Why do Christians fear the Quran??


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
It seems the Christians have a lot of animosity for anyone that doesn't agree with their mumbo jumbo black book, that is revised, cut into pieces, and missing tons of Gospels, like Injil, the Gospel of Jesus, and his right hand man the Gospel of Peter, and the Gospel of Jesus as a child. In fact there are many gospels the Christians ignored that didn't make their puzzle pieces fit nicely together. So if you are an inquisitive Christian, you might read what really happen with this man named Jesus, from witnesses like Peter and others. You will quickly learn why the Christian leaders fear the Quran. Jesus claimed he was the truth and the light, so if that be true, have no fear of learning the truth by the light.

Muslims regard the Qur’an as the main miracle of Muhammad, as proof of his prophethood. and as the culmination of a series of divine messages. These started, according to Islamic belief, with the messages revealed to Adam, regarded in Islam as the first prophet, and continued with the Suhuf Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham), the Tawrat (Torah or Pentateuch) of Moses, the Zabur (Tehillim or Book of Psalms) of David, and the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus. The Qur'an assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in Jewish and Christian scriptures, summarizing some, dwelling at length on others, and, in some cases, presenting alternative accounts and interpretations of events. The Qur'an describes itself as a book of guidance, sometimes offering detailed accounts of specific historical events, and often emphasizing the moral significance of an event over its
narrative sequence.

Qur'an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paul explodes: “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you (Gal 3:1)? -- Paul seems to have breached a clear injunction of Christ when the latter said: “Whoever shall say ‘Thou Fool,’ shall be in danger of Hellfire” (Matt. 5:22). In Galatians 3:1, Paul is either stating a fact that Jesus was crucified and therefore “abolished the law in his flesh” (Eph. 2:15) by dying as a perfect sacrifice for sin OR he is lambasting the Galatians for disbelieving that Christ was even crucified at all. The latter would have flown right into Paul’s face since the very foundation of his gospel rests on the supposed death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This would certainly explain his anger.

He comments: “If Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain, ye are yet in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:17); “Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead, according to MY GOSPEL” (2 Tim. 2:8). In fact, Paul is the actual founder of the religion that bears the title of Jesus. He admits this freely in 1 Cor. 3:10: “According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the FOUNDATION, and another builds on it.” We must question the source of Paul’s “revelation.” While Jesus had power over demons and terrified them with his very presence, Paul admits that he regularly gets beat over the head by a “messenger of Satan” from time to time (2 Cor. 12:7). Is this how a saint or an apostle is supposed to be treated?

It seems as if the Nazarene disciples corrected Paul’s erroneous teaching that Jesus was killed on the cross. God reveals in the Qur’an regarding Jesus: “…they killed him not, nor did they crucify him” (an Nisaa 4:157). When the Passion of the Christ is removed from Christianity, the religion itself becomes absolutely worthless. The Gospel of Thomas was discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi and is believed by many Christians, including the Jesus Seminar, to predate the Gospel of Mark. In fact, the Jesus Seminar has dubbed this book as the “Fifth Gospel.” But why was it rejected as heresy and banned by the Church? The reason: NO PASSION NARRATIVE.

The Apocalypse of Peter was also discovered in the caves of Nag Hammadi -- So why was this book rejected and banned? Because it supports the substitution theory that Jesus was saved from the cross while another went in his stead. The Gospel of Peter met a similar fate by the Church because of its endorsement for Docetism (A first-century Gnostic movement that maintained that Jesus was merely a phantom who did not possess a physical body and therefore did not suffer on the cross). If Christians continue to uphold the authenticity of the canonical Gospels by maintaining that they were authored by towering figures of the first-century Jesus movement, then why do they reject documents penned by Peter, the chosen disciple of Christ?! Who can be more towering than Simon Cephas himself?

Injil - Gospel of Jesus
Why do Christians fear the Quran??

We don't.

I think that should be a small "w" on We, as many people are shaking in their boots and the christian preacher called off the bonfire. Nor does the news support your view.

[GAINESVILLE — Florida's governor is concerned about safety at home and around the world, a feeling shared by national and world leaders, over a plan by the head of a small church to burn copies of Islam's holiest text to mark the 9/11 terrorist attacks.]

