Why Do Conservatives Emote So Much? Why Not Use Facts?

Stupidity is a luxury. Most Conservatives have had life too easy. They grew up on easy credit. They thought they deserved everything just because they are white Americans.

Intelligence is difficult. The brain is like a muscle - when you don't exercise it, it stays weak and you don't want to use it. But if you exercise it regularly you start to enjoy using it.

The biggest problem America has is spoiled brat Americans. Evidenced by the election of a spoiled brat, voted into office by spoiled brats.

You actually think that conservatives are more spoiled than liberals? Apparently, that is also because... they are white (oh no!).

I am not a liberal nor a conservative, but this is why no one who regularly exercises their mind muscle can take liberals seriously. Dude, your party is literally that of free shit and you lecture us about too much spoiling! ROFLMAO!

List of U.S. states by educational attainment - Wikipedia

Notice how the top 10 states with the highest education levels are either blue states or battle ground states, while all of the bottom 10 are extreme red states?

Liberals bypass conservatives as far as education by far.

And no we are not the party of free loaders. We are the party of hard working professionals that have compassion for all the red state ignoramuses that need government handouts.
while all of the bottom 10 are extreme red states?
California is extreme red?....
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.

You say "emote" after that huge quief? What a fag.

Another conservative chimes in to emote. Feel better?

You make your own argument here. All you do is emote. Every post all just one huge pussy fart. Never any facts. Specifically, anything that points to the utter failure of Black Jesus. Meh. If it's better for you to call me a conservative fine. But it don't change the fact, your just another partisan pushing propaganda.
Why do progressives always accuse others of what themselves do?

Why do conservatives always do what they accuse others of doing?

The answer to both questions is HYPOCRISY.
Yeah, that's why Democrats call Conservatives Racist yet were exposed through their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites. :p

And Conservative Racists point those leaked Democrat emails to make themselves feel less racist.

A conservative in America context , by definition, holds to the fundamental truth that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, namely the right to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

A racist, by definition, holds to nonsense that we are unequal if our skin color is slightly different.

Thus the term conservative racist is an oxymoron. There is no such thing. There may be racists in the alt right, but they aren't conservative. Though I've seen many attempt to conflate the two.

Which is probably why we should go by constitutionalist rather than conservative. Our enemies destroyed the meaning of the word.

Why would you be called a constitutionalist when you didn't quote the Constitution?

And if an "American conservative by definition" believes the aforementioned fundamental truth, why would so many of them be opposed to a gay couple's pursuit of happiness?
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.

How's the weather in your planet? Here on earth it's just getting warm.
If libtardz cant even get their facts straight on when and how a child's life and rights begins.... how can they be trusted to have their facts straight on anything else?
If libtardz cant even get their facts straight on when and how a child's life and rights begins.... how can they be trusted to have their facts straight on anything else?
They can't even science enough to figure out people with dicks are boys and people with vagina's are girls. How can you expect them to understand any deeper science such as when life begins?
Conservatives are really crying up a storm on this one. It's ok snowflakes, get your feelings out.
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.

You must be asleep at the wheel. Yes there is emotion on right as well as the left. However on this board for the most part and out in the country the left's reaction to Trump has been nothing short of almost absolute hysterics dwarfing most any conservative reaction to BO and the Clinton's.
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.

You must be asleep at the wheel. Yes there is emotion on right as well as the left. However on this board for the most part and out in the country the left's reaction to Trump has been nothing short of almost absolute hysterics dwarfing most any conservative reaction to BO and the Clinton's.

The smartest and most healthy guy EVER elected??

MAYBE there IS a reason?

100 days of Trump claims
Throughout President Trump’s first 100 days, the Fact Checker team tracked false and misleading claims made by the president since Jan. 20

As of Trump’s 100th day, we counted 492 false or misleading claims.

Donald Trump earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings as a presidential candidate. Now that he’s president, he has continued his proclivity for making dubious, misleading or false statements. He also often repeats the same debunked claims even though they have been fact-checked. It’s hard to keep up with all of Trump’s rhetoric, so the Fact Checker is assembling in one place all of his suspect statements from his first 100 days as president. You can sort them by various categories and see how many times he has repeated the same false statement.
100 days of Trump claims


President Trump

The NSA and FBI tell Congress that Russia did not influence electoral process.

9:42 AM - 20 Mar 2017

Comey testified that the FBI came to believe that Russia was using “active measures” to hurt the Clinton campaign and help the Trump campaign.

“They wanted to hurt our democracy, hurt her and help him,” Comey said. “Putin hated Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was that he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much.”

Feb. 7, 2017: Lied that the murder rate was the highest in 45 years

Feb. 6, 2017: Claimed that terrorist attacks across Europe are "not even being reported"

Feb. 2, 2017: Lied that Kuwait had issued a visa ban on several Muslim-majority countries after his immigration order

Jan. 27, 2017: Lied about being in Scotland the day before the "Brexit" vote

Jan. 26, 2017: Lied about Mexico’s president “agreeing to cancel” a meeting

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
People who believe there are 73 genders lecture us about facts, it's a twisted ironic joke.

73 genders?

Can you people make any fact-based statements without wildly exaggerating?

I sincerely apologize. There are so many that it's difficult to remember them all. Just this week, the liberals in Canada made it a crime to not remember/respect them all, I really ought to do better. They love freedoms just as much as facts...

Indeed, the exact amount is 71 genders.

Like I said. Literally impossible for you to make a point without exaggerating.

Way to prove the OP 100% correct.

So witch part of the post is an exaggeration, exactly?

There are 71 genders to choose from in the liberal facebook. Let me guess, someone who can't even deal with facts is lecturing me about the importance of using them. Rich...
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.
But, but, but, but, but Bill Clinton got a blow job.

Hillary lost...but by all means, blame Obama's pal PUTIN.
I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.
But, but, but, but, but Bill Clinton got a blow job.

Hillary lost...but by all means, blame Obama's pal PUTIN.


I've noticed that conservatives are the most emotional group of people here. They whine, they cry, they lash out, they're petty, immature, emotional basket cases. They rarely use facts and logic to support their arguments. Why is that? Why can't they just say "Look, you're wrong because x + y = whatever." Instead, every single "debate" here turns into "But but but libruls are STUPID and EVIL!!!! They're big mean poopie heads and I hate them!!!" Their emoting is inevitably followed by some meme, generally one that's been posted at least 100 times already.

For a group of people who proclaim to be more reasonable and logical than everyone else, they're more emotional than the biggest school drama queen.

How did Trump win? It sure as hell wasn't on facts. Trump won because he knows how to manipulate conservatives. He knows that they aren't motivated by facts and logic -- that stuff is boring. Fear, hate, anger and outrage are their hot buttons, and he spend his entire campaign cycle poking those buttons. It worked!

He stoked their fears about losing jobs to illegal immigrants, Mexican "rapists," brown people, on and on an on, and spent the majority of HIS time not focusing on facts, but instead on gaslighting and whipping up existing fears to a fever pitch.

Trump knew something that few other people know -- that conservatives are highly emotional and actually aren't persuaded with facts and reason. Hit those emotions though, and you become their new savior.
But, but, but, but, but Bill Clinton got a blow job.

Hillary lost...but by all means, blame Obama's pal PUTIN.
Obama's pal putin? LOL. You're delusional.

These two are the ones that are tight; in more ways than one.


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