Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?

Sure it does. Creation scientists KNOW that new species don't evolve after BILLIONS of years. Not millions. Your scientists just have a guess or hypothesis because LIFE is here. OTOH, I have the Bible and KNOW it's true because SCIENCE backs it up.; It means EVIDENCE and PROOF of what one BELIEVES. But not ONE of the evos have ever said that to me. Instead, they say I don't know what I'm talking about; It's just their SAF opinion because they've LOST every argument to ME.
There is no such thing as a ID'iot creationer scientist, A 'statement of faith' that presumes allegiance to religioner supernaturalism excludes one from science.
There is no such thing as a ID'iot creationer scientist, A 'statement of faith' that presumes allegiance to religioner supernaturalism excludes one from science.
My counter argument to that was there is no such thing as millions and billions of years because radiometric dating was done wrong in 1956. The scientist who did it has been long forgotten. Besides, one can still do C-14 dating on prehistoric fossils and rocks. If creation science was taught in schools, then we would have a better test done for both dating methods. Each side could do their dating method on TV to see which side has the more accurate method.
"I bowed down to him"
He's proved there is a god. (throw in a few dozen more fictions)
He's proved evolution is false.

He's in line for at least Two Nobel Prizes and will be 1000x more famous and important than his handle, (like god, also fictional) James Bond.

Oh, and he claims I was "Suspended" too!
Yet I posted every day here.



When did this 'suspension' happen.
I posted to YOU Tuesday.
See my list
Back around last November or so. PROOF you are a BIG, FAT LIAR!!! LOL.


That was many Months ago, and obviously had NOTHING to do with you.
Nor "Bowing" you Clown.
As you can see I was Penalizing USMB!
Flacalteen closed one of my threads in Environment section so I Gave HIM a TWO WEEK Penalty!!!!
After which he gave me a 4 day one for calling him out. 10 days less than I had already "suspended" him!!

In fact, I took a Month off to Penalize HIM/USMB.

I was Dictating, Not "bowing."
Because my Haymaker threads/OPs in this section and that one are money makers/page views for USMB in both.
My threads on the first pages (oft on pg 1 alone) have generated a cumulative 140,000+ page views Each section for this commercial (not .org) board.
146K+ on THIS pg 1 Right NOW.
I can and do control the sections I'm in whenever I feel like it.

We have conversed many times in the MONTHS since, and I have CONTINUED kicking your ass.
How you would read that as "running away" is completely DELUSIONAL.

We conversed for 2+ Months after that. Now you say "I ran away" out of nowhere you FREAK.
You waited 2-3 MONTHS after my penalizing USMB to bring it up AS IF I just started responding again? AS IF I was 'bowing"?


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My counter argument to that was there is no such thing as millions and billions of years because radiometric dating was done wrong in 1956. The scientist who did it has been long forgotten. Besides, one can still do C-14 dating on prehistoric fossils and rocks. If creation science was taught in schools, then we would have a better test done for both dating methods. Each side could do their dating method on TV to see which side has the more accurate method.
The hyper-religious are the ones who deny an ancient, spherical earth.
That was many Months ago, and obviously had NOTHING to do with you.
Nor "Bowing" you Clown.
As you can see I was Penalizing USMB!
Flacalteen closed one of my threads in Environment section so I Gave HIM a TWO WEEK Penalty!!!!
After which he gave me a 4 day one for calling him out. 10 days less than I had already "suspended" him!!

In fact, I took a Month off to Penalize HIM/USMB.

I was Dictating, Not "bowing."
Because my Haymaker threads/OPs in this section and that one are money makers/page views for USMB in both.
My threads on the first pages (oft on pg 1 alone) have generated a cumulative 140,000+ page views Each section for this commercial (not .org) board.
146K+ on THIS pg 1 Right NOW.
I can and do control the sections I'm in whenever I feel like it.

We have conversed many times in the MONTHS since, and I have CONTINUED kicking your ass.
How you would read that as "running away" is completely DELUSIONAL.

We conversed for 2+ Months after that. Now you say "I ran away" out of nowhere you FREAK.
You waited 2-3 MONTHS after my penalizing USMB to bring it up AS IF I just started responding again? AS IF I was 'bowing"?


