why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

That is not what he said at all, right now less than 2% of the entire military are acting as combat soldiers still in Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Are all those not in Syria, Afghanistan, etc worthless too?
Thank you for demonstrating you don't know a damn thing about what's going on in the military.

There are support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel, no less than 6 different US supporting headquarters and operations centers at home and abroad - not including US-manned Coalition HQs, aircraft flying from the states and other countries, weapons and supplies flowing in, and more - just some of the many, many military personnel worldwide supporting the troops directly in harms way and other critical on-going ops that you and Timmy want to NOT pay ... Simply because you think the issue is as simple as not paying the 2% of military personnel not directly in combat areas....

Good friggin' grief, snowflakes think and act like they are smarter than everyone else, but the truth is they are idiots...

I understand that, but you left all of those people out of your initial post about the military...why is that?

Those people are you now talking about, the support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel are being bashed in this very thread by your fellow Trump sheep for not being combat people.
You don't understand shit - your comment proved that.

My comment highlighted you leaving out all non-combat Ops people when you were choosing to compare the military.

You are just butthurt for being called out...

any minute now you will cry to the Mods to come save you again.

Relax son, the forward guys recognize the need for you rear end guys.
My Son is a Firefighter over here and they have a strong Union.All the admin and ancillary staff get the same benefits because the Union rightly considers them to be one team. They get paid regardless of who is in government. that is civilised behaviour.

Where is 'here' Tommy? I'm pro union but we've gotten away from unions since reagan's war on the working class.
Uk. Public sector unions are the only ones with any clout these days. Its a balance between capital and labour and capital are winning at every turn.
My Son is a Firefighter over here and they have a strong Union.All the admin and ancillary staff get the same benefits because the Union rightly considers them to be one team. They get paid regardless of who is in government. that is civilised behaviour.

Where is 'here' Tommy? I'm pro union but we've gotten away from unions since reagan's war on the working class.
Uk. Public sector unions are the only ones with any clout these days. Its a balance between capital and labour and capital are winning at every turn.

Do they bow to the Queen's whims?
I have made this point a few times...what is sort of ironic is that upwards of 35% of the Fed workforce are veterans, so they are loved till they are hated by the GOPers.

During my 20 years in the Marines I worked with/for/over hundreds of Fed employees and they were no different than those of us with the uniform on...just doing what was right for the country and trying to provide for their families.

hated by the GOPers....

No, used by the uncaring Dems.

Have you not read the threads on this forum, Fed employees are hated by the GOPers on this forum

State employees are hated also. If no one sees it is wrong to pay a 50 year old retired teacher $100K i cant help them.
Thank you for demonstrating you don't know a damn thing about what's going on in the military.

There are support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel, no less than 6 different US supporting headquarters and operations centers at home and abroad - not including US-manned Coalition HQs, aircraft flying from the states and other countries, weapons and supplies flowing in, and more - just some of the many, many military personnel worldwide supporting the troops directly in harms way and other critical on-going ops that you and Timmy want to NOT pay ... Simply because you think the issue is as simple as not paying the 2% of military personnel not directly in combat areas....

Good friggin' grief, snowflakes think and act like they are smarter than everyone else, but the truth is they are idiots...

I understand that, but you left all of those people out of your initial post about the military...why is that?

Those people are you now talking about, the support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel are being bashed in this very thread by your fellow Trump sheep for not being combat people.

Sorry Gator I appreciated every order you filled for us.

How could I have done anything for you when you have never seen the insides of a barracks in your life.

You are a fraud.

The term stolen valor comes to mind
Says the guy who just demonstrated the only thing he knows about the military is what he has learned in Democratic Party Talking Points...


To steal the old phrase...I have forgotten more about the military than you have ever known.

You choose to ignore the military that is not combat ops in your post and then get butthurt when you are called out on it.
I chose to ignore WHAT, liar?

You and Timmy said there are only 2% of the military engaged in combat ops ... And I just spanked and educated BOTH your asses by giving you the real truth.

YOU responded back with that 'CYA BULLSHIT' - "Uh...yeah, I, uh...knew that."

Now, after embarrassing yourself by siding with Timmy, someone who has never served yet is trying to tell us about military service and combat ops, you want to try to spin MORE bullshit by claiming you somehow have forgotten more (sounds like you forgot ALL of it) than I ever knew in 30 years of service - AND COUNTING - as a soldier and a civilian, having served in multiple combat operations and supporting more now?!

Bwuhahahaha....And you dare mention 'Stolen Valor'm! F* YOU, you lying little cockroach.

You want to spin stories, share what YOU have done? Go for it. You won't hear me attack your service....until you make false declarations or try to attack my or anyone else's service.

You have already demonstrated in your comments you don't know squat ... Or rather, you have proven you know as much as TIMMY does..

What does the military produce that other people would willingly buy?

What does the police force produce that other people would willingly buy?

What does the fire department produce that other people would willingly buy?
I would pay for my local militia to protect MY NATION...Not for an ever-expansionist Wilsonian global hegemony.

Cops are grossly overrated, and in fact have been turned into a cash flow for overbolated gubmint.

Most fire departments are voluntary.

On top of all that....

View attachment 238724

“Voluntary “ fire departments is a misnomer . They get paid .
Did you know that many volunteer firefighters are also military?
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?
Because unlike you, someone with authority makes the decision

Who needs a paycheck more . A trooper in the outskirts of Afghan , or the border patrol agent in El Paso ?
Like you and Democrats give a damn about either...Democrats refused to listen to BPAs who attempted to brief them on what's going on at the border, called for eliminating ICE, and now you are arguing for defunding the military, leaving us defenseless, during the Democrats' shutdown.

