Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?

I have read some of that website. Much of it is wrong and has a bias you're aware of.

That's why you cut and paste from there,
Here's a favorite of mine: God created humans in one day.

To you, Fort Fun Indiana and abu afak, if only you read and used my website sometimes...

"Macroevolution encompasses the grandest trends and transformations in evolution, such as the origin of mammals and the radiation of flowering plants. Macroevolutionary patterns are generally what we see when we look at the large-scale history of life.

It is not necessarily easy to “see” macroevolutionary history; there are no firsthand accounts to be read. Instead, we reconstruct the history of life using all available evidence: geology, fossils, and living organisms.

Once we’ve figured out what evolutionary events have taken place, we try to figure out how they happened. Just as in microevolution, basic evolutionary mechanisms like mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection are at work and can help explain many large-scale patterns in the history of life.

The basic evolutionary mechanisms — mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection — can produce major evolutionary change if given enough time."


Or humans from monkeys -- The emergence of humans - Understanding Evolution
What about the prehistoric cemetery in Egypt? That's 30,000 years ago.
Interesting. Wasn't it a zoo? Did they have dinosaurs?


Here's one where the people gave a velociraptor to their Pharoah. Of course, the evos think they offered the skeleton. What Egyptian in their right mind would give bones to a Pharoah?
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The evidence is there.


Dinosaurs and humans -- did they live together?​

What fossil evidence supports dinosaurs and humans living at the same time? Do scientists ever find dinosaurs buried with animals that were not supposed to have evolved yet?"

Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?

Because we're social animals.
Here's a favorite of mine: God created humans in one day.

To you, Fort Fun Indiana and abu afak, if only you read and used my website sometimes...

"Macroevolution encompasses the grandest trends and transformations in evolution, such as the origin of mammals and the radiation of flowering plants. Macroevolutionary patterns are generally what we see when we look at the large-scale history of life.

It is not necessarily easy to “see” macroevolutionary history; there are no firsthand accounts to be read. Instead, we reconstruct the history of life using all available evidence: geology, fossils, and living organisms.

Once we’ve figured out what evolutionary events have taken place, we try to figure out how they happened. Just as in microevolution, basic evolutionary mechanisms like mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection are at work and can help explain many large-scale patterns in the history of life.

The basic evolutionary mechanisms — mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection — can produce major evolutionary change if given enough time."


Or humans from monkeys -- The emergence of humans - Understanding Evolution

Nothing in that long cut and paste suggests anything about your gods.

The evidence is there.


Dinosaurs and humans -- did they live together?​

What fossil evidence supports dinosaurs and humans living at the same time? Do scientists ever find dinosaurs buried with animals that were not supposed to have evolved yet?"

There is only evidence of creationer fraud.
Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?

Because we're social animals.
Yes, such a debate can be an enjoyable “sport,” so to speak. Unfortunately, the Darwinists on this message board are by far the worst I’ve ever seen at debating the topic.

There argument is literally this: I’ve believed in Darwin my whole life because everyone says that the experts say it is true. If you do not, you’re an idiot.
Here's a favorite of mine: God created humans in one day.

To you, Fort Fun Indiana and abu afak, if only you read and used my website sometimes...

"Macroevolution encompasses the grandest trends and transformations in evolution, such as the origin of mammals and the radiation of flowering plants. Macroevolutionary patterns are generally what we see when we look at the large-scale history of life.

It is not necessarily easy to “see” macroevolutionary history; there are no firsthand accounts to be read. Instead, we reconstruct the history of life using all available evidence: geology, fossils, and living organisms.

Once we’ve figured out what evolutionary events have taken place, we try to figure out how they happened. Just as in microevolution, basic evolutionary mechanisms like mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection are at work and can help explain many large-scale patterns in the history of life.

The basic evolutionary mechanisms — mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection — can produce major evolutionary change if given enough time."


Or humans from monkeys -- The emergence of humans - Understanding Evolution
That is interesting. I’m not a creationist, and I’m not sure whether you are, or whether your beliefs are unique.

Do you subscribe to micro-evolution, macro-evolution, both, neither? Do you define micro-evolution as change within a species?
Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?

