Why Do Democrat Commentators Keep Saying "Historically Low Approval Ratings"?,According To Who?

:argue: This is such Bullchit! It seems as if all Democrat guests on any cable news outlet are given their scripts ahead of time and being paid to press the fact that Trump has very very low approval ratings when any normal minded American thinks otherwise.
Did these paid commentators see the massive crowd last night in Pennsylvania? Maybe Razmuffin and Gallup should just go there and take a poll.
Can you imagine if all these pollsters polled every state except New York and California? you think the results would still be Trump at 47% ???
Because polls have never found approval so low for any other President in history. and you knew this, but you're playing dumb about it.
I don't think Lincoln was subject to daily polling. It only started recently, even W Bush wasn't polled that much. Polling has become a cottage industry and they are selling a product.
and wasnt Kerry supposed to beat Bush in a 52/48 landslide?:laugh2:
You're lying. Polls predicted Bush would beat Kerry. You embarrassed yourself again. Your lack of links is not a a coincidence. : RealClearPolitics - Election 2004 - General Election: Bush vs. Kerry
and regarding bogus polls, who was it that had Hillary over Trump by 14 points last October when in reality it was Trump over Hillary by 14 points?
Your post was idiotic in three ways:
1) Only one pollster had Hillary ahead by 14% in October
2) There's no way to know who was ahead in October because the elections were in November.
3) You have no idea whether Trump was ahead by 14% in October.

Please be less of an idiot.
based on my poll, with my average american friends,,,Trump was always ahead of the beast by 13/14 points,,,,,,i dont ask illegal aliens for their views on Trump
A poll of a guy's friends is not scientific.
Name your poll
Even look at good ole Rassmussen. Trump sucks compared to other Presidents. It's not even close

If you don't like Polls.......find some other indicator that says Trump is popular

You can't

/---- Hildabeast up by 14 points bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha

She was at that point in time before the Russians and FBI stepped in to help Trump out


according to History

it's simply a comparison of polling on a month to month basis of previous presidents...including this president
But polling has been proven to be way off so the statements mean nothing unless you are already a disciple.
Polls had Hillary ahead in the popular vote by 3.1% and she won by 2.1%: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I saw the polling at the time and they had often her up 13 points. You picked early November because you're a dishonest piece of shit. They had to get more realistic at the end to try to maintain some credibility. If you look at the chart down below where you got your snapshot you'll see what I mean. LOL, you thought you could get away with that? What a retard!
no wonder they sent Milli Vannilli to North Carolina 3 times,,,Hillary knew she was going to lose there !!!
:argue: This is such Bullchit! It seems as if all Democrat guests on any cable news outlet are given their scripts ahead of time and being paid to press the fact that Trump has very very low approval ratings when any normal minded American thinks otherwise.
Did these paid commentators see the massive crowd last night in Pennsylvania? Maybe Razmuffin and Gallup should just go there and take a poll.
Can you imagine if all these pollsters polled every state except New York and California? you think the results would still be Trump at 47% ???

No, no I think the poll numbers are real.

Do you remember that all the poll numbers up to the election showed Hillary as having an easy win? I think people who support Trump are simply afraid to tell anyone they support him because of rampant PC. No one wants to lose a job or friends.

It's like how the old USSR used to be. No one bad mouthed the communist party, or else.
Common sense will tell you that you can get a poll to indicate anything you want just by carefully phrasing the questions and selecting a demographic representation that generally gives answers that the pollster needs. Another way to rig a poll is to conduct it right after some incident when emotions are high. It's pretty ironic that lefties trusted the polls that said Hillary in a landslide right up to about 7 PM on election night. Where else do angry leaderless lefties in desperate need of therapy have to go except fake news and push polls?
Common sense will tell you that you can get a poll to indicate anything you want just by carefully phrasing the questions and selecting a demographic representation that generally gives answers that the pollster needs. Another way to rig a poll is to conduct it right after some incident when emotions are high. It's pretty ironic that lefties trusted the polls that said Hillary in a landslide right up to about 7 PM on election night. Where else do angry leaderless lefties in desperate need of therapy have to go except fake news and push polls?
yup, and Hillary had that 1000.00 fireworks show all set to go on November 7th:oops-28:
The liberals forget all the electoral college victory dances they were doing here all through the elections. Well, no they didn't forget, they are just as dishonest as humans can be.


according to History

it's simply a comparison of polling on a month to month basis of previous presidents...including this president
But polling has been proven to be way off so the statements mean nothing unless you are already a disciple.
Polls had Hillary ahead in the popular vote by 3.1% and she won by 2.1%: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I saw the polling at the time and they had often her up 13 points. You picked early November because you're a dishonest piece of shit. They had to get more realistic at the end to try to maintain some credibility. If you look at the chart down below where you got your snapshot you'll see what I mean. LOL, you thought you could get away with that? What a retard!
well duh.... she was way up in the polls until the Russians dumped the stolen podesta emails and trump and team coordinated and promoted them, endlessly.
:argue: This is such Bullchit! It seems as if all Democrat guests on any cable news outlet are given their scripts ahead of time and being paid to press the fact that Trump has very very low approval ratings when any normal minded American thinks otherwise.
Did these paid commentators see the massive crowd last night in Pennsylvania? Maybe Razmuffin and Gallup should just go there and take a poll.
Can you imagine if all these pollsters polled every state except New York and California? you think the results would still be Trump at 47% ???

You have to understand, they are a bunch of sheep.


according to History

it's simply a comparison of polling on a month to month basis of previous presidents...including this president
But polling has been proven to be way off so the statements mean nothing unless you are already a disciple.
Polls had Hillary ahead in the popular vote by 3.1% and she won by 2.1%: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I saw the polling at the time and they had often her up 13 points. You picked early November because you're a dishonest piece of shit. They had to get more realistic at the end to try to maintain some credibility. If you look at the chart down below where you got your snapshot you'll see what I mean. LOL, you thought you could get away with that? What a retard!
well duh.... she was way up in the polls until the Russians dumped the stolen podesta emails and trump and team coordinated and promoted them, endlessly.

Trump mentioned them 164 times in the month leading up to the election.


according to History

it's simply a comparison of polling on a month to month basis of previous presidents...including this president
But polling has been proven to be way off so the statements mean nothing unless you are already a disciple.
Polls had Hillary ahead in the popular vote by 3.1% and she won by 2.1%: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Congratulations....now go take a political science class.
Name your poll
Even look at good ole Rassmussen. Trump sucks compared to other Presidents. It's not even close

If you don't like Polls.......find some other indicator that says Trump is popular

You can't

so he is unpopular with the pollsters. BFD.

in case you missed it, the pollsters are not honest brokers of public opinion. they are trying to influence public opinion, not report on it. They said the hildebeast had a 95% chance of winning-------------were they wrong or lying? I think lying.

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