You and Democrats are only concerned with keeping illegal immigration going to keep future illegal voters coming in and keeping cop killer sanctuary-providing illegal Sanctuary Cities open.

Trump's the guy who's hired illegals you know. He probably finagled his present wife into becoming legal. Don't bother me at all, just saying. He bitches about illegals but uses them all the same. Such a hypocrite trump is.
That is not what he said at all, right now less than 2% of the entire military are acting as combat soldiers still in Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Are all those not in Syria, Afghanistan, etc worthless too?
Thank you for demonstrating you don't know a damn thing about what's going on in the military.

There are support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel, no less than 6 different US supporting headquarters and operations centers at home and abroad - not including US-manned Coalition HQs, aircraft flying from the states and other countries, weapons and supplies flowing in, and more - just some of the many, many military personnel worldwide supporting the troops directly in harms way and other critical on-going ops that you and Timmy want to NOT pay ... Simply because you think the issue is as simple as not paying the 2% of military personnel not directly in combat areas....

Good friggin' grief, snowflakes think and act like they are smarter than everyone else, but the truth is they are idiots...

I understand that, but you left all of those people out of your initial post about the military...why is that?

Those people are you now talking about, the support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel are being bashed in this very thread by your fellow Trump sheep for not being combat people.
You don't understand shit - your comment proved that.

My comment highlighted you leaving out all non-combat Ops people when you were choosing to compare the military.

You are just butthurt for being called out...

any minute now you will cry to the Mods to come save you again.
I didn't leave out anything, you LIAR! The posts speak for themselves. After you and 'Colonel' Timmy declared only 2% of the military is engaged in combat ops I provided a long list of all the supporting and participating units, HQs, and coalition units both of YOU left out in your ignorant shared talking points.

I wasted hours on your relentless lying was the other day...today I am just going to ignore you and your ignorant rants.
that could be because they wont let it run like a business and make a profit.....

So obsolete that Amazon needs us six or seven days a week. It is profitable, if you don't set an unrealistic retirement funding level on it. Should charge China real mailing rates too.
Could ask the same question of the left insted of fighting with Trump over border wall funding and saying no money at all for the wall offer him half of what he is asking for in exchange for a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers as they are called both sides get something they want you end the shutdown and people get to go back to work. This will be shocking to a lot of people but that is called negotiating it's how government is suppossed to work not this I want everything the way I want or nothing at all.
They just cherry pick what fits their agenda. It’s not like they have actual principles. They aren’t smart or mature enough for that. The GOP speaks and their voters believe everything they say.

That might carry weight if it was not coming from one of the most unprincipled immature posters here. As it is you're more like sit, stay, roll over material.
But see, I have an actual history of criticizing democrats and leftwing policy. I’m not going to pretend that Dems are as despicable as republicans, but I certainly acknowledge when I think they are way off base.
Can you post a link to a post where you criticized Democrats?
They crave violence.

Nobody craves violence. Nobody craves a fire fight.

Conservatives do. The blob told people at his rallies to rough people up…. And of course everyone cheered.

Nope. If you think true conservatives are Republican you're out of your league here.
You don't even know what violence is.

Maybe you ought to explain to the readers what is a True Conservative and how a True Conservative might respond to Donald Trump's Presidency?

A "true" conservative knows that he/she has not had any representation for decades. They are able to step outside of the two party paradigm and see the truth of the system. The truth is that the there is no truth in the system. There is only falsehoods and lies.

So a true conservative seems to be a curmudgeon, in your opinion?
Nobody craves violence. Nobody craves a fire fight.

Conservatives do. The blob told people at his rallies to rough people up…. And of course everyone cheered.

Nope. If you think true conservatives are Republican you're out of your league here.
You don't even know what violence is.

Maybe you ought to explain to the readers what is a True Conservative and how a True Conservative might respond to Donald Trump's Presidency?

A "true" conservative knows that he/she has not had any representation for decades. They are able to step outside of the two party paradigm and see the truth of the system. The truth is that the there is no truth in the system. There is only falsehoods and lies.

So a true conservative seems to be a curmudgeon, in your opinion?
Not at all, why do you say that, wry? That seems to be coming from the left
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

Poor math skills. Their hero Ronald Reagan was terrible at math too. The military is extremely expensive and bloated. We could cut it by 75% and still have a vibrant military.
Nobody craves violence. Nobody craves a fire fight.

Conservatives do. The blob told people at his rallies to rough people up…. And of course everyone cheered.

Nope. If you think true conservatives are Republican you're out of your league here.
You don't even know what violence is.

Maybe you ought to explain to the readers what is a True Conservative and how a True Conservative might respond to Donald Trump's Presidency?

A "true" conservative knows that he/she has not had any representation for decades. They are able to step outside of the two party paradigm and see the truth of the system. The truth is that the there is no truth in the system. There is only falsehoods and lies.

So a true conservative seems to be a curmudgeon, in your opinion?

A true Lefty. hen you have nothing call names.
wrong--they are not
my dad worked for the government and he said there were a lot of lazy bums
the military is TOTALLY different
you are godamn out of your mind to think differently
did you serve?

I did. I was in the Marine Corps from 1997-2002. Am I worthy to have an opinion? If not then ignore the next sentence. If I am worthy then I think I was absurdly overpaid. I was making way more money than other 21 year olds throughout the country.
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

In response to these two questions ^^^, the people in the OP are not rational - they do not think, ;they only react emotionally to the demagogue-in-chief.
and democrats never react emotionally?.....come on wry....

Of course I react emotionally, but I don't act out of emotions. I learned long ago to control my emotions, once does so when they were a competitive athlete.

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