Because we're social animals.
That, and I think it's worth the effort to counter the fraud and misrepresentations of the ID'iot creationers. These are the people who loathe science, learning and discovery. These are the people who want to force their religion into public schools. They want to indoctrinate children with the belief they are evil and base and only through their religious ideology can they be saved from eternal torment. One can see the loathing for science displayed by the poster poser who opens near daily "Darwinism is bad", threads but is unable to offer a single coherent comment actually refuting the Theory of Evolution.
The main point I see is macroevolution such as humans from apes took 3.8 BILLION years. That's much worse than millions of years. We can't relate to how long millions of years is unless you want to admit humans lived with dinosaurs. Yet, we knew before the 1850s.
That is interesting. I’m not a creationist, and I’m not sure whether you are, or whether your beliefs are unique.

Do you subscribe to micro-evolution, macro-evolution, both, neither? Do you define micro-evolution as change within a species?
My point was the evos here don't really know evolution. Prior to the 1850s, i.e. uniformitarianism and Darwinism, we thought prehistoric was millions of years ago and that we lived with dinosaurs. Afterward, if dinosaurs lived with humans, then evolution is destroyed. IOW, it took 3.8 billion years for big change or new species evolution to happen.

The main point is this 3.8 billion years change is HYPOTHESIS and not a theory.

BTW, the other 3.8 billion years change of dinosaurs to birds has been disproved.
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That, and I think it's worth the effort to counter the fraud and misrepresentations of the ID'iot creationers. These are the people who loathe science, learning and discovery. These are the people who want to force their religion into public schools. They want to indoctrinate children with the belief they are evil and base and only through their religious ideology can they be saved from eternal torment. One can see the loathing for science displayed by the poster poser who opens near daily "Darwinism is bad", threads but is unable to offer a single coherent comment actually refuting the Theory of Evolution.
To the contrary, it's because we love science and don't want it to go believing in LIES. Science was correct until Hutton, Lyell and Darwin came along. It could be conservatives vs liberals after that, so politics could be involved.
The main point I see is macroevolution such as humans from apes took 3.8 BILLION years. That's much worse than millions of years. We can't relate to how long millions of years is unless you want to admit humans lived with dinosaurs. Yet, we knew before the 1850s.
Humans never lived with dinosaurs... except at the silly Ken Ham monstrosity park.
To the contrary, it's because we love science and don't want it to go believing in LIES. Science was correct until Hutton, Lyell and Darwin came along. It could be conservatives vs liberals after that, so politics could be involved.
That's quite a conspiracy theory.
Yes, such a debate can be an enjoyable “sport,” so to speak. Unfortunately, the Darwinists on this message board are by far the worst I’ve ever seen at debating the topic.

There argument is literally this: I’ve believed in Darwin my whole life because everyone says that the experts say it is true. If you do not, you’re an idiot.
Yours is a completely fraudulent representation of the arguments supporting biological evolution.
Nothing in that long cut and paste suggests anything about your gods.
Our resident forum expert on evolution, abu afak, admitted that evolution does not have anything to do with atheism. However, I've discovered that evolution does have something to do with Christianity and God. Thus, you are WRONG again.


Observation and Natural Theology: William Harvey & William Paley​

Image courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. Harvey showed how blood, pumped by the heart, circulated through vessels in the arm. Images courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.
In the 1600s the study of life changed forever. After relying on the authority of ancient writers like Aristotle and Galen for centuries, European naturalists began to look at life for themselves. Anatomists discovered new organs in the human body, and also discovered that familiar organs didn’t work the way Aristotle and Galen said they did. The English physician William Harvey (above left), for example, discovered in the early 1600s that blood was pumped from the heart through the body in a closed loop. Meanwhile, Harvey and others were examining animals and plants and making equally astonishing discoveries. The English inventor, Robert Hooke, for example, looked through a microscope at a previously unimaginable complexity hidden in tiny animals as humble as a flea.

Envisioning organisms as machines​

This new generation of naturalists envisioned life as machines. Like human-made machines, an animal had many different parts—muscles, eyes, bones, organs, and so on—that all played vital functions to help keep the animal alive. Naturalists found that they could apply the same scientific methods in physics that they used to invent machines, to life itself.

