Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?

Same % as you. TERRIBLE GOP BS see my link above...repeated it 4 times...
Nope not nearly. Come back when you actually know how taxes work!

For what it’s worth, yes, for every dollar of mine they are the same, then because they make more they jump to the next bracket and maybe the next several . Your massers got you good brackets!
WTF do you do? Fcking loon

The thread is about giving to less fortunate...not what the damn government does. You care so much go find a homeless person or family and house, feed, cloth, provide health care...if you don't? STFU
ASSHOLE, the gov't does a better job, no fraud, and doesn't dry up in bad times. Screw the hypocrites like you lol. They need a living wage and health care and cheap college/training. Like the GOP has wrecked the last 50 years......
ASSHOLE, the gov't does a better job, no fraud, and doesn't dry up in bad times. Screw the hypocrites like you lol. They need a living wage and health care and cheap college/training. Like the GOP has wrecked the last 50 years......

Hater dupette blah blah blahs... nobody cares
ASSHOLE, the gov't does a better job, no fraud, and doesn't dry up in bad times. Screw the hypocrites like you lol. They need a living wage and health care and cheap college/training. Like the GOP has wrecked the last 50 years......
How do you know? Really, what data are you using?
Nope not nearly. Come back when you actually know how taxes work!

For what it’s worth, yes, for every dollar of mine they are the same, then because they make more they jump to the next bracket and maybe the next several . Your massers got you good brackets!
See link !!! If you count all taxes, everyone pays 27% on average. According to the IRS. Dupe.
It's because non-GOP dupes know a flat tax LIKE WE HAVE is a huge giveaway to the rich and a total screw job for everyone else. Like we have, thanks gop scumbags and dupes....It's called history, journalism and intelligence duh.

Progressive tax has nothing to do with politics, just the rich pay a higher percentage. Fed income tax is our only one, everything else is regressive, you're welcome. State and local and payroll taxes kill the non-rich.
We don’t have anything close to a flat tax, you completely dishonest stupid troll.

We all know what the so-called “progressive” tax is supposed to do. But it’s dishonest and mere libtard propaganda. You tend to lie a lot in this topic.

Either be honest OR stfu.
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Francis is incapable of being honest.

I already presented him with the fact that the top 10% of earners pay over 70% of the nation’s “revenue.” But Francis is impervious to facts.

He just makes up his own. :cuckoo:

Then, he wonders why nobody find him credible. At all.

Leadership of the Democratic Party:​

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year - ABC News

Joe Biden, Harris donated less than others in income bracket

Conservatives are more giving than liberals | The Seattle Times

Who Gives and Who Doesn't? - ABC News

I’ll tell you why. Democrats always expect someone else to be bothered to help those in need. Very rarely themselves.

They use other peoples money through government programs to keep themselves in power.
I have NO idea what the OP is talking about - not giving to charity?!

Democrats give hundreds of BILLIONS ... over a TRILLION dollars to 'charities' and 'causes' all the time.

Hell, the Democrats just have over $1 TRILLION to doctors, lawyers, and upper class Americans drowning in student loan debt they signed up for and promised to pay back.

They give HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars to help drug Cartels, human/ child/ sex traffickers to prosper ... to pay for welcoming, sheltering, 'in-processing, illegally transporting (buses, trains, planes), dumping, er 'relocating' illegals across state lines and all over the country, for housing (luxury hotel rooms), medical treatment, education, food, phones, jobs, and other benefits...

One thing the OP might not understand is the Democrat Party believes ALL of your money is THEIR money. What you get to keep and spend is THEIR money they ALLOW you to have. About a decade ago

Democrats actually discussed dictating a monetary limit on Americans - how much of your money THEY were going to ALLOW you to have, & everything else would go to the govt. Of course it failed....then.

So, understanding that YOUR money is actually THEIR money, they give to 'charities' and 'causes' all the time, especially to those 'charities' who can help them stay in office.
Utah is the most conservative state in the union aannddd
The most charitable
So op is right on

francoHFW like all beggars firmly believes there is a predetermined amount of money floating around out there….he believes all the money is already possessed so moving forward nobody can make their own way…he believes Father Government must play Robin Hood for bottom feeding beggars.
I'm still happily retired, hater dupes. And feel the unfortunate do fine these days. But the middle and working classes are screwed these days of GOP BS and giveaway to the rich. We need a living wage, health care daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure like every other developped country chumps. And a real mental health system for crying out loud. 50% of prisoners and homeless are nuts...and all those people hitting others out there you want to imprison....Tax the rich again, dupes.

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