Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?

Total tax burden by income group

But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't paying much more, as a percentage of their incomes, then the middle class.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post

View attachment 694067

Actually the top 80% percent of earners pay 25-27% IN all TAXES, AND THE BOTTOM 20% PAY 18%. SORRY ABOUT FACTS AND THINKING LOL....oops....
Lefty BS. The poor deserve to be poor. The rich are the ones who pay most of the taxes. I say you don't get to vote if you don't pay any taxes. They call it taxation without representation. But, you have to pay taxes if you want representation. If you don't pay any federal income taxes then you can't vote in federal elections. And don't give me any crap about the poor do pay taxes because whatever tax you want to point out the rich pay more of that to. And don't give me any crap about tax rates. We're talking about TAXES. I'm sick of you bleeding heart liberals who always have to twist the facts to make your points.
Democrats are too busy making living unaffordable for everyone.

They want us all eating out of garbage cans like they do in Socialist utopias like Venezuela, North Korea, and Detroit.

Nobody is eating out of garbage cans in Canada, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Finland, and all of the other first world countries in the world. We're all living a WHOLE lot better than Americans are.
The income tax isn’t progressive, you cum guzzling easily misled ignorant twat. It is however the governments primary source of “revenue.” These facts establish that you are not only lacking in talking points of any merit, but also a pathetically gullible tool.

Yes it is, or at least it used to be. The more you make, the more you pay. That's why billionaires don't "make" any income, and bury the accumulation of their wealth through other means. Neither Amazon, nor Jeff Bezos pays any income tax and it's all legal. Do you think that's right????

Why do you think that Bezos and Musk are the first Trillionaires in the world? They haven't had to pay any taxes in years. They are using the educated work force created by American taxpayers, and the communication and transportation systems paid for by American taxpayers, to build and sell their products, and ship them to consumers, but they don't contribute to the education, infrastructure, or governmental services they need to make that money.
Nobody is eating out of garbage cans in Canada, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Finland, and all of the other first world countries in the world. We're all living a WHOLE lot better than Americans are.
y’all don’t have any homeless people in any of those places?
What are "Mexicrats". Try speaking English, not "Cracker".
Hahaha…playing stupid is always an ignorant fools refutation…but I’ll play along anyway.
A Mexicrat is a Democrat that believes the people of Mexico are the responsibility of American taxpayers, a Democrat that supports the idea of building a constituency comprised of Mexico‘s people, those here against the will of the people, those here on citizenships stolen from We The People.

Get it now crazy purple haired cat lady?
Total tax burden by income group

But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't paying much more, as a percentage of their incomes, then the middle class.

The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post

View attachment 694067

Actually the top 80% percent of earners pay 25-27% IN all TAXES, AND THE BOTTOM 20% PAY 18%. SORRY ABOUT FACTS AND THINKING LOL....oops....
You mean sorry for your false claims and addled thinking. It’s ok. We expect nothing better from a libtard like you.
Yes it is, or at least it used to be. The more you make, the more you pay. That's why billionaires don't "make" any income, and bury the accumulation of their wealth through other means. Neither Amazon, nor Jeff Bezos pays any income tax and it's all legal. Do you think that's right????

Why do you think that Bezos and Musk are the first Trillionaires in the world? They haven't had to pay any taxes in years. They are using the educated work force created by American taxpayers, and the communication and transportation systems paid for by American taxpayers, to build and sell their products, and ship them to consumers, but they don't contribute to the education, infrastructure, or governmental services they need to make that money.
No no. They call it “progressive,” but that’s false advertising. What it really is, you see, is an initial effort to redistribute wealth. It is anti capitalistic. It actually (and with grave stupidity) punishes those who earn more simply because they earn more.
No no. They call it “progressive,” but that’s false advertising. What it really is, you see, is an initial effort to redistribute wealth. It is anti capitalistic. It actually (and with grave stupidity) punishes those who earn more simply because they earn more.
It's because non-GOP dupes know a flat tax LIKE WE HAVE is a huge giveaway to the rich and a total screw job for everyone else. Like we have, thanks gop scumbags and dupes....It's called history, journalism and intelligence duh.

Progressive tax has nothing to do with politics, just the rich pay a higher percentage. Fed income tax is our only one, everything else is regressive, you're welcome. State and local and payroll taxes kill the non-rich.
It's because non-GOP dupes know a flat tax LIKE WE HAVE is a huge giveaway to the rich and a total screw job for everyone else. Like we have, thanks gop scumbags and dupes....It's called history, journalism and intelligence duh.

Progressive tax has nothing to do with politics, just the rich pay a higher percentage. Fed income tax is our only one, everything else is regressive, you're welcome. State and local and payroll taxes kill the non-rich.
Why do you Leftards do so little to help those in need?
Why do you Leftards do so little to help those in need?
You are nuts...People don't want charity and they should not need it. Like every modern country but us. We'd still have poorhouses and potters fields with the GOP in charge, fool...Charity is actual virtue signalling and fun dinners for your masters and corruption that runs out when needed...Tax the rich again. Dupe.

BTW, most GOP charity goes to churches like the poor old catholic regressives...

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