Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?

Yes, he cut taxes on the rich. And that's when our countries infrastructure fell apart.

A LOT of the horrible things Reagan did, we are feeling the effects now. Not back then. My dad loved Reagan. Said he saved his plant from closing. Ford Lincoln plants. That's how Reagan won over Blue collar voters.

Oh, and you are wrong

MASSIVE government spending.

Under Reagan, the national debt almost tripled, from $907 billion in 1980 to $2.6 trillion in 1988:

Under Reagan, the federal workforce increased by about 324,000 to almost 5.3 million people.

How stupid are you Struth?
he cut taxes on every america. and also created the Earned Income Tax created for the poor

It’s hardly Reagan’s fault your dem controlled state can’t maintain its roads

nor is it the responsible of the federal govt to maintain your state roads

when Reagan was president he spent a lot on federal infurstrure…creating the strongest military in the world

you’re really bad a lying
Many of the oldest surviving charities, museums, parks, youth centers, etc...were donated long ago by rich philanthropists....people who realized they had alot and wanted to give something back. Very few of those things that have stood for a long time were created by democrats and their government. With that said, affluent people can just as easily be assholes who abuse the lower classes. But the only point is that government hasn't really delivered or established many things like this which actually work or last, rich philanthropists have. Many people don't want to admit this because it means acknowledging the power of those people....for both good OR evil. So they prefer to push government programs with no gas and no guts, which take other people's money but rarely send it where it SHOULD go.
They give all their extra money to liberal Democrat campaigns.

Average Americans, who dont have any "extra money," were shocked sat how much the government employee opinion witnesses at the Ukraine hearings give to the Obama and Clinton campaigns and foundation.

Tens of thousands of dollars from their bloated tax funded salaries.
I have extra money

It’s called a BUDGET
he cut taxes on every america. and also created the Earned Income Tax created for the poor

It’s hardly Reagan’s fault your dem controlled state can’t maintain its roads

nor is it the responsible of the federal govt to maintain your state roads

when Reagan was president he spent a lot on federal infurstrure…creating the strongest military in the world

you’re really bad a lying
Is English your first language?

Leadership of the Democratic Party:​

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year - ABC News

Joe Biden, Harris donated less than others in income bracket

Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle Times

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

I’ll tell you why. Democrats always expect someone else to be bothered to help those in need. Very rarely themselves.

Most Republican giving is to their local church congregations. Unless you're donating to special funds or special events, donating to your church is donating to yourselves. My congregation's donations go entirely to utitilies, maintenance, salaries and benefits to the minister and church secretary. The heating bill alone was $50,000 per year. Even with renting out office space to non-profits, and meeting space to community groups, we could not cover expenses and that was with a 3/4 time minister. Without a large amount of trust funds from congregants' estates, we would have closed years ago.

All of our congregants got charity donation tax receipts, but I think we spent about $2000 per year on charity out of a $250,000,00 per year budget. Clothing, food, or assistance to poor families was almost non-existent. The ladies group held rummage sales to raise money for "charity", but the minister would give away the used clothing collected to homeless people, so there wasn't much to sell.

Or Mississippi's Wakandan capitol in Jackson.

This one's easy. The State Government has opposed and struck down every attempt by the City government to raise funds for the water system, including a 1% increase to the city sales tax.

This is a pattern for black cities and towns and their water systems. See Flint Michigan. At every turn, where the city has tried to remedy the water problem, the state has been there to block it.
leftist are selfish people. Notice they always want to raise taxes on everyone else, and blame everyone else for their problems
My father told me that when Ted Kennedy was contemplating running for President even though he denied it at the time ( before he murdered Mary Jo Kopechne , It was found out he contributed nothing to charity. When asked why he stated he didn’t have to
My father told me that when Ted Kennedy was contemplating running for President even though he denied it at the time ( before he murdered Mary Jo Kopechne , It was found out he contributed nothing to charity. When asked why he stated he didn’t have to
frankly that’s the left’s attitude

Leadership of the Democratic Party:​

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year - ABC News

Joe Biden, Harris donated less than others in income bracket

Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle Times

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

I’ll tell you why. Democrats always expect someone else to be bothered to help those in need. Very rarely themselves.
Because they know charities have ridiculous overhead and fraud and dry up when needed, and is GOP crap to make themselves feel better about their greed (tax deductible!!) and give their bloated useless mega rich virtue points and dinners and balls lol....Tax the rich and invest in America again, fix this GOP mess...
Because they know charities have ridiculous overhead and fraud and dry up when needed, and is GOP crap to make themselves feel better about their greed (tax deductible!!) and give their bloated useless mega rich virtue points and dinners and balls lol....Tax the rich and invest in America again, fix this GOP mess...
hahaha wow

just wow

i wonder why people people get this stupid

Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?​

That’s what other people’s money is for.
My father told me that when Ted Kennedy was contemplating running for President even though he denied it at the time ( before he murdered Mary Jo Kopechne , It was found out he contributed nothing to charity. When asked why he stated he didn’t have to
Plus charity is useless in bad times and sucks always...Try Dem help for the regular folks and tax the rich again, dupes...

Leadership of the Democratic Party:​

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year - ABC News

Joe Biden, Harris donated less than others in income bracket

Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle Times

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

I’ll tell you why. Democrats always expect someone else to be bothered to help those in need. Very rarely themselves.
Guess you haven't heard. The left expect the richest to give money so they don't have to. Then they complain the rich get too many tax deductions and don't pay their fair share.

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