Why do you suppose Christians far and wide rejected the gospels that tell about the idol jesus? Was it a religious conspiracy of the ancient cult members? And in this age of technology and information sharing, why aren't the christians telling the tale? I doubt the black book is so small because they feared the weight of carrying the "Good News."
Why do Christians fear the Quran??

We don't.

I think that should be a small "w" on We, as many people are shaking in their boots and the christian preacher called off the bonfire. Nor does the news support your view.

[GAINESVILLE — Florida's governor is concerned about safety at home and around the world, a feeling shared by national and world leaders, over a plan by the head of a small church to burn copies of Islam's holiest text to mark the 9/11 terrorist attacks.]

Why do you suppose Christians far and wide rejected the gospels that tell about the idol jesus? Was it a religious conspiracy of the ancient cult members? And in this age of technology and information sharing, why aren't the christians telling the tale? I doubt the black book is so small because they feared the weight of carrying the "Good News."

I think you don't understand basic grammar. The capital W on we is correct. It is the first word of a sentence. What a dickhead you are.

On topic: It may 'seem' that way to you, but that's more likely to be due to your lack of intellect than an opinion based on fact.

It seems the Christians have a lot of animosity for anyone that doesn't agree with their mumbo jumbo black book, that is revised, cut into pieces, and missing tons of Gospels, like Injil, the Gospel of Jesus, and his right hand man the Gospel of Peter, and the Gospel of Jesus as a child. In fact there are many gospels the Christians ignored that didn't make their puzzle pieces fit nicely together. So if you are an inquisitive Christian, you might read what really happen with this man named Jesus, from witnesses like Peter and others. You will quickly learn why the Christian leaders fear the Quran. Jesus claimed he was the truth and the light, so if that be true, have no fear of learning the truth by the light.

Muslims regard the Qur’an as the main miracle of Muhammad, as proof of his prophethood. and as the culmination of a series of divine messages. These started, according to Islamic belief, with the messages revealed to Adam, regarded in Islam as the first prophet, and continued with the Suhuf Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham), the Tawrat (Torah or Pentateuch) of Moses, the Zabur (Tehillim or Book of Psalms) of David, and the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus. The Qur'an assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in Jewish and Christian scriptures, summarizing some, dwelling at length on others, and, in some cases, presenting alternative accounts and interpretations of events. The Qur'an describes itself as a book of guidance, sometimes offering detailed accounts of specific historical events, and often emphasizing the moral significance of an event over its
narrative sequence.

Qur'an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paul explodes: “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you (Gal 3:1)? -- Paul seems to have breached a clear injunction of Christ when the latter said: “Whoever shall say ‘Thou Fool,’ shall be in danger of Hellfire” (Matt. 5:22). In Galatians 3:1, Paul is either stating a fact that Jesus was crucified and therefore “abolished the law in his flesh” (Eph. 2:15) by dying as a perfect sacrifice for sin OR he is lambasting the Galatians for disbelieving that Christ was even crucified at all. The latter would have flown right into Paul’s face since the very foundation of his gospel rests on the supposed death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This would certainly explain his anger.

He comments: “If Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain, ye are yet in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:17); “Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead, according to MY GOSPEL” (2 Tim. 2:8). In fact, Paul is the actual founder of the religion that bears the title of Jesus. He admits this freely in 1 Cor. 3:10: “According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the FOUNDATION, and another builds on it.” We must question the source of Paul’s “revelation.” While Jesus had power over demons and terrified them with his very presence, Paul admits that he regularly gets beat over the head by a “messenger of Satan” from time to time (2 Cor. 12:7). Is this how a saint or an apostle is supposed to be treated?

It seems as if the Nazarene disciples corrected Paul’s erroneous teaching that Jesus was killed on the cross. God reveals in the Qur’an regarding Jesus: “…they killed him not, nor did they crucify him” (an Nisaa 4:157). When the Passion of the Christ is removed from Christianity, the religion itself becomes absolutely worthless. The Gospel of Thomas was discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi and is believed by many Christians, including the Jesus Seminar, to predate the Gospel of Mark. In fact, the Jesus Seminar has dubbed this book as the “Fifth Gospel.” But why was it rejected as heresy and banned by the Church? The reason: NO PASSION NARRATIVE.