Natural theology and God’s design​

Some clergymen worried that this mechanistic approach of life smacked of atheism. But many of the naturalists themselves believed that they actually were on a religious mission. In fact, a number of them were both naturalists and theologians. They believed that God had created the entire world in such a way that his plan could be understood in part by rational creatures. By studying the intricate structures of a hand or a feather, a naturalist could appreciate God’s benevolent design.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
Natural theology, as it became known, dominated English thinking for nearly two centuries. In the early 1800s, it was best known to Englishmen through the writings of Reverend William Paley (left). Natural theology was important scientifically because it guided researchers to the fundamental question of how life works. Even today, when scientists discover a new kind of organ or protein, they try to figure out its function. But it would be Charles Darwin, who actually occupied Paley’s rooms at Cambridge University and was an admirer of Paley’s work, who would take science beyond natural theology and move those questions from the religious sphere to the scientific."

Our resident forum expert on evolution, abu afak, admitted that evolution does not have anything to do with atheism. However, I've discovered that evolution does have something to do with Christianity and God. Thus, you are WRONG again.


Observation and Natural Theology: William Harvey & William Paley​

Image courtesy of the National Library of Medicine. Harvey showed how blood, pumped by the heart, circulated through vessels in the arm. Images courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.
In the 1600s the study of life changed forever. After relying on the authority of ancient writers like Aristotle and Galen for centuries, European naturalists began to look at life for themselves. Anatomists discovered new organs in the human body, and also discovered that familiar organs didn’t work the way Aristotle and Galen said they did. The English physician William Harvey (above left), for example, discovered in the early 1600s that blood was pumped from the heart through the body in a closed loop. Meanwhile, Harvey and others were examining animals and plants and making equally astonishing discoveries. The English inventor, Robert Hooke, for example, looked through a microscope at a previously unimaginable complexity hidden in tiny animals as humble as a flea.

Envisioning organisms as machines​

This new generation of naturalists envisioned life as machines. Like human-made machines, an animal had many different parts—muscles, eyes, bones, organs, and so on—that all played vital functions to help keep the animal alive. Naturalists found that they could apply the same scientific methods in physics that they used to invent machines, to life itself.

Natural theology and God’s design​

Some clergymen worried that this mechanistic approach of life smacked of atheism. But many of the naturalists themselves believed that they actually were on a religious mission. In fact, a number of them were both naturalists and theologians. They believed that God had created the entire world in such a way that his plan could be understood in part by rational creatures. By studying the intricate structures of a hand or a feather, a naturalist could appreciate God’s benevolent design.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
Natural theology, as it became known, dominated English thinking for nearly two centuries. In the early 1800s, it was best known to Englishmen through the writings of Reverend William Paley (left). Natural theology was important scientifically because it guided researchers to the fundamental question of how life works. Even today, when scientists discover a new kind of organ or protein, they try to figure out its function. But it would be Charles Darwin, who actually occupied Paley’s rooms at Cambridge University and was an admirer of Paley’s work, who would take science beyond natural theology and move those questions from the religious sphere to the scientific."

That faux science site to steal from fools no one but you.
Yours is a completely fraudulent representation of the arguments supporting biological evolution.
It seems your leader, abu afak, has ABANDONED you. It proves that he is a COWARD and was AFRAID to admit that he was wrong besides being SAF & POS. Who's the leader for EVIL-ution now? You? Fort Fun Indiana? surada? Just wait and see? I guess we'll have to wait and see unless they take charge.
Here's a favorite of mine: God created humans in one day.

To you, Fort Fun Indiana and abu afak, if only you read and used my website sometimes...

"Macroevolution encompasses the grandest trends and transformations in evolution, such as the origin of mammals and the radiation of flowering plants. Macroevolutionary patterns are generally what we see when we look at the large-scale history of life.

It is not necessarily easy to “see” macroevolutionary history; there are no firsthand accounts to be read. Instead, we reconstruct the history of life using all available evidence: geology, fossils, and living organisms.

Once we’ve figured out what evolutionary events have taken place, we try to figure out how they happened. Just as in microevolution, basic evolutionary mechanisms like mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection are at work and can help explain many large-scale patterns in the history of life.

The basic evolutionary mechanisms — mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection — can produce major evolutionary change if given enough time."


Or humans from monkeys -- The emergence of humans - Understanding Evolution
More woo woo. I don’t think you read your own references.

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