Why Do Atheists Misrepresent Biblical Law as Current Law?

Actually, the NT Jesus comes off as an angry young man; not a pacifist at all.
Yeah, yeah, I know all about the "Turn the other cheek" phrase.
That was the only time he wasn't insulting Jews.
He wasn't insulting them. They may have felt like he was like you do. But, he was attempting to teach them the true understanding that they had polluted and changed the doctrine and understandings. That's why God stopped sending prophets to them. Their hearts had hardened and remain so today. I was fortunate to have escaped their vain traditions and by the Holy Spirit know Jesus Christ is Jehovah, the Son of the Father. Had more of the people of Judah known this, they would have known that the Messiah would first come to be the last atoning sacrifice and end animal sacrifice, which did happen. They would have known he wasn't there to defeat the Romans in physical war. He was there to defeat them in spiritual war in which eventually happened. Funny how things happen and not in the time frame we think.
He wasn't insulting them. They may have felt like he was like you do. But, he was attempting to teach them the true understanding that they had polluted and changed the doctrine and understandings. That's why God stopped sending prophets to them. Their hearts had hardened and remain so today. I was fortunate to have escaped their vain traditions and by the Holy Spirit know Jesus Christ is Jehovah, the Son of the Father. Had more of the people of Judah known this, they would have known that the Messiah would first come to be the last atoning sacrifice and end animal sacrifice, which did happen. They would have known he wasn't there to defeat the Romans in physical war. He was there to defeat them in spiritual war in which eventually happened. Funny how things happen and not in the time frame we think.
Speaking of hardening hearts, I am sure you pretend the 1,000 years of murder, rape and theft by the Roman Catholic Church never happened.
The hypocrisy is nauseating.
Jesus sure did bring peace to the world....not!
Ad hominems will get you nowhere.
You always present as a weak and angry individual.
Most of my co-workers are Catholic and always ask me to explain why what they have been taught is nonsense.
BTW, I have no love for secular scholars because they no nothing compared to the Rabbis.
Yet, it's your secular Hebrew scholars that Rabbis follow when they are trained. And, why again do you believe Christians must come from your point of understanding of what the OT is all about? Again, that's pure arrogance. And, to think I'm angry is so predictable and stupid as well. I have no anger. I'm trying to teach you the errors of your way of understanding. That, you may come to understand Jesus didn't come the first time to end the Roman dominance. He came to end eternal death through his atoning sacrifice that the OT prophets gave to the people. Isaiah chapter 53 for instance is a perfect example.
And, a question to you. What is the stick or book of Joseph through Ephraim? It's to be one in thine hand?
Yet, it's your secular Hebrew scholars that Rabbis follow when they are trained. And, why again do you believe Christians must come from your point of understanding of what the OT is all about? Again, that's pure arrogance. And, to think I'm angry is so predictable and stupid as well. I have no anger. I'm trying to teach you the errors of your way of understanding. That, you may come to understand Jesus didn't come the first time to end the Roman dominance. He came to end eternal death through his atoning sacrifice that the OT prophets gave to the people. Isaiah chapter 53 for instance is a perfect example.
And, a question to you. What is the stick or book of Joseph through Ephraim? It's to be one in thine hand?
Yet, it's your secular Hebrew scholars that Rabbis follow when they are trained.

Starting off a paragraph with a falsehood is not a good move.
Thanks for ignoring my posts with that crap that's been transplanted into your brain.

What part of Jesus FAILED eluded you?
He wasn't insulting them. They may have felt like he was like you do. But, he was attempting to teach them the true understanding that they had polluted and changed the doctrine and understandings. That's why God stopped sending prophets to them. Their hearts had hardened and remain so today. I was fortunate to have escaped their vain traditions and by the Holy Spirit know Jesus Christ is Jehovah, the Son of the Father. Had more of the people of Judah known this, they would have known that the Messiah would first come to be the last atoning sacrifice and end animal sacrifice, which did happen. They would have known he wasn't there to defeat the Romans in physical war. He was there to defeat them in spiritual war in which eventually happened. Funny how things happen and not in the time frame we think.
I presume you're aware that there is no korban for a peshah (a forbidden act done to spite God), which is exactly the opposite of what the NT says.
The Talmud Yoma (The Yom Kippur Service) has many stories about the corruption that was going on with the Kohanim in the Temple which is why the Temple was destroyed.
Neither Tanach nor our oral teachings make excuses for bad attributes.
In The Book of Matthew, Jesus said:"I come to fulfill the law of Moses and the prophets, not to destroy it."
The Torah is the Bible.
The rest is Prophets and Writings.
Prophets and Writings cannot override anything in the Torah.
What exactly is the Torah?