The Apocalypse of Peter was also discovered in the caves of Nag Hammadi -- So why was this book rejected and banned? Because it supports the substitution theory that Jesus was saved from the cross while another went in his stead. The Gospel of Peter met a similar fate by the Church because of its endorsement for Docetism (A first-century Gnostic movement that maintained that Jesus was merely a phantom who did not possess a physical body and therefore did not suffer on the cross). If Christians continue to uphold the authenticity of the canonical Gospels by maintaining that they were authored by towering figures of the first-century Jesus movement, then why do they reject documents penned by Peter, the chosen disciple of Christ?! Who can be more towering than Simon Cephas himself?

Injil - Gospel of Jesus

I have to ask. Did you actually intend the delicious irony in your post, or was it an amusing accident? It's just so damned funny to hear someone begin a hate-filled rant against Christianity, brimming with fear, anger, and loathing, by saying, "It seems the Christians have a lot of animosity for anyone that doesn't agree . . ."

Thank you for the laugh, whether you intended to be a joke or not. :lol:
Why do Christians fear the Quran??

We don't.

I think that should be a small "w" on We...
I think you didn't pay much attention in grade shcool, where they taught you that the first letter of the first word in a sentence is always capitalized.
...as many people are shaking in their boots and the christian preacher called off the bonfire.
I think he should have gone ahead with the burning, myself.
Nor does the news support your view.

[GAINESVILLE — Florida's governor is concerned about safety at home and around the world, a feeling shared by national and world leaders, over a plan by the head of a small church to burn copies of Islam's holiest text to mark the 9/11 terrorist attacks.]
Given radical Islam's propensity to violence, there is reason to be concerned. Not afraid -- concerned.

If that's what you call fear, then the left is afraid of Sarah Palin.
Why do you suppose Christians far and wide rejected the gospels that tell about the idol jesus? Was it a religious conspiracy of the ancient cult members? And in this age of technology and information sharing, why aren't the christians telling the tale? I doubt the black book is so small because they feared the weight of carrying the "Good News."
I don't know. Nor do I care. But I do think it's funny when unbelievers try to lecture believers about their faith. :lol:
If by fear you mean couldn't care less, I suppose that's because few of us have to deal with the insanity of that system because we have our own insane theo-illological system to cope with.
You conveniently forget about all service men and women and their families, editec.
It seems the Christians have a lot of animosity for anyone that doesn't agree with their mumbo jumbo black book, that is revised, cut into pieces, and missing tons of Gospels, like Injil, the Gospel of Jesus, and his right hand man the Gospel of Peter, and the Gospel of Jesus as a child. In fact there are many gospels the Christians ignored that didn't make their puzzle pieces fit nicely together. So if you are an inquisitive Christian, you might read what really happen with this man named Jesus, from witnesses like Peter and others. You will quickly learn why the Christian leaders fear the Quran. Jesus claimed he was the truth and the light, so if that be true, have no fear of learning the truth by the light.

Muslims regard the Qur’an as the main miracle of Muhammad, as proof of his prophethood. and as the culmination of a series of divine messages. These started, according to Islamic belief, with the messages revealed to Adam, regarded in Islam as the first prophet, and continued with the Suhuf Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham), the Tawrat (Torah or Pentateuch) of Moses, the Zabur (Tehillim or Book of Psalms) of David, and the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus. The Qur'an assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in Jewish and Christian scriptures, summarizing some, dwelling at length on others, and, in some cases, presenting alternative accounts and interpretations of events. The Qur'an describes itself as a book of guidance, sometimes offering detailed accounts of specific historical events, and often emphasizing the moral significance of an event over its
narrative sequence.

Qur'an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paul explodes: “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you (Gal 3:1)? -- Paul seems to have breached a clear injunction of Christ when the latter said: “Whoever shall say ‘Thou Fool,’ shall be in danger of Hellfire” (Matt. 5:22). In Galatians 3:1, Paul is either stating a fact that Jesus was crucified and therefore “abolished the law in his flesh” (Eph. 2:15) by dying as a perfect sacrifice for sin OR he is lambasting the Galatians for disbelieving that Christ was even crucified at all. The latter would have flown right into Paul’s face since the very foundation of his gospel rests on the supposed death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This would certainly explain his anger.