That was the most LUNATIC post I've ever read here lmao. It's prolly better to PENALIZE me and S&T fans and stay in the politics or religious section lol. EVERYONE would understand it.
That was many Months ago, and obviously had NOTHING to do with you.
Nor "Bowing" you Clown.
As you can see I was Penalizing USMB!
Flacalteen closed one of my threads in Environment section so I Gave HIM a TWO WEEK Penalty!!!!
After which he gave me a 4 day one for calling him out. 10 days less than I had already "suspended" him!!

In fact, I took a Month off to Penalize HIM/USMB.

I was Dictating, Not "bowing."
Because my Haymaker threads/OPs in this section and that one are money makers/page views for USMB in both.
My threads on the first pages (oft on pg 1 alone) have generated a cumulative 140,000+ page views Each section for this commercial (not .org) board.
146K+ on THIS pg 1 Right NOW.
I can and do control the sections I'm in whenever I feel like it.

We have conversed many times in the MONTHS since, and I have CONTINUED kicking your ass.
How you would read that as "running away" is completely DELUSIONAL.

We conversed for 2+ Months after that. Now you say "I ran away" out of nowhere you FREAK.
You waited 2-3 MONTHS after my penalizing USMB to bring it up AS IF I just started responding again? AS IF I was 'bowing"?


Flacalteen closed one of my threads in Environment section so I Gave HIM a TWO WEEK Penalty!!!!
After which he gave me a 4 day one for calling him out. 10 days less than I had already "suspended" him!!

In fact, I took a Month off to Penalize HIM/USMB.<<

That's why I was saying that you should TAKE OFF more that a MONTH to penalize me and the believers here some more. To the contrary, I think you need us more than we need you. But it doesn't matter as you, the non-believers and sinners will get yours. There is no worry on our part as science backs up the Bible while there is no evidence for macroevolution. How else could I continue winning EVERY argument? Sometimes, I just TRUST the Bible and it ALWAYS turns into a VICTORY!!!
Predicting a flat earth is not something backed up.
You are an ATHEIST, looney (cannot read and understand plain English) and one who will lead us to DESTRUCTION as per the Bible. The best thing is to RISE UP against you and DESTROY YOU. Prolly the best thing is to IDENTIFY you with some kind of mark and ANYTHING goes against your kind.

Of course, I am kidding but who knows if this kind of sci-fi will come to fruition?
You are an ATHEIST, looney (cannot read and understand plain English) and one who will lead us to DESTRUCTION as per the Bible. The best thing is to RISE UP against you and DESTROY YOU. Prolly the best thing is to IDENTIFY you with some kind of mark and ANYTHING goes against your kind.

Of course, I am kidding but who knows if this kind of sci-fi will come to fruition?
That’s quite a rant from a wannabe Jihadi.
That’s quite a rant from a wannabe Jihadi.
I would think the non-believers started it with uniformitarianism and Darwinism. I could be wrong, but EVERY generation has been involved in some kind of war. We had the Civil War soon after, rise of Nazi Germany and WW II. This could be another civil war.

I'm not certain what leads to the end of the world. Likely, it's when the non-believers outnumber the believers.
Stalin believed that war\conflict improved the human breeds.
And he killed millions. Globull warming, Covid suicide injections etc. Eliminating heating, cooling, automobiles, trucks etc. are all labelled as "science". Yes, the science of propaganda and manpulation, Malthusian population elimination and big profits for "scientists".
There was and maybe still is "evolution" on Earth. It was/is carried out by the Creator, Yahweh with the intent to create mankind and a race that would bless the rest of mankind.
And as part of this Divinely manipulated "evolution"; Yahweh supplies this planet with internal energy, water, oil and minerals, and the Earth is expanding in size. It once had one continent, but the expanding Earth broke those continents up. The mid Atlantic rift is one place that has been identified as an expansion zone on Earth.
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I would think the non-believers started it with uniformitarianism and Darwinism. I could be wrong, but EVERY generation has been involved in some kind of war. We had the Civil War soon after, rise of Nazi Germany and WW II. This could be another civil war.

I'm not certain what leads to the end of the world. Likely, it's when the non-believers outnumber the believers.
Hyper-religious quackery.
Hyper-religious quackery.
This is the science section. Not religion. It's YOU who leads us astray. You are the WORST!!!

For example, we thought there could be Martians up until recently. Now, we find there wasn't any in the present nor the past. What happened to evolution lol?

"On Mars, there is no evidence of any past or present life. Space agencies like NASA and ESA are actively searching for evidence of habitability, taphonomy (formation of a living fossil) on Mars, as well …" -- Was There Ever Life On Mars Nasa? – EclipseAviation.com
This is the science section. Not religion. It's YOU who leads us astray. You are the WORST!!!