Image result for torah
Torah (תורה) in Hebrew can mean teaching, direction, guidance and law. The most prominent meaning for Jews is that the Torah constitutes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (also called the Pentateuch, 'five books' in Greek), traditionally thought to have been composed by Moses.Sep 23, 2019
What exactly is the Torah?

Image result for torah
Torah (תורה) in Hebrew can mean teaching, direction, guidance and law. The most prominent meaning for Jews is that the Torah constitutes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (also called the Pentateuch, 'five books' in Greek), traditionally thought to have been composed by Moses.Sep 23, 2019
The word Torah means You Will Enlighten Yourself.
The Torah was dictated, face to face, by God to Moshe.
The rest of Tanach is historical, morality, praises and wisdom inspired by the Torah.
The word Torah means You Will Enlighten Yourself.
The Torah was dictated, face to face, by God to Moshe.
The rest of Tanach is historical, morality, praises and wisdom inspired by the Torah.
Torah (תורה) in Hebrew can mean teaching, direction, guidance and law. The most prominent meaning for Jews is that the Torah constitutes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (also called the Pentateuch, 'five books' in Greek), traditionally thought to have been composed by Moses.Sep 23, 2019
Torah (תורה) in Hebrew can mean teaching, direction, guidance and law. The most prominent meaning for Jews is that the Torah constitutes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (also called the Pentateuch, 'five books' in Greek), traditionally thought to have been composed by Moses.Sep 23, 2019
The first letter, from right to left, is a tet, which grammatically means "you will {be}".
the next 3 letters vuv, rashe, hay, mean "enlighted".
Speaking of hardening hearts, I am sure you pretend the 1,000 years of murder, rape and theft by the Roman Catholic Church never happened.
Is that all the Catholic Church did for a thousand years? There was no caring for the sick, sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, providing clothes for those in need?
You weren't paying attention then with what was going on with same-sex unions. They had reached the same status as married person as long as they had a legal same-sex union. And, again, being conservative, I was all for that. So were most conservatives.
Your continuance about the bakery situation just shows your ignorance of what happened. They didn't have a problem baking the cake. They wanted the owners to participate at the wedding and cut the damn thing. You watch CNN and MSNBC, don't you? That's your problem.
When you say, "against gay people." What do you mean? I'm against homosexual behavioral acts. But, I'm also friends with lots of gay people including family members. I'm big enough to love the sinner and hate the sin. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Something you activists can't do. You just hate.
They did not. In law words matter. There are so many laws, statutes and rules that use the exact word "marriage". a "civil union" is not a "marriage" in those cases.
You weren't paying attention then with what was going on with same-sex unions. They had reached the same status as married person as long as they had a legal same-sex union. And, again, being conservative, I was all for that. So were most conservatives.
Your continuance about the bakery situation just shows your ignorance of what happened. They didn't have a problem baking the cake. They wanted the owners to participate at the wedding and cut the damn thing. You watch CNN and MSNBC, don't you? That's your problem.
When you say, "against gay people." What do you mean? I'm against homosexual behavioral acts. But, I'm also friends with lots of gay people including family members. I'm big enough to love the sinner and hate the sin. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Something you activists can't do. You just hate.

Problem is 1) you're saying they don't support same sex marriage. Why not?
2) you haven't shown a majority of conservatives support these legal rights.

No, I don't watch CNN or MSNBC or Fox or any of the other news shows. I don't watch TV.

Here's Fox, just for you

""We told the customer, this caller, that this cake was a cake we couldn’t create because of the message, the caller turned around and sued us," Phillips told Fox News."

Where did he mention he'd have to go to the ceremony?
Yet, it's your secular Hebrew scholars that Rabbis follow when they are trained. And, why again do you believe Christians must come from your point of understanding of what the OT is all about? Again, that's pure arrogance. And, to think I'm angry is so predictable and stupid as well. I have no anger. I'm trying to teach you the errors of your way of understanding. That, you may come to understand Jesus didn't come the first time to end the Roman dominance. He came to end eternal death through his atoning sacrifice that the OT prophets gave to the people. Isaiah chapter 53 for instance is a perfect example.
And, a question to you. What is the stick or book of Joseph through Ephraim? It's to be one in thine hand?
And you trying to ascribe meaning not present to out Holy Book, written in our language, for us is NOT arrogant??

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