He comments: “If Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain, ye are yet in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:17); “Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead, according to MY GOSPEL” (2 Tim. 2:8). In fact, Paul is the actual founder of the religion that bears the title of Jesus. He admits this freely in 1 Cor. 3:10: “According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the FOUNDATION, and another builds on it.” We must question the source of Paul’s “revelation.” While Jesus had power over demons and terrified them with his very presence, Paul admits that he regularly gets beat over the head by a “messenger of Satan” from time to time (2 Cor. 12:7). Is this how a saint or an apostle is supposed to be treated?

It seems as if the Nazarene disciples corrected Paul’s erroneous teaching that Jesus was killed on the cross. God reveals in the Qur’an regarding Jesus: “…they killed him not, nor did they crucify him” (an Nisaa 4:157). When the Passion of the Christ is removed from Christianity, the religion itself becomes absolutely worthless. The Gospel of Thomas was discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi and is believed by many Christians, including the Jesus Seminar, to predate the Gospel of Mark. In fact, the Jesus Seminar has dubbed this book as the “Fifth Gospel.” But why was it rejected as heresy and banned by the Church? The reason: NO PASSION NARRATIVE.

The Apocalypse of Peter was also discovered in the caves of Nag Hammadi -- So why was this book rejected and banned? Because it supports the substitution theory that Jesus was saved from the cross while another went in his stead. The Gospel of Peter met a similar fate by the Church because of its endorsement for Docetism (A first-century Gnostic movement that maintained that Jesus was merely a phantom who did not possess a physical body and therefore did not suffer on the cross). If Christians continue to uphold the authenticity of the canonical Gospels by maintaining that they were authored by towering figures of the first-century Jesus movement, then why do they reject documents penned by Peter, the chosen disciple of Christ?! Who can be more towering than Simon Cephas himself?

Injil - Gospel of Jesus

Actually the better question is why do muslims fear the bible? And fear it so much so that all who do believe in the bible must be killed?
It isn't fear.


Because the koran is a PERVERSION -- the exact OPPOSITE of the Word of God, teaching DEFIANCE of God and submission to false priests who worship idols and follow a HATER of God to do that which is condemned by God.

Same reaction we give cannibals who eat people in their own idolatries -- same reaction we give those who put their own children into stone and iron statues of Molloch to burn them alive in their own version of idolatry to justify their own perversions and cruel indifference to the sanctity of human life.

The koran and islamic theology are just another form of PERVERSION based on ignorance and on human self-glorification in DEFIANCE of God.

It's not hatred, either. I pity those so deceived -- and DENIED access to any least hint of independent thought and alternative thinking.

But I am rather angry with the godless power-mad freak imams and their religious police goons and thugs who so enslave their own people by denying them access to any other thought and information source than their own lies and treacherous deceptions.

But it's primarily DISGUST -- like suddenly realizing you've just stepped into a pile of shit that's flowing over the top of your shoes and soaking through your socks and filling in between your toes.

BTW: think on this -- why the hell should we FEAR assholes when the WORST those assholes can do is send us HOME to feast with Christ in Paradise -- and wear the super crowns of HOLY MARTYRS who died rather than curse Christ and worship false gods? As the Apostle Paul, himself soon to be beheaded by Nero because he ALSO refused to worship false gods, said, "for me to die is GAIN, though it is necessary that I live to serve you others."

Why should we fear those who are ALREADY defeated and doomed by the ONE WHO IS, WAS, and ALWAYS WILL BE?

If the idolatrous jerks murder me, it's only because God Himself can use my death to glorify Christ and rescue a few more from the claws of Satan -- and I've got an even greater blessing coming because I accept their murderous actions, KNOWING their muscles and their self-glorification as worthless as morning mists in the dessert when the sun rises.
Actually the better question is why do muslims fear the bible? And fear it so much so that all who do believe in the bible must be killed?

That's their culture, and we mustn't judge it.

No, the only culture we can judge is white conservative Christian culture. And we'll judge the dogshit outta that.

/leftist mode

Since I believe in freedom of speech and integrity of convictions, I'll criticize the hell out of anything that makes me sick at my guts in its destructive degradation of life in this world.