For example, we thought there could be Martians up until recently. Now, we find there wasn't any in the present nor the past. What happened to evolution lol?

"On Mars, there is no evidence of any past or present life. Space agencies like NASA and ESA are actively searching for evidence of habitability, taphonomy (formation of a living fossil) on Mars, as well …" -- Was There Ever Life On Mars Nasa? – EclipseAviation.com
Did fall off the edge of your flat earth and bump your head?
That was many Months ago, and obviously had NOTHING to do with you.
Nor "Bowing" you Clown.
As you can see I was Penalizing USMB!
Flacalteen closed one of my threads in Environment section so I Gave HIM a TWO WEEK Penalty!!!!
After which he gave me a 4 day one for calling him out. 10 days less than I had already "suspended" him!!

In fact, I took a Month off to Penalize HIM/USMB.

I was Dictating, Not "bowing."
Because my Haymaker threads/OPs in this section and that one are money makers/page views for USMB in both.
My threads on the first pages (oft on pg 1 alone) have generated a cumulative 140,000+ page views Each section for this commercial (not .org) board.
146K+ on THIS pg 1 Right NOW.
I can and do control the sections I'm in whenever I feel like it.

We have conversed many times in the MONTHS since, and I have CONTINUED kicking your ass.
How you would read that as "running away" is completely DELUSIONAL.

We conversed for 2+ Months after that. Now you say "I ran away" out of nowhere you FREAK.
You waited 2-3 MONTHS after my penalizing USMB to bring it up AS IF I just started responding again? AS IF I was 'bowing"?


Okay, you can return from your PENALTY.

My evolution website apparently doesn't say there are life on other planets, but points out Exoplanets.



Outside of our own Solar System, we now know of many exoplanets orbiting other stars. Exoplanets around Sun-like stars were first detected in the 1990s, and since then, thousands are on their way to being confirmed thanks to new telescopes and instruments. In fact, the Kepler space telescope and other planet-hunting telescopes have helped astronomers confirm that planets are common, with perhaps hundreds of billions of exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, and something like 1022 planets in the observable Universe. Although astronomers can most easily detect large planets in close-in orbits — gas giants that are often heated to searing temperatures by their parent stars — many smaller planets that may be rocky like Earth have been found, some of which are in Earth-like orbits around Sun-like stars."


This chart compares the smallest known exoplanets, or planets orbiting outside the solar system, to our own planets Mars and Earth. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons."

I can't argue against that except we didn't find life on Mars.
Okay, you can return from your PENALTY.

My evolution website apparently doesn't say there are life on other planets, but points out Exoplanets.



Outside of our own Solar System, we now know of many exoplanets orbiting other stars. Exoplanets around Sun-like stars were first detected in the 1990s, and since then, thousands are on their way to being confirmed thanks to new telescopes and instruments. In fact, the Kepler space telescope and other planet-hunting telescopes have helped astronomers confirm that planets are common, with perhaps hundreds of billions of exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, and something like 1022 planets in the observable Universe. Although astronomers can most easily detect large planets in close-in orbits — gas giants that are often heated to searing temperatures by their parent stars — many smaller planets that may be rocky like Earth have been found, some of which are in Earth-like orbits around Sun-like stars."


This chart compares the smallest known exoplanets, or planets orbiting outside the solar system, to our own planets Mars and Earth. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons."

I can't argue against that except we didn't find life on Mars.
Your evolution website? Don’t you mean the creationer website posing as something it’s not?
Your evolution website? Don’t you mean the creationer website posing as something it’s not?
More evidence that you are WACKO. Why don't you check it out for yourself? The problem is that it is too SOPHISTICATED for you so you FAIL.

Anyway, I'll use it for the time being against those who think they know evolution such as abu afak, Fort Fun Indiana, alang1216, zaangalewa and more.

I'll tell you what Hollie. If it mentions a flat Earth or hell, then you'll be the first to know lmao.
More evidence that you are WACKO. Why don't you check it out for yourself? The problem is that it is too SOPHISTICATED for you so you FAIL.

Anyway, I'll use it for the time being against those who think they know evolution such as abu afak, Fort Fun Indiana, alang1216, zaangalewa and more.

I'll tell you what Hollie. If it mentions a flat Earth or hell, then you'll be the first to know lmao.
Creationer websites lack sophistication and facts.

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