IE the need for it passes? Well sure. You'll have a different bedtime for a 5 yo, a 10 yo and then a 15 yo.

You might say then okay God abolished the Law. But He did not. For Him to abolish something that He created would be to say the Law is less than perfect. (Psalm 19:7). Perfect things do not see death. Remember that was our fate before the Garden. Death is sin; sin is death. There is no sin in the Law. Therefore it will not nor never can be "abolished". Only fulfilled--which again, means adhering is no longer necessary.
That's an interesting take on the subject. What was fulfilled to make it Ok to eat pork or shellfish after a certain point?
After a couple of centuries of events, it's easy to assign some new meaning to his words, based on what has happened since, but you have to ignore his purpose when he actually said it.
Quite right. Modern Christians have no business assigning their own meaning to the phrase heaven and earth.
He was talking to the people of that time, and if he ment powers that be, he would have certainly referred to them in a form that his listeners would have understood.
And what makes you think Jesus was referring to an eternal heaven and the planet earth? Where does he say that that is what heaven and earth are?
If the Law could rid us of sin, Jesus being born a man to rid us of sin would not have been necessary. The Law keeps our eyes on ourselves. God wants our eyes on Christ.

If you feel the need to keep Jewish Law, then you are obligated to keep every one of them. You can't choose one or two to follow and ignore the rest.

James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking it all.

You can rely on your own work, or you can rely on Christ's work, which fulfilled the Law for us, then handed His perfect record to us to enter Heaven with.
Here are the results of both:

Isaiah 64:6 ...all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf and like the wind our sin sweeps us away.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

If you want to go to Heaven, you can choose your works or Christ's work on the cross to get you there.
Choose wisely...
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If the Law could rid us of sin, Jesus being born a man to rid us of sin would not have been necessary. The Law keeps our eyes on ourselves. God wants our eyes on Christ.
if you feel the need to keep Jewish Law, then you are obligated to keep every one of them. You can't choose one or two or ten to follow.
I follow the ones I'm able to. We have no King and I don't live in Israel. But the others I can and do keep.
You're not just wrong, you're astoundingly stupid.
King James is what Christians go by. Since they don't care what Jews, Mormons, Muslims or Atheists think, I'm only going by what most Christians in a Christian nation are told. It's written on every tablet in every christian home. KJV. Thou Shall Not KILL.

And yet Texas executes people when they don't have to. That's murder.
I follow the ones I'm able to. We have no King and I don't live in Israel. But the others I can and do keep.

If you put yourself under Jewish Law as an avenue to enter Heaven, then you are in trouble. God the Judge, judges on all 600+.
But, if you keep Laws out of respect and love for your Father, then He considers it a good sacrifice on your part and righteous.
You decide to eat only bread on Mondays to honor God, then our loving Father will appoint it as righteousness on your part.
You decide to eat no bread on Mondays to honor God, He will appoint it as righteousness on your part. It's what is in your heart and not what is in your mouth that concerns God.
The Law requires a Judge. Children require a Father that doesn't even wait till we are done sinning to forgive us. He forgives us while we're sinning so it doesn't separate us from Him for even a second.

You do have a King. A Rabbi, a brother, a protector. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. And He is coming back to throw your enemies to the ground right in front of you.
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If you put yourself under Jewish Law as an avenue to enter Heaven, then you are in trouble. God the Judge, judges on all 600+.
But, if you keep Laws out of respect and love for your Father, then He considers it a good sacrifice on your part and righteous.
You decide to eat only bread on Mondays to honor God, then our loving Father will appoint it as righteousness on your part.
You decide to eat no bread on Mondays to honor God, He will appoint it as righteousness on your part.
The Law requires a Judge. Children require a Father that doesn't even wait till we are done sinning to forgive us. He forgives us while we're sinning so it doesn't separate us from Him for even a second.

You do have a King. A Rabbi, a brother, a protector. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. And He is coming back to throw your enemies to the ground right in front of you.
No King. Last I saw, Israel was a democracy. I can't observe that laws relating to living under a King. Can't observe the ones relating to living in Israel, or the ones relating to having a standing Temple. Everything else, i observe.

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