Which of course pisses off the wanna-be social tyrants who try to FORCE others to submit to their dictates and let aging Hippies tell little baby boys and girls what they MUST think if they want to be accepted by the "in crowd" trapped in permanent high school social games for the immature and not yet able to Stand and Think for themselves, trapped in permanent submission to "peer group" fashions and fantasies.
Actually the better question is why do muslims fear the bible? And fear it so much so that all who do believe in the bible must be killed?

That's their culture, and we mustn't judge it.

No, the only culture we can judge is white conservative Christian culture. And we'll judge the dogshit outta that.

/leftist mode

Actually i call a spade a spade. And where in that statment did i judge anyone or anything. I asked a question in direct relation to the OP?

I think its funny that you believe its only white conservative christians we can judge. What about the black liberal christians? Do we leave them out of judgment?
Actually the better question is why do muslims fear the bible? And fear it so much so that all who do believe in the bible must be killed?

That's their culture, and we mustn't judge it.

No, the only culture we can judge is white conservative Christian culture. And we'll judge the dogshit outta that.

/leftist mode

Actually i call a spade a spade. And where in that statment did i judge anyone or anything. I asked a question in direct relation to the OP?

I think its funny that you believe its only white conservative christians we can judge. What about the black liberal christians? Do we leave them out of judgment?

Actually, I read his post as satire -- he's parodying the Left in rejection of that screwy inconsistency and blatant favortism/bigotry.

Was I wrong in my reading?
It's not so much fear as it is competition.

It's part of what keeps them in business.

Like Coke and Pepsi.
That's their culture, and we mustn't judge it.

No, the only culture we can judge is white conservative Christian culture. And we'll judge the dogshit outta that.

/leftist mode

Actually i call a spade a spade. And where in that statment did i judge anyone or anything. I asked a question in direct relation to the OP?

I think its funny that you believe its only white conservative christians we can judge. What about the black liberal christians? Do we leave them out of judgment?

Actually, I read his post as satire -- he's parodying the Left in rejection of that screwy inconsistency and blatant favortism/bigotry.

Was I wrong in my reading?
No, you're not wrong. :clap2:
Actually the better question is why do muslims fear the bible? And fear it so much so that all who do believe in the bible must be killed?

That's their culture, and we mustn't judge it.

No, the only culture we can judge is white conservative Christian culture. And we'll judge the dogshit outta that.

/leftist mode

Actually i call a spade a spade. And where in that statment did i judge anyone or anything. I asked a question in direct relation to the OP?

I think its funny that you believe its only white conservative christians we can judge. What about the black liberal christians? Do we leave them out of judgment?
Syrenn, I was mocking leftist moral relativism.
It's not so much fear as it is competition.

It's part of what keeps them in business.

Like Coke and Pepsi.


Why should we compete?

Christ WON the competition all by Himself -- over 2000 years ago, as a matter of fact.

Mind you, there are quite a few self-glorifying NITWITS running around who don't stop to think about that fact -- and said self-glorifying nitwits -- like Jones, for example, persist in strutting around like dumb ass peacocks prancing before the cameras to show off the glory of themselves.

But the DUMB DUMBS are sort of perpetual and permanent presence on the earth -- just one species of thorn bushes we've got to wade through from time to time.

The trick is to spot the thorny creeps and not to fall into some stupid hole they've dug for careless and gullible damned fool sheep to get trapped in.

Of course, if you do fall in, I know this nifty Shepherd with this really nifty shepherd's hook who'll come drag you out again and patch up the bloody rips in your soul -- I know. He's done it for me several times. And probably will again when I fall into another one next week.

But NEVER trust a peacock -- especially when there are cameras and newshounds hanging around in the background.
That's their culture, and we mustn't judge it.

No, the only culture we can judge is white conservative Christian culture. And we'll judge the dogshit outta that.

/leftist mode

Actually i call a spade a spade. And where in that statment did i judge anyone or anything. I asked a question in direct relation to the OP?

I think its funny that you believe its only white conservative christians we can judge. What about the black liberal christians? Do we leave them out of judgment?
Syrenn, I was mocking leftist moral relativism.

OK, sorry :eusa_angel:

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