Why Do Atheists Misrepresent Biblical Law as Current Law?

You are correct about the Hebrew version but why would the people who wrote the King James Version change it?

Dont blow off the kjv. Most Christians say it’s the best version.

Perhaps Jesus changed it to Dont kill
No. KJV is just a very bad translation.
You are completely wrong. The Hebrew word used is murder. Kill is a different word. The KJV translation is one of the worst out there.

Teaching others to set the instruction of the law aside amounts to murder since "the death", a curse, is the consequense for failure to comply.
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Got any examples of this happening To anyone today?

Sure it, the death of the soul, happens to everyone who sets aside the instruction of the law to not worship the lifeless work of human hands whether its an edible mangod money or mecca.

Many people who boast of making mangod worshiping converts are just murderers just like Jesus said about the talking serpent, "Satan was a murderer from the beginning" by beguiling Adam and Eve into setting aside the command of God causing their demise and expulsion from paradise.

Many believers who post on this board daily reek of death. Can't you smell that smell?

If you don't believe me try to have a rational conversation with a believer about the absurdity of the belief that spiritual life can be made by human hands and eaten. Then try to tell me they haven't lost their mind, died the death, are cursed, not only merely dead, but really most sincerely dead.
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It's because most people rely on translations. And translations tend to have a bias. It gets worse when using a translation of a translation. When having to use an English version, I'll use a JPS translation. it's a translation by Jews, for Jews. It is as close to the original Hebrew as you can get. Because a latge part of it's audience can go back to the source and read that.
Really? As close as you can get? Something as important as the determination of where you will spend eternity shouldn't rely on "well, that's close enough". Either Jesus's teachings were nothing more than suggestions, and misunderstandings don't matter, or they were exactly what is required for eternal life. Which do you believe to be true?
The bible describes the law that existed 2000 years ago thousands of miles away from the Americas. Not even modern Israel follows biblical law.

Thing is, there are PLENTY of Christians who come onto sites like this saying that everyone should follow the Bible, that the Bible is true, everything in it is true, even the massive contradictions.

What are we supposed to do?
You do know why they are chopping off heads? Because they are Christian, Jewish, gay...Most people say we are a secular nation. We also execute when there is a capital murder, not because they are gay, Jewish or Christian or Muslim. And, why aren't those billions of Muslims not stopping the killers?
God, you're ignorant. They have capital punishment but for crimes not for being Christian, Jewish or gay. Your lies are typical.
Now is when you tell me god meant murder.
I have mentioned before the Hebrew language is imagery, where English is subjective. The imagery of the original Hebrew is that of an ambush, someone lying in wait for the victim, and at the opportune moment, making the kill. Perhaps King James should have considered, "You shall not lie in wait to ambush and kill someone."
Really? As close as you can get? Something as important as the determination of where you will spend eternity shouldn't rely on "well, that's close enough". Either Jesus's teachings were nothing more than suggestions, and misunderstandings don't matter, or they were exactly what is required for eternal life. Which do you believe to be true?
Have you ever done translation work? The meaning will always change subtly, because grammar constructs are different, and a lot of words have no direct equivalent. JPS translation are very close, and used by people who can also refer to the original to ascertain the meaning if in doubt.
Don't you think it is pretty screwed up that the Bible, which the entire Christian religion is defined by, has so many different interpretations? How can anybody accept it's scripture to be the inerrant word of God when it says so many conflicting things?
When in doubt:
  • Use the original Language or a translation as close to the original language as possible.
  • Study the context.
  • Remember, not everything in the Bible is about you.
  • Accept you will make mistakes, because sometimes you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left is doing, and sometimes you should let your light shine like a city on a hill.
When in doubt:
  • Use the original Language or a translation as close to the original language as possible.
  • Study the context.
  • Remember, not everything in the Bible is about you.
  • Accept you will make mistakes, because sometimes you shouldn't let your right hand know what your left is doing, and sometimes you should let your light shine like a city on a hill.
That's why I usually recommend a JPS translation. Artscroll is also very good. Or go to a Judaica store, a real one, and buy pretty much any translation from there. for online, although it uses old language, Meron-Mamre (Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre) is good.

Those are all translation for people who can also read the original.
Have you ever done translation work? The meaning will always change subtly, because grammar constructs are different, and a lot of words have no direct equivalent. JPS translation are very close, and used by people who can also refer to the original to ascertain the meaning if in doubt.
I'm well aware of problems with translations. That's not really the point, though, is it? Even with the possibility of forgiveness for our shortcomings, it's perfectly reasonable for us to expect clarity in what is expected of us. An omnipotent loving God would supply that clarity. Otherwise, it would be hateful and vindictive to watch us doing the wrong things while trying to please him.
I'm well aware of problems with translations. That's not really the point, though, is it? Even with the possibility of forgiveness for our shortcomings, it's perfectly reasonable for us to expect clarity in what is expected of us. An omnipotent loving God would supply that clarity. Otherwise, it would be hateful and vindictive to watch us doing the wrong things while trying to please him.
It's the nature of the book. Even the original is not clear. Torah is reasonably clear, but without the Oral Torah, there are still things that are vague. The Prophets are using a lot of imagery and metaphors.
Thing is, there are PLENTY of Christians who come onto sites like this saying that everyone should follow the Bible, that the Bible is true, everything in it is true, even the massive contradictions.

What are we supposed to do?

Those contradictions in scripture are like a giant X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field." "If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it." (Jesus H. Christ)

Can you dig it?
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I'm well aware of problems with translations. That's not really the point, though, is it? Even with the possibility of forgiveness for our shortcomings, it's perfectly reasonable for us to expect clarity in what is expected of us. An omnipotent loving God would supply that clarity. Otherwise, it would be hateful and vindictive to watch us doing the wrong things while trying to please him.
A Rabbi once summed it up this way:

The Bible says, Love God and love one another. The rest is commentary.
The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it.
When a religious nut is asked a question that they can not answer, a common dodge is often "well, you just need to pray more about that" Your response is equally inane.
A Rabbi once summed it up this way:

The Bible says, Love God and love one another. The rest is commentary.

Is it possible to love someone by teaching them to worship an almighty yet edible triune mangod that doesn't correspond to any real living being ever in existence especially since they must set aside the first command and die in the very day that they do it?

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

You died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, in the very day (decades ago) that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak or walk, that you worship and eat for spiritual life.

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