Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?

Your hyper-religious extremism leaves you at a disadvantage. Evidence from millions of years ago is still evidence.

Sedimentary rock layers are understandable because there is nothing supernatural about how they formed.

On to matters of religionism, tell us about sacrificing farm animals to appease your gods. Belief in a flat, 6,000 year old earth is unique to one brand of religionism. Can you provide any evidence for it?
Yes, the sedimentary rock layers back creation. Otherwise, you would be able to explain what it has to do with evolution and how it backs it up.
''My website claims the following with DWM for whales''

Is ''your website'' not disclosed because it's a religious extremist website? Where did all those animals come from / go to in just the last 4,000 years? Did they fall off the edge of the flat earth?
Knock yerself out -- The evolution of whales - Understanding Evolution.

They admit the creatures are not related, so they back creation and what I said about them living together.
Knock yerself out -- The evolution of whales - Understanding Evolution.

They admit the creatures are not related, so they back creation and what I said about them living together.
Why would you use a reference that refutes what you say and supports evolution. Then, you give your own interpretation and lie about what is written. Did you actually read it ? Maybe you’re just enamored with the pictures.
You knocked yourself out. The "evogram" clearly identifies evolution of species.

You handily refuted your own brand of hyper-religionism.
You mean it's a EVILgram? No. The species are not related and lived at the same time. I think they want you to put 2+2 together for EVILution and overlook they aren't related and lived at the same time.
You mean it's a EVILgram? No. The species are not related and lived at the same time. I think they want you to put 2+2 together for EVILution and overlook they aren't related and lived at the same time.
You didn't look at what you copied and pasted.

Which animals strolled off the Ark? You need to edit your bibles to make the time frames work. Add some new gods?
You didn't look at what you copied and pasted.

Which animals strolled off the Ark? You need to edit your bibles to make the time frames work. Add some new gods?
This is why the evos here are SAF and not just POS. They mix up their animals with what the Bible says.

I just showed you your EVILution which clearly most here did not know, especially that SAF & POS abu afak. What a boring POS, eh Hollie? Is he going to read it and learn? HELL no!

With Noah's animals, why don't you read the Bible to discover what are clean and unclean animals? This may give you a start.

“Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth” Genesis 7:2–3
This is why the evos here are SAF and not just POS. They mix up their animals with what the Bible says.

I just showed you your EVILution which clearly most here did not know, especially that SAF & POS abu afak. What a boring POS, eh Hollie?

With Noah's animals, why don't you read the Bible to discover what are clean and unclean animals? This may give you a start.

“Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth” Genesis 7:2–3

So, what animals strolled off Noah's Ark?
So, what animals strolled off Noah's Ark?
Either Noah's family was very incestuous or they and the animals were doing other animals.
In which case you get "Biblical evolution"/different Species!
So, what animals strolled off Noah's Ark?
Instead of making yourself SAF & POS, like that scumbag abu afak, because of your faith, why don't you read some of that website?

"These first whales, such as Pakicetus, were typical land animals. They had long skulls and large teeth that could be used for eating meat. From the outside, they don’t look much like whales at all."
You’ve spent post after post after post debating. If your point is that you haven’t been debating very well, but relying on personal insults, sure that’s true. But you have made a lot of effort to pretend to have evidence for Darwinism without presenting any.

It is you who claim to have the evidence. You should tell me what that evidence looks like. Or admit that you have none, which is clearly the case.

Is your point is that there can’t really be any evidence for something that happened millions of years ago and left only traces in the ocean? If so, *ding ding ding ding ding*!

There is no evidence for how life began, and certainly none for the specific Darwinian model. But for the Darwinian model, we also have more than a hundred years of observation by researchers desperate to prove it, and still no evidence that speciation by natural selection happens. Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence, but it’s a good clue after having tried so hard to find it.

Ideas about the origin and development of life are pure guesswork, not theory in the scientific sense. So, as long as everyone is just guessing, my guess is as good as yours. Better, because I don’t have to call people “poopy pants” or whatever it is you keep saying.
There is evidence of evolution. Science doesn't have any position on how life started. They don't know. You're confused about Darwin.
Yes, the sedimentary rock layers back creation. Otherwise, you would be able to explain what it has to do with evolution and how it backs it up.
What about the prehistoric cemetery in Egypt? That's 30,000 years ago.
There is evidence of evolution. Science doesn't have any position on how life started. They don't know. You're confused about Darwin.
The vast majority of scientists(probably 100% of biologists) will tell you that they believe life almost certainly formed on Earth via abiogenesis.

For one, there is no good reason to think otherwise.

Second, all the ingredients were here.
You know what? I'll start using my website to embarrass the evos here who think they know evolution when they know shit. They're SAF & POS, some more than others.
The vast majority of scientists(probably 100% of biologists) will tell you that they believe life almost certainly formed on Earth via abiogenesis.

For one, there is no good reason to think otherwise.

Second, all the ingredients were here.
Here is a perfect example of a SAF & POS evo. Jumping to conclusions and deferring to authority of false logic.

What real evos think of the origin of life is from soup to cells. What they have are hypotheses of how this happened. They have ancient fossils, radiometric dating, phylogenics (chemistry of modern organisms) and experiments such as Miller-Urey.
There is evidence of evolution. Science doesn't have any position on how life started. They don't know. You're confused about Darwin.
Oh, thank whoever!

Finally, a poster who has evidence of Darwinian evolution. Present it, please!
Oh, thank whoever!

Finally, a poster who has evidence of Darwinian evolution. Present it, please!
But you can't describe what that evidence would look like. You don't even know what it might look like.

You couldn't think of one single example.

So how will you know if you have seen any or not?

Oh, I get it. You like attention.
Instead of making yourself SAF & POS, like that scumbag abu afak, because of your faith, why don't you read some of that website?

"These first whales, such as Pakicetus, were typical land animals. They had long skulls and large teeth that could be used for eating meat. From the outside, they don’t look much like whales at all."
I have read some of that website. Much of it is wrong and has a bias you're aware of.

That's why you cut and paste from there,
james bond
This is why the evos here are SAF and not just POS. They mix up their animals with what the Bible says.

I just showed you your EVILution which clearly most here did not know, especially that SAF & POS abu afak. What a boring POS, eh Hollie? Is he going to read it and learn? HELL no!

With Noah's animals, why don't you read the Bible to discover what are clean and unclean animals? This may give you a start.

“Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth” Genesis 7:2–3
Moses wrote genesis. Really, the logistics are impossible. It takes a lot of magic just to get seven pairs of animals to coexist on a fking boat. Who are you trying to kid ? It’s a farce.

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