why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

Close. Signals Intelligence
Is IT a question? Information Technology then yes.
I was in from 1997-2002.
I was stationed at Camp Courtney in Okinawa and Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. I still live less than one mile from Camp Lejeune.
I wasnt in the infantry. The only weapons I ever handle was an M16-A2 and an M9 when i got screwed into going to coaches course. (long story)
By IT I assume you are referring to Information Technology. Yes that was a part of our job. We were mostly just secretaries with a Top Secret clearance. We didn't even have to analyze the intelligence. We just sorted it and gave to the appropriate persons.

2651s were the dummies of the Intel field.

Rear Ech, good we got that settled.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

Go read his previous posts on other threads.
Close. Signals Intelligence
Is IT a question? Information Technology then yes.
I was in from 1997-2002.
I was stationed at Camp Courtney in Okinawa and Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. I still live less than one mile from Camp Lejeune.
I wasnt in the infantry. The only weapons I ever handle was an M16-A2 and an M9 when i got screwed into going to coaches course. (long story)
By IT I assume you are referring to Information Technology. Yes that was a part of our job. We were mostly just secretaries with a Top Secret clearance. We didn't even have to analyze the intelligence. We just sorted it and gave to the appropriate persons.

2651s were the dummies of the Intel field.

Rear Ech, good we got that settled.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

Go read his previous posts on other threads.

It's not a bad thing, we needed you guys. It does however make your chest beating stupid.
Close. Signals Intelligence
Is IT a question? Information Technology then yes.
I was in from 1997-2002.
I was stationed at Camp Courtney in Okinawa and Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. I still live less than one mile from Camp Lejeune.
I wasnt in the infantry. The only weapons I ever handle was an M16-A2 and an M9 when i got screwed into going to coaches course. (long story)
By IT I assume you are referring to Information Technology. Yes that was a part of our job. We were mostly just secretaries with a Top Secret clearance. We didn't even have to analyze the intelligence. We just sorted it and gave to the appropriate persons.

2651s were the dummies of the Intel field.

Rear Ech, good we got that settled.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

Go read his previous posts on other threads.

It's not a bad thing, we needed you guys. It does however make your chest beating stupid.

He did no chest beating at all, merely stated that he was in.

Why must you lie in every single thread?
Close. Signals Intelligence
Is IT a question? Information Technology then yes.
I was in from 1997-2002.
I was stationed at Camp Courtney in Okinawa and Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. I still live less than one mile from Camp Lejeune.
I wasnt in the infantry. The only weapons I ever handle was an M16-A2 and an M9 when i got screwed into going to coaches course. (long story)
By IT I assume you are referring to Information Technology. Yes that was a part of our job. We were mostly just secretaries with a Top Secret clearance. We didn't even have to analyze the intelligence. We just sorted it and gave to the appropriate persons.

2651s were the dummies of the Intel field.

Rear Ech, good we got that settled.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

Go read his previous posts on other threads.

I have, he is a joke. This is like his 10th or so account as he keeps getting banned.
You really should post within the rules....

Always! :11_2_1043:
Take your bullshit petty bickering to the Flame Zone. It does NOT belong in this area of the forum. Posts here need to be about the subject. If you don't or can't understand that, then don't attempt to reply to another post in this thread.
My conclusion is that Golfing Gator was in the Marine Corps.

If harmonica was in the Marine Corps his memory is suffering due to some trauma.

Why lie about it though? I dont understand.
hold it?
you never heard of an 81 Mike Mike [ that's what we called it ]?
if you never heard of an 81MM mortar YOU, were never in
hold it?? what years were you in and what MOS?

1997-2002. I was a 2651.
special intelligence ???!!!
what base?
I was in 82-90
and YOU are trying to be the judge???!!
from IT???!!!!!!!
AND you don't know what an 81 MM is?
I bet a lot of civilians on USMB know what an 81 is
thank you lord---

Why would a crypto guy know what a 81 MM is?

You know because you were stupid enough to carry the thing around on your back.
you and your buddy are at strike 3!
1. Vas says this:
I think it is a machine gunner. I know it is an infantry MOS.
---very stupid--when he gave his ''supposed MOS, I IMMEDIATELY looked it up on the internet
--and he says his MOS was IT????!!!!!!!!????
doesn't make sense
2. Vas doesn't know Marines train at San Diego
Who trains at fourth battalion at Parris Island? I will determine who the real Marine is.
--you ALSO appear not to know that--you don't mention it--but I do!!!!!
3. you didn't know/could not think smart enough to know Marines serve on ship
how CONVENIENT Vas in not a grunt

any way you look at it you 2 can't think straight or were not in the USMC
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?
Because they military defends our country. Most federal employees are deadweight.
A Military acronym (Lazy, Inefficient Fucker Expecting Retirement) used to describe someone who does as little as humanly possible and is just waiting to collect his or her pension. Could be used to describe any government employee

You think that only applies to the government?
-------------------------------- doesn't matter , government isn't supposed to feck things up for the American people . See 'reagan - bush' as the ultimate gov workers that have fecked up the USA with their importation of third world diversity 40 years ago . And then see 'dead kennedy' who started it all in 1965 - 66 . ----------------------------- Private business worker doesn't cause damage on the scale of a government worker and if the private worker is a real feckup and undercooks you burger or food all the time he can easily be fired GGator .
'gov workers' and elected can be judged by what they do . See the 'republican Reagan - bush' amnesty for one example and see the CRISIS at USA Border that 'government' allows with it BS Rules and allowances . Concerning 'military' , see the USA fighting in a war against 'goat herders' for the last 17 years Wry .
and don't forget 'democrat gov worker' and drunkard 'dead kennedy' who messed up the USA in 1965 or 66 with his immigration Rule changes Wry .

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