Why Do Atheists Misrepresent Biblical Law as Current Law?

Why would you suppose that is? Are Blacks more violent genetically or are they just more likely to face harsher punishment than other groups?
I would say that more Blacks and Hispanics live in more and larger ghettos in large cities which breeds gangs, drugs and crime than there are White ghettos. Would you disagree? We know that cities like Chicago have lots of Black on Black killings and crime that grip cities all over. So, their environment is a key factor as well as much of the culture with gangster rap and other negative influences. Do you disagree? If you do, why?
So, how is that pounding on gay people? You will find that 95% of those were fine with giving gays the same rights as married people in same sex unions. Most you are quoting believe marriage is a covenant between man and woman with God. And, most would like to see the government out of marriage altogether and have everyone go to the state for civil unions and let churches have control over marriage.

Marriage, legal marriage, is a legal status. They want to deny that.

I doubt most of these people want gay people to have the same rights as other people. A lot of these people use religion to make their prejudices acceptable.

Look at the bakery situation. They didn't want to make a cake for gay people. And they got a LOT of support, especially in the religious community. Same with that woman who refused to give a marriage license to gay people.

You can say that they're not against gay people all you like, but it's not true.
Well, this doesn't have much to do with dogs being happy because they get treats. Humans are like dogs, we respond to positive reinforcement. In fact dogs are part of education psychology, Pavlov's dogs are famous because he used dogs to show how we can train children to improve.

That's not at all what Pavlov did.

Pavlov was a pioneer in brain washing using conditioned response. Both negative and positive reinforcement, along with sleep depravation, isolation, and physical torture were part of Pavlovs methods. Pavlov is right up with Mengele and Fauci, reviled by legitimate science.

Try learning something, just to see if you can.

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Marriage, legal marriage, is a legal status. They want to deny that.

I doubt most of these people want gay people to have the same rights as other people. A lot of these people use religion to make their prejudices acceptable.

Look at the bakery situation. They didn't want to make a cake for gay people. And they got a LOT of support, especially in the religious community. Same with that woman who refused to give a marriage license to gay people.

You can say that they're not against gay people all you like, but it's not true.
You weren't paying attention then with what was going on with same-sex unions. They had reached the same status as married person as long as they had a legal same-sex union. And, again, being conservative, I was all for that. So were most conservatives.
Your continuance about the bakery situation just shows your ignorance of what happened. They didn't have a problem baking the cake. They wanted the owners to participate at the wedding and cut the damn thing. You watch CNN and MSNBC, don't you? That's your problem.
When you say, "against gay people." What do you mean? I'm against homosexual behavioral acts. But, I'm also friends with lots of gay people including family members. I'm big enough to love the sinner and hate the sin. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Something you activists can't do. You just hate.
The bible describes the law that existed 2000 years ago thousands of miles away from the Americas. Not even modern Israel follows biblical law.
Well, the people in the Americas also had the Law of Moses because Lehi brought the OT up to 600 BC with his family to the Americas from Jerusalem.
Don't you think it is pretty screwed up that the Bible, which the entire Christian religion is defined by, has so many different interpretations? How can anybody accept it's scripture to be the inerrant word of God when it says so many conflicting things?
If Tanach was translated as best as it possibly could be and people actually read it verse by verse, the NT would crumble.
If Tanach was translated as best as it possibly could be and people actually read it verse by verse, the NT would crumble.
Nonsense. Here's the fact. Christians believe the OT is truly the word of God. And, that it was kept orally and written from generation to generation to bring Israel to be ready for the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who came off his throne as Jehovah.
Nonsense. Here's the fact. Christians believe the OT is truly the word of God. And, that it was kept orally and written from generation to generation to bring Israel to be ready for the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who came off his throne as Jehovah.
I'm still waiting for a Christian to tell me they studied Tanach from start to end in Hebrew.
I'm still waiting for a Christian to tell me they studied Tanach from start to end in Hebrew.
LOL!!! Thousands have in theology school. Many read and speak Hebrew as well as you do. This arrogant nonsense you possess thinking you are some hotshot is a bunch of bunk. Because we have our scholars who know Hebrew as well as you do, they are able to translate for those of us who don't know Hebrew.
The real difference is that we have the influence and gift of the Holy Ghost that has testified that the OT was to bring Israel to the readiness to accept the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The scriptures are not for your private interpretation.
LOL!!! Thousands have in theology school. Many read and speak Hebrew as well as you do. This arrogant nonsense you possess thinking you are some hotshot is a bunch of bunk. Because we have our scholars who know Hebrew as well as you do, they are able to translate for those of us who don't know Hebrew.
The real difference is that we have the influence and gift of the Holy Ghost that has testified that the OT was to bring Israel to the readiness to accept the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The scriptures are not for your private interpretation.
I've met a few of them and I destroy them when it comes to context and they never study Tanach without first memorizing their NT verses out of context.
If Tanach was translated as best as it possibly could be and people actually read it verse by verse, the NT would crumble.
The Christians claim Jesus was the Messiah predicted in the OT, but he does not fit the prophecy description.
The OT Messiah was a political and military leader and Jesus was a pacifist.
The Christians claim Jesus was the Messiah predicted in the OT, but he does not fit the prophecy description.
The OT Messiah was a political and military leader and Jesus was a pacifist.
Actually, the NT Jesus comes off as an angry young man; not a pacifist at all.
Yeah, yeah, I know all about the "Turn the other cheek" phrase.
That was the only time he wasn't insulting Jews.
I've met a few of them and I destroy them when it comes to context and they never study Tanach without first memorizing their NT verses out of context.
Many Christians are not at all knowledgeable about their faith or the bible. Worst of all, they take their religion as pure fact and not faith which is what it is.
I've met a few of them and I destroy them when it comes to context and they never study Tanach without first memorizing their NT verses out of context.
You definitely are a legend in your own mind. Arrogant and full of himself. No, you did not destroy anyone. You simply interpreted from your Jewish point of view and opinions. Don't get me wrong though. There are a lot of great understandings that I've heard by Rabbis. Not much from scholars because they tend not to have an ounce of faith or belief in a real God. That probably describes you, right? My father was that way. He would say that there isn't a real live God but that God meant goodness in mankind. I didn't believe him either.
Many Christians are not at all knowledgeable about their faith or the bible. Worst of all, they take their religion as pure fact and not faith which is what it is.
The most ironic fact is that the entire religion is based on people being evil and needing God's grace.
Christians don't even know what the word "Chane" means.
Chane is when God finds something endearing in you, not loving you despite the fact that you're a piece of garbage.
You definitely are a legend in your own mind. Arrogant and full of himself. No, you did not destroy anyone. You simply interpreted from your Jewish point of view and opinions. Don't get me wrong though. There are a lot of great understandings that I've heard by Rabbis. Not much from scholars because they tend not to have an ounce of faith or belief in a real God. That probably describes you, right? My father was that way. He would say that there isn't a real live God but that God meant goodness in mankind. I didn't believe him either.
Ad hominems will get you nowhere.
You always present as a weak and angry individual.
Most of my co-workers are Catholic and always ask me to explain why what they have been taught is nonsense.
BTW, I have no love for secular scholars because they no nothing compared to the Rabbis.
He never renounced Judaism. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder.
The Talmud Yoma (The Yom Kippur Service) has many stories about the corruption that was going on with the Kohanim in the Temple which is why the Temple was destroyed.
Neither Tanach nor our oral teachings make excuses for bad attributes.

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