Why Do Atheists Misrepresent Biblical Law as Current Law?


Do dogs strive to become better dogs?

Hey if you are content with being a dog, bark on.. Screw God. Be loyal to whoever feeds you. Just don't take a dump on the living room floor or you will never get out from under the porch and never expect to find a seat next to your master feasting at the dinner table. You will never have one.

But hey, not to worry! At least you will always be able to lick your own balls and ass.

If we were meant to be better people, why were we made as we are?

How many of you are there?
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Hey if you are content with being a dog, bark on.. Screw religion. Be loyal to whoever feeds you.

How many of you are there?

The point being that a "good human" is an opinion. Why would this be God's opinion? Did you ask God what a good human is?

Surely, based on the evidence out there, a good human is one who fucks repeatedly to produce more humans.

Or doesn't fuck to produce humans because humans are fucking this planet up, killing off species by the minute, though based on the number of mass extinctions God has thrown at this world, maybe he loves humans for messing it all up so he can make something better on top of the ashes.

How many? About 7.8 billion.
Cool. To coinside with your bedtime example, that would mean something had to change to make the previous law fulfilled. Was mankind just old enough to eat shellfish and pork at that point? Was that the only law to change, or were there others? When? Why?

Well for starters we were no longer Israelites--the nation of Israel. That's one. For another we were growing into the age of grace.
Well for starters we were no longer Israelites--the nation of Israel. That's one. For another we were growing into the age of grace.
Age of grace? Is that a Jesus concept, or a Paul concept? You got scripture to show that is a real thing?
Did the people of Islam stop them? Nope. Did they condemn them? Nope. You know that when 9/11 happened, the Muslim people in New York City were cheering.

You actually believe the b.s. Trump was spewing about 9/11? Sorry, but there were no New Yorkers (or even people in New Jersey for that matter) who were cheering 9/11 happening. That bullshit claim has been thoroughly debunked.

As far as the people of Islam stopping the Taliban? Hate to tell you, but there have been many Muslims who have denounced the Taliban, as well as many who have fought against them. How about Christians denouncing the Westboro Baptist church when they were saying that God was killing US troops overseas because of the US allowing homosexuality? I've heard a few (but very few) Christians denounce the Westboro Baptists (who also claim to be Christian), and that church has been allowed to operate and protest at veterans funerals. Although, I gotta hand it to my biker (motorcycle) brothers and sisters who formed a guard line so the Westboro crazies had to keep their distance.

Do dogs strive to become better dogs?

If we were meant to be better people, why were we made as we are?

I guess you've never hung around or had dogs. They are highly trainable, and are happy any time they learn something new that a human has taught them. Mainly because they get treats. Yes, dogs DO strive to become better dogs when they strive to learn what their humans teach them (although, as humans, we have to be careful what they are taught).
Oh, I'm making it up, am I?

So the religious right doesn't want to prevent gay people from getting married? Doesn't want to stop gay people from even fucking?

Question number 10

Do you think it should be legal or illegal for same sex couples to marry?

36% of people said not legal.
This goes up to 65% of people who say they're Conservative.
61% of people who say they're Republican and 60% of people who voted for Trump.

If you think I'm making it up, you're living in a fantasy world.
So, how is that pounding on gay people? You will find that 95% of those were fine with giving gays the same rights as married people in same sex unions. Most you are quoting believe marriage is a covenant between man and woman with God. And, most would like to see the government out of marriage altogether and have everyone go to the state for civil unions and let churches have control over marriage.
You actually believe the b.s. Trump was spewing about 9/11? Sorry, but there were no New Yorkers (or even people in New Jersey for that matter) who were cheering 9/11 happening. That bullshit claim has been thoroughly debunked.

As far as the people of Islam stopping the Taliban? Hate to tell you, but there have been many Muslims who have denounced the Taliban, as well as many who have fought against them. How about Christians denouncing the Westboro Baptist church when they were saying that God was killing US troops overseas because of the US allowing homosexuality? I've heard a few (but very few) Christians denounce the Westboro Baptists (who also claim to be Christian), and that church has been allowed to operate and protest at veterans funerals. Although, I gotta hand it to my biker (motorcycle) brothers and sisters who formed a guard line so the Westboro crazies had to keep their distance.
95% of Christians denounce Westboro Baptists. Nonsense. And, how about not moving the goal post. Yes, Muslims were cheering.
95% of Christians denounce Westboro Baptists. Nonsense. And, how about not moving the goal post. Yes, Muslims were cheering.

Did the people of Islam stop them? Nope. Did they condemn them? Nope. You know that when 9/11 happened, the Muslim people in New York City were cheering.

Oh, so now you are saying its Muslims, and not New York City Muslims as you originally stated. No, nobody in New York was cheering when the towers got hit on 9/11, that is bullshit brought to you by Trump. As far as 95 percent of the Christians denouncing the WBC? Sorry, but I haven't heard that many denounce them, but I have heard many say that they agree with their stance on homosexuality.

Might wanna quit moving goalposts yourself.
Oh, so now you are saying its Muslims, and not New York City Muslims as you originally stated. No, nobody in New York was cheering when the towers got hit on 9/11, that is bullshit brought to you by Trump. As far as 95 percent of the Christians denouncing the WBC? Sorry, but I haven't heard that many denounce them, but I have heard many say that they agree with their stance on homosexuality.

Might wanna quit moving goalposts yourself.
You are wrong. And, if you re-read what I posted, I said Muslims in New York City cheered during 9/11.
You are wrong. And, if you re-read what I posted, I said Muslims in New York City cheered during 9/11.

If you had bothered to read the link I posted, you would have seen that NO MUSLIMS in New York City cheered 9/11. That lie has been thoroughly debunked.

As far as Christians denouncing the WBC? Haven't seen much in the news where they did, but I can post several links about Muslims denouncing what the Taliban has done if you need them.
If you had bothered to read the link I posted, you would have seen that NO MUSLIMS in New York City cheered 9/11. That lie has been thoroughly debunked.

As far as Christians denouncing the WBC? Haven't seen much in the news where they did, but I can post several links about Muslims denouncing what the Taliban has done if you need them.
Debunked like the Hunter Laptop post was debunked by the liberal media? Along with the Fake Hillary Clinton dossier story? I would believe a thing from the liberal media. Why do you?
If the justice system is skewed, why were there lynching? Wasn't the whole reason of lynching that the justice system didn't met out punishment the way the lynchers wanted?
Maybe it was speed, maybe fear they'd got the wrong Black man, maybe they didn't feel any Black should try and defend themselves, maybe they just wanted to send a message?
Good grief! You are living in the past. There is no law on our books anywhere in the U.S. that approves of any lynching of anyone.
There never was a law yet they still happened. I wonder how many of the lynchers considered themselves Christians?

The justice system now is not skewed.
So the number of Blacks on death row is the same as the proportion of Blacks in the general population? Spoiler alert, it is not.
Those who have not risen from the dead will be judged according to their words and deeds...

So there's that. I heard that this is what Jesus said, but that';s only what I heard....

'No one who does not do what is right is righteous.' Life is in the blood, in the doing.
Those who have not risen from the dead will be judged according to their words and deeds...

So there's that. I heard that this is what Jesus said, but that';s only what I heard....

'No one who does not do what is right is righteous.' Life is in the blood, in the doing.

The simpler version …

The Catholic view …

Catholic Purgatory …

There never was a law yet they still happened. I wonder how many of the lynchers considered themselves Christians?

So the number of Blacks on death row is the same as the proportion of Blacks in the general population? Spoiler alert, it is not.
Why do you assume that the number of Blacks on death row has to be the same proportion of Blacks in the general population? Maybe more Blacks commit murders than other demographics.
I said it happened. You too have a difficulty with comprehension or just want to argue. And, I'm sure there are Christians who were involved with lynching. Has nothing to do with the topic of discussion.
Maybe it was speed, maybe fear they'd got the wrong Black man, maybe they didn't feel any Black should try and defend themselves, maybe they just wanted to send a message?

Or maybe you're just lying.

For every black man lynched, over 100 white men were lynched.
Why do you assume that the number of Blacks on death row has to be the same proportion of Blacks in the general population? Maybe more Blacks commit murders than other demographics.
Why would you suppose that is? Are Blacks more violent genetically or are they just more likely to face harsher punishment than other groups?
I guess you've never hung around or had dogs. They are highly trainable, and are happy any time they learn something new that a human has taught them. Mainly because they get treats. Yes, dogs DO strive to become better dogs when they strive to learn what their humans teach them (although, as humans, we have to be careful what they are taught).

Well, this doesn't have much to do with dogs being happy because they get treats. Humans are like dogs, we respond to positive reinforcement. In fact dogs are part of education psychology, Pavlov's dogs are famous because he used dogs to show how we can train children to improve.

Dogs don't strive to be better dogs. Dogs strive to get treats. The owner is the one striving to make the dog a "better dog" and that is in the human's view of what a "better dog" is. Obedient and compliant. Just like many governments want their people.

There's a philosophy about human needs. That many people simply fulfill their basic needs. They need to eat, so they eat. They need to pee, so they pee. They don't think beyond this. They're animals in all senses of the word.

Then there are those who think further than this, and reach higher levels on this philosophical need chart. They aim to help people, do this or do that.

The problem here is that a "better human" is based on our view, not on God's view of what makes a "better human". If humans go to war and kill 50% of the world's population, would God care? Probably not. In the scale of things it's not important at all.

I started a thread about Noah's Ark. It's interesting because God basically said "fucking humans are too violent, so I'm going to wipe out all creatures and start again" only he started again with the same creatures and some in breeding and expected different results.

Since then we've had wars to end all wars, we've had the invasions of Iraq, Kuwait, Ukraine and the like and God has done nothing about it. No floods, not getting rid of the problem species, humans being the problem species, in fact humans get more numerous. China has more people now than the world did in 1800.

If there is a God, I doubt he gives a damn. We've had plenty of near total extinction episodes and this has led to life growing back again. God doesn't care about us.

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